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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef RELJOIN_H
#define RELJOIN_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelJoin.h
* Description: Relational joins (both physical and logical operators)
* Created: 4/28/94
* Language: C++
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "ReqGen.h"
#include "RelGrby.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Join;
// The following are physical operators
class NestedJoin;
class NestedJoinFlow;
class MergeJoin;
class HashJoin;
class MapTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class LogicalProperty;
class BindWA;
class NormWA;
class Generator;
class ex_expr;
class ex_cri_desc;
class QueryAnalysis;
class JBB;
class CANodeIdSet;
class GenericUpdate;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Join Operator:
// The join node can be used to represent either a logical join operator
// or the base class for physical join operators. Objects of this class
// should have one of the join operator types REL_JOIN, REL_TSJ,
// REL_SEMIJOIN, REL_SEMITSJ. They are logical operators.
// The distinguishing characteristic of the REL_TSJ is that its right subtree
// references values that are produced by its left subtree. Whereas, this is
// not so for the REL_JOIN. A REL_JOIN can therefore be implemented using
// either of the nested loops, hash or merge join methods. A REL_TSJ, on the
// other hand, can only be implemented by the nested loops join method.
// The REL_SEMIJOIN is a semijoin. A probe value from its left subtree finds
// at most one match in its right subtree. Furthermore, the right subtree
// does not contribute any values as output. The REL_SEMITSJ has the flavour
// of a REL_TSJ with the restriction that it is a semijoin and not a join.
// Join predicates:
// Before predicates are pushed down from a logical join operator,
// predicates from the ON clause are represented as join predicates;
// those from the WHERE clause are represented as selection predicates.
// For physical join nodes, join predicates represent those that are
// evaluated to determine whether rows qualify for the join. Selection
// predicates are any additional predicates evaluated on the result of
// the join. In the case of left joins, these would be predicates
// evaluated on potentially null-instantiated rows. A nested join
// (or TSJ) has no join predicates on the join node. The join predicate
// is evaluated on the scan of the inner table.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Join : public RelExpr
// constructor
Join(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_JOIN,
ItemExpr *joinPred = NULL,
NABoolean isNaturalJoin = FALSE,
NABoolean isTransformComplete = FALSE,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
TableDesc *updateTableDesc = NULL,
ValueIdMap *updateSelectValueIdMap = NULL)
: RelExpr(otype, leftChild, rightChild, oHeap)
, joinPredTree_(joinPred)
, isNaturalJoin_(isNaturalJoin)
, transformComplete_(isTransformComplete)
, updateTableDesc_(updateTableDesc)
, updateSelectValueIdMap_(updateSelectValueIdMap)
, leftHasUniqueMatches_(FALSE)
, rightHasUniqueMatches_(FALSE)
, considerTSJ_(TRUE)
, tsjAfterSQO_(FALSE)
, tsjForWrite_(FALSE)
, tsjForUndo_(FALSE)
, tsjForSetNFError_(FALSE)
, tsjForMerge_(FALSE)
, tsjForMergeWithInsert_(FALSE)
, tsjForMergeUpsert_(FALSE)
, derivedFromRoutineJoin_(FALSE)
, joinFromPTRule_(FALSE)
, joinFromMJSynthLogProp_(FALSE)
, joinForZigZag_(FALSE)
, cursorUpdate_(FALSE)
, forcePhysicalJoinType_(NO_FORCING)
, rowsetRowCountArraySize_(0)
, avoidHalloweenR2_(FALSE)
, sourceType_(GENERAL)
, candidateForSubqueryUnnest_(FALSE)
, candidateForSubqueryLeftJoinConversion_(FALSE)
, candidateForSemiJoinTransform_(FALSE)
, halloweenForceSort_(NO_SELF_REFERENCE)
, floatingJoin_(FALSE)
, isIndexJoin_(FALSE)
, allowPushDown_(TRUE)
, tsjForSideTreeInsert_(FALSE)
, enableTransformToSTI_(FALSE)
, isForTrafLoadPrep_(FALSE)
, beforeJoinPredOnOuterOnly_(FALSE)
{ }
// copy ctor
Join (const Join &) ; // not written
// virtual destructor
virtual ~Join() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a binary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// append an ascii-version of RelExpr into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters
virtual RelExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bwa);
// set and augment and destructively get the join predicate as parse tree
void setJoinPredTree(ItemExpr *joinPred) { joinPredTree_ = joinPred; }
void addJoinPredTree(ItemExpr *joinPred);
ItemExpr * removeJoinPredTree();
ItemExpr * getJoinPredTree() {return joinPredTree_; }
void setJoinPred(const ValueIdSet & joinPred) { joinPred_ += joinPred; };
// return a (short-lived) read/write reference to the join predicate
inline ValueIdSet & joinPred() { return joinPred_; }
// return a constant reference to the join predicate
inline const ValueIdSet & getJoinPred() const { return joinPred_; }
// This join should not be transformed to TSJ later (for performance
// reasons only). If already been transformed, that's fine.
inline void doNotTransformToTSJ() {considerTSJ_ = FALSE; }
// return TRUE if OK to transform to TSJ (performance reasons only)
inline NABoolean canTransformToTSJ() { return considerTSJ_; }
// return TRUE if this is a natural join
NABoolean isNaturalJoin() const { return isNaturalJoin_; }
// return TRUE if this is an inner join
NABoolean isInnerJoin() const;
// return TRUE if this is a cross product
NABoolean isCrossProduct() const;
// return TRUE is this join can be part of a JBB
NABoolean isOuterJoin() const;
// return TRUE if this is a inner non-semi join
// with no join or selection predicates. This translates
// into a "strong" cross product. This method will return TRUE only
// if the Join::isCrossProduct() method returns TRUE.
// Join::isCrossProduct will return TRUE if the join or
// selection predicates contains only predicates other
// than VEG predicates. But this method will return FALSE.
NABoolean isInnerNonSemiJoinWithNoPredicates() const;
// the following five are mutually exlusive (only one of them is TRUE)
NABoolean isInnerNonSemiJoin() const;
NABoolean isInnerNonSemiNonTSJJoin() const;
NABoolean isLeftJoin() const;
NABoolean isRightJoin() const;
NABoolean isFullOuterJoin() const;
NABoolean isSemiJoin() const;
NABoolean isAntiSemiJoin() const;
NABoolean ownsVEGRegions() const;
// independent of the five functions above, is this a TSJ ( a join
// whose right child can see the values produced by the left child)
// returns true for REL_ANY_TSJ, including REL_ROUTINE_JOIN
NABoolean isTSJ() const;
// returns true for REL_ROUTINE_JOIN
NABoolean isRoutineJoin() const;
// returns true for REL_ANY_TSJ, except REL_ROUTINE_JOIN
NABoolean isNonRoutineTSJ() const;
NABoolean derivedFromRoutineJoin() const { return derivedFromRoutineJoin_; }
void setDerivedFromRoutineJoin() { derivedFromRoutineJoin_ = TRUE;}
// What type of join method is used?
