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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#ifndef REL3GL_H
#define REL3GL_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Rel3GL.h
* Description: PSM/3GL operators.
* Created: 11/05/97
* Language: C++
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "Rule.h"
#include "RelMisc.h"
#include "RelSet.h"
// Contents.
class CompoundStmt;
class Loop;
// Forward References.
class BindWA;
class NormWA;
// CompoundStmt.
class CompoundStmt : public RelExpr
// Standared constructor/destructor/accessor/mutators.
CompoundStmt(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
OperatorTypeEnum op = REL_COMPOUND_STMT,
CollHeap *heap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
RelExpr(op, leftChild, rightChild, heap) { setNonCacheable(); }
CompoundStmt(const CompoundStmt &other) :
RelExpr(other.getOperatorType(), other.child(0), other.child(1))
{ setNonCacheable(); }
virtual ~CompoundStmt() {}
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 2; }
// Binder methods.
virtual RelExpr *bindNode(BindWA*);
// Transformation methods.
virtual void transformNode(NormWA&, ExprGroupId&);
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// Normalizer methods.
virtual RelExpr *normalizeNode(NormWA&);
virtual void pullUpPreds();
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA&);
virtual void pushdownCoveredExpr
(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet & predicatesOnParent,
const ValueIdSet * setOfValuesReqdByParent = NULL,
Lng32 childIndex = (-MAX_REL_ARITY));
// Optimizer methods.
virtual RelExpr *copyTopNode(RelExpr * = NULL, CollHeap* = NULL);
// PreCodeGen methods
virtual RelExpr *preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
// GUI methods.
virtual const NAString getText() const { return "CompoundStmt"; }
Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
// Internal support methods.
void enterVEGRegion(NormWA&, Int32 id, NABoolean create=FALSE);
void leaveVEGRegion(NormWA&, Int32 id);
class PhysCompoundStmt : public CompoundStmt
// Standard constructor/destructor/accessor/mutators.
PhysCompoundStmt(RelExpr *leftChild,
RelExpr *rightChild,
OperatorTypeEnum op = REL_COMPOUND_STMT,
CollHeap *heap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
CompoundStmt(leftChild, rightChild, op, heap ) {}
PhysCompoundStmt(const CompoundStmt &other) :
CompoundStmt(other) {}
virtual ~PhysCompoundStmt() {}
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const { return TRUE; }
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const { return FALSE; }
virtual CostMethod *costMethod() const;
// Optimizer methods.
virtual RelExpr *copyTopNode(RelExpr * = NULL, CollHeap * = NULL);
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context*,
const Lng32,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// Code generation methods.
virtual short codeGen(Generator *);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is used by assignment statements in compound statements.
// A list of this type is kept in class AssignmentStArea (below) so that
// it is globally accessible at binding time. This class mantains a current and previous
// valueId, so that when we find SET <var> = <select statement>, we update
// the value id of <var> to that returned by the select statement. See
// assignment statements internal spec for details.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class AssignmentStHostVars: public NABasicObject
// Constructor
AssignmentStHostVars(BindWA *bindWA, CollHeap * h = 0)
: bindWA_(bindWA),
// Copy constructor
AssignmentStHostVars(const AssignmentStHostVars &other, CollHeap * h = 0)
: bindWA_(other.bindWA_),
{ AssignmentStHostVars(NULL); }
~AssignmentStHostVars() {}
// Adds var to end of this list with new value id. The id value overwrites
// the current value id unless we are inside an IF statement and this
// is the first time we call this function, in which case the value id is
// appended, since we will need the old value id when we exit the IF statement
AssignmentStHostVars & addVar(HostVar *var, const ValueId &id);
// Adds var to this list with new value id; if it is already there, it
// overwrites the value id
AssignmentStHostVars & addToListInIF(HostVar *var, const ValueId &id);
// Adds all the hostvars and their associated value ids from the AssignmentStHostVars
// that is passed as an argument to this method to the AssignmentStHostVars pointed to
// this pointer. The implementation is by repeated calls to addToListInIF() .
void addAllToListInIF(AssignmentStHostVars * copyFromList) ;
// Gets current value id
const ValueId currentValueId();
// Update the current value id of this host var
void setCurrentValueId(const ValueId &id);
// Gets the variable
HostVar *& var();
// Finds the variable whose name is given
AssignmentStHostVars * findVar(const NAString & name);
// Finds the variable whose valueId is given
AssignmentStHostVars * containsValueId(ValueId valueId);
// Returns next element
inline AssignmentStHostVars * next() { return next_; }
// When we reach a Root node that contains a list of host variables on the
// left hand side of an assignment statement, we update the value ids
// of such variables with the value ids returned from the subtree below
// the Root node. This function is called in RelRoot::bindNode
NABoolean updateValueIds(const ValueIdList &returnedList, ItemExpr *listInRootNode);
// Remove the current value id of this variable
void removeLastValueId()
valueIds_.removeAt(valueIds_.entries() - 1);
// To acces list of value ids
ValueIdList &valueIds() { return valueIds_; }
// To know if there are rowsets in the given list
NABoolean containsRowsets(ItemExpr * list);
// To perform necessary transformations in case we have rowsets in the SET statement
// on the left side. We must replace the Root node where the rowset variables appear
// with a RowsetInto node
RelExpr * processRowsets(ItemExpr * list, RelExpr * thisNode);
// Given a list of Host variables with value ids, we enter them in our list
void enterHostVars(ItemExpr *listOfVars);
// The variable
HostVar *var_;
// A list of the value ids this variable gets. The last one in the list
// is the current one
ValueIdList valueIds_;
// To have access to the rest of the structure
BindWA *bindWA_;
// Next element
AssignmentStHostVars *next_;
class Union;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is used by assignment statements in compound statements.
// A list of this type is kept in class BindWA so that it is globally
// accessible at binding time. This class mantains data needed by the
// aforementioned project. See assignment statements internal spec for
// details.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class AssignmentStArea : public NABasicObject
// Constructor
AssignmentStArea(BindWA *bindWA, CollHeap * h = 0)
: listOfVars_(NULL),
// Copy constructor
AssignmentStArea(const AssignmentStArea &other, CollHeap * h = 0)
: listOfVars_(other.listOfVars_),
{ AssignmentStArea(NULL); }
~AssignmentStArea() {}
// Please see comments for currentIF_ below.
Union * getCurrentIF() { return currentIF_; }
void setCurrentIF(Union * node) { currentIF_ = node; }
// Gets pointer to list of variables
AssignmentStHostVars *&getAssignmentStHostVars() { return listOfVars_; }
// Updates listOfVars_ when we exit a Union node at binding time. For
// each host variable, it determines whether its value id is no longer
// valid outside the IF statement we are exiting, and removes it if so.
// In this way, the value id this variable had before entering the IF
// statement will be the current one
void updateValueIdsTable(Union * node);
// Removes the last value ids assigned to the given node during
// binding of childNumber
void removeLastValueIds(AssignmentStHostVars * listInUnion, Union * node);
// List of host variables in the statement
AssignmentStHostVars * listOfVars_;
// To know which is the Union node that is the immediate ancestor of
// the node we are currently in. This gets used when we have SET statements
// within an IF statement.
Union *currentIF_;
BindWA * bindWA_;
#endif /* REL3GL_H */