blob: a7eee972e222289fcd24dfc9491d1f622aa1e116 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExpHbaseInterface.h
* Description: Interface to Hbase world
* Created: 5/26/2013
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <transport/TSocket.h>
#include <transport/TTransportUtils.h>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "ExpHbaseDefs.h"
#include "HBaseClient_JNI.h"
#include "HiveClient_JNI.h"
#include "HiveClient_JNI.h"
class ex_globals;
class CliGlobals;
Int64 getTransactionIDFromContext();
// ===========================================================================
class ExpHbaseInterface : public NABasicObject
NAHeap *getHeap() { return (NAHeap*)heap_; }
static ExpHbaseInterface* newInstance(CollHeap* heap,
const char* server = NULL,
const char *zkPort = NULL);
virtual ~ExpHbaseInterface()
virtual Lng32 init(ExHbaseAccessStats *hbs = NULL) = 0;
virtual Lng32 cleanup() = 0;
virtual Lng32 close() = 0;
virtual Lng32 create(HbaseStr &tblName,
NABoolean isMVCC) = 0;
virtual Lng32 create(HbaseStr &tblName,
NAText * hbaseCreateOptionsArray,
int numSplits, int keyLength,
const char ** splitValues,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean isMVCC) =0;
virtual Lng32 alter(HbaseStr &tblName,
NAText * hbaseCreateOptionsArray,
NABoolean useHbaseXn) = 0;
// During upsert using load, register truncate on abort will be used
virtual Lng32 registerTruncateOnAbort(HbaseStr &tblName,
NABoolean useHbaseXn) = 0;
// During a drop of seabase table or index, the object is first removed from
// seabase metadata. If that succeeds, the corresponding hbase object is dropped.
// if sync is TRUE, this drop of hbase table is done in another worker thread.
// That speeds up the over all drop time.
// If a create of the same table comes in later and an error is returned
// during create, we delay and retry for a fixed number of times since that table
// may still be dropped by the worked thread.
virtual Lng32 drop(HbaseStr &tblName, NABoolean async, NABoolean useHbaseXn) = 0;
virtual Lng32 truncate(HbaseStr &tblName, NABoolean preserveSplits, NABoolean useHbaseXn) = 0;
// drops all objects from hbase that match the pattern
virtual Lng32 dropAll(const char * pattern, NABoolean async, NABoolean useHbaseXn) = 0;
// retrieve all objects from hbase that match the pattern
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr> *listAll(const char * pattern) = 0;
// make a copy of srcTblName as tgtTblName
// if force is true, remove target before copying.
virtual Lng32 copy(HbaseStr &srcTblName, HbaseStr &tgtTblName,
NABoolean force = FALSE);
virtual Lng32 exists(HbaseStr &tblName) = 0;
// returns the next tablename. 100, at EOD.
virtual Lng32 getTable(HbaseStr &tblName) = 0;
virtual Lng32 scanOpen(
HbaseStr &tblName,
const Text& startRow,
const Text& stopRow,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns,
const int64_t timestamp,
const NABoolean readUncommitted,
const NABoolean cacheBlocks,
const NABoolean smallScanner,
const Lng32 numCacheRows,
const NABoolean preFetch,
const LIST(NAString) *inColNamesToFilter,
const LIST(NAString) *inCompareOpList,
const LIST(NAString) *inColValuesToCompare,
Float32 dopParallelScanner = 0.0f,
Float32 samplePercent = -1.0f,
NABoolean useSnapshotScan = FALSE,
Lng32 snapTimeout = 0,
char * snapName = NULL,
char * tmpLoc = NULL,
Lng32 espNum=0,
Lng32 versions = 0) = 0;
virtual Lng32 scanClose() = 0;
Lng32 fetchAllRows(
HbaseStr &tblName,
Lng32 numCols,
HbaseStr &col1NameStr,
HbaseStr &col2NameStr,
HbaseStr &col3NameStr,
LIST(NAString) &col1ValueList, // output
LIST(NAString) &col2ValueList, // output
LIST(NAString) &col3ValueList); // output
// return 1 if table is empty, 0 if not empty. -ve num in case of error
virtual Lng32 isEmpty(HbaseStr &tblName) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getRowOpen(
HbaseStr &tblName,
const HbaseStr &row,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns,
const int64_t timestamp) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getRowsOpen(
HbaseStr &tblName,
const LIST(HbaseStr) *rows,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns,
const int64_t timestamp) = 0;
virtual Lng32 nextRow() = 0;
virtual Lng32 nextCell(HbaseStr &rowId,
HbaseStr &colFamName,
HbaseStr &colName,