NABoolean isHashJoin() const;
OperatorTypeEnum getBaseHashType() const;
NABoolean isNestedJoin() const;
NABoolean isMergeJoin() const;
// Flag to indicate that this is an IndexJoin
NABoolean isIndexJoin() const { return isIndexJoin_; }
void setIsIndexJoin() { isIndexJoin_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isFloatingJoin() const { return floatingJoin_; }
void setFloatingJoin() { floatingJoin_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean beforeJoinPredOnOuterOnly() const
{ return beforeJoinPredOnOuterOnly_; }
void setBeforeJoinPredOnOuterOnly() { beforeJoinPredOnOuterOnly_ = TRUE; }
// Accessor method for returning any required order that was specified.
// If there was a required order, it could only have come from a
// insert statement that specified an ORDER BY clause. The required
// order would be transferred to a TSJ or TSJFlow node when the TSJ
// or TSJFlow rule fired.
const ValueIdList & getReqdOrder() const { return reqdOrder_; }
// Mutator for the the required order. Called by the TSJ or TSJFlow rule.
void setReqdOrder(ValueIdList reqdOrder)
{ reqdOrder_ = reqdOrder; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// MV --
// We currently want to block LOJ queries, although they are incremental
NABoolean virtual isIncrementalMV() { return !isLeftJoin(); } // was return TURE;
void virtual collectMVInformation(MVInfoForDDL *mvInfo,
NABoolean isNormalized);
// null instantiated part of the output list
ValueIdList & nullInstantiatedOutput() { return nullInstantiatedOutput_; }
const ValueIdList & nullInstantiatedOutput() const { return nullInstantiatedOutput_; }
// null instantiated part of the output list for RIGHT JOIN
ValueIdList & nullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput()
{ return nullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput_; }
const ValueIdList & nullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput() const
{ return nullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput_; }
ValueId addNullInstIndicatorVar(BindWA *bindWA,
ItemExpr *indicatorVal = NULL);
// Used for translating the required sort key to the right
// child sort key and backwards
// For more information see NestedJoin::synthPhysicalProperty()
ValueIdMap & rightChildMapForLeftJoin() { return rightChildMapForLeftJoin_; }
const ValueIdMap & rightChildMapForLeftJoin() const { return rightChildMapForLeftJoin_; }
void BuildRightChildMapForLeftJoin();
// Building similar information for right joins.
// Used for translating the required sort key to the right
// child sort key and backwards
// For more information see NestedJoin::synthPhysicalProperty()
ValueIdMap & leftChildMapForRightJoin() { return leftChildMapForRightJoin_; }
const ValueIdMap & leftChildMapForRightJoin() const
{ return leftChildMapForRightJoin_; }
void BuildLeftChildMapForRightJoin();
GenericUpdate* getFirstIUDNode(RelExpr* currentNode);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// a method used during subquery transformation for pulling up predicates
// towards the root of the transformed subquery tree
virtual void pullUpPreds();
// a method used for recomputing the outer references (external dataflow
// input values) that are still referenced by each operator in the
// subquery tree after the predicate pull up is complete.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
enum TransformationType
// A left-linear tree of Inner Joins is one in which no Inner Join
// has another Inner Join as its right child. This method implements
// a transformation rule that produces a left-linear tree of Inner Joins.
// It replaces, if possible, T1 IJ (T2 IJ T3) with a left-linear sequence
// T1 IJ T2 IJ T3.
Join * leftLinearizeJoinTree(NormWA & normWARef,
TransformationType transformationType = NO_TRANSFORMATION);
// Reorder the join tree based on increasing estimated rowcount,
// i.e. join smallest tables first.
virtual RelExpr * reorderTree(NABoolean & treeModified,
NABoolean doReorderJoin);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for performing
// predicate pushdown and computing a "minimal" set of
// characteristic input and characteristic output values.
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// used by subquery unnesting. This method creates a Filter node above
// node Y where Y is given by TSJ(X,GroupBy(Y)), for all TSJs introduced
// by the Join-Aggregate transformation during subquery transformation.
// This filter node is created only if the node Y contains outer references
// The purpose of the filter node is to prevent pushdown of outer references
// during the normalize phase.
void createAFilterGrandChildIfNeeded(NormWA & normWARef) ;
// subqueries are unnested in this method
virtual RelExpr * semanticQueryOptimizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// A normalizer method for determining whether a left join can be
// transformed to an inner join.
NABoolean canConvertLeftJoinToInnerJoin(NormWA & normWARef) ;
// Methods used for outer join transformations in the normalizer
void convertToNotOuterJoin();
// A method for converting a tsj to an ordinary join
void convertToNotTsj();
// A method for converting an ordinary join to a tsj
void convertToTsj();
void computeRequiredResources(RequiredResources & reqResources,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
virtual void computeMyRequiredResources(RequiredResources & reqResources,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP);
// Map tables: Map a logical op type to a physical/logical op type.
// Used by implementation/transformation rules.
// What should my operator type translate to if a TSJ/nested/merge/hash
// join implementation is chosen for me?
OperatorTypeEnum getTSJJoinOpType();
OperatorTypeEnum getNestedJoinOpType();
OperatorTypeEnum getHashJoinOpType(NABoolean isNoOverflow = false);
OperatorTypeEnum getMergeJoinOpType();
// helper function used in
// HashJoinRule::topMatch() and
// JoinToTSJRule::topMatch()
// to make sure that only one of them is turned off
NABoolean allowHashJoin();
// MV --
// Allow forcing the physical implementation of the Join.
enum PhysicalJoinType
void forcePhysicalJoinType(PhysicalJoinType type)
{ forcePhysicalJoinType_ = type; }
NABoolean isPhysicalJoinTypeForced() const
{ return forcePhysicalJoinType_ != NO_FORCING; }
PhysicalJoinType getForcedPhysicalJoinType() const
{ return forcePhysicalJoinType_; }
// Used to determine the origin of special joins such as the ones produced
// by the LSRs
enum JoinSourceType
{ GENERAL = 0, // The general case. The source was not specified
STAR_FACT, // Type1 star join plan and this join to the fact table as inner
STAR_KEY_JOIN, // Type1 star join plan and this join dimension key-join tables
STAR_FILTER_JOIN // Type1 star join plan and this join dimension table after the fact
void setSource(JoinSourceType type)
{ sourceType_ = type; }
JoinSourceType getSource() const
{ return sourceType_; }
// Indicates whether we should apply any transformation rules
// on this JOIN subtree.
NABoolean isTransformComplete() const { return transformComplete_; }
void setTransformComplete() { transformComplete_ = TRUE; }
// Method to push down predicates from a join node into the
// children
void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY) );
void pushdownCoveredExprSQO(const ValueIdSet & outputExpr,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
ValueIdSet & nonPredExprOnOperator,
NABoolean keepPredsNotCoveredByChild0,
NABoolean keepPredsNotCoveredByChild1);
// The set of values that I can potentially produce as output.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
// add local predicates for the purposes of GUI display
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
// synthesize constraints
void synthConstraints(NormWA * normWAPtr);
// synthesize estimated logical properties
void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
doCardSanityChecks(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
ColStatDescList & joinStatDescList,
CostScalar newRowCount);
estimateMaxCardinality(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
ColStatDescList & joinStatDescList);
CostScalar computeMinEstRCForGroup();
// get the highest reduction from local predicates for cols of this join
CostScalar highestReductionForCols(ValueIdSet colSet) ;
// synthesize estimated log. properties for TSJ operators only
void synthEstLogPropForTSJ (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// methods to split the order and arrangement req between the
// two join childs.
