blob: da30eded7a1359380e56dd5a9519e7bb0115f8f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// Definitions for Native Expression debug messages
#define VV_XD 14 /* Extremely Verbose Debugging */
#define VV_VD 12 /* Verbose Debugging */
#define VV_BD 10 /* Basic Debugging */
#define VV_I3 8 /* Extended Instrumentation Level 3 */
#define VV_I2 6 /* Extended Instrumentation Level 2 */
#define VV_I1 4 /* Extended Instrumentation Level 1 */
#define VV_I0 2 /* Basic Instrumentation Level 0 */
#define VV_NO 0 /* No Instrumentation */
// For common subroutines (typically in the PCodeOperand class), we
// may not have access to the NExprDbgLvl_ member variable in the
// PCodeCfg class to determine the user-specified debug level.
// However, the debugging messages in these common subroutines are
// all needed only in the Extremely Verbose debugging mode anyway.
// So, we need only a #define to be able to easily turn them on/off.
#define NExprDbgLvl VV_XD // See #defines above.
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExpPCodeOptimizations.h
* Description: Infrastructure to perform low-level optimizations on PCODE
* Created: 7/11/2007
* Language: C++
#include "ExpError.h"
#include "exp_attrs.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "ComSpace.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "OperTypeEnum.h"
#include "ExpAtp.h"
#include "exp_expr.h"
#include "exp_function.h"
#include "exp_clause.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "NABitVector.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
// NOTE: The old LIBJIT code is being kept around, but #ifdef'd out,
// because it is a useful guide to how to implement PCODE-to-Native Code
// translations using LLVM.
#include "jit/jit.h"
#include "jit/jit-dump.h"
// NOTE: /usr/include/sys/types.h and an LLVM header file pulled in via
// the following " #include DerivedTypes.h " both try to use
// typedef to define ssize_t...resulting in a C++ compilation
// error. This override code prevents the compilation error.
#ifdef __ssize_t_defined
#define ssize_t my_llvm_ssize_t
#define ssize_t_overridden_here
#include "DerivedTypes.h"
#ifdef ssize_t_overridden_here
#undef ssize_t_overridden_here
#undef ssize_t
#ifndef _byteswap_ushort
inline uint16_t _byteswap_ushort(uint16_t value) {
uint16_t Hi = value << 8;
uint16_t Lo = value >> 8;
return Hi | Lo;
#endif /* _byteswap_ushort */
#include "ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
#include "ExecutionEngine/JIT.h"
#include "LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h" /* Must put llvm/ here to avoid including .../cli/Module.h */
#include "PassManager.h"
#include "Analysis/Verifier.h"
#include "Analysis/Passes.h"
#include "DataLayout.h"
#include "Transforms/Scalar.h"
#include "IRBuilder.h"
#include "Config/config.h"
#include "Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "InstrTypes.h" // for ICMP_SLT, ICMP_EQ, etc
#include "Instructions.h"
#include "CodeGen/MachineCodeInfo.h"
#include "Type.h"
typedef llvm::IRBuilder<> IRBldr_t ;
// NOTE: IR stands for Intermediate Representation. It is the input that
// is acceptable to libjit's JIT compiler or the input that
// is acceptable to LLVM's JIT compiler.
// Using LLMV, a IR Block *is* an llvm::BasicBlock.
// Using LIBJIT, a IR Block would hold LIBJIT's intermediate rep.
typedef llvm::BasicBlock * p_IR_block_t ;
typedef char * p_IR_block_t ; // Dummy def'n to prevent C++ complaints
typedef llvm::Value * jit_value_t ; // To simplify converting from old LIBJIT
typedef llvm::Type * jit_type_t ; // To simplify converting from old LIBJIT
#define IR_block_undefined ((p_IR_block_t) NULL)
enum cmpKind { IntCompare_EQ
, IntCompare_NE
, IntCompare_SGT
, IntCompare_UGT
, IntCompare_SGE
, IntCompare_UGE
, IntCompare_SLT
, IntCompare_ULT
, IntCompare_SLE
, IntCompare_ULE
, ByteCompare_EQ
, ByteCompare_NE
, ByteCompare_LT
, ByteCompare_LE
, ByteCompare_GT
, ByteCompare_GE
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LLVMJIT */
// Forward external declaractions
class PCodeOperand;
class PCodeInst;
class PCodeBlock;
class PCodeCfg;
class PCodePredicateGroup;
class NExTempListEntry ;
typedef NAList<PCodeOperand*> OPLIST;
typedef NAList<PCodeBlock*> BLOCKLIST;
typedef NAList<PCodeInst*> INSTLIST;
typedef NAList<PCodePredicateGroup*> GROUPLIST;
typedef NAList<NExTempListEntry*> NExTEMPSLIST ;
typedef NAArray<PCodeBlock*> BLOCKARRAY;
ULng32 collIndexHashFunc2(const CollIndex & o);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Macros
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_ALL(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
for (indx=0; indx < allBlocks_->entries(); indx++) { \
PCBlk = allBlocks_->at(indx); \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
FOREACH_BLOCK_ALL(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx)
#define ENDFE_BLOCK \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_FAST(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
for (indx=0; indx < allBlocks_->entries(); indx++) { \
PCBlk = allBlocks_->at(indx); \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (PCBlk->getPreds().isEmpty() && (PCBlk != entryBlock_)) \
continue; \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_DFO_AT(e, PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
BLOCKARRAY _list(heap_); \
PCodeBlock* _entry = entryBlock_; \
entryBlock_ = e; \
getBlocksInDFO(_list); \
entryBlock_ = _entry; \
for (indx=0; indx < _list.entries(); indx++) { \
PCBlk = _list[indx]; \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_DFO(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
BLOCKARRAY _list(heap_); \
getBlocksInDFO(_list); \
for (indx=0; indx < _list.entries(); indx++) { \
PCBlk = _list[indx]; \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_REV_DFO_AT(e,PCBlk,firstPCInst,lastPCInst,indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
BLOCKARRAY _list(heap_); \
PCodeBlock* _entry = entryBlock_; \
entryBlock_ = e; \
getBlocksInDFO(_list); \
entryBlock_ = _entry; \
for (indx=_list.entries(); indx > 0; indx--) { \
PCBlk = _list[indx-1]; \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_REV_DFO(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
BLOCKARRAY _list(heap_); \
getBlocksInDFO(_list); \
for (indx=_list.entries(); indx > 0; indx--) { \
PCBlk = _list[indx-1]; \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_BLOCK_BACKWARDS(PCBlk, firstPCInst, lastPCInst, indx) \
{ PCodeBlock* PCBlk; \
PCodeInst* firstPCInst; \
PCodeInst* lastPCInst; \
CollIndex indx; \
for (indx=allBlocks_->entries()-1;(Int32)indx>=0;indx--) { \
PCBlk = allBlocks_->at(indx); \
firstPCInst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); \
lastPCInst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); \
if (PCBlk->getPreds().isEmpty() && (PCBlk != entryBlock_)) \
continue; \
if (firstPCInst == NULL) { \
assert (lastPCInst == NULL); \
/*continue;*/ \
#define FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK(PCBlk, inst) \
{ PCodeInst* inst; \
PCodeInst* _next; \
for (inst = PCBlk->getFirstInst(); inst; inst = _next) { \
_next = inst->next;
_next = inst;
#define FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK_AT(PCBlk, inst, start) \
{ PCodeInst* inst; \
PCodeInst* _next; \
for (inst = start; inst; inst = _next) { \
_next = inst->next;
_next = inst;
{ PCodeInst* inst; \
PCodeInst* _prev; \
for (inst = PCBlk->getLastInst(); inst; inst = _prev) { \
_prev = inst->prev;
_prev = inst;
#define FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK_BACKWARDS_AT(PCBlk, inst, start) \
{ PCodeInst* inst; \
PCodeInst* _prev; \
for (inst = start; inst; inst = _prev) { \
_prev = inst->prev;
_prev = inst;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define TRIGGER_COUNT 5000
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PCodePredicateGroup
// This class represents a predicate group used to encapsulate predicates seen
// in SCAN expressions. It consists of 1 or more PCodeBlocks within a list.
