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#ifndef MVLOG_H
#define MVLOG_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MvLog.h
* Description: implementation of the MVLOG command
* Created: 09/25/2000
* Language: C++
#include "RelMisc.h"
// MVLOG command is not supported
class MvLogInternalNames;
// This class implements the MVLOG command, for manual range logging.
// Here is the syntax of the MVLOG command, taken from the external spec
// of the Materialized Views project:
// MVLOG INTO RANGELOG OF [TABLE] table_name (col_name[,col_name...])
// BETWEEN (value[,value...]) AND (value[,value...]);
// For example:
// BETWEEN (DATE '01/22/1999') AND (DATE '01/22/1999').
// The BETWEEN predicate must be only on the columns in the clustering index
// prefix. The main job of the MVLOG command is to divide the range specified
// by the user to sub-ranges according to the way the base table is
// partitioned. For logging correctness it is imperative that ranges will not
// cross partition boundaries.
// MvLog inherits from BinderOnlyNode because it lives only until binding is
// completed, and is then removed from the RelExpr tree.
class MvLog : public BinderOnlyNode
MvLog(const QualifiedName *tableName,
const ItemExpr *columnNames,
ItemExpr *rangeBegin,
ItemExpr *rangeEnd,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~MvLog();
virtual void cleanupBeforeSelfDestruct();
// All the work is done here.
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0; }
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// Methods called from bindNode().
NABoolean initializeInternalDataStructures();
void buildBaseTableColumnNamesLists();
void checkMvLogColsAreCiPrefix() const;
void buildAllRefNames();
void getColumnsPositionsInCI(const NAFileSet * pCiFileSet);
void buildClusteringIndexDefaultValues(const NAFileSet * pCiFileSet);
void constructBoundriesList();
void addClusteringIndexBoundries(LIST(ItemExprList*) & ciBoundries,
const NAFileSet * pCiFileSet) const;
void addRangePartitionBoundries(
LIST(ItemExprList*) & ciBoundries,
const RangePartitioningFunction *pRangePartFunction) const;
NABoolean isTableValidForMvLog() const;
NABoolean isTableRangePartitioned() const;
const MvLogInternalNames& getNames() const { return internalNames_; }
RelRoot *buildTupleListBlock() const;
TupleList *constructTupleListFromBoundries(const LIST(ItemExprList*)& ciBoundries) const;
RenameTable *constructTupleListPhase1(TupleList *pTupleList) const;
RenameTable *constructTupleListPhase2(RelExpr * pPhase1) const;
ItemExpr *buildTupleListPhase2SelectResults() const;
RenameTable *buildTupleListPhase2Rename(RelExpr * pTupleListP2) const;
RenameTable *constructTupleListPhase3(RelExpr * pPhase2) const;
ItemExpr *buildTupleListPhase3SelectResults() const;
RenameTable *buildTupleListPhase3Rename(RelExpr * pPhase3) const;
RelRoot *constructTupleListBeginGreaterThanEndPhase(RelExpr *pPhase) const;
// GET FIRST BLOCK methods
RelExpr *buildGetFirstNode() const;
ItemExpr *buildGetFirstSelctionPredicate() const;
ItemExpr *buildColumnNotEqualBoundriesExpr(ItemExpr * pColumn) const;
// TSJ
RelExpr *buildJoinWithGetFirstBlock(RelExpr *topNode) const;
// returns a BoolValue
ItemExpr *compareItems(const ItemExpr *pFirst,
const ItemExpr *pSecond,
OperatorTypeEnum compareType,
IntegerList *directionVector) const;
ItemExpr * buildConditionalColumnList(const ConstStringList& option1names,
const ConstStringList& option2names,
const NAString& conditionColName,
const CorrName& corrName) const;
RelExpr * buildUnionWithEndRangeTupleList(RelExpr * pTsj) const;
RelExpr * buildFinalSelectList(RelExpr *topNode);
RelExpr * buildInsertIntoLog(RelExpr *topNode) const;
RelExpr * buildScanEpochFromTable(RelExpr *topNode) const;
void constructEndRangeBoundries(LIST(ItemExprList*)& endRangeBoundry,
NABoolean needStartRange) const;
ItemExpr *buildEpochSelectList() const;
// For Hash partitioned and non-partitioned tables
RelExpr *buildSimpleRangeTuple();
// Shortcut to BinderUtils::appendToExprList();
void appendToExprList(ItemExprList& toAddto,
const ConstStringList& columnNames,
OperatorTypeEnum itemType = ITM_RENAME_COL) const;
// Copy Ctor and = operator are not implemented.
MvLog(const MvLog& other);
MvLog& operator=(const MvLog& other);
const QualifiedName *tableName_;
const ItemExpr *pColumnNamesItem_;
ItemExpr *pBeginRange_;
ItemExpr *pEndRange_;
NABoolean isRangePartitioned_;
ItemExprList pBeginRangeExprList_;
ItemExprList pEndRangeExprList_;
LIST(ItemExprList*) ciBoundries_;
const CorrName tupleListPhase1CorrName_;
const CorrName tupleListPhase2CorrName_;
const CorrName tupleListPhase3CorrName_;
const CorrName tupleListCorrName_;
const CorrName first1NodeCorrName_;
const CorrName emptyCorrName_;
// indicating what part of the CI is used
IntegerList pRelevantCiPositionsList_;
ConstStringList mvLogColNamesList_; // as recieved from the parser
ConstStringList baseTableCiNamesList_; // All the columns of the CI.
ConstStringList nonCiColsNamesList_; // The non-CI column names.
ItemExprList nonCiColsExprList_; // The non-CI column expressions.
ConstStringList beginColNamesList_; // with suffix _BEGIN
ConstStringList endColNamesList_; // with suffix _END
ConstStringList first1ColNamesList_; // with suffix _FIRST
ConstStringList brColNamesList_; // with suffix _BR
ConstStringList erColNamesList_; // with suffix _ER
ItemExprList colsMinDefualtValList_;
ItemExprList colsMaxDefualtValList_;
IntegerList *pDirectionVector_;
static const MvLogInternalNames internalNames_;
BindWA *pBindWA_;
NATable *pNaTable_;
CollHeap *heap_;
}; // class MvLog
class MvLogInternalNames : public NABasicObject
// Accessors for the static const strings.
static const char *getBeginRangeSuffix() { return beginRangeSuffix_; }
static const char *getEndRangeSuffix() { return endRangeSuffix_; }
static const char *getBrSuffix() { return brSuffix_; }
static const char *getErSuffix() { return erSuffix_; }
static const char *getEndSuffix() { return endSuffix_; }
static const char *getFinalResultName() { return finalResultName_; }
static const char *getTupleListName() { return tupleListName_; }
static const char *getTupleListRoot1() { return tupleListRoot1_; }
static const char *getTupleListRoot2() { return tupleListRoot2_; }
static const char *getGetFirstRoot() { return getFirstRoot_; }
static const char *getBrIsGreater() { return brIsGreater_; }
static const char *getErIsLess() { return erIsLess_; }
static const char *getSimpleRangeTuple() { return simpleRangeTuple_; }
static const char beginRangeSuffix_[];
static const char endRangeSuffix_[];
static const char brSuffix_[];
static const char erSuffix_[];
static const char endSuffix_[];
static const char finalResultName_[];
static const char tupleListName_[];
static const char tupleListRoot1_[];
static const char tupleListRoot2_[];
static const char getFirstRoot_[];
static const char brIsGreater_[];
static const char erIsLess_[];
static const char simpleRangeTuple_[];
}; // class MvLogInternalNames
#endif // MVLOG_H