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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: VarInt.h
* Description: Array of unsigned integers with bit widths from 1-32
* Created: 1/11/2013
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NAMemory.h"
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, UInt16 x, NABoolean swapBytes);
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, ULng32 x, NABoolean swapBytes);
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, Int32 x, NABoolean swapBytes);
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, UInt64 x, NABoolean swapBytes);
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, ULng32* ptr, ULng32 x, NABoolean swapBytes);
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, UInt16& x);
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, ULng32& x);
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, Int32& x);
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, UInt64& x);
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, ULng32*& ptr, ULng32& x, NAHeap* heap);
// Array of unsigned integers with a bit width between 1 and 32.
// - Constructor specifies number of entries, bit width, and heap.
// - get method and indexing operator [] return the i-th element
// - put method sets i-th element, values > max are mapped to max
// (returns TRUE if overflow happened)
// - add method adds a value to i-th element, returns TRUE if overflow happened
// - sub method subtracts a value from i-th element,
// + returns TRUE if value is at max and does nothing
// + returns TRUE if value underflows (and sets i-th item to 0)
class VarUIntArray
static const ULng32 BitsPerWord = 32;
static const ULng32 AllOnes = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// create an array with a given length of number of bits per entry (up to 32 allowed)
// and initialize it to zeroes
VarUIntArray(ULng32 numEntries,
ULng32 numBits, NAHeap* heap);
// copy constructor
VarUIntArray(const VarUIntArray&, NAHeap* heap);
// create an array with no space allocated
VarUIntArray(NAHeap* heap);
~VarUIntArray() { NADELETEBASIC(counters_, heap_); }
void clear();
// get array entry at index ix
ULng32 get(ULng32 ix) const { return (*this)[ix]; }
ULng32 operator[](ULng32 ix) const;
// overwrite array entry at index ix with a new value,
// return TRUE if an overflow occurred
NABoolean put(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val);
// add to existing value, return TRUE if overflow occurred
NABoolean add(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val, ULng32& result);
// subtract from existing value, return TRUE if value
// did overflow in the past.
NABoolean sub(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val, ULng32& minuend);
// maximum value (this value is used to indicate overflow)
ULng32 getMaxVal() const { return maxVal_; }
UInt32 entries() { return numEntries_; };
UInt32 numBits() { return numBits_; };
// estimate amount of memory needed to store x entries with b bits per entry
// The estimation is expressed in bytes.
static UInt64 estimateMemoryInBytes(ULng32 x, ULng32 b);
// Modeled based on the following method
// IpcMessageObjSize ComCondition::packObjIntoMessage(char* buffer,
// NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 packIntoBuffer(char*& buffer, NABoolean swapBytes);
ULng32 unpackBuffer(char*& buffer);
ULng32 numEntries_;
ULng32 numWords_;
ULng32 numBits_;
ULng32 maxVal_;
ULng32 *counters_;
NAHeap* heap_;
typedef VarUIntArray* VarUIntArrayPtr;