// All operations in terms swapping and costing, for both static and dynamic
// predicate reordering, are defined here.
class PCodePredicateGroup
CollHeap* heap_; // Heap used for all memory allocation
BLOCKLIST predicates_; // List of predicate blocks comprising this group
Int64 cost_; // Cost associated with this group
Int64 takenCount_; // Early-exit counts for this group
Int64 seenCount_; // Total seen counts for this group
OPLIST reads_; // Read operands not defined in group
OPLIST writes_; // Write operands defined in group and used by
// another group.
PCodePredicateGroup(CollHeap* heap,
PCodeBlock* member,
NABoolean isStatic,
PCodeCfg* cfg);
~PCodePredicateGroup() {}
// Get list of predicate blocks
BLOCKLIST& getPredicateBlocks() { return predicates_; }
// Get last predicate block
PCodeBlock* getLastPredBlock() { return predicates_[predicates_.entries()-1];}
// Get first predicate block
PCodeBlock* getFirstPredBlock() { return predicates_[0]; }
// Get the major selectivity of this group
float getSelectivity(NABoolean isStatic);
// Get the minor selectivity of this group
float getMinorSelectivity(NABoolean isStatic);
// Get the cost of this group
Int64 getCost() { return cost_; }
// Set the costs and counters for the unit headed by this predicate group.
void setCost(GROUPLIST& unit, NABoolean isStatic);
// Reset counts of predicate groups based on their placement in the unit
void adjustCost(GROUPLIST& unit);
// Get the taken count of this group
Int64 getTakenCount() { return takenCount_; }
// Get the seen count of this group
Int64 getSeenCount() { return seenCount_; }
// Set the taken count of this group
void setTakenCount(Int64 count) { takenCount_ = count; }
// Set the seen count of this group
void setSeenCount(Int64 count) { seenCount_ = count; }
// Return the reads operand list
OPLIST& getReads() { return reads_; }
// Return the writes operand list
OPLIST& getWrites() { return writes_; }
// Add a read operand to the reads list
void addRead(PCodeOperand* i) { reads_.insert(i); }
// Add a write operand to the writes list
void addWrite(PCodeOperand* i) { writes_.insert(i); }
// Print group
void print();
// Determines if the block qualifies as being a predicate
static NABoolean isPredicateBlock(PCodeBlock* block);
// Mark those predicate groups in the allGroups list which are not PIC
void identifyPICGroups(PCodeCfg* cfg, CollHeap* heap, GROUPLIST& allGroups);
// Determines if any swapping can be done between predicate groups in the
// passed in unit, starting from head to tail.
NABoolean containsXBlock(GROUPLIST& unit, CollIndex head, CollIndex tail);
// Swap this predicate group's position in the evaluation order with the
// child predicate group passed in. Also indicate if the child block passed
// in is adjacent.
void swap(PCodePredicateGroup* down, NABoolean adjacent);
// Recursive function to find units, headed by this predicate group, and swap
// them accordingly.
NABoolean findUnits(GROUPLIST& unit, GROUPLIST& workList,
NABoolean& swapPerformed, NABoolean isStatic);
// Determines if this group dominates the passed in group
NABoolean dominates(PCodePredicateGroup* sibling);
// Destroy all basic predicate groups in the passed in list of groups
void destroy(GROUPLIST& allGroups);
// PCodeConstants
// This class serves to represent constants used in pcode. Two flavors of
// constant tracking are maintained here. The first is a bit-vector
// implementation where only 0, 1, and -1 constants are tracked. These
// constants are heavily used in pcode (e.g. null indicators, TRUE, and FALSE).
// The bit-vector implmentation allows for fast data-flow analysis to be
// performed. The defined routines operate on bit vectors, where the element
// position represents the operand, and the bit set or unset represents whether
// or not that operand is a known constant. A special constant (value 2)
// indicates that the operand is neither 0, 1, or -1.
// The second use of this class is to maintain and organize all general
// constants (strings, numerics, floats, etc). The primary goal here is to
// prevent duplicate constant generation (or stated differently, to reuse
// already allocated constants). This is useful during optimizations such as
// common sub-expression elimination, and is also important for good space
// allocation.
class PCodeConstants
// General constant tracking routines
void* data_; // Pointer to data
Int32 len_; // Length of data
Int32 align_; // Alignment of data
friend ULng32 constHashFunc(const PCodeConstants& c);
// Two constants are equal if their lengths, alignment, and data are the same.
NABoolean operator==(const PCodeConstants& other) const {
if (other.len_ != len_)
return FALSE;
if (other.align_ != align_)
return FALSE;
if ((other.data_ == data_) || (memcmp(other.data_, data_, len_) == 0))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void* getData() { return data_; }
Int32 getLen() { return len_; }
Int32 getAlign() { return align_; }
PCodeConstants (void* data, Int32 len, Int32 align) {
data_ = data;
len_ = len;
align_ = align;
// Constant tracking routines for 0, 1, or -1
static const Int32 UNKNOWN_CONSTANT = 2;
// Is the passed in constant a 0, 1, or -1
static NABoolean isQualifiedConstant(Int64 constant);
// Can the passed in operand be 0, 1, or -1
static NABoolean isAnyKnownConstant(CollIndex operandIndex,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
// Reset the passed in operand for each of the constant vectors, making it an
// unknown constant
static void clearConstantVectors(CollIndex operandIndex,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
// Return 0, 1, or -1, if the passed in constant is known. Return 2 otherwise
static Int32 getConstantValue(CollIndex bvIndex,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
// Copy the constant information known for bvIndexFrom into bvIndexTo.
static Int32 copyConstantVectors(CollIndex bvIndexFrom,
CollIndex bvIndexTo,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
// Merge the constant vectors together and fold results back into newZeroes,
// newOnes, and newNeg1.
static void mergeConstantVectors(NABitVector& newZeroes,
NABitVector& newOnes,
NABitVector& newNeg1,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
// Modify the constant vectors so that the passed in operand index is
// associated with the passed in constant.
static void setConstantInVectors(Int32 constant,
CollIndex bvIndex,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
// Can this operand have the value 1?
static NABoolean canBeOne(CollIndex bvIndex, NABitVector& ones);
// Can this operand have the value 0?
static NABoolean canBeZero(CollIndex bvIndex, NABitVector& zeroes);
// Can this operand have the value -1?