NABoolean splitOrderReq(const ValueIdList& myOrderReq, /*IN*/
ValueIdList& orderReqOfChild0, /*OUT*/
ValueIdList& orderReqOfChild1 /*OUT*/) const;
NABoolean splitArrangementReq(const ValueIdSet& myArrangReq, /*IN*/
ValueIdSet& ArrangReqOfChild0, /*OUT*/
ValueIdSet& ArrangReqOfChild1 /*OUT*/) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split any sort or arrangement requirements between the left and
// right childs. Add those that are for the left child to the
// passed in requirement generator object, and return those that
// are for the right child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void splitSortReqsForLeftChild(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe,
RequirementGenerator &rg,
ValueIdList& reqdOrder1,
ValueIdSet& reqdArr1) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split any sort or arrangement requirements between the left and
// right childs. Add those that are for the right child to the
// passed in requirement generator object, and return those that
// are for the left child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void splitSortReqsForRightChild(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe,
RequirementGenerator &rg,
ValueIdList& reqdOrder0,
ValueIdSet& reqdArr0) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods used by the optimizer for equijoin predicates.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// When synthesising logical properties
void findEquiJoinPredicates();
// By an implementation rule
void separateEquiAndNonEquiJoinPredicates
(const NABoolean joinStrategyIsOrderSensitive = FALSE);
const ValueIdSet& getEquiJoinPredicates() const
{ return equiJoinPredicates_; }
ValueIdMap getEquiJoinExpressions() const
{ return equiJoinExpressions_; }
const ValueIdList& getEquiJoinExprFromChild0() const
{ return equiJoinExpressions_.getTopValues(); }
const ValueIdList& getEquiJoinExprFromChild1() const
{ return equiJoinExpressions_.getBottomValues(); }
const ValueIdSet& getPredicatesToBeRemoved() const
{ return predicatesToBeRemoved_; }
const ValueIdMap& getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions() const
{ return originalEquiJoinExpressions_; }
void setOriginalEquiJoinExpressions(const ValueIdMap& x)
{ originalEquiJoinExpressions_ = x; }
// data members for joins that are parents of an update
TableDesc * updateTableDesc() { return updateTableDesc_; }
void setUpdateTableDesc(TableDesc *utd) { updateTableDesc_ = utd;}
ValueIdMap * updateSelectValueIdMap() { return updateSelectValueIdMap_;}
void setUpdateSelectValueIdMap(ValueIdMap * m) { updateSelectValueIdMap_ = m;}
// After the logical properties of a join have been synthesized
// we can ask if the a each from the first or second child is
// guaranteed to have a single match from the other child.
NABoolean rowsFromLeftHaveUniqueMatch() const
{ return leftHasUniqueMatches_; };
NABoolean rowsFromRightHaveUniqueMatch() const
{ return rightHasUniqueMatches_; };
NABoolean eitherChildHasUniqueMatch() const
{ return leftHasUniqueMatches_ | rightHasUniqueMatches_; };
// When commuting a join the left and right private members need
// to be exchanged of fliped.
void flipChildren();
inline void setTSJAfterSQO() { tsjAfterSQO_ = TRUE;}
inline NABoolean isTSJAfterSQO() {return tsjAfterSQO_;}
// Accessor for the tsjForWrite flag.
NABoolean isTSJForWrite() const { return tsjForWrite_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForWrite flag.
void setTSJForWrite(NABoolean tsjForWrite)
{ tsjForWrite_ = tsjForWrite; }
// Accessor for the allowPushDown flag.
NABoolean allowPushDown() const { return allowPushDown_; }
// Mutator for the allowPushDown flag.
void setAllowPushDown(NABoolean allowPushDown)
{ allowPushDown_ = allowPushDown; }
// Accessor for the tsjForUndo flag.
NABoolean isTSJForUndo() const { return tsjForUndo_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForUndo flag.
void setTSJForUndo(NABoolean tsjForUndo)
{ tsjForUndo_ = tsjForUndo; }
// Accessor for the tsjForSetNFError flag.
NABoolean isTSJForSetNFError() const { return tsjForSetNFError_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForSetNFError flag.
void setTSJForSetNFError(NABoolean tsjForSetNFError)
{ tsjForSetNFError_ = tsjForSetNFError; }
// Accessor for the tsjForMerge flag.
NABoolean isTSJForMerge() const { return tsjForMerge_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForMerge flag.
void setTSJForMerge(NABoolean tsjForMerge)
{ tsjForMerge_ = tsjForMerge; }
// Accessor for the tsjForMergeWithInsert flag.
NABoolean isTSJForMergeWithInsert() const { return tsjForMergeWithInsert_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForMergeWithInsert flag.
void setTSJForMergeWithInsert(NABoolean tsjForMergeWithInsert)
{ tsjForMergeWithInsert_ = tsjForMergeWithInsert; }
NABoolean isTSJForMergeUpsert() const { return tsjForMergeUpsert_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForMergeUpsert flag.
void setTSJForMergeUpsert(NABoolean tsjForMergeUpsert)
{ tsjForMergeUpsert_ = tsjForMergeUpsert; }
// Accessor for the tsjForSideTree flag.
NABoolean isTSJForSideTreeInsert() const { return tsjForSideTreeInsert_; }
// Mutator for the tsjForSideTreeInsert flag.
void setTSJForSideTreeInsert(NABoolean tsjForSideTreeInsert)
{ tsjForSideTreeInsert_ = tsjForSideTreeInsert; }
NABoolean enableTransformToSTI() const { return enableTransformToSTI_;}
void setEnableTransformToSTI(NABoolean v)
{ enableTransformToSTI_ = v; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method that interprets the CONTROL QUERY SHAPE ... to decide
// whether a matching partitions plan or a replicate child1 plan
// is desired by the user.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum getParallelJoinPlanToEnforce
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForJoin) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function that decides if ESP parallelism is allowed
// by the settings in the defaults table, or if the number of
// ESPs is being forced for the join operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual DefaultToken getParallelControlSettings (
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pre-code generation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet &externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
// -----------------------------------------------------
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
enum ParallelJoinTypeDetail
{ PAR_NONE = 0, // no additional detail, vanilla join
PAR_SB, // Skew Buster (reported as type 1, but really mix of type 1 and 2
PAR_OCB, // OCB - Outer Child Broadcast, TYPE2 with reversed roles
PAR_OCR, // OCR - Outer Child Repartitioning, TYPE1 nested join
PAR_N2J // N**2 opens join, nested parallel TYPE2 non-OCB join
// use only after phys props have been synthesized
// and expression is no longer in MEMO
Int32 getParallelJoinType(ParallelJoinTypeDetail *optionalDetail = NULL) const;
// special handling for the case values are to be instantiated.
