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#ifndef ACCESS_SET_H
#define ACCESS_SET_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: AccessSets.h
* Description: Definition of class InliningInfo.
* Created: 6/23/98
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
// This file provides the classes used for collecting and using access sets.
// Access sets are defined at table granularity (not comparing columns).
// The access sets are collected during a new pass on the RelExpr tree,
// using the new RelExpr::calcAccessSets() virtual method. This pass is
// called during the optimizer pilot phase. The results are used during the
// trigger transformation pass (during the reorderTree() pass) to find
// which triggers have conflicting access sets, and cannot be executed in
// parallel. The NATable pointer is used to decide if two tables accesses are
// on the same table, since it is guaranteed to have a single NATable per
// table. A TableAccess object is initialized to an EMPTY state only by the
// default constructor, (which must be provided for it to be used in
// collections). Therefore ASSERTs are used to verify that no EMPTY objects
// are actually used.
// OPAQUE objects are for "black box" operators such as stored procedures,
// that we don't know which tables they affect. Both the ReadTableAccess and
// the WriteTableAccess objects can be constructed as opaque, to represent
// read-only and read-write opaque objects. Since stored procedures are not
// ready yet, this support was never tested. It looks OK though...
class TableAccess : public NABasicObject
// Default ctor - to EMPTY.
// Explicit ctor (a NULL value for theTable is allowed for
// non-specific (opaque) operations.
TableAccess(const NATable *theTable);
// Copy ctor
TableAccess(const TableAccess &other);
// Assignment operator
TableAccess& operator= (const TableAccess& other);
// Comparison operator
virtual NABoolean operator ==(const TableAccess &other) const = 0;
NABoolean match(const TableAccess& other) const;
virtual NABoolean isConflicting(const TableAccess& other) const = 0;
virtual NABoolean isReadAccess() const = 0;
inline NABoolean isEmpty() const
{ return empty_; }
inline NABoolean isOpaque() const
{ return (!isEmpty() && (tableID_==NULL)); }
// print, for debugging.
virtual void print(FILE *ofd = stdout,
const char *indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char *title = "TableAccess") const;
NATable *tableID_;
NABoolean empty_;
class ReadTableAccess : public TableAccess
// Default ctor - to EMPTY.
: TableAccess() {}
// Explicit ctor
ReadTableAccess(const NATable *theTable)
: TableAccess(theTable) {}
// Copy ctor
ReadTableAccess(const ReadTableAccess &other)
: TableAccess(other) {}
// Assignment operator
ReadTableAccess& operator= (const ReadTableAccess& other);
// Comparison operator
virtual NABoolean operator ==(const TableAccess &other) const;
virtual NABoolean isReadAccess() const
{ return TRUE; }
virtual NABoolean isConflicting(const TableAccess& other) const;
// print, for debugging.
virtual void print(FILE *ofd = stdout,
const char *indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char *title = "ReadTableAccess") const
{ TableAccess::print(ofd, indent, title); }
class WriteTableAccess : public TableAccess
// Default ctor - to EMPTY.
: TableAccess() {}
// Explicit ctor
WriteTableAccess(const NATable *theTable)
: TableAccess(theTable) {}
// Copy ctor
WriteTableAccess(const WriteTableAccess &other)
: TableAccess(other) {}
// Assignment operator
WriteTableAccess& operator= (const WriteTableAccess& other);
// Comparison operator
virtual NABoolean operator ==(const TableAccess &other) const;
virtual NABoolean isReadAccess() const
{ return FALSE; }
virtual NABoolean isConflicting(const TableAccess& other) const;
// print, for debugging.
virtual void print(FILE *ofd = stdout,
const char *indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char *title = "WriteTableAccess") const
{ TableAccess::print(ofd, indent, title); }
typedef const ReadTableAccess *ReadTableAccessPtr;
typedef const WriteTableAccess *WriteTableAccessPtr;
class SubTreeAccessSet : public NABasicObject
// Default ctor
SubTreeAccessSet(CollHeap *heap);
// dtor
void add(ReadTableAccessPtr snas);
void add(WriteTableAccessPtr snas);
void add(const SubTreeAccessSet *stas);
NABoolean isConflicting(const TableAccess *snas) const;
NABoolean isConflicting(const SubTreeAccessSet *other) const;
NABoolean isEmpty() const;
// print, for debugging.
void print(FILE *ofd = stdout,
const char *indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char *title = "SubTreeAccessSet") const;
// Since these are currently SETs of pointers, and not of objects,
// the SET container does not detect and avoid duplicates.
SET(ReadTableAccessPtr) *readSet_;
SET(WriteTableAccessPtr) *writeSet_;
NABoolean opaqueForRead_;
NABoolean opaqueForWrite_;