static NABoolean canBeNeg1(CollIndex bvIndex, NABitVector& neg1);
// NullTriple
// This class represents a null indicator operand, complete with the atp,
// index, and offset params. Hash and equality functions are decalred for use
// in a hash table representing all known null indicators. This is currently
// done only for the EXPLODED format
class NullTriple
Int32 atp_; // Atp of null indicator
Int32 idx_; // Tupp index of null indicator
Int32 off_; // Column offset of null indicator
friend ULng32 nullTripleHashFunc(const NullTriple& o);
NABoolean operator==(const NullTriple& other) const {
return ((other.off_ == off_) && (other.idx_ == idx_) &&
(other.atp_ == atp_));
NullTriple(Int32 atp, Int32 idx, Int32 off) {
atp_ = atp;
idx_ = idx;
off_ = off;
// ReachDefs
class ReachDefsTable
class ReachDefsElem
CollIndex bvIndex_; // Index of operand that reaches
PCodeInst* inst_; // Inst defining operand that reaches
ReachDefsElem* next_; // Pointer to next hash table chain element
ReachDefsElem (CollIndex b, PCodeInst* i) {
bvIndex_ = b;
inst_ = i;
next_ = NULL;
ReachDefsElem (ReachDefsElem* copy) {
bvIndex_ = copy->bvIndex_;
inst_ = copy->inst_;
next_ = copy->next_;
// Constructor
ReachDefsTable(CollHeap* heap, CollIndex size) {
assert(size > 0);
size_ = size;
heap_ = heap;
rDefIn_ = new(heap_) ReachDefsElem*[size_];
rDefOut_ = new(heap_) ReachDefsElem*[size_];
rDefVec_ = new(heap_) NABitVector(heap_);
str_pad((char*)rDefIn_, size_ * sizeof(ReachDefsElem*), 0);
str_pad((char*)rDefOut_, size_ * sizeof(ReachDefsElem*), 0);
// Destructor
~ReachDefsTable() { destroy(); }
// Copy incoming hash table into in/out table
Int32 copy(ReachDefsElem** tabToCopy, NABoolean isInTab);
// Merge incoming hash table into in/out table
Int32 merge(ReachDefsElem** tabToMerge, NABoolean isInTab);
// Find reaching operand in in/out table
PCodeInst* find(CollIndex bv, NABoolean isInTab);
// Find reaching operand in in/out table - search Out, then In
PCodeInst* find(CollIndex bv);
// Insert reaching operand into in/out table
NABoolean insert(CollIndex bv, PCodeInst* inst, NABoolean isInTab);
// Remove a reaching operand from in/out table
void remove(CollIndex bv, NABoolean isInTab);
// Deallocate space used by the hash tables
void destroy();
// Accessors
ReachDefsElem** getRDefIn() { return rDefIn_; }
ReachDefsElem** getRDefOut() { return rDefOut_; }
NABitVector* getRDefVec() { return rDefVec_; }
CollIndex getSize() { return size_; }
ReachDefsElem** rDefIn_; // Hash table for ops that reach in
ReachDefsElem** rDefOut_; // Differential hash table for ops that reach out
NABitVector* rDefVec_; // Bit vector used for faster search of reach defs
CollHeap* heap_; // Heap needed for allocation
CollIndex size_; // Fixed size of hash table
// PCodeOperand
// This class represents an operand of a pcode instruction. At it's core is
// a set of member variables describing the pcode stack index and offset values
// for the operand. There are, however, many other fields to accurately
// identify and distinguish this operand from others. There are also hash
// and equality functions used for inserting this operand into a hash table.
class PCodeOperand
// Position of stack index in pcode
Int32 stackIndexPos_;
// Position of offset in pcode
Int32 offsetPos_;
// Stack index of operand
Int32 stackIndex_;
// Offset of operand
Int32 offset_;
// Potential null bit index of operand
Int32 nullBitIndex_;
// Operand type
PCIT::AddressingMode operandType_;
// Bit vector index for this operand
Int32 bvIndex_;
// Length of operand
Int32 len_;
// Position of varchar voaOffset
signed char voaOffsetPos_;
// Position of varchar vc indicator offset
signed char vcLenIndicatorOffPos_;
// Varchar indicator len;
signed char vcIndicatorLen_;
// Varchar null indicator len;
signed char vcNullIndicatorLen_;
// Varchar voaOffset
Int32 voaOffset_;
// Varchar vc indicator offset
Int32 vcLenIndicatorOff_;
// Varchar maxLen;
Int32 vcMaxLen_;
* Native Expr Related
jit_value_t jitValue_; // Actual value of operand
jit_value_t jitValuePtr_; // Pointer to operand
jit_type_t jitType_; // Type of operand
PCodeBlock * jitValueBlock_; // Block where jitValue_ of operand was last defined
PCodeBlock * jitValuePtrBlock_; // Block where jitValuePtr_ of operand was last defined
// Hash function used to insert operand bv element into hash table
friend ULng32 operandHashFunc(const PCodeOperand& o);
friend ULng32 collIndexHashFunc(const CollIndex & o);
// Operator equals function to compare two operand bv elements
NABoolean operator==(const PCodeOperand& other) const {
return ((other.stackIndex_ == stackIndex_) && (other.offset_ == offset_) &&
(other.nullBitIndex_ == nullBitIndex_) &&
(other.voaOffset_ == voaOffset_));
// Constructor I
PCodeOperand(Int32 stackIndex,
Int32 offset,
Int32 nullBitIndex,
Int32 voaOffset) :
* Native Expr Related
jitValue_ = NULL;
jitValuePtr_ = NULL;
jitValueBlock_ = NULL;
jitValuePtrBlock_ = NULL;
// Constructor II
PCodeOperand(Int32 stackIndex,
Int32 offset,
Int32 nullBitIndex,
Int32 stackIndexPos,
Int32 offsetPos,
Int32 bvIndex,
PCIT::AddressingMode opType,
Int32 len,
Int32 voaOffset) :
* Native Expr Related
jitValue_ = NULL;
jitValuePtr_ = NULL;
jitValueBlock_ = NULL;
jitValuePtrBlock_ = NULL;
// Get stack index
Int32 getStackIndex() { return stackIndex_; }
// Get offset
Int32 getOffset() { return offset_; }
// Get null bit index
Int32 getNullBitIndex() { return nullBitIndex_; }
NABoolean forAlignedFormat() { return (nullBitIndex_ != -1); }
// Get pcode position of stack index
Int32 getStackIndexPos() { return stackIndexPos_; }
// Get pcode position of offset
Int32 getOffsetPos() { return offsetPos_; }
// Get the type of the operand
PCIT::AddressingMode getType() { return operandType_; }
// Set the type of the operand
void setType(PCIT::AddressingMode type) { operandType_ = type; }
// Get the len of the operand
Int32 getLen() { return len_; }
// Set the len of the operand
void setLen(Int32 len) { len_ = len; }
// Get the alignment of the operand
Int32 getAlign();
// Varchar related functionality
signed char getVoaOffsetPos() { return voaOffsetPos_; }
signed char getVcLenIndicatorOffPos() { return vcLenIndicatorOffPos_; }
Int32 getVoaOffset() { return voaOffset_; }
Int32 getVcLenIndicatorOff() { return vcLenIndicatorOff_; }
Int32 getVcMaxLen() { return vcMaxLen_; }
signed char getVcIndicatorLen() { return vcIndicatorLen_; }
signed char getVcNullIndicatorLen() { return vcNullIndicatorLen_; }
void setVoaOffsetPos(signed char pos) { voaOffsetPos_ = pos; }
void setVcLenIndicatorOffPos(signed char pos) { vcLenIndicatorOffPos_ = pos; }
void setVoaOffset(Int32 off) { voaOffset_ = off; }
void setVcLenIndicatorOff(Int32 off) { vcLenIndicatorOff_ = off; }
void setVcMaxLen(Int32 len) { vcMaxLen_ = len; }
void setVcIndicatorLen(signed char len) { vcIndicatorLen_ = len; }
void setVcNullIndicatorLen(signed char len) { vcNullIndicatorLen_ = len; }
void setVarcharFields(signed char voaOffsetPos,
signed char vcLenIndicatorOffPos,
Int32 voaOffset,
Int32 vcLenIndicatorOff,
Int32 vcMaxLen,
signed char vcNullIndicatorLen,
signed char vcIndicatorLen) {
voaOffsetPos_ = voaOffsetPos;
vcLenIndicatorOffPos_ = vcLenIndicatorOffPos;
voaOffset_ = voaOffset;
vcLenIndicatorOff_ = vcLenIndicatorOff;
vcMaxLen_ = vcMaxLen;
vcNullIndicatorLen_ = vcNullIndicatorLen;
vcIndicatorLen_ = vcIndicatorLen;
NABoolean hasSameLength(PCodeOperand* op1) {
if (getType() != op1->getType()) {
// If types don't match, the operands may not be "identical". As of
// today, this can only happen between bignums and largeints.
