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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// Class used at codegen time to record header information to later
// generate an ExHeaderClause from.
// This is not stored on disk and only used dynamically.
class ExpHdrInfo
UInt16 adminSz_; // complete admin size (hdr + VOA + bitmap + pad)
UInt16 bitmapEntryOffset_; // offset to write bitmap offset to
UInt16 bitmapOffset_; // bitmap offset value
UInt16 firstFixedOffset_; // first fixed field offset
UInt16 startOffset_; // offset into data record where first fixed
// offset is written and all other offsets
UInt16 unused_;
: adminSz_(0),
{ };
// Used by packed format to clear the first fixed offset area.
void setValues(UInt32 adminSize)
setValues(0, adminSize, 0, 0);
// Used by aligned format to clear up to the first fixed field. Entire VOA
// is cleared along with null bitmap area (if any).
void setValues(UInt32 startOffset,
UInt32 adminSize,
UInt32 bitmapEntryOffset,
UInt32 bitmapOffset)
startOffset_ = (UInt16)startOffset,
adminSz_ = (UInt16)adminSize;
bitmapEntryOffset_ = (UInt16)bitmapEntryOffset;
bitmapOffset_ = (UInt16)bitmapOffset;
void setFirstFixedOffset(UInt32 firstFixedOff)
{ firstFixedOffset_ = (UInt16)firstFixedOff; }
// The admin size is the entire width of the area that will be cleared
// before any data columns are written to the data record.
// For packed format this is just the first fixed field offset area,
// but for aligned format this encompasses the entire area up to the first
// fixed field.
UInt16 getAdminSize()
{ return adminSz_; }
UInt16 getBitmapOffset()
{ return bitmapOffset_; }
UInt16 getBitmapEntryOffset()
{ return bitmapEntryOffset_; }
UInt16 getFirstFixedOffset()
{ return firstFixedOffset_; }
// If there are only fixed fields, then adjust the first fixed offset
// to include the pad bytes added at the end (if any).
UInt32 adjustFirstFixed(UInt32 dataLen) ;
UInt16 getStartOffset()
{ return startOffset_; }
// Class to encapsulate the SQLMX_ALIGNED_FORMAT record header.
// The SQLMX_ALIGNED_FORMAT differs from the SQLMX_FORMAT in that there is
// a 4-byte offset to a null bitmap vector. The null bitmap vector has a
// bit for every nullable column in the table. If no nullable columns exist
// in the table, the offset is 0 and not bitmap is present in the record.
// The null bitmap offset value is directly after the first fixed field
// offset.
// The null bitmap vector itself can be 0, 4, 8, 12, ... to accomodate all
// the nullable columns.
// Aligned format
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | FF | BO | VO1 | .. | VOn | bitmap | fixed | addFixed | var | addVar |
// -----+----+-----+----+-----+--------+-------+----------+-----+---------
// FF = first fixed field offset, 4 bytes
// the hi 2 bits of FF used to record # of bytes the record is
// extended to ensure record is a 4-byte multiple
// BO = null bitmap offset (may be 0 if no nulls), 4 bytes
// VO1, VOn = offsets to variable fields within record, 4 bytes each
// bitmap = 4 bytes (or a multiple of 4 bytes) for null bitmap
// 1 bit per nullable field
// may not be there if no nullable columns
// fixed = original fixed fields re-arranged with all 8, 4, 2, 1 byte
// alignment needs grouped and aligned correctly
// addFixed = any added fixed fields, aligned on proper byte boundaries
// var = original variable length fields, first variable length field
// aligned on a 4-byte boundary for length value
// addVar = all added variable fields packed together
// Padding if needed:
// - after bitmap & before first fixed field
// - between last fixed field and any added fixed fields
// - between any added fixed fields to align correctly
// - between last added fixed or last fixed field and first variable
// field to align variable fields 2 byte length correctly
// - at the end of the data record to ensure record length a 4 byte
// multiple
class ExpAlignedFormat
UInt32 firstFixed_;
UInt32 bitmapOffset_;
enum ExpAlignedFormatConstants {
NULL_IND_SIZE = 0x00000000,
VARIABLE_LEN_SIZE = 0x00000004, // variable length size
OFFSET_SIZE = 0x00000004, // all offsets within a record
ALIGNMENT = 0x00000004, // record alignment size
BITS_PER_BYTE = 0x00000008,
PAD_SHIFT_BITS = 0x0000000E, // shift pad bytes by 14 bits
OFFSET_MASK = 0x00003FFF, // 16383 max first fixed offset
PAD_BYTE_MASK = 0x0000C000 // mask the hi 2 bits
// Class methods
// Compute the number of bytes needed for the null bitmap.
