blob: bd5a69d8eee0ed0a3d85eabf91274c3e0f6f8702 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef EXP_LIKE_H
#define EXP_LIKE_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: <file>
* Description:
* Created: 10/17/95
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "Platform.h"
#include "ExpError.h"
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NAHeap.h"
#include "csconvert.h"
#include "NLSConversion.h"
class LikePatternString : public NABasicObject
// Constructor.
( const char* pattern
, UInt16 patternLen
, CharInfo::CharSet patternCS = CharInfo::ISO88591
, const char* escapeChar = NULL
, UInt16 escapeChar_len = 0
, const char* underscoreChar = "_"
, UInt16 underscoreChar_len = 1
, const char* percentChar = "%"
, UInt16 percentChar_len = 1
: pattern_(pattern)
, patternLen_(patternLen)
, endOfPattern_(&pattern[patternLen])
, patternCS_(patternCS)
, bytesPerChar_(CharInfo::maxBytesPerChar(patternCS))
, underscoreChar_(underscoreChar)
, percentChar_(percentChar)
, escapeChar_(escapeChar)
, escapeChar_len_(escapeChar_len)
, percentChar_len_(percentChar_len)
, underscoreChar_len_(underscoreChar_len)
~LikePatternString() {}
// Accessor functions.
CharInfo::CharSet getPatternCharSet() const { return patternCS_ ; }
UInt16 getLength() const { return patternLen_; }
const char* pattern_;
const UInt16 patternLen_;
CharInfo::CharSet patternCS_ ;
const char* endOfPattern_;
const UInt16 bytesPerChar_;
const UInt16 escapeChar_len_;
const UInt16 underscoreChar_len_;
const UInt16 percentChar_len_;
const char* underscoreChar_;
const char* percentChar_;
const char* escapeChar_;
friend class LikePatternStringIterator;
class LikePatternStringIterator
// Construct an iterator that points to the first character in the given
// pattern.
( const LikePatternString& pattern
: pattern_(pattern)
, currentChar_(pattern.pattern_)
~LikePatternStringIterator() {}
// Determine the current character's classification.
enum CharType
, CharType_ERROR
void determineCharType()
if (currentChar_ >= pattern_.endOfPattern_)
charType_ = END_OF_PATTERN;
else if ( (pattern_.escapeChar_ != NULL) AND
thisCharIsEqualTo(pattern_.escapeChar_, pattern_.escapeChar_len_) ) {
currentChar_ += pattern_.escapeChar_len_;
if (currentChar_ >= pattern_.endOfPattern_) {
// A pattern cannot end with an escape character. Raise a data
// exception--invalid escape sequence.
charType_ = CharType_ERROR;
} else if ( thisCharIsEqualTo(pattern_.escapeChar_, pattern_.escapeChar_len_) OR
thisCharIsEqualTo(pattern_.underscoreChar_, pattern_.underscoreChar_len_) OR
thisCharIsEqualTo(pattern_.percentChar_, pattern_.percentChar_len_)
charType_ = NON_WILDCARD; // Declare normal wildcard char as NON wildcard!
else {
// The escape character was not followed by another escape character,
// underscore, or percent character. Raise a data exception--invalid
// escape sequence.
charType_ = CharType_ERROR;
} else if ( thisCharIsEqualTo(pattern_.underscoreChar_, pattern_.underscoreChar_len_) )
charType_ = UNDERSCORE;
else if ( thisCharIsEqualTo(pattern_.percentChar_, pattern_.percentChar_len_) )
charType_ = PERCENT;
charType_ = NON_WILDCARD;
// Accessor functions.
operator CharType() const { return charType_; }
const char* getCurrentChar()
return currentChar_;
Int16 getChar(char* ch) const
Int16 chrLen = pattern_.bytesPerChar_;
switch (pattern_.patternCS_) {
case CharInfo::ISO88591 :
case CharInfo::UCS2 :
case CharInfo::KANJI_MP :
case CharInfo::KSC5601_MP :
default : // For all multi-byte character sets
cnv_charset cnv_cs = convertCharsetEnum (pattern_.patternCS_);
UInt32 UCS4val = 0;
chrLen = LocaleCharToUCS4( currentChar_,
&UCS4val, cnv_cs);
if (chrLen <= 0) chrLen = 1; //Prevent going wild.
for (UInt16 i = 0; i < chrLen ; i++)
ch[i] = currentChar_[i];
return( chrLen );
UInt16 getBytesPerChar() const { return pattern_.bytesPerChar_; }
// Return TRUE if the current character is equal to the given character.