if (((getType() == PCIT::MBIGS) && (op1->getType() == PCIT::MBIN64S)) ||
((getType() == PCIT::MBIN64S) && (op1->getType() == PCIT::MBIGS)))
return FALSE;
if (hasKnownLen() && op1->hasKnownLen())
return (getLen() == op1->getLen());
if (isVarchar() && op1->isVarchar())
return (getVcMaxLen() == op1->getVcMaxLen());
return FALSE;
NABoolean hasKnownLen() { return (len_ != -1); }
NABoolean canOverlap(PCodeOperand* oper);
// Get the bit vector index for this operand
Int32 getBvIndex() { return bvIndex_; }
// Public accessor to return jitValue_ for this operand
jit_value_t getCurrJitVal() { return jitValue_ ; }
// Copy constructor
PCodeOperand* copy(CollHeap* heap)
PCodeOperand* operand =
new(heap) PCodeOperand(stackIndex_,
#if 0
#if NExprDbgLvl >= VV_XD
printf("ZZZ In COPY Constructor(): allocated new PCodeOperand at %p, AM=%d\n", operand, operand->getType() );
return operand;
// Is operand an empty varchar
NABoolean isEmptyVarchar() { return (isVarchar() && (getVcMaxLen() == 0)); }
// Is operand a garbage value
NABoolean isGarbage() { return (stackIndex_ == 0); }
// Is operand a constant
NABoolean isConst() { return (stackIndex_ == 1); }
// Is operand a temp
NABoolean isTemp() { return (stackIndex_ == 2); }
// Is operand a variable
NABoolean isVar() { return (stackIndex_ > 2); }
// Is operand a varchar
NABoolean isVarchar() { return (vcIndicatorLen_ > 0); }
// Is operand an indirect varchar
NABoolean isIndirectVarchar() { return isVarchar() && (offset_ == -1); }
// Is operand an Unsigned type
NABoolean isUnsignedType() { return (operandType_ == PCIT::MBIN16U) ||
(operandType_ == PCIT::MBIN32U) ||
(operandType_ == PCIT::MDECU) ||
(operandType_ == PCIT::MBIGU) ; }
void print( PCodeCfg * cfg );
* Native Expr Related
// Is operand a temp that needs to be allocated in memory?
NABoolean isNonNativeTemp() {
// Only bignums and strings are supported for now.
return (isTemp() &&
((getType() == PCIT::MBIGS) ||
(getType() == PCIT::MATTR5)));
jit_value_t getJitValue( PCodeCfg * cfg
, IRBldr_t * Builder
, jit_type_t type
, PCodeBlock * b
, PCodeOperand * orig
, NABoolean noSaveJitVals
void setJitValue(PCodeCfg* cfg, IRBldr_t *, jit_value_t val,
PCodeBlock* b, NABoolean noSaveJitVals);
void clearJitValues(PCodeCfg* cfg);
jit_type_t getJitType( PCodeCfg * cfg,
PCIT::AddressingMode oprTyp = PCIT::AM_NONE );
void storeJitValue( PCodeCfg * cfg
, IRBldr_t * Builder
, jit_type_t type
, jit_value_t val
, PCodeBlock *
, jit_value_t * len
, NABoolean noSaveJitVals
void storeNullJitValueAndBranch( PCodeCfg * cfg,
IRBldr_t * Builder,
jit_value_t value,
p_IR_block_t targetLabel,
NABoolean forComp,
PCodeBlock * b );
void allocJitValue( PCodeCfg * cfg
, IRBldr_t * Bldr
, PCIT::AddressingMode OprTyp
, Int32 Len
, Int32 Num
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LLVMJIT */
jit_value_t getJitValue(PCodeCfg* cfg,
jit_function_t func,
jit_type_t type,
PCodeBlock* b,
PCodeOperand* orig,
NABoolean noSaveJitVals);
void setJitValue(PCodeCfg* cfg, jit_function_t, jit_value_t val,
PCodeBlock* b, NABoolean noSaveJitVals);
void clearJitValues(PCodeCfg* cfg);
jit_type_t getJitType();
void storeJitValue(PCodeCfg*, jit_function_t, jit_type_t, jit_value_t val,
PCodeBlock*, jit_value_t* len, NABoolean noSaveJitVals);
void storeNullJitValueAndBranch(PCodeCfg*, jit_function_t, jit_value_t,
jit_label_t*, NABoolean comp, PCodeBlock* b);
PCodeBlock* getJitValueBlock() { return jitValueBlock_; }
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LIBJIT */
// PCodeInst
// This class represent a single pcode instruction. Included in this
// representation is a classification of it's operands, as well as a pointer
// to the pcode bytstream of this pcode instruction.