short instantiateValuesForLeftJoin(Generator * generator,
short atp, short atp_index,
ex_expr ** lj_expr,
ex_expr ** ni_expr,
ULng32 * rowlen,
MapTable ** newMapTable,
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat tdf = ExpTupleDesc::UNINITIALIZED_FORMAT);
// special handling for the case values are to be instantiated.
short instantiateValuesForRightJoin(Generator * generator,
short atp, short atp_index,
ex_expr ** rj_expr,
ex_expr ** ni_expr,
ULng32 * rowlen,
MapTable ** newMapTable,
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat tdf = ExpTupleDesc::UNINITIALIZED_FORMAT);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// adds Explain information to this node. Implemented in
// Generator/GenExplain.C
ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
inline void setCursorUpdate(NABoolean b) { cursorUpdate_ = b; }
inline NABoolean isCursorUpdate() { return cursorUpdate_; }
inline void setRowsetRowCountArraySize(Lng32 b) { rowsetRowCountArraySize_ = b; }
inline Lng32 getRowsetRowCountArraySize() { return rowsetRowCountArraySize_; }
virtual NABoolean pilotAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual NABoolean isASpoilerJoin();
virtual NABoolean canBePartOfJBB();
virtual void jbbAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual void jbbJoinDependencyAnalysis(ValueIdSet & predsWithDependencies);
virtual void predAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual RelExpr* convertToMultiJoinSubtree(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual EstLogPropSharedPtr setJBBInput(EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
void analyseJoinBackBone(JBB* jbb);
virtual void primeGroupAnalysis();
// read comment about joinFromPTRule_ member
inline NABoolean isJoinFromPTRule() const { return joinFromPTRule_; }
inline void setJoinFromPTRule(NABoolean b = TRUE) { joinFromPTRule_ = b; }
// read comment about joinFromPTRule_ member
inline NABoolean isJoinFromMJSynthLogProp() const { return joinFromMJSynthLogProp_; }
inline void setJoinFromMJSynthLogProp(NABoolean b = TRUE) { joinFromMJSynthLogProp_ = b; }
inline NABoolean isJoinForZigZag() const { return joinForZigZag_; }
inline void setJoinForZigZag(NABoolean b = TRUE) { joinForZigZag_ = b; }
inline NABoolean avoidHalloweenR2() const
{ return avoidHalloweenR2_; }
inline void setAvoidHalloweenR2(NABoolean b = TRUE)
{ avoidHalloweenR2_ = b; }
enum HalloweenJoinSortType {
inline void setHalloweenForceSort(HalloweenJoinSortType h)
{ halloweenForceSort_ = h; }
inline HalloweenJoinSortType getHalloweenForceSort() const
{ return halloweenForceSort_; }
inline NABoolean candidateForSubqueryUnnest() const
{ return candidateForSubqueryUnnest_; }
inline void setCandidateForSubqueryUnnest(NABoolean b)
{ candidateForSubqueryUnnest_ = b; }
inline NABoolean candidateForSubqueryLeftJoinConversion() const
{ return candidateForSubqueryLeftJoinConversion_; }
inline void setCandidateForSubqueryLeftJoinConversion(NABoolean b)
{ candidateForSubqueryLeftJoinConversion_ = b; }
inline NABoolean candidateForSemiJoinTransform() const
{ return candidateForSemiJoinTransform_; }
inline void setCandidateForSemiJoinTransform(NABoolean b)
{ candidateForSemiJoinTransform_ = b; }
// matches and flows compRefOpt constraints up the query tree.
virtual void processCompRefOptConstraints(NormWA * normWAPtr) ;
NABoolean allowPushDown_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method for normalizing the operands of an InstantiateNull operator
// that appears in the nullInstantiatedOutput_. A special method is
// necessary to prevent an InstantiateNull that appears in this list
// from being replaced with a VEGReference for the VEG to which it
// belongs.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void normalizeNullInstantiatedOutput(NormWA &);
// SQO methods
// used to eliminate redundant joins during SQO
RelExpr* eliminateRedundantJoin(NormWA &normWARef);
// used to transform semijoins to innerjoins during SQO
RelExpr* transformSemiJoin(NormWA& NormWARef);
// used to pull up preds that reference aggrs from this join
// to the grby that is being moved up.
NABoolean pullUpPredsWithAggrs(GroupByAgg* grbyNode, MapValueIds *mapNode=NULL);
// one of two main transformations for subquery unnesting
GroupByAgg* pullUpGroupByTransformation(NormWA& NormWARef);
// the other main transformation for subquery unnesting
GroupByAgg* moveUpGroupByTransformation(GroupByAgg* newGrby,
NormWA & normWARef);
// heuristic to unnest subquery if inner table has keyed access.
NABoolean applyInnerKeyedAccessHeuristic(const GroupByAgg* newGrby,
NormWA & normWARef);
virtual NABoolean prepareMeForCSESharing(
const ValueIdSet &outputsToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &predicatesToRemove,
const ValueIdSet &commonPredicatesToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &inputsToRemove,
ValueIdSet &valuesForVEGRewrite,
ValueIdSet &keyColumns,
CSEInfo *info);
// Detect whether rows coming from the ith child contain multi-column skew for
// a set of join predicates. The output argument vidOfEquiJoinWithSkew is the
// valueId of a particular join predicate chosen by the method for use by the
// skew buster.
NABoolean childNodeContainMultiColumnSkew(
CollIndex i, // IN: which child
const ValueIdSet& joinPreds, // IN: the join predicate
double mc_threshold, // IN: the mc skew threshold
double sc_threshold, // IN: the single column skew
Lng32 countOfPipelines, // IN: countofpipelines
// threshold
SkewedValueList** skLis, // OUT: the skew list
ValueId& vidOfEquiJoinWithSkew // OUT
) const;
// This method assumes a MC skew list is available at child i and
// filters out those skew values which frequencies are below the threshold.
// Each item in skList contains the run-time version of hash for the MC skew.
NABoolean childNodeContainMultiColumnSkew(
CollIndex i, // IN: which child to work on
const ValueIdSet& joinPreds, // IN: the join predicate
double mc_threshold, // IN: multi-column threshold
Lng32 countOfPipelines, // IN:
SkewedValueList** skList // OUT: the skew list
) ;
// Detect whether rows coming from the ith child contain skew for a
// join predicate. This method assumes that there is only one join
// predicate.