HbaseStr &colVal,
Int64 &timestamp) = 0;
virtual Lng32 completeAsyncOperation(Int32 timeout, NABoolean *resultArray, Int16 resultArrayLen) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getColVal(int colNo, BYTE *colVal,
Lng32 &colValLen, NABoolean nullable, BYTE &nullVal) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getColVal(NAHeap *heap, int colNo, BYTE **colVal,
Lng32 &colValLen) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getColName(int colNo,
char **outColName,
short &colNameLen,
Int64 &timestamp) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getNumCellsPerRow(int &numCells) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getRowID(HbaseStr &rowID) = 0;
virtual Lng32 deleteRow(
HbaseStr tblName,
HbaseStr row,
const LIST(HbaseStr) *columns,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation) = 0;
virtual Lng32 deleteRows(
HbaseStr tblName,
short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr rowIDs,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation) = 0;
virtual Lng32 checkAndDeleteRow(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr& row,
HbaseStr& columnToCheck,
HbaseStr& colValToCheck,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp) = 0;
virtual Lng32 deleteColumns(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr & column) = 0;
virtual Lng32 insertRow(
HbaseStr tblName,
HbaseStr rowID,
HbaseStr row,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getRowsOpen(
HbaseStr tblName,
short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr rowIDs,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns) = 0;
virtual Lng32 insertRows(
HbaseStr tblName,
short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr rowIDs,
HbaseStr rows,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation) = 0;
virtual Lng32 setWriteBufferSize(
HbaseStr &tblName,
Lng32 size)=0;
virtual Lng32 setWriteToWAL(
HbaseStr &tblName,
NABoolean v)=0;
virtual Lng32 initHBLC(ExHbaseAccessStats* hbs = NULL)=0;
virtual Lng32 initHive() = 0;
virtual Lng32 initHFileParams(HbaseStr &tblName,
Text& hFileLoc,
Text& hfileName,
Int64 maxHFileSize,
const char* sampleTblName,
const char* hiveDDL) = 0;
virtual Lng32 addToHFile(short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr &rowIDs,
HbaseStr &rows) = 0;
virtual Lng32 closeHFile(HbaseStr &tblName) = 0;
virtual Lng32 doBulkLoad(HbaseStr &tblName,
Text& location,
Text& tableName,
NABoolean quasiSecure,
NABoolean snapshot) = 0;
virtual Lng32 bulkLoadCleanup(HbaseStr &tblName,
Text& location) = 0;
virtual Lng32 incrCounter( const char * tabName, const char * rowId,
const char * famName, const char * qualName ,
Int64 incr, Int64 & count)=0;
virtual Lng32 createCounterTable( const char * tabName,
const char * famName)=0;
virtual Lng32 checkAndInsertRow(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr& rowID,
HbaseStr& row,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation,
Int16 colIndexToCheck) = 0;
virtual Lng32 checkAndUpdateRow(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr& rowID,
HbaseStr& row,
HbaseStr& columnToCheck,
HbaseStr& colValToCheck,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getClose() = 0;
virtual Lng32 coProcAggr(
HbaseStr &tblName,
Lng32 aggrType, // 0:count, 1:min, 2:max, 3:sum, 4:avg
const Text& startRow,
const Text& stopRow,
const Text &colFamily,
const Text &colName,
const NABoolean cacheBlocks,
const Lng32 numCacheRows,
Text &aggrVal); // returned value
virtual Lng32 grant(
const Text& user,
const Text& tblName,
const std::vector<Text> & actionCodes) = 0;
virtual Lng32 revoke(
const Text& user,
const Text& tblName,
const std::vector<Text> & actionCodes) = 0;
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* getRegionBeginKeys(const char*) = 0;
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* getRegionEndKeys(const char*) = 0;
virtual Lng32 estimateRowCount(HbaseStr& tblName,
Int32 partialRowSize,
Int32 numCols,
Int32 retryLimitMilliSeconds,
NABoolean useCoprocessor,
Int64& estRC,
Int32& breadCrumb) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getLatestSnapshot(const char * tableName, char *& snapshotName, NAHeap * heap) = 0;
virtual Lng32 cleanSnpTmpLocation( const char * path)=0;
virtual Lng32 setArchivePermissions( const char * tbl)=0;
