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#include "QRDescriptor.h"
#include "QRSharedPtr.h"
#include "RelScan.h"
#include "RelGrby.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "CmpMain.h"
// Classes defined in this file.
class MVCandidateException;
class MVCandidates;
class MVMatch;
// Other forward declarations.
class JBBSubset;
class JBBSubsetAnalysis;
class QRDescGenerator;
class VEGPredicate;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVMatch> MVMatchPtr;
typedef MVMatch* MVMatchPtr;
// Hash node id from query to get corresponding dim table scan in rewrite of
// Indirect Group By (IGB) query.
typedef NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, Scan> NodeIdScanHash;
* \file
* Contains the definition of MVCandidates, the class used to translate the
* result descriptor returned from a MATCH operation into internal optimizer
* structures. These structures consist primarily of a list of MVMatch objects
* that are stored with the JBBSubsetAnalysis object corresponding to the JBB
* subset that the matches are for. The MVMatch class is also defined in this
* file.
* Exception thrown when a candidate in the result descriptor must be discarded
* because an internal error occurred when processing it, or it requires a
* capability not yet present in the code. This exception should be caught, so
* the remaining candidates in the result descriptor can be considered, just as
* if the offending candidate did not exist.
class MVCandidateException : public QRException
* Creates an exception with text consisting of the passed template filled in
* with the values of the other arguments.
* @param[in] msgTemplate Template for construction of the full message;
* contains printf-style placeholders for arguments,
* passed as part of a variable argument list.
* @param[in] ... Variable argument list, consisting of a value for each
* placeholder in the message template.
MVCandidateException(const char *msgTemplate ...)
: QRException()
qrBuildMessage(msgTemplate, msgBuffer_);
virtual ~MVCandidateException()
}; //MVCandidateException
* Class used to analyze the result descriptor corresponding to a match
* operation, and create a list of MVMatch objects for each JBB subset that
* can potentially be replaced by an MV. This is done by passing a result
* descriptor to the analyzeResultDescriptor() method, which uses several
* private helper functions to create the match objects.
class MVCandidates
* Base of correlation name used for backjoin tables, cmpleted by adding
* table id. This is needed in case of self-join of a backjoin table.
static const char* const BACKJOIN_CORRNAME_PREFIX;
* Creates an MVCandidates object to produce MVMatch objects for subsets of
* JBBs contained in the query tree denoted by \c root.
* @param root Root node of the query being rewritten.
* @param queryDesc Query descriptor for query being rewritten. This is
* used to rewrite indirect Group By queries.
* @param descGenerator Object used to generate the query descriptor. Used
* to resolve references to columns from the group by
* list in a candidate based on indirect group by.
MVCandidates(RelRoot* root,
QRQueryDescriptorPtr queryDesc,
QRDescGenerator& descGenerator);
* Counts the number of nodes in an expression tree. This is used to select
* the candidate with the fewest nodes in its replacement tree when testing
* QR by forcing a rewrite of the query in the Analyzer. It is a static
* member function just for the sake of placing it in a namespace.
* @param node Find the number of nodes in the subtree rooted here.
* @return Number of nodes in the tree rooted by \c node.
static Int32 nodeCount(ExprNode* node);
* Analyze a result descriptor, creating MVMatch objects that are attached
* to the analysis objects for the JBB subsets they match.
* @param rd Result descriptor containing information about possible matches
* and rewrite instructions for the query.
void analyzeResultDescriptor(QRResultDescriptorPtr rd);
* Creates a list of Favorite MVs from the value of CQD
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void buildFavoritesList (CollHeap* heap);
* Returns whether the value of the parameter is in the list of favorite MVs
* @param mvName Name of the new candidate MV
* @return TRUE when mvName is in the favorites list
NABoolean isAfavoriteMV(const NAString& mvName)
return mvqrFavoriteCandidates_->contains(mvName);
* Parses the expression text in an <Expr> element, returning an \c ItemExpr*.
* The inputs listed in the contained <Input> element are supplied as
* arguments to the expression.
* @param expr Deserialized <Expr> element.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
* @return Item expression resulting from the parse of the expression text.
ItemExpr* parseExpression(QRExprPtr expr, const NAString& mvName, CollHeap* heap);
* Creates the \c GroupByAgg node that will be inserted in the replacement
* tree as the parent of the scan node for the MV. This function is called
* only when supplemental grouping is required on the candidate MV.
* @param scanNode The scan node created for the MV.
* @param groupBy Object corresponding to <GroubNy> element in the result
* descriptor.
* @param candidate The MV candidate.
* @param heap Heap to be used for any dynamic memory allocations.