NABoolean childNodeContainSkew(
CollIndex i, // IN: which child
const ValueIdSet& joinPreds, // IN: the join predicate
double sc_threshold, // IN: the single column skew
// threshold
SkewedValueList** skLis // OUT: the skew list
) const;
const MergeType getMergeTypeToBeUsedForSynthLogProperties();
const MCSkewedValueList * getMCSkewedValueListForJoinPreds(ValueIdList & colGroup);
virtual void resolveSingleColNotInPredicate();
void rewriteNotInPredicate(ValueIdSet & origSet, ValueIdSet & newSet);
void rewriteNotInPredicate();
const ValueIdSet& getExtraHubNonEssentialOutputs() const
{ return extraHubNonEssentialOutputs_; }
void addExtraHubNonEssentialOutputs(const ValueIdSet& vidSet)
{ extraHubNonEssentialOutputs_ += vidSet; }
NABoolean getIsForTrafLoadPrep() const
return isForTrafLoadPrep_;
void setIsForTrafLoadPrep(NABoolean isForTrafLoadPrep)
isForTrafLoadPrep_ = isForTrafLoadPrep;
void clearEquiJoinPredicates() { equiJoinPredicates_.clear(); }
void storeEquiJoinPredicates(const ValueIdSet& newPredicates)
{ equiJoinPredicates_ = newPredicates; }
void clearPredicatesToBeRemoved() { predicatesToBeRemoved_.clear(); }
void setPredicatesToBeRemoved(const ValueIdSet& preds)
{ predicatesToBeRemoved_ = preds; }
NABoolean hasRIMatchingPredicates(const ValueIdList& fkCols,
const ValueIdList& ucCols,
const TableDesc* compRefTabId,
ValueIdSet & matchingPreds) const;
NABoolean matchRIConstraint(GroupAttributes& leftGA,
GroupAttributes& rightGA,
NormWA * normWAPtr);
NABoolean hasMatchingRIConstraint(ValueId fkId,
ValueId ukId,
NormWA * normWAPtr);
ValueIdSet & equiJoinPredicates() { return equiJoinPredicates_; }
NABoolean singleColumnjoinPredOKforSB(ValueIdSet& joinPreds);
NABoolean multiColumnjoinPredOKforSB(ValueIdSet& joinPreds);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// try to rewrite join predicate from
// not((t1.c <> t2.c) is true) and t1.c is not null and t2.c is not null
// to
// t1.c = t2.c and t1.c is not null and t2.c is not null
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void tryToRewriteJoinPredicate(NormWA & normWARef);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method that is used for checking whether an outer join can be
// converted to an inner join. It walks through a prediate tree to
// decide whether the given predicate can eliminate null values from
// the result. For example, T1 LJ T2 ... where T2.a = 5 eliminates all
// those rows from the result in which T2.a contains a null value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean outerJoinIsConvertible(const ValueIdSet & whereClausePreds) const;
NABoolean eliminatesNullValues(const ItemExpr *, const GroupAttributes & ) const;
void normalizeNullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput(NormWA & normWARef);
// Helper method for left and full outer joins
// The method simulates the behavior of left join
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
instantiateLeftHistsWithNULLs(ValueIdSet EqLocalPreds, /*in*/
CollIndex outerRefCount, /*in*/
ColStatDescList &joinStatDescList, /*in*/
const ColStatDescList &leftColStatsList, /*in*/
CostScalar &oJoinResultRows /*in, out*/,
CostScalar initialRowcount /*in*/,
CollIndex &rootStatIndex,
NAList<CollIndex>& statsToMerge);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper method for full outer joins
// The method simulates the behavior of full outer joins
// it is the second part of full outer join, where right histograms
// are being NULL instantiated
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
instantiateRightHistsWithNULLs(CollIndex outerRefCount, /*in*/
ColStatDescList &innerJoinCopy, /*in*/
ColStatDescList &joinStatDescList, /*in*/
const ColStatDescList &rightColStatsList, /*in*/
CostScalar &oJoinResultRows /*in, out*/,
CostScalar initialRowcount /*in*/,
CollIndex rootStatIndex,
NAList<CollIndex> statsToMerge);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common synthEstLogProp code form Joins and TSJs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar commonSynthEst(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& myEstProps,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& intermedEstProps,
CollIndex & outerRefCount,
const ColStatDescList & leftColStatsList,
const ColStatDescList & rightColStatsList,
ColStatDescList & joinStatDescList,
CostScalar initialCardinality);
// return information about a child's partitioning function
NABoolean usesReplicationPartFunction(CollIndex childNo) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// indicates that this join performs a cursor update, delete or insert
NABoolean cursorUpdate_;
// Flags.
NABoolean isNaturalJoin_;
// Indicates that this subtree should not be transformed further.
NABoolean transformComplete_;
// Indicates to (or not to) consider TSJ transformation for this
// Join Node
NABoolean considerTSJ_;
// Flag to indicate that this is an indexJoin
NABoolean isIndexJoin_;
NABoolean floatingJoin_;
ItemExpr * joinPredTree_;
ValueIdSet joinPred_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expressions that cause the instantiation of null values in order to
// null augment the row that is to be preserved.
// Presently, it is used for the Left Join operator only/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList nullInstantiatedOutput_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expressions that cause the instantiation of null values in order to
// null augment the row that is to be preserved.
// This particular one is used for right joins only.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList nullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used for translating the required sort key to the right
// child sort key and backwards
// For more information see NestedJoin::synthPhysicalProperty()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdMap rightChildMapForLeftJoin_;
ValueIdMap leftChildMapForRightJoin_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Equijoin predicates. They are a subset of the joinPred_.
// The join also remembers the columns that are produced by its left
// and right children that are referenced in the equijoin predicate.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet equiJoinPredicates_;
ValueIdMap equiJoinExpressions_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original equijoin predicates used by nestedJoin. This is because
// all equi join predicates have been pushed down to its children. The
// data member originalEquiJoinExpressions_ records the value before
// being pushed down. Used in OCR or any type1 nested join where some
// check on the equi-join predicate is required
ValueIdMap originalEquiJoinExpressions_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this join drives an insert, update, or delete operation, then
// it remembers the table descriptor of the updated table here. Its
// purpose is to make the join require different physical properties
// from its children when it performs an update (...insert,delete).
// A ValueIdMap is also provided that allows to map expressions
// on the update side to be rewritten in terms of the select query
// and vice versa.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
TableDesc * updateTableDesc_;
ValueIdMap * updateSelectValueIdMap_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Temp member to indicate if this join is a direct or indirect result
// of the application of the PrimeTableRule. These joins are optimized
// seperate from other joins in R2.0. Later when we add group
// sharing among LSRs, we will no longer need this member
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean joinFromPTRule_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tells if the join was created by MultiJoin::synthLogProp
// Such a join breaks up the group's MultiJoin in a deterministic order
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean joinFromMJSynthLogProp_;
// true iff we're an optional zigzag join
NABoolean joinForZigZag_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// After synthesising logical properties we can ask if rows from
// left will have a single matching row from the right (or vice-versa).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean leftHasUniqueMatches_;
NABoolean rightHasUniqueMatches_;
ValueIdList reqdOrder_; // ORDER BY list from an INSERT node
NABoolean tsjAfterSQO_; // this is a mandatory tsj which couldn't be unnested
NABoolean tsjForWrite_; // is the TSJ for an Insert, Update, or Delete?
NABoolean tsjForUndo_; // is this Tsj used above undo node
NABoolean tsjForSetNFError_; // is this TSJ used for setting rowindexes
//for NF errors
// this tsj is used to move source rows to target for MERGE sql operator.