virtual Lng32 getBlockCacheFraction(float& frac) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getHbaseTableInfo(const HbaseStr& tblName,
Int32& indexLevels,
Int32& blockSize) = 0;
virtual Lng32 getRegionsNodeName(const HbaseStr& tblName,
Int32 partns,
ARRAY(const char *)& nodeNames) = 0;
// get regions and size
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr> *getRegionStats(const HbaseStr& tblName) = 0;
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr> *getClusterStats(Int32 &numEntries) = 0;
// Snapshots
virtual Lng32 createSnapshot( const NAString& tableName, const NAString& snapshotName) = 0;
virtual Lng32 deleteSnapshot( const NAString& snapshotName) = 0;
virtual Lng32 verifySnapshot( const NAString& tableName, const NAString& snapshotName,
NABoolean & exist) = 0;
ExpHbaseInterface(CollHeap * heap,
const char * server = NULL,
const char * zkPort = NULL);
CollHeap * heap_;
ExHbaseAccessStats * hbs_;
char server_[MAX_SERVER_SIZE+1];
char zkPort_[MAX_PORT_SIZE+1];
char * getHbaseErrStr(Lng32 errEnum);
// ===========================================================================
class ExpHbaseInterface_JNI : public ExpHbaseInterface
ExpHbaseInterface_JNI(CollHeap* heap,
const char* server, bool useTRex,
const char *zkPort);
virtual ~ExpHbaseInterface_JNI();
virtual Lng32 init(ExHbaseAccessStats *hbs = NULL);
virtual Lng32 cleanup();
virtual Lng32 close();
virtual Lng32 create(HbaseStr &tblName,
NABoolean isMVCC);
virtual Lng32 create(HbaseStr &tblName,
NAText* hbaseCreateOptionsArray,
int numSplits, int keyLength,
const char ** splitValues,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean isMVCC);
virtual Lng32 alter(HbaseStr &tblName,
NAText * hbaseCreateOptionsArray,
NABoolean useHbaseXn);
virtual Lng32 registerTruncateOnAbort(HbaseStr &tblName, NABoolean useHbaseXn);
virtual Lng32 truncate(HbaseStr &tblName, NABoolean preserveSplits, NABoolean useHbaseXn);
virtual Lng32 drop(HbaseStr &tblName, NABoolean async, NABoolean useHbaseXn);
virtual Lng32 dropAll(const char * pattern, NABoolean async, NABoolean useHbaseXn);
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* listAll(const char * pattern);
// make a copy of srcTblName as tgtTblName
// if force is true, remove target before copying.
virtual Lng32 copy(HbaseStr &srcTblName, HbaseStr &tgtTblName,
NABoolean force = FALSE);
// -1, if table exists. 0, if doesn't. -ve num, error.
virtual Lng32 exists(HbaseStr &tblName);
// returns the next tablename. 100, at EOD.
virtual Lng32 getTable(HbaseStr &tblName);
virtual Lng32 scanOpen(
HbaseStr &tblName,
const Text& startRow,
const Text& stopRow,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns,
const int64_t timestamp,
const NABoolean readUncommitted,
const NABoolean cacheBlocks,
const NABoolean smallScanner,
const Lng32 numCacheRows,
const NABoolean preFetch,
const LIST(NAString) *inColNamesToFilter,
const LIST(NAString) *inCompareOpList,
const LIST(NAString) *inColValuesToCompare,
Float32 DOPparallelScanner = 0.0f,
Float32 samplePercent = -1.0f,
NABoolean useSnapshotScan = FALSE,
Lng32 snapTimeout = 0,
char * snapName = NULL,
char * tmpLoc = NULL,
Lng32 espNum = 0,
Lng32 versions = 0);
virtual Lng32 scanClose();
// return 1 if table is empty, 0 if not empty. -ve num in case of error
virtual Lng32 isEmpty(HbaseStr &tblName);
virtual Lng32 getRowOpen(
HbaseStr &tblName,
const HbaseStr &row,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns,
const int64_t timestamp);
virtual Lng32 getRowsOpen(
HbaseStr &tblName,
const LIST(HbaseStr) *rows,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns,
const int64_t timestamp);
virtual Lng32 nextRow();
virtual Lng32 nextCell( HbaseStr &rowId,
HbaseStr &colFamName,
HbaseStr &colName,
HbaseStr &colVal,
Int64 &timestamp);
virtual Lng32 completeAsyncOperation(Int32 timeout, NABoolean *resultArray, Int16 resultArrayLen);
virtual Lng32 getColVal(int colNo, BYTE *colVal,
Lng32 &colValLen, NABoolean nullable, BYTE &nullVal);
virtual Lng32 getColVal(NAHeap *heap, int colNo, BYTE **colVal,
Lng32 &colValLen);
virtual Lng32 getColName(int colNo,
char **outColName,
short &colNameLen,
Int64 &timestamp);
virtual Lng32 getNumCellsPerRow(int &numCells);
virtual Lng32 getRowID(HbaseStr &rowID);
virtual Lng32 deleteRow(
