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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MVJoinGraph.h
* Description: Definition of classes for verifying the join graph is
* fully connected, and for finding a good ordering of tables,
* according to the join predicates and RI constraints.
* Created: 7 March 2000
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
//=== The classes in this module implement the join graph algorithm.
//=== This algorithm is used in two different situations:
//=== 1. During DDL (CREATE MV) in oredr to verify that the join graph is
//=== fully connected, and give the tables an initial order.
//=== 2. During DML (multi-delta refresh) to find the optimal ordering of
//=== tables, taking into account current RI constraints, in order to
//=== optimizer multi-delta refresh.
//=== In order to find the optimal solution in reasonable time, the
//=== algorithm uses a heuristic function. This function can be tuned if
//=== we find a testcase where it gives a sub-optimal solution. See details
//=== in MVJoinTable::calcHeuristics().
#include <ComSmallDefs.h>
#include <Collections.h>
// Classes defined in this module
class MVJoinTable;
class MVJoinGraphState;
class MVJoinGraphSolution;
class MVJoinGraph;
// Forward definitions
class NATable;
// This hash table is used to speed up finding the MVJoinTable object from
// the table name. It's used primarily when initializing the predicate
// and RI bitmaps.
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, MVJoinTable> MVJoinTableHash;
// A set of tableIndex values, each an index to MVJoinGraph::usedTables_.
typedef SET(Lng32) MVTableSet;
typedef ARRAY(Lng32) GraphRoute;
// This class holds the information of the connections a specific table has
// to the other tables on the join graph.
// This class implements the rules and heuristic functions of the algorithm.
class MVJoinTable : public NABasicObject
MVJoinTable(Lng32 tableIndex,
Lng32 usedIndex,
Lng32 nofTables,
const NATable *naTable,
CollHeap *heap)
: tableIndex_(tableIndex),
predicateBitmap_ (heap),
// operator== required for use in templates
NABoolean operator==(const MVJoinTable &other) const;
// Accessors
Lng32 getTableIndex() const { return tableIndex_; }
Lng32 getUsedObjectsIndex() const { return usedObjectsIndex_; }
const NAString *getTableName() const { return &tableName_; }
const NABitVector& getPredicateBitmap() const { return predicateBitmap_; }
const NABitVector& getIncomingRiBitmap() const { return incomingRiBitmap_; }
const NABitVector& getOutgoingRiBitmap() const { return outgoingRiBitmap_; }
NABoolean isEmptyDelta() const { return deltaType_ == EMPTY_DELTA; }
NABoolean isInsertOnlyDelta() const { return deltaType_ == INSERTONLY_DELTA; }
NABoolean isNonEmptyDelta() const { return deltaType_ == NONEMPTY_DELTA; }
// Mutators
void setNonEmptyDelta() { deltaType_ = NONEMPTY_DELTA; }
void setInsertOnlyDelta() { deltaType_ = INSERTONLY_DELTA; }
void markPredicateTo(Lng32 table) { predicateBitmap_.setBit(table); }
void markRiTo(Lng32 table) { outgoingRiBitmap_.setBit(table); }
void markRiFrom(Lng32 table) { incomingRiBitmap_.setBit(table); }
Lng32 markRiConstraints(BindWA *bindWA, MVInfo *mvInfo);
// Is there a predicate from the Connected Set to me?
NABoolean isOnPredicate(const MVJoinGraphState& state) const;
// Is there an RI from the Connected Set to me?
NABoolean isOnRI(const MVJoinGraphState& state) const;
// How good am I as a candidate for the next table on the route?
Lng32 calcHeuristics(const MVJoinGraphState& state) const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVJoinTable") const;
const Lng32 tableIndex_; // Index into MVJoinGraph::usedTables_
const Lng32 usedObjectsIndex_; // Index into MVInfo::usedObjectsList_
const NAString tableName_; // For persistance of the name pointer
const NATable *naTable_; // For finding the RIs
NABitVector predicateBitmap_; // Who do I have a prediucate to?
NABitVector incomingRiBitmap_; // Tables with RIs referencing me?
NABitVector outgoingRiBitmap_; // Tables with RIs referenced by me?
DeltaType deltaType_; // Is delta Empty/Readonly/Nonempty
}; // MVJoinTable
// This class describes an ordered traverse of the join tree, where each
// table is connected to at lease one of its predecessors.
class MVJoinGraphSolution : public NABasicObject
MVJoinGraphSolution(Lng32 nofTables, CollHeap *heap);
MVJoinGraphSolution(const MVJoinGraphSolution& other, CollHeap *heap)
: route_(other.route_, heap),
riTables_(other.riTables_, heap)
NABoolean isEmpty() const { return entries_ == 0; }
Lng32 getScore() const { return riTables_.entries(); }
const GraphRoute& getRoute() const { return route_; }
const NABitVector& getBitmap() const { return bitmap_; }
const MVTableSet& getRiTables() const { return riTables_; }
NABoolean isTableOnRI(Lng32 tableIndex) const
{ return riTables_.contains(tableIndex); }
// Add a table to the route.
void pushTable(Lng32 tableIndex, NABoolean isOnRi);
void reset();
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVJoinGraph") const;
GraphRoute route_; // The list of tableIndex values.
Lng32 entries_; // The length of the current route.
NABitVector bitmap_; // Bitmap of route tables.