class PCodeInst
CollHeap* heap_; // Passed in from cfg (create operands with)
Space* space_; // Passed in from cfg (create pcode insts with)
OPLIST readOps; // List of read operands
OPLIST writeOps; // List of write operands
Int32 cost_; // Cost of instruction
PCodeBinary * code; // Pointer to pcode inst data
PCodeInst* prev; // Pointer to previous PCodeInst
PCodeInst* next; // Pointer to next PCodeInst
PCodeBlock* block; // Pointer to block containing this instruction
ex_clause* clause_; // Clause pointer associated with this instruction
Int32 opdataLen_; // If inst is opdata, this is operand length
NABitVector liveVector_; // Live vector
// Operator equals function to compare two operand bv elements
NABoolean operator==(const PCodeInst& other) const {
return (&other == this);
PCodeInst(CollHeap* heap) :
cost_(1) {}
PCodeInst(CollHeap* heap, Space* space, PCIT::Instruction inst) :
PCodeBinary c = inst;
Int32 length = PCode::getInstructionLength(&c);
code = (space_) ? new(space_) PCodeBinary[length] : new(heap_) PCodeBinary[length];
code[0] = inst;
void destroy();
NABoolean isEqComp();
NABoolean isIntEqComp();
NABoolean isFloatEqComp();
NABoolean isStringEqComp();
NABoolean isVarcharNullBranch();
NABoolean isNullBitmap();
NABoolean isCopyMove();
NABoolean isSwitch();
NABoolean isInListSwitch();
NABoolean isMove();
NABoolean isMoveToBignum();
NABoolean isConstMove();
NABoolean isBranch();
NABoolean isNullBranch();
NABoolean isBulkNullBranch();
NABoolean isLogicalBranch();
NABoolean isAnyLogicalBranch();
NABoolean isLogicalCountedBranch();
NABoolean isOpdata();
NABoolean isEncode();
NABoolean isDecode();
NABoolean isRange();
NABoolean isHash();
NABoolean isVarcharInstThatSupportsFixedCharOps();
NABoolean isUncBranch() { return (getOpcode() == PCIT::BRANCH); }
NABoolean isClauseEval() { return (getOpcode() == PCIT::CLAUSE_EVAL); }
NABoolean isIndirectBranch() {
return (getOpcode() == PCIT::BRANCH_INDIRECT_MBIN32S);
NABoolean mayFailIfNull();
// Routines for setting up the pcode array for certain instructions
void setupPcodeForVarcharMove(PCodeOperand* tgt, PCodeOperand* src);
void replaceOperand(PCodeOperand* oldSrc, PCodeOperand* newSrc);
// Accessor routines for counters used by logical branches
void setTriggerCount(UInt32 count) { code[2] = count; }
void setSeenCount(UInt32 count) { code[7] = count; }
void setTakenCount(UInt32 count) { code[8] = count; }
void clearCounters() { setSeenCount(0); setTakenCount(0); }
UInt32 getTriggerCount() { return code[2]; }
UInt32 getSeenCount() { return code[7]; }
UInt32 getTakenCount() { return code[8]; }
PCIT::Instruction generateInt64MoveOpc(PCIT::AddressingMode am);
PCIT::Instruction generateFloat64MoveOpc(PCIT::AddressingMode am);
Int32 generateCopyMoveOpc(PCIT::AddressingMode);
NABoolean containsIndirectVarcharOperand();
void getBranchTargetOffsetPointers(NAList<PCodeBinary*>*, PCodeCfg* cfg);
void getBranchTargetPointers(NAList<Long*>*, PCodeCfg* cfg);
void getBranchTargets(NAList<Int32>*, PCodeCfg* cfg);
void modifyOperandsForVarchar(PCodeCfg* cfg);
Int32 getCost() { return cost_; }
void setCost(Int32 cost) { cost_ = cost; }
void print(PCodeCfg*, NABoolean debugFlag);
Int32 getOpcode() { return code[0]; }
OPLIST& getROps() { return readOps; }
OPLIST& getWOps() { return writeOps; }
// TODO: Maybe remove operands here as well
void reloadOperands(PCodeCfg* cfg);
// PCodeBlock
// This class represents a block of PCodeInst pointers. A block is a sequence
// of instructions where control flow can only enter from the top and exit from
// the bottom.
class PCodeBlock
CollHeap* heap_; // Heap used for memory allocation
PCodeInst* first_; // First instruction in block
PCodeInst* last_; // Last instruction in block
NABoolean visitedFlag_; // Flag used to indicate if block has been visited
Int32 blockNum_; // Block number for identification
Int32 blockTopOffset_; // Physical offset of block upon entry
Int32 blockBottomOffset_; // Physical offset of block upon exit
BLOCKLIST succsList_; // List of successor blocks
BLOCKLIST predsList_; // List of predecessor blocks
PCodeCfg* cfg_; // Pointer to containing cfg
Int32 cost_; // Cost of block
NABitVector liveVector; // Live vector
jit_label_t jitLabel_; // Jit label for block
p_IR_block_t p_IR_Block_ ; // Ptr to starting IR block for this PCode block
NABitVector onesVector; // Ones constant vector
NABitVector zeroesVector; // Zeroes constant vector
NABitVector neg1Vector; // Neg1 constant vector
friend ULng32 collIndexHashFunc2(const CollIndex & o);
ReachDefsTable* reachingDefsTab_;
NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeInst>* reachingDefsTableIn_;
NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeInst>* reachingDefsTableOut_;
// Constructor
PCodeBlock(Int32 blockNum,
PCodeInst* first,
CollHeap *heap,
PCodeCfg* cfg)
: blockNum_(blockNum),
reachingDefsTableIn_ = new(heap_) NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeInst>
(&collIndexHashFunc2, 10, TRUE, heap_);
reachingDefsTableOut_ = new(heap_) NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeInst>
(&collIndexHashFunc2, 10, TRUE, heap_);
jitLabel_ = jit_label_undefined;
p_IR_Block_ = IR_block_undefined;
// Destructor
~PCodeBlock() {}
NABoolean isEntryBlock();
void setToEntryBlock();
NABoolean isExitBlock()
return (last_ && ((last_->getOpcode() == PCIT::RETURN) ||
(last_->getOpcode() == PCIT::RETURN_IBIN32S)));
Int32 getCost() { return cost_; }
void setCost(Int32 cost) { cost_ = cost; }
void setFirstInst(PCodeInst* first) { first_ = first; }
void setLastInst(PCodeInst* last) { last_ = last; }
void setVisitedFlag(NABoolean flag) { visitedFlag_ = flag; }
void setBlockTopOffset(Int32 offset) { blockTopOffset_ = offset; }
void setBlockBottomOffset(Int32 offset) { blockBottomOffset_ = offset; }
PCodeInst* getFirstInst() { return first_; }
PCodeInst* getLastInst() { return last_; }
NABoolean getVisitedFlag() { return visitedFlag_; }
Int32 getBlockTopOffset() { return blockTopOffset_; }
Int32 getBlockBottomOffset() { return blockBottomOffset_; }
Int32 getBlockNum() { return blockNum_; }
PCodeOperand* isIndirectBranchCandidate(PCodeBlock* headBlock,
PCodeOperand* var,
NABoolean forInList);
NABitVector& getLiveVector() { return liveVector; }
NABoolean isOperandLiveInSuccs(PCodeOperand* op) {
CollIndex i, bvIndex = op->getBvIndex();
for (i=0; i < getSuccs().entries(); i++) {
PCodeBlock* succ = getSuccs()[i];
if (succ->getLiveVector().testBit(bvIndex))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void addSucc(PCodeBlock* succBlock) { succsList_.insert(succBlock); }
void addPred(PCodeBlock* predBlock) { predsList_.insert(predBlock); }
void removeSucc(PCodeBlock* succBlock) { succsList_.remove(succBlock); }
void removePred(PCodeBlock* predBlock) { predsList_.remove(predBlock); }
void addEdge(PCodeBlock* succBlock) {
void removeEdge(PCodeBlock* succBlock) {
void addFallThroughEdge(PCodeBlock* succBlock)
succsList_.insertAt(0, succBlock);
PCodeInst* insertNewInstBefore(PCodeInst* inst, PCIT::Instruction instr);
PCodeInst* insertNewInstAfter(PCodeInst* inst, PCIT::Instruction instr);
PCodeInst* insertInstBefore(PCodeInst* inst, PCodeInst* newInst);
PCodeInst* insertInstAfter(PCodeInst* inst, PCodeInst* newInst);
void deleteInst(PCodeInst* inst);
BLOCKLIST& getSuccs() { return succsList_; }
BLOCKLIST& getPreds() { return predsList_; }
// Find def (if one exists) starting at the inst *before* start. Perform
// globally if selected to do so.