* @return Pointer to the \c GroupByAgg node created for grouping the rows
* of the MV.
GroupByAgg* getGroupByAggNode(RelExpr* childNode,
QRGroupByPtr groupBy,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CollHeap* heap);
void getEqSetMembers(VEGPredicate* vegPred, ValueIdSet& vegMembers);
ItemExpr* rewriteVegPredicate(const ElementPtrList& mvColumns,
VEGPredicate* itemExpr,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CollHeap* heap);
// CollIndex tblId);
* Creates an item expression which is a copy of the one passed into the
* function, but inserting a \c ColReference for the passed MV column in
* place of any instances of the column that MV col matches.
* @param mvCol MV column used to replace occurrences of a column from the
* original expression.
* @param itemExpr The original expression.
* @param candidate The candidate object, representing a rewrite MV.
* @param heap Heap to use.
* @return Copy of the \c ItemExpr with the MVColumn substituted in.
ItemExpr* rewriteItemExpr(QRElementPtr mvCol,
ItemExpr* itemExpr,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CollHeap* heap);
* Creates an item expression which is a copy of the one passed into the
* function, but inserting \c ColReferences for the MV columns in the passed
* list in place of instances of the columns they match.
* @param mvColumns List of MV columns to use for substitutions.
* @param itemExpr The original expression.
* @param candidate The candidate object, representing a rewrite MV.
* @param heap Heap to use.
* @param tblId Node id of the table the expression is from. This is only
* used for predicates in IGB queries.
* @return Copy of the \c ItemExpr with the MVColumns substituted in.
ItemExpr* rewriteItemExpr(const ElementPtrList& mvColumns,
ItemExpr* itemExpr,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CollHeap* heap,
CollIndex tblId = 0);
* Rewrites each of the range predicates identified for the given candidate.
* @param candidate The candidate object, representing a rewrite MV.
* @param scan The Scan relexpr for the MV. Rewritten preds are added to it.
* @param groupBy Group By node on top of the MV scan node, null if there isn't
* one. Add rewritten pred here if it contains an aggregate.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void rewriteRangePreds(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
RelExpr* scan,
RelExpr* groupBy,
CollHeap* heap);
* Rewrites each of the residual predicates identified for the given candidate.
* @param candidate The candidate object, representing a rewrite MV.
* @param scan The Scan relexpr for the MV. Rewritten preds are added to it.
* @param groupBy Group By node on top of the MV scan node, null if there isn't
* one. Add rewritten pred here if it contains an aggregate.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void rewriteResidPreds(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
RelExpr* scan,
RelExpr* groupBy,
RelExpr* bjRoot,
CollHeap* heap);
* Returns a pointer to the \c ColRefName associated with a specified
* element within a candidate. The element must be either an MVColumn
* or a Column.
* @param candidate Candidate containing the element.
* @param elem The element to get the \c ColRefName for.
* @param heap Heap to use for allocation.
* @return Ptr to \c ColRefName object for the element.
ColRefName* getColRefName(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
QRElementPtr elem,
CollHeap* heap);
* Returns the value id to use in the \c MapValueIds as the bottom value
* for the passed element, which represents one of the outputs of the root
* of the candidate query tree. The map node translates this and other
* value ids from the candidate to the corresponding value ids used in the
* query being rewritten.
* @param retDesc \c RETDesc for the table derived by the candidate tree.
* @param elem Element to get the value id of.
* @param candidate Candidate containing the element.
* @param heap Heap to use for allocations.
* @return Value id to use as source for mapping to a corresponding value
* id from the query.
ValueId getRewriteVid(RETDesc* retDesc,
QRElementPtr elem,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CollHeap* heap);
ValueId getBaseColValueId(QRElementPtr referencingElem);
* Returns the ValueId of the vegref derived from the reference attribute of
* #referencingElem. If the referenced element is a column, the vegref id
* stored in the QRColumn object is returned. If not a column, the ref number
* of the referencing element itself is returned. This will typically be a
* QROutput object, the reference number of which is the vegref of the matched
* column. This function is used to supply a top value in the MapValueIDs node.
* @param referencingElem Element that references a vegref id, or the id of a
* QRColumn that stores the vegref id.
* @return The vegref id to use as a top value in the MapValueIDs node.
ValueId getVegrefValueId(QRElementPtr referencingElem);
* Adds entries to a \c ValueIdMap mapping outputs from a rewrite to the
* corresponding value ids from the query being rewritten.
* @param root Root node of the candidate tree. The \c RETDesc for this node
* supplies the input values to the mapping.
* @param vidMapTopElements List of \c Output elements from the candidate.
* These supply the mapping outputs (top values).