NABoolean tsjForMerge_;
// this tsj is used to move source rows to target for MERGE sql operator
// and the merge statement has an INSERT clause.
NABoolean tsjForMergeWithInsert_;
// this tsj is used to flow rows from source RelExpr to merge that is
// implementing an upsert.
NABoolean tsjForMergeUpsert_;
NABoolean derivedFromRoutineJoin_;
// this tsj is used to insert rows using the sidetree insert method.
NABoolean tsjForSideTreeInsert_;
// this tsj is used for a 'no rollback' query which could be executed as
// a sidetree insert.
NABoolean enableTransformToSTI_;
// MV --
PhysicalJoinType forcePhysicalJoinType_;
JoinSourceType sourceType_;
// used to send compile-time rowset size to executor
// for rowset updates and deletes. Has non-zero value only if rowset_row_count
// feature is enabled. Onlj will send this value through the TDB to executor
// where an array of this length will be allocated at run-time to collect
// rows_affected info for each rowset element.
NABoolean rowsetRowCountArraySize_;
// Note that the following comments document the handling of the
// Halloween probem as it was implemented. .
// Some restrictions in the R2 implementation have been removed for
// Neo R2.2. However, a CQD, R2_HALLOWEEN_SUPPORT can be used to
// get the old R2 behavior, hence the suffix "R2" on the accessor
// and mutator methods and the class member variable.
// If TRUE, then this Join could potentially run into the Halloween
// problem. The source contains a reference to the target. We check
// for this in binder and issue an error in many cases, but in some
// cases we allow it and set this flag to TRUE. If this flag is
// set, then we must generate a safe plan WRT the Halloween problem.
// For the Join operator, if this is tuple flow for write, then the
// plan should have a SORT operator on the LHS of the Tuple Flow.
// This causes the source to be blocked. If this is the join for
// the subquery, then this should be implemented as a Hybrid Hash
// Join. This also causes the source to be blocked.
NABoolean avoidHalloweenR2_;
// The next attribute is for the Neo R2.2 implementation of
// self-referencing updates and handling of the Halloween problem.
// The main differences from R2 for the Join are that Join will
// require the use of a SORT only if DP2 Locks method could not be
// used. Also, in R2.2 there is no special handling of the join for
// any subquery.
HalloweenJoinSortType halloweenForceSort_;
// if TRUE, it denotes that this Join was created as during subquery
// transformation in the transform phase to express a subquery in terms
// of a join, and that this join is a candidate for subquery unnesting
// during SemanticQueryOptimization
NABoolean candidateForSubqueryUnnest_ ;
// if TRUE, it denotes that this Join needs to be converted to a Left Join
// during the SemanticQueryOptimization phase, if this join gets unnested.
NABoolean candidateForSubqueryLeftJoinConversion_ ;
// if TRUE, it denotes that this Join is a candidate for the
// semijoin-to-innerjoin (+ possible groupby) transformation. The actual
// transformation occurs during SemanticQueryOptimization. This
// flag is set to TRUE only for SemiJoins
NABoolean candidateForSemiJoinTransform_ ;
// This ValueIdSet contains all the equijoin preds from this
// join that are no longer needed because we have a found
// FK-UK (foreign key-unique key) join and this predicate is
// guaranteed truw by the RI constraint. This determination is
// done during synthLogProp() tree walk, but the actual removal
// of preds is done during the SQO tree walk. We use this list to
// transmit the set of removable preds from from synthLogProp to SQO.
// We like to do the removal in SQO because (a) the removal is an
// process in SQO and (b) if something goes wrong the SQO phase has logic
// to go back to the old tree, while synthLogProp() is not an expendable
// step and does not have such logic.
ValueIdSet predicatesToBeRemoved_;
// when a join becomes an extra hub then the essential outputs of the
// child that became an extra hub are no longer essential so they are
// saved as extraHubNonEssentialOutputs_ of the join node
ValueIdSet extraHubNonEssentialOutputs_;
NABoolean isForTrafLoadPrep_;
// used for HJ and MJ (later). Causes beforeJoinPred to be evaluated prior
// to equi join pred in work() method.
NABoolean beforeJoinPredOnOuterOnly_;
}; // class Join
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Nested Join Operator : Physical Operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NestedJoin : public Join
// constructor
NestedJoin(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_NESTED_JOIN,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
TableDesc *updTableDesc = NULL,
ValueIdMap *updateSelectValueIdMap = NULL)
: Join(leftChild, rightChild, otype, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
oHeap, updTableDesc, updateSelectValueIdMap),
probesInOrder_(FALSE) {}
// copy ctor
NestedJoin (const NestedJoin &) ; // not written
// virtual destructor
virtual ~NestedJoin() {}
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual NABoolean isLogical () const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// Cascades-related functions
virtual PlanWorkSpace* allocateWorkSpace() const;
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual NABoolean findOptimalSolution(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws);
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// method to do code generation
// method to do code generation
RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet &externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// Accessor for the probesInOrder flag.
NABoolean probesInOrder() const { return probesInOrder_; }
// Mutator for the probesInOrder flag.
void setProbesInOrder(NABoolean probesInOrder)
{ probesInOrder_ = probesInOrder; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate the partitioning requirements for the left child of a
// preferred probing order nested join plan, or a NJ that is for a
// write operation. In both cases, we need to base the partitioning
// requirement for the left child on the partitioning of the right
// child to ensure that we get a Type-1 join. If the requirements could
// not be generated because the user is attempting to force something that
// is not possible, the method returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean genLeftChildPartReq(
Context* myContext, // IN
PlanWorkSpace* pws, // IN
const PartitioningFunction* physicalPartFunc, // IN
PartitioningRequirement* &logicalPartReq) ; // OUT
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate any sort requirement for the left child of a nested join that
// is for a write operation - i.e. Insert, Update, or Delete.
// The generated sort requirement is returned.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList genWriteOpLeftChildSortReq() ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate the requirements for the right child of a nested join.
// Returns the generated requirements if they were feasible, otherwise
// NULL is returned.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ReqdPhysicalProperty* genRightChildReqs(
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild, // IN
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe, // IN
NABoolean avoidNSquareOpens) ; // IN
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate an input physical property object to contain the sort
// order of the left child and related group attributes and
// partitioning functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
InputPhysicalProperty* generateIpp(const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild,
NABoolean isPlan0=FALSE) ;
const NAString getText() const;
virtual NABoolean currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
virtual NABoolean OCBJoinIsFeasible(const Context* myContext) const;
virtual NABoolean OCRJoinIsFeasible(const Context* myContext) const;
virtual NABoolean okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) ;
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
//determines if inner table probes just one partition or all of them
NABoolean allPartitionsProbed();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the join to the
// designated child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PartitioningFunction* mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0) ;
// determine if probeCache is applicable
NABoolean isProbeCacheApplicable(PlanExecutionEnum loc) const;
// return the part. fuction for the clustering index (i.e., the base table)
PartitioningFunction * getClusteringIndexPartFuncForRightChild() const;
NABoolean JoinPredicateCoversChild1PartKey() const;
// check the sort order for the source as sppForChild0 and the target table.