PCodeInst* findDef(PCodeInst* start, PCodeOperand* operand, NABoolean global);
// Setup cseList for insts in this block, creating the list if necessary
void setupForCSE(INSTLIST** cseList, NABoolean createNewList);
// Determine if this block qualifies for short-circuiting
NABoolean doesBlockQualifyForShortCircuit();
// The first edge of a succs list is always the fall-through block. If,
// however, were dealing with an unconditional branch, then its target block
// is represented by the first edge. Otherwise, the target block is always
// the second element.
PCodeBlock* getTargetBlock()
assert (!last_->isIndirectBranch());
return (last_->isUncBranch() ? succsList_[0] : succsList_[1]);
NABoolean branchesTo(PCodeBlock* block) {
if (last_ && last_->isBranch() && (getTargetBlock() == block))
return TRUE;
if (last_ && last_->isIndirectBranch()) {
for (CollIndex i=0; i < getSuccs().entries(); i++)
if (getSuccs()[i] == block)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
PCodeBlock* determineTargetBlock(NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
PCodeInst* reduceBranch(PCodeBlock* to,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
void fixupConstantVectors(PCodeBlock* targetBlock,
NABitVector& newZeroes,
NABitVector& newOnes,
NABitVector& newNeg1);
void mergeConstantVectors(NABitVector& newZeroes,
NABitVector& newOnes,
NABitVector& newNeg1,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
PCodeBlock* getFallThroughBlock() { return succsList_[0]; }
NABoolean isEmpty() { return (first_ == NULL); }
NABoolean print(NABoolean debugFlag);
* Native Expr Related
jit_label_t* getJitLabel() { return &jitLabel_; };
// NOTE: LIBJIT has a concept of being able to "branch to a label", but
// with LLVM, you must branch to the beginning of an IR block.
// Hence the change in the name of this routine as well as the return value.
p_IR_block_t * getJitBlkLbl() { return &p_IR_Block_ ; };
// PCodeCfg
// This class represents a Control Flow Graph (CFG) of a particular pcode
// implemented expression. This class is responsible for optimizing the passed
// in sequence of pcode bytestream if and when possible.
class PCodeCfg
// Expression to optimize
ex_expr* expr_;
// Heap and space pointers
CollHeap* heap_;
CollHeap* origHeap_;
CollHeap* rDefsHeap_;
Space* space_;
// Atp and AtpIndex maps
Int32* atpMap_;
Int32* atpIndexMap_;
// Entry block for pcode sequence
PCodeBlock* entryBlock_;
// Pointer to all blocks created
BLOCKLIST* allBlocks_;
// Pointer to all instructions created
INSTLIST* allInsts_;
// Flags for cfg object
UInt32 flags_;
// What is the offset for the zero constant operand
Int32 zeroOffset_;
CollIndex maxBVIndex_;
Int32 maxBlockNum_;
struct {
Int32 hashCombCnt_;
Int32 nullBranchCnt_;
Int32 logicalBranchCnt_;
} counters_;
NAHashDictionary<NullTriple, Int32>* nullToPadMap_;
NAHashDictionary<PCodeOperand, CollIndex>* operandToIndexMap_;
NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeOperand>* indexToOperandMap_;
NAHashDictionary<ULong, PCodeBinary>* targets_;
NABitVector* ones_; // Ones constant vector
NABitVector* zeroes_; // Zeroes constant vector
NABitVector* neg1_; // Neg1 constant vector
NAHashDictionary<PCodeConstants, CollIndex>* constToOffsetMap_;
NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeConstants>* offsetToConstMap_;
Int32 newConstsAreaLen_;
// Optimization flags
UInt32 optFlags_;
static const Int32 COPY_PROP_MAX_RECURSION = 25;
* Native Expr Related
jit_value_t* jitParams_; // Array of incoming parameters to native expr.
// Ptrs to useful LLVM Constant Values
jit_value_t IR_Const_0_ ; // Has 32-bit 0 value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_1_ ; // Has 32-bit 1 value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_neg1_ ; // Has 32-bit -1 value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_16bit_0_ ; // Has 16-bit 0 value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_64bit_0_ ; // Has 64-bit 0 value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_OK_ ; // Has ex_expr::OK value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_TRUE_ ; // Has ex_expr::TRUE value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_FALSE_ ; // Has ex_expr::FALSE value.
jit_value_t IR_Const_ERR_ ; // Has ex_expr::ERROR value.
jit_value_t hashTableJitVal_ ;// Pointer to hash table at runtime
NABoolean jitFailureSeen_ ; // Flag to determine if a jit failure was seen.
jit_value_t pGlobTab_Val_ ;
jit_value_t atp1_Val_ ;
jit_value_t atp2_Val_ ;
jit_value_t ex_expr_p_Val_ ;
// Ptrs to useful LLVM Type objects. We put them in the PCodeCfg object
// so they can be referenced from any of the Native Expression methods.
jit_type_t int8Ty_ ;
jit_type_t int16Ty_ ;
jit_type_t int32Ty_ ;
jit_type_t int64Ty_ ;
jit_type_t int8PtrTy_ ;
jit_type_t int16PtrTy_ ;
jit_type_t int32PtrTy_ ;
jit_type_t int64PtrTy_ ;
jit_type_t int1PtrTy_ ; // Used like old JIT's void ptr
jit_type_t floatPtrTy_ ;
NExTEMPSLIST * NExTempsList_ ;
NExDbgInfo *NExDbgInfoPtr_ ; // Native Expr Dbg Info Pointer
Int32 NExprDbgLvl_ ; // Native Expr Debug Level
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LLVMJIT */
* Native Expr Related
jit_value_t* jitParams_; // Array of incoming parameters to native expr.
jit_value_t zeroJitVal_; // Has 0 value.
jit_value_t oneJitVal_; // Has 1 value.
jit_value_t neg1JitVal_; // Has -1 value.
jit_value_t okJitVal_; // Has ex_expr::OK value.
jit_value_t tJitVal_; // Has ex_expr::TRUE value.
jit_value_t fJitVal_; // Has ex_expr::FALSE value.
jit_value_t hashTableJitVal_; // Pointer to hash table at runtime
NABoolean jitFailureSeen_; // Flag to determine if a jit failure was seen.
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LIBJIT */
enum {
enum {
CSE = 0x8,
BULK_MOVE = 0x100,
BULK_HASH = 0x800,
OPT_PCODE_CACHE_DISABLED = 0x1000, // If ON, PCode Expr Cache is disabled.
EXPR_CACHE_CMP_ONLY = 0x2000, // Compare-Only mode [for testing purposes only]
// Static const variables used in indirect branch optimization to signify a
// an invalid value for equality comparisons. It's used to identify a missing
// value in the constants lookup table for this optimization.
static const Int32 INVALID_INT32 = 0xFEFEFEFE;
// Static const variables used.
static const Int32 MAX_NUM_PCODE_INSTS = 500;
static const Int32 MAX_HASHCOMB_BULK_OPERANDS = 100;
// Friend classes
// friend ULng32 targetHashFunc(const Int32 & o);
// Constructor Routines
PCodeCfg(ex_expr* expr,
Int32* atpMap,
Int32* atpIndexMap,
CollHeap *heap,
Space * space)
: expr_(expr), space_(space), origHeap_(heap), rDefsHeap_(NULL),
operandToIndexMap_(NULL), targets_(NULL), entryBlock_(NULL),
maxBVIndex_(0), zeroOffset_(-1),
flags_(0), indexToOperandMap_(NULL),
atpIndexMap_(atpIndexMap), nullToPadMap_(NULL), newConstsAreaLen_(0),
constToOffsetMap_(NULL), offsetToConstMap_(NULL)
// Initialize heap_ to be a heap within the heap passed in, so that
// deallocation can be done quickly. If we're called from within EID,
// however, heap_ should just be the heap passed in.