MVTableSet riTables_; // Set of tables for which RI opt. can be used.
}; // MVJoinGraphSolution
// Holds the state of the graph during the traverse.
// The main data members are:
// 1. The Connected Set - the tables already traversed on a connected route.
// 2. The Available Set - the tables not yet included in the connected set.
// 3. The Current Route - Holds the order of the tables in the solution being
// constructed, and the score (RIs that are utilized for optimization).
// 4. Results List - A list of results, from which the best one will be
// chosen (used only during Refresh activation).
class MVJoinGraphState : public NABasicObject
MVJoinGraphState(Lng32 nofTables,
Lng32 nofRIs,
const MVTableSet& reorderGroup,
CollHeap *heap);
// Accessors
Lng32 getNofRIs() const { return nofRI_; }
const MVTableSet& getConnectedSet() const { return connectedSet_; }
const MVTableSet& getAvailableSet() const { return availableSet_; }
const NABitVector& getAvailableBitmap() const { return availableBitmap_; }
const NABitVector& getRouteBitmap() const { return currentRoute_.getBitmap(); }
NABoolean isComplete() const { return (availableSet_.entries() == 0); }
const MVJoinGraphSolution& getBestRoute() { return bestRoute_; }
const MVJoinGraphSolution& getCurrentRoute() const { return currentRoute_; }
// Pick the next table to be added to the route, according to the
// heuristic function.
Lng32 pickNextTable(const MVJoinGraph& joinGraph, NABoolean isFirst) const;
// Update the state according to the next table that was chosen.
void nextTableIs(Lng32 tableIndex, NABoolean isOnRI);
// Start fresh for a new reorder group.
void reset(const MVTableSet& reorderGroup);
// Is the current solution better than bestRoute_?
void chooseBestSolution();
const Lng32 nofTables_; // The number of tables in the join.
const Lng32 nofRI_; // The total number of RIs
MVTableSet connectedSet_; // The connected set.
MVTableSet availableSet_; // The available set.
NABitVector availableBitmap_; // A bitmap representing the available set.
MVJoinGraphSolution currentRoute_; // The current route being explored.
MVJoinGraphSolution bestRoute_; // The best route so far.
}; // MVJoinGraphState
// This is the abstraction of the join graph algorithm.
// This algorithm is used in two different times for different purposes:
// DDL: During CREATE MV, this algorithm verifies that the join graph
// is fully connected, based on the join predicates.
// DML: During multi-delta INTERNAL REFRESH, predicates and RI constraints
// are used to determine the best ordering of the tables, so that as many
// RI optimizations as possible can be utilized.
// Handling of left joins is not yet supported.
// In order to support left joins, the tables should be divided into reorder
// groups, according to the location of the left joins. If a group is not
// fully connected, tables from this group can be pushed up above the left
// join to another group if they are not referenced by predicates in the
// left join.
class MVJoinGraph : public NABasicObject
MVJoinGraph(Lng32 nofTables, CollHeap *heap)
: nofTables_(nofTables),
usedTables_(heap, nofTables),
reorderGroupSet_(heap, nofTables),
notStartedSet_(heap, nofTables),
tableHash_(hashKey, nofTables*2, FALSE, heap), // Pass NAString::hashKey as function ptr
theSolution_(nofTables, heap),
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables; i++)
usedTables_.insert(i, NULL);
// Initializing the data structures.
void addTable(Lng32 tableIndex, Lng32 usedObjectsIndex, const NATable *naTable);
void addTable(MVJoinTable *newNode);
void markPredicateBetween(const QualifiedName& leftTable,
const QualifiedName& rightTable);
void markRiConstraints(BindWA *bindWA, MVInfo *mvInfo);
void setNofTables(Lng32 finalNumber) { nofTables_ = finalNumber; }
// Accessors
MVJoinTable *getTableObjectFor(const NAString *tableName);
MVJoinTable *getTableObjectAt(Lng32 tableIndex) const
{ return usedTables_[tableIndex]; }
const MVTableSet& getNotStartedSet() const
{ return notStartedSet_; }
// Methods used during the DDL activation only:
// Run the DDL algorithm.
NABoolean isFullyConnected();
// Mark the order of the tables in the MVInfo used objects list.
void markOrderOfUsedObjects(MVInfoForDDL *mvInfo);
// Methods used during the DML activation only:
// Run the DML algorithm.
void findBestOrder();
// The first table was chosen, now find a solution from there.
NABoolean findSolutionFrom(MVJoinGraphState& state);
const MVJoinGraphSolution& getSolution() const { return theSolution_; }
void getRouteOfSolution(GraphRoute& translatedRoute) const;
NABoolean isInsertOnlyRefresh() const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVJoinGraph") const;
// helpers
NAString fixName(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
Lng32 nofTables_; // The number of tables in the join.
Lng32 nofRI_; // The total number of RIs
ARRAY(MVJoinTable *) usedTables_; // accessing tableIndex objects by
// index (tableIndex).
MVTableSet reorderGroupSet_; // A subset of usedTables. Prepare
// for running the algorithm on a subset
// of the join graph.
MVTableSet notStartedSet_; // Tables we haven't started a route from.
MVJoinTableHash tableHash_; // Accessing MVJoinTable objects by
// the table name.
MVJoinGraphSolution theSolution_; // The solution found.
CollHeap *heap_;
}; // MVJoinGraph