NABoolean checkCompleteSortOrder(const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild0);
// Set to TRUE if the probes to the inner table are at least partially
// in order. Default is FALSE.
NABoolean probesInOrder_;
}; // class NestedJoin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The NestedJoinFlow operator emulates the dataflow that is established
// by the NestedJoin from its left child to its right child. It does
// not perform a join as such. It simply transfers rows (values) that
// are produced by its left child to its right child. It produces no
// output and has no predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NestedJoinFlow : public NestedJoin
// constructor
NestedJoinFlow(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
TableDesc *updTableDesc,
ValueIdMap *updateSelectValueIdMap,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: NestedJoin(leftChild, rightChild, REL_NESTED_JOIN_FLOW,
oHeap, updTableDesc, updateSelectValueIdMap),
// copy ctor
NestedJoinFlow (const NestedJoinFlow &) ; // not written
// Cascades-related functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet &externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
NABoolean sendEODtoTgt_;
}; // class NestedJoinFlow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge Join Operator : Physical Operator
// This node can be used to represent either a merge join (REL_MERGE_JOIN)
// or a left merge join (REL_LEFT_MERGE_JOIN).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MergeJoin : public Join
// constructor
MergeJoin(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_MERGE_JOIN,
ItemExpr *joinPred = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Join (leftChild, rightChild, otype, joinPred, FALSE, FALSE, oHeap),
leftUnique_(FALSE), rightUnique_(FALSE), deadLockIsPossible_(FALSE) {}
// copy ctor
MergeJoin (const MergeJoin &) ; // not written
// virtual destructor
virtual ~MergeJoin() { }
virtual NABoolean isLogical () const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// Cascades-related functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual NABoolean findOptimalSolution(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws);
virtual NABoolean currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// method to do code generation
RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet &externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// Accessor functions
inline const ValueIdList & getLeftSortOrder() const
{ return leftSortOrder_; }
inline const ValueIdList & getRightSortOrder() const
{ return rightSortOrder_; }
inline ValueIdList & orderedMJPreds() { return orderedMJPreds_; }
inline const ValueIdList & getOrderedMJPreds() const
{ return orderedMJPreds_; }
inline const ValueIdList & getCandidateLeftSortOrder() const
{ return candidateLeftSortOrder_; }
inline const ValueIdList & getCandidateRightSortOrder() const
{ return candidateRightSortOrder_; }
inline const ValueIdList & getCandidateMJPreds() const
{ return candidateMJPreds_; }
NABoolean &leftUnique() { return leftUnique_; }
NABoolean &rightUnique() { return rightUnique_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for checking whether parent partitioning requirements are
// compatible with the Merge Join's partitioning requirements.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean parentAndChildPartReqsCompatible
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
// Manipulation Methods
inline void setOrderedMJPreds (const ValueIdList &op) { orderedMJPreds_ = op; }
inline void setLeftSortOrder (const ValueIdList &so) { leftSortOrder_ = so; }
inline void setRightSortOrder (const ValueIdList &so) { rightSortOrder_ = so; }
inline void setCandidateLeftSortOrder (const ValueIdList &so)
{ candidateLeftSortOrder_ = so; }
inline void setCandidateRightSortOrder (const ValueIdList &so)
{ candidateRightSortOrder_ = so; }
inline void setCandidateMJPreds (const ValueIdList &p)
{ candidateMJPreds_ = p; }
// From the ordering this is provided as input, and a set of predicates,
// generate new sort orders that contains only the children that are
// covered by the predicates.
// merge join predicates.
void generateSortOrders (const ValueIdList & ordering,
const ValueIdSet & preds,
ValueIdList &leftSortOrder,
ValueIdList &rightSortOrder,
ValueIdList &orderedMJPreds,
NABoolean &completelyCovered) const;
// Generate a arrangement requirement, and possible a sort order
// requirement, that is compatible with any existing required order
// or arrangement. Used only for creating an arrangement
// requirement for the right child when we try the right child first.
// This needs a seperate method because it is very complex.
void genRightChildArrangementReq(
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe,
RequirementGenerator &rg) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the join to the
// designated child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PartitioningFunction* mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0) ;
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
ValueIdList leftSortOrder_; // sort order for left child
ValueIdList rightSortOrder_; // sort order for right child
ValueIdList orderedMJPreds_; // ordered list of merge join preds
// Set to TRUE, if left/right child will have atmost one matching row.
// Set in MergeJoin::preCodeGen().
NABoolean leftUnique_;
NABoolean rightUnique_;
// This is set to TRUE in MergfeJoin::synthPhysicalProperty() if
// parallel merge join could possible cause a deadlock. It is checked
// in MergeJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable(). See solution 10-051219-3501.
NABoolean deadLockIsPossible_;
// The following is a temporary holding area for merge join plans
// that are considered.
ValueIdList candidateLeftSortOrder_;
ValueIdList candidateRightSortOrder_;
ValueIdList candidateMJPreds_;
}; // class MergeJoin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hash Join : Physical Operator
// This node can be used to represent either a hash join (REL_HASH_JOIN)
// or a left hash join (REL_LEFT_HASH_JOIN).
// Or now it may also represent REL_HYBRID_HASH_JOIN and REL_ORDERED_HASH_JOIN
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class HashJoin : public Join
// constructor
HashJoin(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_HASH_JOIN,
ItemExpr *joinPred = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Join (leftChild, rightChild, otype, joinPred, FALSE, FALSE, oHeap),
isNoOverflow_(FALSE), reuse_(FALSE), multipleCalls_(-1),
isOrderedCrossProduct_(FALSE), returnRightOrdered_(FALSE),
HashJoin(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Join (leftChild, rightChild, REL_HASH_JOIN, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, oHeap),
isNoOverflow_(FALSE), reuse_(FALSE), multipleCalls_(-1),
isOrderedCrossProduct_(FALSE), returnRightOrdered_(FALSE),
// virtual destructor
virtual ~HashJoin() { }
// Special method added to check for ordered cross product called by
// RequiredPhysicalProperty::satisfied() to ensure that if a CQS has
// requested an ordered cross product, then one is being produced.
virtual NABoolean patternMatch(const RelExpr &other) const;
virtual NABoolean isLogical () const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// cost functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual CostLimit* computeCostLimit(const Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws);
virtual NABoolean currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// method to do code generation
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet &externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// A variation of codeGen used when we can use the UniqueHashJoin
// for this Join.
short codeGenForUnique(Generator*);
// A helper method to determine if this Join can use the
// UniqueHashJoin TCB.
NABoolean canUseUniqueHashJoin();
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
//This is the original isBMO method.
virtual NABoolean isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 planNumber);
virtual CostScalar getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(Generator *generator, NABoolean perNode, Lng32 *numStreams = NULL);
inline ValueIdSet & checkInputValues() { return checkInputValues_;}
inline ValueIdSet & moveInputValues() { return moveInputValues_;}
// The method gets refined since HJ may be a BMO depending on its inputs.