// This size is a multiple of 4-byte words.
static UInt32 getNeededBitmapSize( UInt32 nullableColumnCount )
UInt32 bitmapSz = 0;
if ( nullableColumnCount > 0 )
// divide by 2 ^ 5 add 1 multiply by 4 = number 4 bytes needed
bitmapSz = ((nullableColumnCount >> 5) + 1) * ALIGNMENT;
return bitmapSz;
// Get the size of the header - first fixed offset, bitmap offset.
static UInt32 getHdrSize()
{ return 2 * OFFSET_SIZE; }
// Compute the offset where the first fixed field resides based
// on the number of nullable columns.
// This method used at code generation time.
static UInt32 computeFirstFixedOffset( Int32 ffAlignSize,
UInt32 startOffset,
UInt32 voaIdxOffset,
UInt32 nullableColCount,
ExpHdrInfo * hdrInfo,
UInt32 & hdrSize,
UInt32 & bitmapOffset )
UInt32 bitmapSize = 0;
UInt32 hdrEntryOffset = startOffset + OFFSET_SIZE;
UInt32 firstFixedOffset;
hdrSize = getHdrSize(); // first fixed offset, bitmap offset
// voaIdxOffset was initialized as startOffset then incremented from there
// for each voa entry
firstFixedOffset = voaIdxOffset + hdrSize;
if ( nullableColCount > 0 )
// Determine the number of bytes needed to store the bitmap.
bitmapSize = getNeededBitmapSize( nullableColCount );
bitmapOffset = voaIdxOffset + hdrSize;
firstFixedOffset += bitmapSize;
if (ffAlignSize > 1)
// Now determine the first fixed offset based on the alignment size
// of the first fixed field. Padding may have to be added to get the
// correct alignment and this will be added immediately following
// the bitmap offset value field.
// | FF | BO | VO1 | ... | VOn | bitmap | pad | F1 | .... |
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Then the header size will be adjusted as well as the bitmap offset
// value.
// The first fixed alignment size may be -1 when no fixed fields reside
// in the table.
Int32 pad = (Int32)(firstFixedOffset % ffAlignSize);
if (pad > 0)
pad = ffAlignSize - pad;
firstFixedOffset += pad;
if ( hdrInfo != NULL )
hdrInfo->setValues( startOffset,
firstFixedOffset - startOffset, // overall admin size
bitmapOffset );
return firstFixedOffset;
// Get the offset to the first fixed field.
static UInt32 getFirstFixedOffset( char *dataPtr )
return ((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->getFirstFixedOffset();
// Get the offset to the first fixed field.
UInt32 getFirstFixedOffset()
return ( firstFixed_ & OFFSET_MASK );
// Set the offset to the first fixed field.
static void setFirstFixedOffset( char *dataPtr,
UInt32 firstFixedOffset )
((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->firstFixed_ = (UInt16)firstFixedOffset;
// Set the offset to the first fixed field.
void setFirstFixedOffset( UInt32 firstFixedOffset )
firstFixed_ = (UInt16)firstFixedOffset;
// Get the offset to the first variable length field.
static UInt32 getFirstVariableOffset( char *dataPtr,
UInt32 firstFixedOffset )
return(((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->getFirstVariableOffset(firstFixedOffset));
// Get the offset to the first variable length field.
UInt32 getFirstVariableOffset( UInt32 firstFixedOffset )
// Jump past the first fixed offset and the bitmap offset.
UInt32 hdrSz = getHdrSize();
if ( ( bitmapOffset_ == hdrSz ) ||
( (bitmapOffset_ == 0) && (firstFixedOffset == hdrSz) ) )
return 0;
return ( *((UInt32 *)(((char *)this) + hdrSz)) );
// Get the offset at the specified VOA entry
UInt32 getVoaEntry( UInt32 voaOffset )
return( *((UInt32 *)((char *)this + voaOffset)) );
// Set the variable offset entry.
void setVoaOffset( UInt32 voaOffset,
UInt32 voaEntryValue )
*((UInt32 *)(((char *)this) + voaOffset)) = (UInt32)voaEntryValue;
static void incrVoaOffset( UInt32 &voaOffset )
voaOffset += OFFSET_SIZE;
// Set the offset to the bitmap.
static void setBitmapOffset( char *dataPtr,
UInt32 offset )
((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->bitmapOffset_ = (UInt16)offset;
// Set the offset to the bitmap.
void setBitmapOffset( UInt32 offset )
bitmapOffset_ = (UInt16)offset;
// Get the current bitmap offset from the data record.
static UInt32 getBitmapOffset( char *dataPtr )
return ( ((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->getBitmapOffset() );
// Get the current bitmap offset from the data record.