* @param candidate Candidate the node is being created for.
* @param vidMap Value id map to populate.
* @param heap Heap to use for allocations.
* @see #buildOutputExprs Creates the list of output elements used here.
void populateVidMap(RelExpr* root,
ElementPtrList& vidMapTopElements,
ValueIdSet& vegRewriteVids,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
ValueIdMap& vidMap,
CollHeap* heap);
* Adds entries to a \c ValueIdMap mapping outputs from a rewrite to the
* corresponding value ids from the query being rewritten.
* @param root Root node of the candidate tree. The \c RETDesc for this node
* supplies the input values to the mapping.
* @param elem One output element from the candidate. Will be used as the
* mapping top value.
* @param candidate Candidate the node is being created for.
* @param vidMap Value id map to populate.
* @param heap Heap to use for allocations.
* @see #buildOutputExprs Creates the list of output elements used here.
void populateOneVidMap(RelExpr* root,
ValueIdSet& vegRewriteVids,
QRElementPtr elem,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
ValueIdMap& vidMap,
CollHeap* heap);
* Adds the predicates from \c list to the scan node. This function is
* called for the rewrite of IGB queries, to add range and residual
* predicates to the selection predicate of a node representing a dimension
* table.
* @param candidate MV candidate being used for the rewrite.
* @param scan Scan object for a dimension table that is part of an IGB
* rewrite.
* @param tableNodeId The node id that a predicate in the list must match
* before being added to the scan.
* @param list List of either range or residual predicates from the MV
* candidate.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
template <class T>
void addPredsFromList(QRCandidatePtr candidate, Scan* scan,
CANodeId tableNodeId, const NAPtrList<T>& list,
CollHeap* heap);
* Adds the range and residual predicates of the passed \c Scan node, which
* is a scan of a dimension table in an IGB rewrite.
* @param candidate MV candidate being used for the rewrite.
* @param scan Scan object for the dimension table that will have its
* selection predicates added.
* @param tableNodeId The CA node id for the table.
* @param jbb Pointer to JBB element containing the range and residual
* predicates.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void addIGBPreds(QRCandidatePtr candidate, Scan* scan, CANodeId tableNodeId,
QRJBBPtr jbb, CollHeap* heap);
* @param elem
* @param candidate
* @param jbbSubsetNodes
* @param fromFactTable
* @param heap
* @return
ItemExpr* getIGBJoinCondOp(QRElementPtr elem,
QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CANodeIdSet& jbbSubsetNodes,
NABoolean& fromFactTable,
CollHeap* heap);
* Builds a join backbone consisting of \c node and the dimension tables in
* an IGB rewrite. \c node is updated to point to the top join node
* produced. In the process of building the backbone, the created scan nodes
* for the dimension tables are added to \c dimScanHash, a hash table
* mapping table node ids from the original query to the scan node of the
* corresponding table in the rewrite.
* @param candidate The MV candidate being used for the IGB rewrite.
* @param jbbSubsetNodes Set of nodes for the fact tables.
* @param jbbElem JBB element being rewritten.
* @param node [inout] Node to join the dimension tables to. Updated to be
* the topmost join resulting from this process.
* @param dimScanHash [out] Hash table mapping node ids from original query
* to scan nodes of the corresponding dimension
* tables in the rewrite.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void addIGBDimJoins(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
CANodeIdSet& jbbSubsetNodes,
QRJBBPtr jbbElem,
RelExpr*& node,
NodeIdScanHash& dimScanHash,
CollHeap* heap);
* Adds value id mappings to \c vidMap for any of the rewritten query's
* select list items that are provided by the dimension tables of an IGB
* query. These values are not part of the output list of the MV candidate,
* which is based on only the fact tables. The dimension tables are, however,
* part of the rewrite, so any value ids from them must be mapped to the
* corresponding value ids from the original query.
* @param jbbElem JBB element being rewritten.
* @param jbbSubsetNodes Set of CA node ids for the fact tables.
* @param dimScanHash Hash table allowing lookup of dimension table scan
* nodes from the node id of the corresponding dimension
* table nodes from the original query.
* @param vidMap Value id map to which the mappings will be added.
* @param heap Heap used for any allocations.
void mapDimOutputs(QRJBBPtr jbbElem,
CANodeIdSet& jbbSubsetNodes,
NodeIdScanHash& dimScanHash,
ValueIdMap& vidMap,
CollHeap* heap);
* Back joins needed tables to the MV candidate being processed.
* @param candidate The MV candidate.
* @param bjTables List of tables to be back-joined to the MV.
