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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelPackedRows.h
* Description: Class definitions for the classes UnPackRows
* and PhysUnPackRows
* Created: 6/17/97
* Language: C++
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "PackedColDesc.h"
#include "NAString.h"
class BindWA;
// The following two internal-only virtual table name prefixes contain
// a non-Ansi character so is guaranteed not to conflict with any
// possible external user table.
// PACKED__ should be used to rename scan-only tables.
// PACKED__IDU__ should be used to rename non-scan-access tables.
// This use of distinct prefixes is necessary as otherwise improper
// sharing of renamed table instances with scan-access and non-scan-access
// mode in Compound Statements will lead to binding failure.
// Class UnPackRows ----------------------------------------------------
// The UnPackRows RelExpr is a logical RelExpr node used to implement
// row unpacking. This node is introduced by Scan::bindNode() when it
// is determined that the table being accessed is packed. This node is
// implemented by the physical node PhysUnPackRows. The data members of
// this class are:
// long maxPackingFactor_: This is the packing factor of the packed
// table. This value is stored so that the number of rows generated
// by this node can be estimated.
// ItemExpr *unPackExprTree_: This expression contains a list
// of expressions to unpack the SYSKEY and all the user columns
// of the packed table. The SYSKEY is unpacked by 'calculating'
// the SYSKEY value based on an initial value of SYSKEY for the
// packed row and the current value of the index into the packed
// row. The user columns are unpacked using the UnPackCol expression
// based on the value of the index. The index is provided at runtime
// thru a hostVar. The valueId of this HostVar must be captured so
// that it can be used to map a local variable into the workAtp of
// the work procedure.
// ValueIdList unPackExpr_: This represents the bound version of
// unPackExprTree_. The order of this list is important. It must
// correspond to the order of the packingFactor_ valueIdList.
// ItemExpr *packingFactorTree_. This expression contains a list
// of expressions to extract the NUMROWS field from each packed
// column. During normalization, this list will be reduced to
// only one. (The value of NUMROWS is the same in each packed column).
// ValueIdList packingFactor_: This represents the bound version of
// packingFactorTree_. The order of this list is important. It must
// correspond to the order of the unPackExpr_ valueIdList.
// ValueId indexValue_: The valueId of the HostVar used to provide
// the index to the packed row. This valueId will be used in the
// generator to map a local variable to the WorkATP.
class UnPackRows : public RelExpr
// The constructor
UnPackRows(Lng32 maxPackingFactor = 0,
ItemExpr *UnPackExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *packingFactor = NULL,
TableDesc *unPackedTable = NULL,
RelExpr *child = NULL,
ValueId indexHostVarValueId = NULL_VALUE_ID,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
UnPackRows(Lng32 rwrsMaxSize,
ItemExpr *rwrsInputSizeExpr,
ItemExpr *rwrsMaxInputRowlen,
ItemExpr *rwrsBuffer,
RelExpr *child,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// The destructor
virtual ~UnPackRows();
// UnPackRows has one child.
virtual Int32 getArity() const {return 1;};
// The potential packing factor of each row.
inline Lng32 getMaxPackingFactor() { return maxPackingFactor_; };
// Return a pointer to the UnPackExpr tree.
inline const ItemExpr *unPackExprTree() const {return unPackExprTree_;};
inline ItemExpr *&unPackExprTree() {return unPackExprTree_;};
// Return a pointer to the unPackExpr tree after
// setting it to NULL.
ItemExpr *removeUnPackExprTree();
// return a (short-lived) read/write reference to the unPack expression
inline ValueIdSet & unPackExpr() { return unPackExpr_; }
// return a read-only reference to the unPack expression
inline const ValueIdSet & unPackExpr() const { return unPackExpr_; }
// Return a pointer to the packingFactor tree.
inline const ItemExpr *packingFactorTree() const
return packingFactorTree_;
inline ItemExpr *&packingFactorTree() {return packingFactorTree_;};
// Return a pointer to the packing Factor ColReference node after setting
// it to NULL.
ItemExpr *removePackingFactorTree();
// Return the packingFactor ValueIdList
inline ValueIdSet &packingFactor() { return packingFactor_; };
inline ValueIdSet packingFactor() const { return packingFactor_; };
inline ValueId &indexValue() { return indexValue_; };
inline ValueId &sysKeyId() { return sysKeyId_; };
inline ValueIdList *&originalPreds() { return originalPreds_; };
inline ValueIdList *&rewrittenPreds() { return rewrittenPreds_; };
inline TableDesc* & unPackedTable()
return unPackedTable_;
inline TableDesc *unPackedTable() const
return unPackedTable_;
inline ColStatDescList &colStats()
return colStats_;
NABoolean rowwiseRowset() const { return rowwiseRowset_; }
void setRowwiseRowset(NABoolean v) { rowwiseRowset_ = v; }
const ItemExpr *rwrsInputSizeExpr() const
{ return rwrsInputSizeExpr_;}
const ItemExpr *rwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr() const
{ return rwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr_;}
const ItemExpr *rwrsBufferAddrExpr() const
{ return rwrsBufferAddrExpr_;}
ItemExpr *rwrsInputSizeExpr()
{ return rwrsInputSizeExpr_;}
ItemExpr *rwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr()
{ return rwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr_;}
ItemExpr *rwrsBufferAddrExpr()
{ return rwrsBufferAddrExpr_;}
ValueIdList &rwrsOutputVids() { return rwrsOutputVids_; }
void setRwrsInputSizeExpr(ItemExpr * v)
{rwrsInputSizeExpr_ = v;}
void setRwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr(ItemExpr * v)
{rwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr_ = v;}
void setRwrsBufferAddrExpr(ItemExpr * v)
{rwrsBufferAddrExpr_ = v;}
void setRwrsOutputVids(ValueIdList vidl)
{rwrsOutputVids_ = vidl;}
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// a method used during subquery transformation for pulling up predicates
// towards the root of the transformed subquery tree
// UnPackRows cannot pull up any preds. so redefine this method.