UInt32 getBitmapOffset()
return ( bitmapOffset_ );
NABoolean isValidBitmapOffset()
return( ((bitmapOffset_ > MAX_OFFSET) ||
( (bitmapOffset_ < (getHdrSize()) && bitmapOffset_ != 0) ) ||
( (getFirstFixedOffset() > 0) &&
(bitmapOffset_ > getFirstFixedOffset()) ) )
UInt32 getBitmapEntryOffset()
return( OFFSET_SIZE );
// Check if a specific column value is null or not. The bit index
// represents the nullable column.
static NABoolean isNullValue( char *bitmap,
UInt16 bitIndex )
UInt32 mask = ((UInt32)0x1 << (7 - (bitIndex & 7)));
return ( ( ((UInt32)(bitmap[(bitIndex >> 3)])) & mask ) != 0 );
// Set the specified null bit if bitmap exists.
static void setNullValue( char *dataPtr,
UInt32 bitIdx )
setNullBit( ((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->nullBitmap(), bitIdx );
// Set the specific bit index corresponding to the null column value.
static void setNullBit( char *bitmap,
UInt32 bitIdx )
// (bitIdx & 7) is same as (bitIdx % 8)
if ( bitmap )
bitmap[ (bitIdx >> 3) ] |= ((UInt32)0x1 << (7 - (bitIdx & 7)));
// Clear the specific bit index corresponding to the column value.
static void clearNullBit( char *bitmap,
UInt32 bitIdx )
if ( bitmap )
bitmap[ (bitIdx >> 3) ] &= ~((UInt32)0x1 << (7 - (bitIdx & 7)));
static UInt32 getVarLength( char *dataPtr )
UInt32 len;
str_cpy_all( (char *)&len, dataPtr, sizeof(len) );
return len;
static void setVarLength( char *dataPtr,
UInt32 varLength )
str_cpy_all( dataPtr, (char*)&varLength, VARIABLE_LEN_SIZE );
// Return the size in bytes of the header plus the variable field
// array size.
NABoolean isVOAComplete( char * dataPtr,
UInt32 totalVariableFields,
UInt32 firstFixedOffset,
UInt32 firstVariableOffset,
UInt32 & voaSize,
UInt32 & endVoaOffset,
UInt32 & numVarFields )
NABoolean status = TRUE;
ExpAlignedFormat *alignedFmt = (ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr;
// Have 2 options here to find the end of the VOA:
// 1) use the bitmap offset to determine end of VOA
// 2) use first fixed offset if > 0, otherwise use first variable offset
// to determine end of VOA
UInt32 hdrSz = getHdrSize();
// Compute the maximum VOA plus header size (FF | BO).
voaSize = (totalVariableFields * OFFSET_SIZE) + hdrSz;
endVoaOffset = hdrSz;
numVarFields = 0;
// If there is a bitmap, then the bitmap offset is the end of the entire
// VOA.
// Otherwise it must be calculated walking back from the first field
// since there may be padded after the bitmap to ensure the first field
// is aligned correctly.
if ( alignedFmt->bitmapOffset_ > 0 )
endVoaOffset = alignedFmt->bitmapOffset_;
else if ( firstFixedOffset > hdrSz )
UInt32 endVoa = firstFixedOffset - OFFSET_SIZE;
while( endVoa >= hdrSz )
if ( *(UInt32 *)(dataPtr + endVoa) > 0 )
endVoa -= OFFSET_SIZE;
endVoaOffset = endVoa + OFFSET_SIZE;
endVoaOffset = firstVariableOffset;
if ( totalVariableFields > 0 )
if ( firstVariableOffset == 0 )
status = FALSE;
// Now see if the current VOA plus header size is equal to the max.
// If so then the VOA is complete, otherwise there are missing variable
// length columns.
if ( endVoaOffset < voaSize )
status = FALSE;
numVarFields = (endVoaOffset - hdrSz) / OFFSET_SIZE;
return status;
// Get information all in one shot.
void getRecordFormatInfo( UInt32 dataLen,
UInt32 firstFixedOffset,
UInt32 firstVariableOffset,
UInt32 numberNullFields,
UInt32 & firstVoaOffset,
UInt32 & endVoaOffset,
UInt32 & fixedFieldBlockSize,
UInt32 & bitmapOffset,
UInt32 & bitmapSize,
UInt32 & bitmapNeededSize )
// set the output parameters
firstVoaOffset = getHdrSize(); // jump past | FF | BO |
bitmapNeededSize = getNeededBitmapSize( numberNullFields );
bitmapSize = getBitmapSize();
bitmapOffset = bitmapOffset_;
if (bitmapSize > bitmapNeededSize)
bitmapSize = bitmapNeededSize;
if ( firstFixedOffset == 0 ) // no fixed fields in data record
fixedFieldBlockSize = 0;
else if ( (firstVariableOffset == 0) ||
(firstVoaOffset + bitmapSize) == firstFixedOffset )
fixedFieldBlockSize = dataLen - firstFixedOffset;
fixedFieldBlockSize = firstVariableOffset - firstFixedOffset;
endVoaOffset = (bitmapOffset_ > 0 ? bitmapOffset_
: (firstFixedOffset > 0
? firstFixedOffset : firstVariableOffset));
// Return the size of the bitmap (and any padding before the first fixed
// field) in bytes. Padding may be added after the null bitmap to align
// the first fixed field correctly.
static UInt32 getBitmapSize( char *dataPtr )
return ((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->getBitmapSize();
UInt32 getBitmapSize()
UInt32 bitmapSz = 0;
UInt32 ff = getFirstFixedOffset();
if ( bitmapOffset_ > 0 )
// The first fixed field offset may be 0 if there are no
// fixed fields in the record.
