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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: VarInt.cpp
* Description: Array of unsigned integers with bit widths from 1-32
* Created: 1/11/2013
* Language: C++
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "VarInt.h"
#include "str.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// helper methods to pack and unpack
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, UInt16 x, NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(UInt16);
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)&x, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, ULng32 x, NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(ULng32);
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)&x, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, Int32 x, NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(Int32);
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)&x, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, UInt64 x, NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(UInt64);
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)&x, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 pack(char*& buffer, ULng32* ptr, ULng32 x, NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(ULng32);
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)&x, sz);
buffer += sz;
ULng32 sz1 = x*sz;
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)ptr, sz1);
buffer += sz1;
return sz+sz1;
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, UInt16& x)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(UInt16);
str_cpy_all((char*)&x, buffer, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, ULng32& x)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(ULng32);
str_cpy_all((char*)&x, buffer, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, Int32& x)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(Int32);
str_cpy_all((char*)&x, buffer, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, UInt64& x)
ULng32 sz = sizeof(UInt64);
str_cpy_all((char*)&x, buffer, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
ULng32 unpack(char*& buffer, ULng32*& ptr, ULng32& x, NAHeap* heap)
ULng32 sz = unpack(buffer, x);
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
ptr = new (heap) ULng32[x];
assert(ptr != NULL);
ULng32 sz1 = x * sizeof(ULng32);
str_cpy_all((char*)ptr, buffer, sz1);
buffer += sz1;
return sz+sz1;
UInt64 VarUIntArray::estimateMemoryInBytes(ULng32 x, ULng32 b)
return (x*b + BitsPerWord - 1)/BitsPerWord * sizeof(ULng32) + sizeof(VarUIntArray);
VarUIntArray::VarUIntArray(ULng32 numEntries,
ULng32 numBits, NAHeap* heap) :
numEntries_(numEntries), numBits_(numBits), heap_(heap)
assert(numBits > 0 &&
numBits <= BitsPerWord &&
numEntries > 0);
numWords_ = (numEntries*numBits + BitsPerWord - 1)/BitsPerWord;
counters_ = new (heap_) ULng32[numWords_];
memset(counters_, 0, numWords_ * sizeof(ULng32));
maxVal_ = AllOnes >> (BitsPerWord - numBits);
VarUIntArray::VarUIntArray(NAHeap* heap) :
numEntries_(0), numWords_(0), numBits_(0), heap_(heap), counters_(NULL), maxVal_(0)
VarUIntArray::VarUIntArray(const VarUIntArray& x, NAHeap* heap) :
numEntries_(x.numEntries_), numWords_(x.numWords_), numBits_(x.numBits_),
maxVal_(x.maxVal_), heap_(heap)
counters_ = new (heap_) ULng32[numWords_];
str_cpy_all((char*)counters_, (char*)x.counters_, numWords_ * sizeof(ULng32));
void VarUIntArray::clear()
memset(counters_, 0, numWords_ * sizeof(ULng32));
ULng32 VarUIntArray::operator[](ULng32 ix) const
assert(ix >= 0 && ix < numEntries_);
// compute bit and word offset of our counter
ULng32 lowBit = (ix * numBits_);
ULng32 lowWord = lowBit / BitsPerWord;
ULng32 lowBitInWord = lowBit % BitsPerWord;
ULng32 nextCounterStart = lowBitInWord + numBits_;
// take the word where our counter starts, remove leading bits by
// left-shifting, then shift our counter to the right part of the result
ULng32 result = (counters_[lowWord] << lowBitInWord) >> (BitsPerWord - numBits_);
// test if our counter continues into the next word
if (nextCounterStart > BitsPerWord)
ULng32 numRemainingBits = nextCounterStart - BitsPerWord;
// set rightmost numRemaining bits in result to 0
result &= (AllOnes << numRemainingBits);
// add remaining bits from next word
result |= counters_[lowWord+1] >> (BitsPerWord - numRemainingBits);
return result;
NABoolean VarUIntArray::put(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val)
assert(ix >= 0 && ix < numEntries_);
if (val > maxVal_)
val = maxVal_;
// compute bit and word offset of our counter
ULng32 lowBit = (ix * numBits_);
ULng32 lowWord = lowBit / BitsPerWord;
ULng32 lowBitInWord = lowBit % BitsPerWord;
ULng32 nextCounterStart = lowBitInWord + numBits_;
// value to put, shifted to the correct position
ULng32 shiftedPut = val;
// mask indicating our counter in the word
ULng32 putMask = (AllOnes >> lowBitInWord);
if (nextCounterStart > BitsPerWord)
// putMask is good to go for 1st word
// eliminate trailing bits from val
shiftedPut >>= nextCounterStart - BitsPerWord;
// eliminate following counters' bits from putMask
putMask &= AllOnes << (BitsPerWord - nextCounterStart);
// left-shift value to put
shiftedPut <<= BitsPerWord - nextCounterStart;
// zero out old counter value in first (maybe only) word
// putMask has ones for bits that belong to our counter
counters_[lowWord] &= ~putMask;
// drop in new counter value in first (maybe only) word
counters_[lowWord] |= shiftedPut;
// does counter extend into a second word?