heap_ = new(heap) NAHeap("Pcode", (NAHeap*)heap, (Lng32)32768);
allBlocks_ = new(heap) BLOCKLIST(heap_, 10);
allInsts_ = new(heap) INSTLIST(heap_, 20);
zeroes_ = new(heap) NABitVector(heap_);
ones_ = new(heap) NABitVector(heap_);
neg1_ = new(heap) NABitVector(heap_);
* Native Expr Related
jitParams_ = NULL;
jitFailureSeen_ = FALSE;
// Copy Native Expression Debug Level from the expr into the PCodeCfg
NExDbgInfoPtr_ = expr->getNExDbgInfoPtr() ;
if ( NExDbgInfoPtr_ &&
( NExDbgInfoPtr_ > (NExDbgInfo *)((long)(expr->getConstsLength())) )
NExprDbgLvl_ = NExDbgInfoPtr_->getNExDbgLvl() ;
NExprDbgLvl_ = 0 ;
// Constructor used only for showplan generation
PCodeCfg(ex_expr* expr,
CollHeap *heap)
: expr_(expr), space_(NULL), origHeap_(heap), rDefsHeap_(NULL),
atpMap_(NULL), atpIndexMap_(NULL), zeroOffset_(-1), maxBVIndex_(0),
constToOffsetMap_(NULL), offsetToConstMap_(NULL)
heap_ = (heap == NULL) ? heap : new(heap) NAHeap("Pcode");
allBlocks_ = new(heap) BLOCKLIST(heap_, 10);
allInsts_ = new(heap) INSTLIST(heap_, 20);
zeroes_ = new(heap) NABitVector(heap_);
ones_ = new(heap) NABitVector(heap_);
neg1_ = new(heap) NABitVector(heap_);
* Native Expr Related
jitParams_ = NULL;
jitFailureSeen_ = FALSE;
// Null out ptrs into Generator object as there is none for showplan
// expr->setNExDbgInfo(NULL);
NExDbgInfoPtr_ = NULL ;
NExprDbgLvl_ = 0 ;
// Destructor Routines
void destroy();
// Accessor Routines
PCodeBlock* getEntryBlock() { return entryBlock_; }
void setEntryBlock(PCodeBlock* block) { entryBlock_ = block; }
Int32 getNExprDbgLvl() { return NExprDbgLvl_ ; }
// Utility Routines
PCodeInst* createInst (PCIT::Instruction);
PCodeInst* createInst (PCIT::Instruction, Int32 length);
PCodeInst* copyInst (PCodeInst* inst);
PCodeBlock* createBlock ();
void deleteBlock(PCodeBlock* block);
void clearVisitedFlags();
// Setup Routines
NABoolean canPCodeBeOptimized( PCodeBinary * pCode
, NABoolean & pExprCacheable /* OUT */
, UInt32 & totalPCodeLen /* OUT */ );
void createCfg();
NABoolean createInsts (PCodeBinary* pcode);
NABoolean addOverlappingOperands(NABoolean detectOnly);
void addOperand (PCodeBinary*, OPLIST&, Int32, Int32, Int32,
PCIT::AddressingMode, Int32, Int32);
void loadOperandsOfInst (PCodeInst* newInst);
ex_clause* findClausePtr(PCodeInst* inst);
// Layout Routines
NABoolean layoutCode();
void createPhysList(BLOCKLIST& l);
void createPhysListRecurse(PCodeBlock* b, BLOCKLIST& l);
void assignBlockOffsetsAndFixup(BLOCKLIST& blockList);
// Optimization Analysis Routines
void computeDomTree();
void computeLiveness(NABoolean performDCE);
void computeReachingDefs(Int32 flags);
void removeReachingDefs();
void updateReachingDefs(PCodeBlock*, CollIndex, PCodeInst*, PCodeInst*);
// Depth-first order algorithms (post-order)
void getBlocksInDFO(BLOCKARRAY& list);
void getBlocksInDFORecursive(BLOCKARRAY& list, PCodeBlock* block);
// Dumping Routines
void printInsts(NABoolean debugFlag);
void printBlocks(const char* header, NABoolean debugFlag);
void printConstants();
// Showplan Routines
void generateShowPlan(PCodeBinary* pCode, Space* space);
// Optimization Routines
void runtimeOptimize();
void optimize();
void peepholeConstants();
void copyPropagation(Int32 phase, NABoolean reachDefsAvailable);
NABoolean constantPropagation(NABoolean doPeeling);
void constantFolding();
PCodeInst* constantFold(PCodeInst* inst, NABoolean rDefsAvailable);
void cfgRewiring(Int32 flags);
NABoolean deadCodeElimination();
NABoolean shortCircuitOpt(Int32 flags);
void codeMotion();
void flattenNullBranches();
void inlining();
NABoolean reorderPredicates(NABoolean isStatic);
NABoolean globalCSE();
void indirectBranchOpt(NABoolean forINList);
// Bulk optimizations
void bulkHashComb();
void bulkNullBitmap();
NABoolean bulkNullBranch();
NABoolean removeBulkNullBranch();
void bulkMove(NABoolean sameSizeMoves);
// Counters related
void initInstructionCounters() {
counters_.hashCombCnt_ = 0;
counters_.nullBranchCnt_ = 0;
counters_.logicalBranchCnt_ = 0;
// Optimization Helper Routines
CollIndex* createLookupTableForSwitch(OPLIST& constants,
BLOCKLIST& blocks,
UInt32& size,
NABoolean forInList);
NABoolean indirectBranchReqMet(PCodeInst*, PCodeOperand*, CollIndex);
NABoolean removeDuplicateBlocks(PCodeBlock* start);
PCodeInst* extendPaddedNullIndMoves(PCodeInst* moveInst);
PCodeBlock* copyCfg(PCodeBlock* start, PCodeBlock* end, PCodeBlock** map);
void initNullMapTable();
void initConstants();
NABoolean updateConstVectors(PCodeOperand* operand);
NABoolean removeOrRewriteDeadCodeInstruction(PCodeInst* inst);
void markReachableBlocks(PCodeBlock* block);
NABoolean cfgHasLoop();
PCodeInst* findHashInst(PCodeOperand* def, PCodeInst* start);
NABoolean copyPropBackwardsHelper(INSTLIST& list,
PCodeBlock* block,
PCodeInst* start,
PCodeOperand* moveTgt,
PCodeOperand* moveSrc,
Int32 level);
void copyPropForwardsHelper(PCodeBlock* block,
PCodeInst* start,
PCodeOperand* moveTgt,
PCodeOperand* moveSrc,
Int32 level);
NABoolean copyPropForwardsHelper2(PCodeInst* start,
PCodeOperand* useSrc,
PCodeOperand* moveSrc);
void shortCircuitOptHelper(PCodeBlock* block, NABitVector* bv,Int32 constant);
PCodeInst* shortCircuitConstantProp(PCodeBlock* block,
NABitVector* zeroes,
NABitVector* ones,
NABoolean* isBranchTaken);
NABoolean localConstantPropagation(PCodeBlock* block,
NABitVector& zeroes,
NABitVector& ones,
NABitVector& neg1);
void localCopyPropForPeeling(BLOCKLIST& blockList);
void localCodeMotion(PCodeBlock*);
void localDeadCodeElimination();
void reorderPredicatesHelper();
NABoolean doOperandsHaveSameDef(PCodeInst* head, PCodeInst* tail);
NABoolean doesInstQualifyForCSE(PCodeInst* inst);
void setupForCSE(INSTLIST** cseList);
NABoolean localCSE(INSTLIST** parent, PCodeBlock* tailBlock, NABoolean* rDef);
void destroyForCSE(INSTLIST** cseList);
// Temps Related
Int32 addTemp(Int32 size, Int32 alignment);
// Constants related
CollIndex* addConstant(void* data, Int32 len, Int32 alignment);
CollIndex* addConstant(PCodeOperand* op);
Int32 addNewIntConstant(Int64 value, Int32 alignment);
Int32 addNewFloatConstant(double value, Int32 alignment);
void* getPtrConstValue(PCodeOperand*);
Int64 getIntConstValue(PCodeOperand*);
char* getStringConstValue(PCodeOperand*, Int32* len);
double getFloatConstValue(PCodeOperand*);
void layoutConstants();
PCodeBlock* shortCircuitOptForBlock(PCodeBlock* block,
NABoolean assumeTaken,
NABoolean overlapFound,
const NABitVector& zeroesConst,
const NABitVector& onesConst,
const NABitVector& neg1Const);
// Accessor Routines
NAHashDictionary<CollIndex, PCodeOperand>* getMap() {
return indexToOperandMap_;
NAHashDictionary<PCodeOperand, CollIndex>* getOpToIndexMap() {
return operandToIndexMap_;
* Native Expr Related
// Offsets of globals and functions available at runtime in globals table.