NABoolean thisCharIsEqualTo(const char* ch, const UInt16 ch_len) const
if ( currentChar_ + ch_len > pattern_.endOfPattern_ )
return FALSE;
for (UInt16 i = 0; i < ch_len ; i++)
if (currentChar_[i] != ch[i])
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Advance to the next character in the pattern.
void operator += (Int32 numBytesToAdd)
currentChar_ += numBytesToAdd;
const LikePatternString& pattern_;
const char* currentChar_;
CharType charType_;
A LikePatternString must be converted to a LikePattern object before the
pattern can be compared with a text string for a possible match. A LikePattern
is a chain of LikePatternHeader objects. A LikePatternHeader represents a part
of the pattern before the next percent character. It matches text of a
specific length. A LikePatternHeader is a chain of LikePatternClause objects.
A LikePatternClause represents a homogenous part of the pattern that is either
a string of non-wildcard characters or a string of underscores. Notice that,
in the inheritance hierarchy we have:
Note that the clause and header EACH has its own length_ and getLength().
You can cast a header to its baseclass (LPClause) or use the header's
getClauseLength() method.
LikePatternString "" is represented as:
LikePatternHeader LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 0 |---->| Type = NON_WILDCARD |
+------------+ | Pattern = "" |
| Length = 0 |
LikePatternString "%" is represented as:
LikePatternHeader LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 0 |---->| Type = PERCENT |
+------------+ | Pattern = "" |
| | Length = 0 |
| +---------------------+
V LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 0 |---->| Type = PERCENT |
+------------+ | Pattern = "" |
| Length = 0 |
LikePatternString "%%ABC__%%%DEF%" is represented as:
LikePatternHeader LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 0 |---->| Type = PERCENT |
+------------+ | Pattern = "" |
| | Length = 0 |
| +---------------------+
V LikePatternClause LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 5 |---->| Type = NON_WILDCARD |---->| Type = UNDERSCORE |
+------------+ | Pattern = "ABC" | | Pattern = "__" |
| | Length = 3 | | Length = 2 |
| +---------------------+ +---------------------+
V LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 3 |---->| Type = NON_WILDCARD |
+------------+ | Pattern = "DEF" |
| | Length = 3 |
| +---------------------+
V LikePatternClause
+------------+ +---------------------+
| Length = 0 |---->| Type = PERCENT |
+------------+ | Pattern = "" |
| Length = 0 |
class LikePatternClause : public NABasicObject
// Constructor.
( LikePatternStringIterator::CharType charType
, char* patternBuf
: charType_(charType)
, pattern_(patternBuf)
, length_(0)
, previousClause_(NULL)
, nextClause_(NULL)
, co_(CharInfo::DefaultCollation)
, encodedPattern_(NULL)
~LikePatternClause() {}
// Accessor functions.
LikePatternStringIterator::CharType getType() const { return charType_; }
char* getPattern() const { return pattern_; }
UInt16 getLength() const { return length_; }
void setLength(UInt16 length)
{ length_ = length; }
LikePatternClause* getNextClause() const { return nextClause_; }
LikePatternClause* getPreviousClause() const { return previousClause_; }
// Set the clause's character classification. It indicates the type of
// character that will be stored in the clause.
void setType(LikePatternStringIterator::CharType charType)
charType_ = charType;
// Append the given character to the clause.
void append(const LikePatternStringIterator& i)
length_ += i.getChar(getPattern() + getLength());
// Append the given clause to the current clause.
void append(LikePatternClause* clause)
nextClause_ = clause;
nextClause_->previousClause_ = this;
// Return TRUE if the clause matches the given text.