virtual void pullUpPreds();
// a method used for recomputing the outer references (external dataflow
// input values) that are still referenced by each operator in the
// subquery tree after the predicate pull up is complete.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for performing
// predicate pushdown and computing a "minimal" set of
// characteristic input and characteristic output values.
// The default implementation is adequate for UnPackRows
//virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Method to push down predicates from a UnPackRows node into the
// children
void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY) );
// Return a the set of potential output values of this node.
// For UnPackRows, the generated syskey column, and all the value
// columns generated by UnPackRows
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet &vs) const;
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool and Explain)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// Compute a hash value for a chain of derived RelExpr nodes.
// Used by the Cascade engine as a quick way to determine if
// two nodes are identical.
// Can produce false positives, but should not produce false
// negatives.
virtual HashValue topHash();
// A more thorough method to compare two RelExpr nodes.
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
// Copy a chain of derived nodes (Calls RelExpr::copyTopNode).
// Needs to copy all relevant fields.
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual RelExpr *copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = NULL);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const {return "UnPack";};
void constructNewSyskeyPreds(ValueIdSet &predicates);
// This is the packing factor of the packed table. This value
// is stored so that the number of rows generated by this node
// can be estimated.
Lng32 maxPackingFactor_;
// This expression contains a list of expressions to unpack the
// SYSKEY and all the user columns of the packed table. The SYSKEY
// is unpacked by 'calculating' the SYSKEY value based on an initial
// value of SYSKEY for the packed row and the current value of the
// index into the packed row. The user columns are unpacked using
// the UnPackCol expression based on the value of the index. The
// index is provided at runtime thru a hostVar. The valueId of this
// HostVar must be captured so that it can be used to map a local
// variable into the workAtp of the work procedure.
ItemExpr *unPackExprTree_;
// This represents the bound version of unPackExprTree_. The order
// of this list is important. It must correspond to the order of the
// packingFactor_ valueIdList.
ValueIdSet unPackExpr_;
// This expression contains a list of expressions to extract the
// NUMROWS field from each packed column. During normalization,
// this list will be reduced to only one. (The value of NUMROWS is
// the same in each packed column).
ItemExpr *packingFactorTree_;
// This represents the bound version of packingFactorTree_. The
// order of this list is important. It must correspond to the order
// of the unPackExpr_ valueIdList.
ValueIdSet packingFactor_;
// The valueId of the HostVar used to provide the index to the packed
// row. This valueId will be used in the generator to map a local
// variable to the WorkATP.
ValueId indexValue_;
ValueId sysKeyId_;
ValueIdList *originalPreds_;
ValueIdList *rewrittenPreds_;
// A TableDesc to the logical table produced by this UnPackRows node.
// This is created only to hold statistics for the logical unpacked
// table. The vid's stored in this TableDesc are not referenced above
// the tree at all.
TableDesc *unPackedTable_;
ColStatDescList colStats_;
// if the rows are packed rowwise
NABoolean rowwiseRowset_;
ItemExpr *rwrsInputSizeExpr_;
ItemExpr *rwrsMaxInputRowlenExpr_;
ItemExpr *rwrsBufferAddrExpr_;
// value ids of values which are returned by this operator.
ValueIdList rwrsOutputVids_;
}; // class UnPackRows
// Class PhysUnPackRows ----------------------------------------------------
// The PhysUnPackRows node replaces the logical UnPackRows node through the
// application of the PhysUnPackRowsRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical verison of this operator
// that is both a logical and physical node. The PhysUnPackRows node
// does not add any data members. It adds a few virtual methods.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysUnPackRows : public UnPackRows
// The constructor
PhysUnPackRows(RelExpr *child = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: UnPackRows(0, NULL,NULL,NULL,child, NULL_VALUE_ID, oHeap)
// The destructor.
virtual ~PhysUnPackRows();
// methods to do code generation of the physical node.
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
// Copy a chain of derived nodes (Calls UnPackRows::copyTopNode).
// Needs to copy all relevant fields (in this case no fields
// need to be copied)
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = NULL);
// cost functions
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
// Redefine these virtual methods to declare this node as a
// physical node.
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const {return FALSE;};
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const {return TRUE;};
}; // class PhysUnPackRows