// If no fixed fields, then use the offset to the first variable
// field to compute the size of the bitmap.
if ( ff > 0 )
bitmapSz = ff - bitmapOffset_;
// read the first variable offset value
// | FF=0 | BO | VO1 | ..... | VOn | bitmap | V1 | ... | Vn |
// ------------------------------------------------------------
UInt32 firstVar = getFirstVariableOffset( ff );
bitmapSz = ( firstVar - bitmapOffset_ );
bitmapSz = (bitmapSz / ALIGNMENT) * ALIGNMENT;
return bitmapSz;
// Adjust the current length to have it be a multiple of the alignment size.
// The added bytes are stored on the hi 2 bits of the first fixed field
// offset.
// Return the new length.
static UInt16 adjustDataLength( UInt16 firstFixed,
UInt32 dataLen,
UInt32 &newLen )
UInt16 adjFirstFixed = firstFixed;
newLen = ( ( ( ( dataLen - 1 ) / ExpAlignedFormat::ALIGNMENT ) + 1 )
* ExpAlignedFormat::ALIGNMENT );
if ( newLen > dataLen )
// Clear the hi 2 bits ...
adjFirstFixed &= OFFSET_MASK;
// Set the hi 2 bits ...
adjFirstFixed |= ((newLen - dataLen) << PAD_SHIFT_BITS);
return adjFirstFixed;
// Adjust the current length to have it be a multiple of the alignment size.
// The added bytes are stored on the hi 2 bits of the first fixed field
// offset.
// Return the new length.
static UInt32 adjustDataLength( char *dataPtr,
UInt32 currLen,
Int32 alignmentSize,
NABoolean updateHeader = TRUE )
/* for CIF update header should be FALSE since hash join and hash group by
* use the header to store length info-- may be we need to change this in hash join and hash group
* if turns out to be risky
UInt32 newLen = currLen;
if ( currLen > 0 )
UInt16 adjFF = adjustDataLength(((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->firstFixed_,
if ( newLen > currLen )
if (updateHeader)
((ExpAlignedFormat *)dataPtr)->firstFixed_ = adjFF;
// Clear the pad bytes at the end of the data row.
str_pad( dataPtr + currLen, newLen - currLen, '\0' );
return newLen;
// Constructor to clear the header information.
: firstFixed_(0),
{ }
// Given an offset and an alignment boundary adjust the offset correctly.
static UInt32 adjustOffset( UInt32 offset,
Int32 alignmentSize )
return( (offset > 0
? (((offset - 1) / alignmentSize) + 1) * alignmentSize
: offset) );
// Return the number of pad or filler bytes [0,7] needed to
// extend the record to a proper boundary. Need to ensure that every
// record starts on a 4-byte boundary so we don't incur alignment traps.
UInt32 getNumberFillerBytes()
return ( (firstFixed_ & PAD_BYTE_MASK) >> PAD_SHIFT_BITS );
// Return the actual length minus any pad bytes added to round the row
// size up to a 4-byte boundary.
UInt32 getActualLength( UInt32 dataLen )
Int32 padBytes = ((firstFixed_ & PAD_BYTE_MASK) >> PAD_SHIFT_BITS);
return( dataLen - padBytes );
void setNullValue( UInt32 bitIdx )
setNullBit( nullBitmap(), bitIdx );
void clearNullValue( UInt32 bitIdx )
clearNullBit( nullBitmap(), bitIdx );
NABoolean isNullValue( UInt32 bitIdx )
Int32 mask = (1 << (7 - (bitIdx & 7)));
char *bitmap = nullBitmap();
NABoolean rtnValue = FALSE;
if ( bitmap != NULL )
rtnValue = ((bitmap[(bitIdx >> 3)]) & mask);
return rtnValue;
// Instance private methods
char *nullBitmap()
return ( bitmapOffset_ > 0
? ((char *)this) + bitmapOffset_
: NULL );
inline UInt32 ExpHdrInfo::adjustFirstFixed(UInt32 dataLen)
UInt32 newLen = dataLen;
firstFixedOffset_ = ExpAlignedFormat::adjustDataLength( firstFixedOffset_,
newLen );
return newLen;