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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EXP_BIGNUM_H
#define EXP_BIGNUM_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: exp_bignum.h
* Description: Definition of class BigNum
* Created: 3/31/99
* Language: C++
#include "exp_attrs.h"
class BigNum : public ComplexType {
Int32 length_; // 00-03
Int32 precision_; // 04-07
Int16 scale_; // 08-09
Int16 unSigned_; // 10-11
// Temporary space used by this class
Int32 tempSpaceLength_; // 12-15
UInt32 tempSpaceOffset_ ; // 16-19
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[4]; // 20-23
// Temporary space starting point at runtime
ULong tempSpacePtr_; // 24-31 //Put on 8-byte boundary
// some internal computation use bignum as temp storage.
// Use 38 digit precision and 16 bytes length for them.
enum {BIGNUM_TEMP_LEN = 16 };
BigNum(Lng32 length, Lng32 precision, short scale, short unSigned);
void init(char * op_data, char * str);
short add (Attributes * left,
Attributes * right,
char * op_data[]);
short sub (Attributes * left,
Attributes * right,
char * op_data[]);
short mul (Attributes * left,
Attributes * right,
char * op_data[]);
short div (Attributes * left,
Attributes * right,
char * op_data[],
NAMemory *heap,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea);
short conv (Attributes * source,
char * op_data[]);
short comp (OperatorTypeEnum compOp,
Attributes * other,
char * op_data[]);
short castFrom (Attributes * source /*source*/,
char * op_data[],
NAMemory *heap,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea);
// if desc <> 0, then this is a descending key.
void encode(const char * inBuf, char * outBuf, short desc = 0);
void decode(const char * inBuf, char * outBuf, short desc = 0);
Lng32 getDisplayLength()
return precision_ + (scale_ > 0 ? 2 : 1);
Lng32 getPrecision(){return precision_;};
void setLength(Int32 length)
{length_ = length;}
Lng32 getLength() {return length_;};
short getScale() {return scale_;};
short isUnsigned() {return unSigned_;};
Lng32 getStorageLength()
return length_ + (getNullFlag() ? getNullIndicatorLength() : 0);
Lng32 getDefaultValueStorageLength()
return length_ + (getNullFlag() ? ExpTupleDesc::NULL_INDICATOR_LENGTH : 0);
Attributes * newCopy();
Attributes * newCopy(NAMemory *);
void copyAttrs(Attributes * source);
Lng32 setTempSpaceInfo(OperatorTypeEnum operType,
ULong offset, Lng32 length = 0);
void fixup(Space * space,
char * constantsArea,
char * tempsArea,
char * persistentArea,
short fixupConstsAndTemps =0,
NABoolean spaceCompOnly = FALSE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
virtual short getClassSize() { return (short) sizeof(*this); };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
short EXP_FIXED_BIGN_OV_MUL(Attributes * op1,
Attributes * op2,
char * op_data[]);
short EXP_FIXED_BIGN_OV_DIV(Attributes * op1,
Attributes * op2,
char * op_data[]);
Int64 EXP_FIXED_BIGN_OV_MOD(Attributes * op1,
Attributes * op2,
char * op_data[],
short * ov,
Int64 * quotient = NULL);
short EXP_FIXED_BIGN_OV_ADD(Attributes * op1,
Attributes * op2,
char * op_data[]);
short EXP_FIXED_BIGN_OV_SUB(Attributes * op1,
Attributes * op2,
char * op_data[]);