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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NAAbort.cpp (previously part of /common/BaseTypes.cpp)
* RCS: $Id: NAAbort.cpp,v 1.1 1998/06/29 03:50:55 Exp $
* Description:
* Created: 5/6/98
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/06/29 03:50:55 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "CompException.h"
#include "StmtCompilationMode.h"
extern Int32 writeStackTrace(char *s, int bufLen);
// Mutex to serialize termination via NAExit or an assertion failure
// via abort_botch_abend in the main executor thread with an assertion
// failure in the SeaMonster reader thread
// 1. Main executor thread initializes the mutex.
// 2. NAAssertMutexExTid is the thread id of the main executor thread which,
// can be different than the pid, as in the case of mxosrvr.
// 3. NAExit exits or aborts while holding the mutex, and asert_botch_abend
// aborts while holding it.
pthread_mutex_t NAAssertMutex;
int NAAssertMutexThreadCount = 0; // Count of executor threads
int NAAssertMutexExTid = 0; // Thread id of the main executor thread
int NAAssertMutexCreate()
int rc;
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
if (NAAssertMutexThreadCount++ == 0)
// The recursive attribute allows the mutex to be locked recursively
// within a thread. This avoids a hang if NAExit locks the mutex
// and an exit handler subsequently asserts and calls
// assert_botch_abend. At the present time, only the SeaMonster exit
// handler can call assert_botch_abend, but other exit handlers
// might be capable of calling it in the future.
rc = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
if (rc)
if (IdentifyMyself::GetMyName() == I_AM_EMBEDDED_SQL_COMPILER)
AssertException("", __FILE__, __LINE__).throwException();
rc = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
if (rc)
if (IdentifyMyself::GetMyName() == I_AM_EMBEDDED_SQL_COMPILER)
AssertException("", __FILE__, __LINE__).throwException();
rc = pthread_mutex_init(&NAAssertMutex, &attr); // Create mutex on call from executor thread
if (rc)
if (IdentifyMyself::GetMyName() == I_AM_EMBEDDED_SQL_COMPILER)
AssertException("", __FILE__, __LINE__).throwException();
NAAssertMutexExTid = (int) syscall(__NR_gettid);
return NAAssertMutexThreadCount;
int NAAssertMutexLock()
int rc;
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&NAAssertMutex);
if (rc)
if (IdentifyMyself::GetMyName() == I_AM_EMBEDDED_SQL_COMPILER)
AssertException("", __FILE__, __LINE__).throwException();
return rc;
#include "Platform.h"
extern short getRTSSemaphore(); // Functions implemented in SqlStats.cpp
extern void releaseRTSSemaphore();
#include "BaseTypes.h" // for declaration of NAAbort()
#include "NAAssert.h" // for declaration of NAAssert()
#include "NAError.h" // for ARKCMP_EXCEPTION_EPILOGUE()
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "ExceptionCallBack.h"
#include "NAInternalError.h"
ExceptionCallBack * NAInternalError::pExceptionCallBack_ = NULL;
ExceptionCallBack * NAInternalError::getExceptionCallBack()
{ return pExceptionCallBack_; }
void NAInternalError::registerExceptionCallBack(ExceptionCallBack *p)
{ pExceptionCallBack_ = p; }
void NAInternalError::unRegisterExceptionCallBack()
{ pExceptionCallBack_ = NULL; }
void NAInternalError::throwFatalException(const char *msg,
const char *file,
UInt32 line)
if(pExceptionCallBack_ != NULL)
char stackTrace[STACK_TRACE_SIZE];
writeStackTrace(stackTrace, sizeof(stackTrace));
pExceptionCallBack_->throwFatalException(msg, file, line, stackTrace);
void NAInternalError::throwAssertException(const char *cond,
const char *file,
UInt32 line)
if(pExceptionCallBack_ != NULL)
char stackTrace[STACK_TRACE_SIZE];
writeStackTrace(stackTrace, sizeof(stackTrace));
pExceptionCallBack_->throwAssertException(cond, file, line, stackTrace);
#include "AbortCallBack.h"
static AbortCallBack * pAbortCallBack = 0;
void registerAbortCallBack(AbortCallBack *pACB)
pAbortCallBack = pACB;
extern THREAD_P jmp_buf* ExportJmpBufPtr;
#include "logmxevent.h"
static void do_endprocessing(short exitAbend)
// ##I think this is a tdm_sqlexport.dll bug, wherein Buf here in the dll
// is uninitialized (all zeroes), and the Buf we REALLY want to longjmp
// with is out there in arkcmp.exe. A duplicate globals or a link-export bug.
// This kludge-around will RETURN if the first half (arbitrary choice)
// of Buf is ALL ZEROs (uninit), instead of attempting to longjmp
// (which results in arkcmp crashing).
const char *bbb = (char *)ExportJmpBufPtr;
Int32 i = (Int32)sizeof(jmp_buf)/2 + 1;
for (; i--; )
if (bbb[i]) break;
if (i < 0) return;
longjmp(*ExportJmpBufPtr, NAASSERT_FAILURE);
void NAAbort(const char * filename, Int32 lineno, const char * msg)
pAbortCallBack->doCallBack(msg, filename, lineno);
NAInternalError::throwFatalException(msg, filename, lineno);
assert_botch_abend(filename, lineno, msg);
void NAAssert(const char* condition, const char * file_, Int32 line_)
NAInternalError::throwAssertException(condition, file_, line_);
assert_botch_abend(file_, line_, condition);
void assert_botch_no_abend( const char *f, Int32 l, const char * m)
void assert_botch_abend( const char *f, Int32 l, const char * m, const char *c)
NAAssertMutexLock(); // Assure "termination synchronization"
int pid = (int) getpid();
// get thread id for SeaMonster reader thread or other future
// executor threads
int tid = (int) syscall(__NR_gettid);
Lng32 *tidPtr = tid == pid ? NULL : (Lng32*)&tid;
if (tid == NAAssertMutexExTid)
releaseRTSSemaphore(); // Semaphore is released on by main executor thread
// log the message to the event log
SQLMXLoggingArea::logSQLMXAssertionFailureEvent(f, l, m, c, tidPtr); // Any executor thread can log a failure
// Log the message to stderr. On Linux stderr is mapped to a file
// under $TRAF_HOME/logs and our output will be prefixed with a
// timestamp and process ID.
cerr << "Executor assertion failure in file " << f
<< " on line " << l << '\n';
cerr << "Message: " << m << endl << flush;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// If debug code, log the message again to the terminal
char timeString[40] = "";
time_t tm = time(0);
ctime_r(&tm, timeString);
printf("*** Time: %s", timeString);
printf("*** Process: %d\n", pid);
if (tid != pid)
printf("*** Thread ID: %d\n", tid);
printf("*** File: %s\n", f);
printf("*** Line: %d\n", (int) l);
if (c)
printf("*** Condition: %s\n", c);
printf("*** Message: %s\n", m);
#endif // _DEBUG
// Cleanup the shared segment since the registered atexit function
// will not be called
char *envvar;
envvar = getenv("SQL_LOOP_ON_ASSERT");
if (envvar && *envvar == '1')
while (*envvar == '1')
#ifndef _DEBUG
char *abortOnError = getenv("ABORT_ON_ERROR");
NAString fileName(f);
if (abortOnError != NULL)
else if(((int)fileName.index("/optimizer/")) > -1 )
//throw exception if ABORT is called from optimizer dir
AssertException(m, f, l).throwException();