NABoolean matches(const char* text);
CharInfo::Collation getCollation() const
{ return co_; }
void setCollation(CharInfo::Collation collation)
{ co_ = collation; }
unsigned char* getEncodedPattern()
{ return encodedPattern_; }
void setEncodedPattern(unsigned char* encodedPattern)
{ encodedPattern_ = encodedPattern; }
// The character type can be either NON_WILDCARD, UNDERSCORE, or PERCENT.
LikePatternStringIterator::CharType charType_;
char* pattern_;
UInt16 length_;
LikePatternClause* nextClause_;
CharInfo::Collation co_;
unsigned char *encodedPattern_;
// LikePatternHeader::matchesR need check the pattern header from the end
// to the beginning. previousClause_ will have the information about the
// previous (left) character in the header.
LikePatternClause* previousClause_;
class LikePatternHeader : public LikePatternClause
// Constructor.
( LikePatternStringIterator::CharType charType
, char* patternBuf
, CollHeap* exHeap
: LikePatternClause(charType, patternBuf)
, length_(0)
, nextHeader_(NULL)
, exHeap_(exHeap)
, error_(EXE_OK)
, encodedHeader_(NULL)
lastClause_ = this; // VC++ doesn't like "this" in init list above
// Destructor.
// If we have allocated space for encodedHeader, deallocate it.
NADELETEBASIC(this->getEncodedHeader(), getExHeap());
// Delete all clauses attached to the header.
LikePatternClause* clause = getNextClause();
while (clause != NULL) {
lastClause_ = clause;
clause = clause->getNextClause();
delete lastClause_;
// Accessor functions.
LikePatternClause* getLastClause() const { return lastClause_; }
UInt16 getLength() const { return length_; }
UInt16 getClauseLength() const
{ return ((LikePatternClause *)this)->getLength(); }
LikePatternHeader* getNextHeader() const { return nextHeader_; }
CollHeap* getExHeap() const { return exHeap_; }
// Append the given character to the header.
void append(const LikePatternStringIterator& i)
if (i != getLastClause()->getType()) {
if (getLastClause()->getLength() > 0)
// Append a new clause to the header.
void addNewClause(LikePatternStringIterator::CharType charType)
length_ += getLastClause()->getLength();
getLastClause()->append(new(exHeap_) LikePatternClause(charType,
getPattern() +
lastClause_ = getLastClause()->getNextClause();
// Terminate the clause chain with a NULL pointer and compute the header
// length.
void endClauses()
length_ += getLastClause()->getLength();
// Append the given header to the current header.
void append(LikePatternHeader* header) { nextHeader_ = header; }
// Return TRUE if the header matches the beginning of the given text.
NABoolean matches(const char* text,
Int32 &headerMatchLen,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::ISO88591);
NABoolean matchesR(const char* text, const char* &endText,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::ISO88591);
ExeErrorCode error() const { return error_; }
void setError(ExeErrorCode exeErrorCode)
{ error_ = exeErrorCode; }
unsigned char* getEncodedHeader()
{ return encodedHeader_; }
void setEncodedHeader(unsigned char *encodedHeader)
{ encodedHeader_ = encodedHeader; }
LikePatternClause* lastClause_;
UInt16 length_;
LikePatternHeader* nextHeader_;
CollHeap* exHeap_;
// since R2.4 (with multi-byte character support). Change error_ from
// NABoolean to ExeErrorCode.
ExeErrorCode error_;
unsigned char *encodedHeader_;
class LikePattern : public LikePatternHeader
// Constructor.
( const LikePatternString& pattern
, CollHeap* exHeap
, CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::ISO88591
, CharInfo::Collation co = CharInfo::DefaultCollation
// Destructor.
// Return TRUE if the pattern is invalid.
ExeErrorCode error() const { return error_; }
// Return TRUE if the pattern matches the given text string.
NABoolean matches(const char* text, UInt16 textLen,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::ISO88591);
ExeErrorCode error_;