enum {
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LIBJIT */
void layoutNativeCode(void);
void layoutNativeCode(Space* space); // used by showplan
NABoolean canGenerateNativeExpr();
jit_value_t* getJitParams() { return jitParams_; }
void jitProcessFloatExceptionCheck(jit_function_t f,
PCodeOperand* fRes,
jit_label_t* errorJitLabel,
PCodeBlock* block);
NABoolean jitProcessPredicate(PCodeInst* comp,
jit_function_t f,
jit_label_t* falseLabel,
jit_label_t* trueLabel,
NABoolean dumpTrueBlockFirst);
void genUnalignedMemset(jit_function_t f,
jit_value_t tgt,
Int32 val,
Int32 length);
void genUnalignedMemset( IRBldr_t * Builder,
jit_value_t tgt,
Int32 val,
Int32 length);
void genUnalignedMemcpy( IRBldr_t * Builder,
jit_value_t tgt,
jit_value_t src,
jit_value_t len,
Int32 constantLen);
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LLVMJIT */
void genUnalignedMemcpy(jit_function_t f,
jit_value_t tgt,
jit_value_t src,
jit_value_t len,
Int32 constantLen);
void genBignumSub(PCodeCfg* cfg,
jit_function_t f,
PCodeOperand* res,
jit_value_t src1,
jit_value_t src2,
jit_value_t sign1,
jit_value_t sign2,
jit_value_t tSrc1,
jit_value_t tSrc2,
PCodeBlock* block);
jit_value_t genStringSetup(jit_function_t f,
jit_value_t* tStr,
PCodeOperand* src,
NABoolean padExists,
NABoolean lenNeeded);
jit_value_t genHash(jit_function_t f,
jit_value_t tStr,
jit_value_t tStrLen,
jit_value_t loopIndex,
Int32 constantLen);
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LIBJIT */
void setupClauseOperand(PCodeCfg* cfg,
OPLIST& opList,
PCodeOperand** opData,
Int32 index,
ex_clause* clause);
jit_value_t getZeroJitVal() { return zeroJitVal_; }
jit_value_t getOneJitVal() { return oneJitVal_; }
jit_value_t getNeg1JitVal() { return neg1JitVal_; }
jit_value_t getHashTableJitVal() { return hashTableJitVal_; }
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LIBJIT */
void setJitFailureSeen() { jitFailureSeen_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean getJitFailureSeen() { return jitFailureSeen_; }
NABoolean isSupportedClauseOperandType(Attributes* attr);
jit_value_t getZeroJitVal() { return IR_Const_0_ ; }
jit_value_t getOneJitVal() { return IR_Const_1_ ; }
jit_value_t getNeg1JitVal() { return IR_Const_neg1_ ; }
jit_value_t getFalse_JitVal_() { return IR_Const_FALSE_ ; }
jit_value_t getError_JitVal_() { return IR_Const_ERR_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt8Ty() { return int8Ty_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt16Ty() { return int16Ty_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt32Ty() { return int32Ty_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt64Ty() { return int64Ty_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt8PtrTy() { return int8PtrTy_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt16PtrTy() { return int16PtrTy_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt32PtrTy() { return int32PtrTy_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt64PtrTy() { return int64PtrTy_ ; }
jit_type_t getInt1PtrTy() { return int1PtrTy_ ; } // Used like old JIT's void ptr
jit_type_t getFloatPtrTy() { return floatPtrTy_ ; }
jit_value_t jitGenCompare( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, enum cmpKind kindOfCompare
, jit_value_t oper1
, jit_value_t oper2
, jit_value_t trueRslt
, jit_value_t falseRslt
jit_value_t IR_LoadRelativeWithType( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, jit_value_t int8p
, Int64 byteOffset
, jit_type_t typeToLoad
void IR_StoreRelativeWithType( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, jit_value_t val
, jit_value_t tgt8ByPtr
, Int64 byteOffset
, jit_type_t typeToStore
void genMemCopyLoop( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, jit_value_t srcPtr
, jit_value_t tgtPtr
, jit_value_t maxLen
jit_value_t genMemCmpLoop( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, enum cmpKind kindOfCompare
, jit_value_t srcPtr
, jit_value_t tgtPtr
, jit_value_t MaxLen
void genMemSetLoop( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, Int32 val
, jit_value_t tgtPtr
, jit_value_t maxLen
void IR_insn_branch_if_zero( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, jit_value_t value
, p_IR_block_t * tgt_IR_block
void IR_insn_branch_if_not_zero( IRBldr_t * Bldr
, jit_value_t value
, p_IR_block_t * tgt_IR_block
NABoolean inTempsList( Int32 Offset, PCIT::AddressingMode OprTyp );
void addToTempsList( PCodeOperand * PCOp
, PCIT::AddressingMode oprTyp
, Int32 offset
, Int32 num = 1
void NExLog(const char *data) ;
#endif /* NA_LINUX_LLVMJIT */
class NExTempListEntry
PCodeOperand * PCOp_ ; // Ptr to PCodeOperand entry for Temp variable
Int32 num_ ; // Number to allocate
PCIT::AddressingMode oprTyp_ ; // Operand Type to use in allocJitValue()
Int32 offset_ ; // Offset (that goes with stackIndex == 2)
PCodeOperand * getPCOp() { return PCOp_ ; }
void setPCOp( PCodeOperand * PCOp ) { PCOp_ = PCOp ; }
PCIT::AddressingMode getOprTyp() { return oprTyp_ ; }
void setOprTyp( PCIT::AddressingMode opTyp) { oprTyp_ = opTyp ; }
Int32 getNum() { return num_ ; }
void setNum( Int32 num ) { num_ = num ; }
Int32 getOffset() { return offset_ ; }
void setOffset( Int32 offset ) { offset_ = offset ; }
// Default constuctor
NExTempListEntry() { };