HbaseStr tblName,
HbaseStr row,
const LIST(HbaseStr) *columns,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation);
virtual Lng32 deleteRows(
HbaseStr tblName,
short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr rowIDs,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation);
virtual Lng32 checkAndDeleteRow(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr& row,
HbaseStr& columnToCheck,
HbaseStr& colValToCheck,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp);
virtual Lng32 deleteColumns(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr & column);
virtual Lng32 insertRow(
HbaseStr tblName,
HbaseStr rowID,
HbaseStr row,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation);
virtual Lng32 getRowsOpen(
HbaseStr tblName,
short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr rowIDs,
const LIST(HbaseStr) & columns);
virtual Lng32 insertRows(
HbaseStr tblName,
short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr rowIDs,
HbaseStr rows,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation);
virtual Lng32 setWriteBufferSize(
HbaseStr &tblName,
Lng32 size);
virtual Lng32 setWriteToWAL(
HbaseStr &tblName,
NABoolean v);
virtual Lng32 initHBLC(ExHbaseAccessStats* hbs = NULL);
virtual Lng32 initHive();
virtual Lng32 initHFileParams(HbaseStr &tblName,
Text& hFileLoc,
Text& hfileName,
Int64 maxHFileSize,
const char* sampleTblName,
const char* hiveDDL);
virtual Lng32 addToHFile(short rowIDLen,
HbaseStr &rowIDs,
HbaseStr &rows);
virtual Lng32 closeHFile(HbaseStr &tblName);
virtual Lng32 doBulkLoad(HbaseStr &tblName,
Text& location,
Text& tableName,
NABoolean quasiSecure,
NABoolean snapshot);
virtual Lng32 bulkLoadCleanup(HbaseStr &tblName,
Text& location);
virtual Lng32 incrCounter( const char * tabName, const char * rowId,
const char * famName, const char * qualName ,
Int64 incr, Int64 & count);
virtual Lng32 createCounterTable( const char * tabName,
const char * famName);
virtual Lng32 checkAndInsertRow(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr& rowID,
HbaseStr& row,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation,
Int16 colIndexToCheck);
virtual Lng32 checkAndUpdateRow(
HbaseStr &tblName,
HbaseStr& rowID,
HbaseStr& row,
HbaseStr& columnToCheck,
HbaseStr& colValToCheck,
NABoolean useHbaseXn,
NABoolean useRegionXn,
const int64_t timestamp,
NABoolean asyncOperation);
virtual Lng32 coProcAggr(
HbaseStr &tblName,
Lng32 aggrType, // 0:count, 1:min, 2:max, 3:sum, 4:avg
const Text& startRow,
const Text& stopRow,
const Text &colFamily,
const Text &colName,
const NABoolean cacheBlocks,
const Lng32 numCacheRows,
Text &aggrVal); // returned value
virtual Lng32 getClose();
virtual Lng32 grant(
const Text& user,
const Text& tblName,
const std::vector<Text> & actionCodes);
virtual Lng32 revoke(
const Text& user,
const Text& tblName,
const std::vector<Text> & actionCodes);
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* getRegionBeginKeys(const char*);
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* getRegionEndKeys(const char*);
virtual Lng32 estimateRowCount(HbaseStr& tblName,
Int32 partialRowSize,
Int32 numCols,
Int32 retryLimitMilliSeconds,
NABoolean useCoprocessor,
Int64& estRC,
Int32& breadCrumb);
virtual Lng32 getLatestSnapshot(const char * tableName, char *& snapshotName, NAHeap * heap);
virtual Lng32 cleanSnpTmpLocation( const char * path);
virtual Lng32 setArchivePermissions( const char * tabName) ;
virtual Lng32 getBlockCacheFraction(float& frac) ;
virtual Lng32 getHbaseTableInfo(const HbaseStr& tblName,
Int32& indexLevels,
Int32& blockSize) ;
virtual Lng32 getRegionsNodeName(const HbaseStr& tblName,
Int32 partns,
ARRAY(const char *)& nodeNames) ;
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* getRegionStats(const HbaseStr& tblName);
virtual NAArray<HbaseStr>* getClusterStats(Int32 &numEntries);
virtual Lng32 createSnapshot( const NAString& tableName, const NAString& snapshotName);
virtual Lng32 deleteSnapshot( const NAString& snapshotName);
virtual Lng32 verifySnapshot( const NAString& tableName, const NAString& snapshotName,
NABoolean & exist);
bool useTRex_;
HBaseClient_JNI* client_;
HTableClient_JNI* htc_;
HBulkLoadClient_JNI* hblc_;
HiveClient_JNI* hive_;
HTableClient_JNI *asyncHtc_;
Int32 retCode_;