// Ratio is the ratio of file-size/memorysize. If the ratio >=1 it
// is a BMO, if the ratio <1, it is not, and if the ratio > 5 it
// is a VBMO (Very Big Memory Operator). Default is an improbable value.
NABoolean isBigMemoryOperatorSetRatio(const Context* context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
double & ratio);
// isLeftOrdered has been renamed to noOverflow. Ordered Hash Join or
// NoOverflow join is an alternative hash join to the hybrid hash join.
inline NABoolean isNoOverflow() {return isNoOverflow_;}
inline void setNoOverflow(NABoolean isNoOverflow)
isNoOverflow_ = isNoOverflow;
inline NABoolean isReuse() {return reuse_;}
inline void setReuse(NABoolean reuse){reuse_ = reuse;}
inline Int32 & multipleCalls() {return multipleCalls_;}
inline NABoolean isOrderedCrossProduct() {return isOrderedCrossProduct_;}
inline void setIsOrderedCrossProduct(NABoolean flag){isOrderedCrossProduct_= flag;}
inline NABoolean returnRightOrdered() { return returnRightOrdered_; }
inline void setReturnRightOrdered(NABoolean flag) { returnRightOrdered_ = flag ; }
virtual NABoolean okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) ;
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat determineInternalFormat( const ValueIdList & rightList,
const ValueIdList & leftList,
RelExpr * relExpr,
NABoolean & resizeCifRecord,
Generator * generator,
NABoolean bmo_affinity,
NABoolean & considerBufferDefrag,
NABoolean uniqueHJ = FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the join to the
// designated child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PartitioningFunction* mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0) ;
inline ValueIdSet & valuesGivenToChild() { return valuesGivenToChild_; }
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
// Test whether the skewed values exist in the output of the left
// child of this join. If so, the pointer to skew value list is returned
// in argument x.
virtual NABoolean isSkewBusterFeasible( SkewedValueList** x, Lng32 countOfPipelines, ValueId&);
//NOT IN optimization methods - start
inline ValueIdSet& getCheckInnerNullExpr()
return checkInnerNullExpr_;
inline ValueIdSet& getCheckOuterNullExpr()
return checkOuterNullExpr_;
// add check outer and inner Null expressions
void addCheckNullExpressions(CollHeap *wHeap);
void addNullToSkewedList(SkewedValueList** skList);
virtual void resolveSingleColNotInPredicate();
NABoolean getIsNotInSubqTransform() const
return isNotInSubqTransform_;
void setIsNotInSubqTransform( NABoolean v)
isNotInSubqTransform_ = v;
NABoolean getRequireOneBroadcast() const
return requireOneBroadcast_;
void setRequireOneBroadcast( NABoolean v)
requireOneBroadcast_ = v;
//NOT IN optimization methods - end
// Added for support of the MIN/MAX optimization
// for HashJoin. Min and Max values are computed
// during readInnerChild phase and passed to outer
// before starting the read from the outer child
// The list of surrogate values representing the
// min and max values to be computed.
// These are system generated hostvars which
// will be replaced (mapped) to the actual min max
// values during codeGen();
inline const ValueIdList& getMinMaxVals()
return minMaxVals_;
// The list of values for which min and max
// values are computed.
inline const ValueIdList& getMinMaxCols()
return minMaxCols_;
// During PreCodeGen, the generator maintains a list of
// values which are candidates for min/max optimization.
// Each join is responsible for a subset of those candidates.
// These indexes define the subset for this join.
inline const CollIndex getStartMinMaxIndex() { return startMinMaxIndex_; }
inline void setStartMinMaxIndex(CollIndex i) { startMinMaxIndex_ = i; }
inline const CollIndex getEndMinMaxIndex() { return endMinMaxIndex_; }
inline void setEndMinMaxIndex(CollIndex i) { endMinMaxIndex_ = i; }
NABoolean getInnerAccessOnePartition() const
{ return innerAccessOnePartition_;} ;
void setInnerAccessOnePartition(NABoolean x)
{ innerAccessOnePartition_ = x;} ;
// ValueIdSet used to check if input values to be given to right child
// have changed from previous input. Created/filled by preCodeGen.
ValueIdSet checkInputValues_;
// ValueIdSet used to move input values to internal buffers, to be checked
// (next time) if they have changed. Created by preCodeGen.
ValueIdSet moveInputValues_;
ValueIdSet valuesGivenToChild_; // values whose change causes reuse of the table
// True if the join is Ordered/noOverflow hash join, false if it is Hybrid.
// False by default.
NABoolean isNoOverflow_;
// True if the inner child (1) is a candidate for reuse. This is determined
// in HashJoinRule::nextSubstitute() by checking whether the
// (resultCardinality() > 1).
NABoolean reuse_;
// This is relevant IFF reuse_ is TRUE. If multipleCalls_ is FALSE,
// the inner table is called only once and this indicates a FULL REUSE.
// If multipleCalls is TRUE (which is default), there could be only partial
// and conditional REUSE (if the incoming oprobes are sorted).
Int32 multipleCalls_;
// This HashJoin is used to implement an order-preserving cross-product.
// It has the property of being ordered as (left child order, right child order).
// If this flag is set then then NoOverFlow flag must be TRUE.
// Note that even if the join predicates and selection predicates are empty
// this flag may not be set if there is a possibility of overflow during runtime.
// or if the rows from the left are not unique or the SOT of the children are
// not identical.
NABoolean isOrderedCrossProduct_;
// Return right rows with duplicate join key columns in the same order as read.
// Requires (left) Ordered Hash Join and Key-Uniqueness of the left rows !!
NABoolean returnRightOrdered_;
// hash anti semi join check ouyer and inner Null expressions for a query like "select * from
// T1 where a NOT IN (select b from T2);",
// the check inner null expression is ISNULL(<inner clumn>);
// the check outer null expression is ISNOTNULL(<outer clumn>);
ValueIdSet checkInnerNullExpr_;
ValueIdSet checkOuterNullExpr_;
// NOT IN transformation
NABoolean isNotInSubqTransform_;
// this field is set when the notin predicate is resolved into equi-predicate
NABoolean requireOneBroadcast_;
// Added for support of the MIN/MAX optimization
// for HashJoin. Min and Max values are computed
// during readInnerChild phase and passed to outer
// before starting the read from the outer child
// The list of surrogate values representing the
// min and max values to be computed.
// These are system generated hostvars which
// will be replaced (mapped) to the actual min max
// values during codeGen();
ValueIdList minMaxVals_;
// The list of values for which min and max
// values are computed.
ValueIdList minMaxCols_;
// During PreCodeGen, the generator maintains a list of
// values which are candidates for min/max optimization.
// Each join is responsible for a subset of those candidates.
// These indexes define the subset for this join.
CollIndex startMinMaxIndex_;
CollIndex endMinMaxIndex_;
// this field is set when only one partition of the inner table can
// provide data to build the hash table. Such value is available
// only when the join is immediately above the inner table.
NABoolean innerAccessOnePartition_;
}; // class HashJoin
#endif /* RELJOIN_H */