* @param [out] node The highest join node in the resulting tree.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void addBackJoins(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
QRTableListPtr bjTables,
RelExpr*& node,
CollHeap* heap);
* Adds the characteristic outputs of the root node of the tree representing
* the rewrite of a JBB subset. This typically requires the addition of a
* \c MapValueIds node to translate the \c ValueIds of MV columns to the
* corresponding ValueIds used in the query. In the case of a rewrite for an
* IGB (Indirect Group By) query, ONLY the value id mapping is performed, and
* the root node select list is not created.
* @param candidate The candidate MV.
* @param root The root of the replacement tree, or \c NULL if called for an
* IGB query.
* @param topValElemList
* @param heap Heap to allocate from.
void buildOutputExprs(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
RelRoot* root,
ElementPtrList& topValElemList,
CollHeap* heap);
* Creates MVMatch objects corresponding to the candidates for the given
* JBBSubset.
* @param qrJbbSubset JBB subset to analyze candidates for.
void analyzeCandidateMVs(QRJbbSubsetPtr qrJbbSubset);
* Creates an MVMatch object for the passed MV candidate, and inserts it in
* the list of matches for the given jbb subset.
* @param candidate Object representing an MV which is a candidate to replace
* the JBB subset.
* @param jbbSubsetToReplace JBB subset that may be replaced by the candidate.
* @param testRewriteSingle TRUE iff we are to simulate a rewrite of a
* single-node JBB
* @param jbbSubsetNodes Set of CA nodes belonging to the jbbsubset.
* @param heap Heap to use for any allocations.
void analyzeCandidate(QRCandidatePtr candidate,
JBBSubset& jbbSubsetToReplace,
NABoolean testRewriteSingle,
CANodeIdSet& jbbSubsetNodes,
CollHeap* heap);
* Creates the MVMatch objects for each JBB subset contained in the given
* JBB element from the result descriptor.
* @param jbb Pointer to the JBB element to process the JBB subsets of.
void analyzeJbbSubsets(QRJbbResultPtr jbb);
void findForbiddenMVs();
void collectMVs(RelExpr* topNode, CollHeap* heap);
NABoolean isForbiddenMV(const NAString& mvName);
NABoolean isRollup(QRCandidatePtr candidate)
QRGroupByPtr groupBy = candidate->getGroupBy();
return groupBy!= NULL && groupBy->getResult() == QRElement::NotProvided;
* Binder work area used for the query tree being rewritten.
BindWA* bindWA_;
* Root of the query being rewritten.
RelRoot* queryRoot_;
* Query descriptor for query being rewritten.
QRQueryDescriptorPtr queryDesc_;
* Object used to generate the query descriptor.
QRDescGenerator& qdescGenerator_;
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVCandidates(const MVCandidates&);
MVCandidates& operator=(const MVCandidates&);
// list of favorite MVs specified in the MVQR_FAVORITE_CANDIDATES
LIST(NAString)* mvqrFavoriteCandidates_;
// List of MVs to ignore
LIST(NAString)* forbiddenMVs_;
* Hash table mapping back join table ids to the corresponding scan nodes,
* so range predicates on back join nodes can be added later. Also used to
* see if a table id is for a back join, so special correlation name can
* be used. This hash table is cleared before processing each new candidate
* MV, in analyzeCandidate().
TableNameScanHash bjScanHash_;
}; // class MVCandidates
* Class representing an MV match for a particular JBB subset. The match
* object contains the MV name, a pointer to the JBB subset it can replace,
* and RelExpr subtree that replaces the part of the tree corresponding to
* that JBB subset.
class MVMatch : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
MVMatch(JBBSubset* equivJbbSubset,
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)),
alreadyOptimzed_ (FALSE)
JBBSubset* getEquivalentJbbSubset() const
return equivalentJbbSubset_;
void setEquivalentJbbSubset(JBBSubset* jbbSubset)
equivalentJbbSubset_ = jbbSubset;
const NAString& getMvName() const
return mvName_;
void setMvName(const NAString& mvName)
mvName_ = mvName;
RelExpr* getMvRelExprTree() const
return mvRelExprTree_;
void setMvRelExprTree(RelExpr* expr)
mvRelExprTree_ = expr;
NABoolean alreadyOptimized ()
return alreadyOptimzed_;
void setAlreadyOptimized()
alreadyOptimzed_ = TRUE;
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVMatch(const MVMatch&);
MVMatch& operator=(const MVMatch&);
NAMemory* heap_;
JBBSubset* equivalentJbbSubset_;
NAString mvName_;
RelExpr* mvRelExprTree_;
NABoolean alreadyOptimzed_;
}; // class MVMatch
#endif /* _MVCANDIDATES_H_ */