if (nextCounterStart > BitsPerWord)
putMask = AllOnes >> (nextCounterStart - BitsPerWord);
// shift value to the left, leaving only the remaining bits that
// need to go into the second word
shiftedPut = val << (BitsPerWord - (nextCounterStart - BitsPerWord));
// zero out old counter value in second word
// here, putMask has zeroes for bits that belong to our counter
counters_[lowWord+1] &= putMask;
// drop in new counter value in first (maybe only) word
counters_[lowWord+1] |= shiftedPut;
return (val == maxVal_);
NABoolean VarUIntArray::add(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val, ULng32& result)
ULng32 oldVal = (*this)[ix];
// check for overflow, both for exceeding maxVal_ and for overflow of ULng32
result = oldVal + val;
if (result > maxVal_ || result < oldVal || result < val)
result = maxVal_;
return put(ix, result);
NABoolean VarUIntArray::sub(ULng32 ix, ULng32 val, ULng32& minuend)
ULng32 result = minuend = (*this)[ix];
// don't change and return TRUE, if counter overflown before
if (result == maxVal_)
return TRUE;
// don't let the value go below zero, indicate underflow
if (val > result)
put(ix, 0);
return TRUE;
// normal case, subtract val from current counter value
result -= val;
return put(ix, result);
ULng32 VarUIntArray::packIntoBuffer(char*& buffer, NABoolean swapBytes)
ULng32 size = 0;
size += pack(buffer, numEntries_, swapBytes);
size += pack(buffer, numWords_, swapBytes);
size += pack(buffer, numBits_, swapBytes);
size += pack(buffer, maxVal_, swapBytes);
size += pack(buffer, counters_, numWords_, swapBytes);
return size;
ULng32 VarUIntArray::unpackBuffer(char*& buffer)
ULng32 sz = unpack(buffer, numEntries_);
sz += unpack(buffer, numWords_);
sz += unpack(buffer, numBits_);
sz += unpack(buffer, maxVal_);
sz += unpack(buffer, counters_, numWords_, heap_);
return sz;
// simple test of the program, may need to comment out some calls to avoid unresolved functions
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
VarUIntArray twoBitArray (100, 2);
VarUIntArray threeBitArray(100, 3);
VarUIntArray fourBitArray (100, 4);
VarUIntArray fiveBitArray (100, 5);
VarUIntArray eightBitArray(100, 8);
for (ULng32 i=0; i< 100; i++)
twoBitArray.put(i, i % 2);
threeBitArray.put(i, i % 8);
fourBitArray.put(i, i % 16);
fiveBitArray.put(i, i % 32);
eightBitArray.put(i, i % 256);
for (ULng32 i=0; i< 100; i++)
printf("i: %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n",
for (ULng32 i=0; i<20; i++)
NABoolean r20 = twoBitArray.add(i, 5);
NABoolean r30 = threeBitArray.add(i, 5);
NABoolean r21 = twoBitArray.sub(i, 5);
NABoolean r31 = threeBitArray.sub(i, 5);
printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", i,
twoBitArray[i], r20, r21,
threeBitArray[i], r30, r31);
return 0;