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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SMConnection.h
* Description: Connection class for SeaMonster messaging
* Created: September 2011
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "sm.h"
// Forward declarations
class ExSMTask;
class ex_tcb;
class ExMasterStmtGlobals;
// Classes defined in this file
class SMConnection;
class SMConnection : public IpcConnection
SMConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,
sm_target_t &smTarget,
UInt32 numReceiveBuffers,
IpcMessageObjSize maxBufSize,
ex_tcb *tcb,
ExMasterStmtGlobals *masterGlobals,
NABoolean isServer = FALSE);
virtual ~SMConnection();
// Virtual interface from IpcConnection parent class
virtual IpcConnection *castToSMConnection() { return this; }
virtual bool isServerSide() { return (isServer_ == TRUE); }
virtual void receive(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg);
virtual void send(IpcMessageBuffer *msgBuf);
virtual WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout,
UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL,
IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL);
// Pure virtual functions from the IpcConnection parent class
// * numQueuedSendMessages -- length of the send queue
// * numQueuedReceiveMessages -- length of the task output queue
virtual Int32 numQueuedSendMessages();
virtual Int32 numQueuedReceiveMessages();
// A wrapper around the parent class setState() method that also
// writes to the ExSM trace file
virtual void setState(IpcConnectionState s);
// This connection class holds two stream pointers, one for data and
// one for cancel. The user of the connection can set the pointers
// after the connection constructor by calling these set methods.
void setDataStream(IpcMessageStreamBase *s) { dataStream_ = s; }
void setCancelStream(IpcMessageStreamBase *s) { cancelStream_ = s; }
// Return the SM target structure
const sm_target_t &getSMTarget() const { return smTarget_; }
// Return the number of receive buffers. This value is passed to the
// connection constructor and does not change during the life of the
// connection.
UInt32 getNumReceiveBuffers() const { return numReceiveBuffers_; }
// Methods to manage a count of outstanding requests. The increment
// and decrement methods are public to make them callable from IPC
// infrastructure code paths such as receive callbacks.
UInt32 getOutstandingSMRequests() const { return outstandingSMRequests_; }
void incrOutstandingSMRequests();
void decrOutstandingSMRequests();
// Fill the diagnostics area with error information from this connection
virtual void populateDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *&d, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
// A public method to force the connection into an error state.
// ExMasterEspMessage::actOnErrorConnection calls this function
// after an error is encountered on an ESP control connection and we
// want to propagate the error to SM connections.
void reportControlConnectionError(GuaErrorNumber err);
// Method to stop the other end if something unexpected is received.
void dumpAndStopOtherEnd(bool doDump, bool doStop) const;
// Allocates empty IpcMessageBuffers off of the NAHeap and
// inserts in the in queue of the SM task for the reader thread
int32_t allocateReceiveBuffers();
// The scheduled_ field is set to 1 by the SM reader thread every
// time an arrival is seen
Int32 scheduled_;
// This flag is not provided by the base class because for regular
// IPC the client and server use different classes and client versus
// server behavior is differentiated by that, but for SM the
// client and server use the same IpcConnection subclass and we need
// a flag to differentiate between client and server.
NABoolean isServer_;
// A client-side counter of outstanding requests. The counter is
// incremented for each data, continue, or cancel request. The
// counter is decremented when the final reply buffer is seen for a
// given request.
UInt32 outstandingSMRequests_;
// Number of pre-allocated receive buffers
UInt32 numReceiveBuffers_;
// used when pre allocating receive buffers that are inserted
// into the inQueue of the SM task for the reader thread
IpcMessageObjSize maxBufSize_;
IpcMessageStreamBase *dataStream_;
IpcMessageStreamBase *cancelStream_;
// The other end of the SMConnection that receives the
// messages from this SMConnection
sm_target_t smTarget_;
// SM task that contains the queue pair to send and receive
// IpcMessageBuffer's to and from the reader thread.
ExSMTask *smTask_;
// The TCB pointer is only used for debugging and tracing. It is
// never dereferenced.
ex_tcb *tcb_;
// The next two members are used for SM error handling
// and reporting:
// 1) The error number is the value returned by either: a) an SM API,
// or b) an ExSM API that calls an SM API.
// 2) The error function is either: a) an SM API, or b) an ExSM
// ExSM API that calls am SM API.
Int32 smErrorNumber_;
char smErrorFunction_[32];
// Each SM connection keeps a pointer to master executor statement
// globals. In an ESP the pointer is NULL. The pointer allows the
// connection constructor/destructor to add/remove the connection in
// a collection of SM connections owned by statement globals.
ExMasterStmtGlobals *masterGlobals_;
Int64 sendCount_;
Int64 recvCount_;
Int64 postCount_;
// The following members and methods are used for control flow when
// a message either cannot be sent in a single chunk (because the
// size exceeds SM max buffer size), or the message size exceeds
// the receiving end's max size.
// See comments in the cpp file at the beginning of method
// tryToSendOneChunk() for details on the protocol.
IpcMessageBuffer *chunk_buffer_; // The IpcMessageBuffer being sent
UInt32 chunk_nextOffset_; // The next offset to send
UInt32 chunk_size_; // Chunk size for this buffer
bool chunk_waitingForAck_; // Is the connection waiting for an ack
// Is the other end of this connection running on the same Seaquest
// node
bool intranode_;
// Was a control connection error reported? A value of zero means no
// control connection error has been reported. A non-zero value is
// the Guardian error number that was reported on the control
// connection.
Int32 ccErrorNumber_;
// Process arrivals. First try to send buffers if an ack recently
// arrived.
WaitReturnStatus workOnArrivals();
// All data members related to chunk mode need to be kept in
// sync. These methods perform the updates for entering chunk mode,
// moving to the next chunk, and exiting chunk mode.
void enterChunkMode(IpcMessageBuffer *sendBuffer, UInt32 chunkSize);
void moveToNextChunk();
void exitChunkMode();
// These methods provide access to attributes related to chunking:
// * WAITING FOR ACK -- is the connection waiting for an ack?
// * ACK ARRIVED -- has an ack arrived but is not yet processed?
// Note: ACK ARRIVED is stored in the task object
bool getWaitingForAck() const { return chunk_waitingForAck_; }
bool getAckArrived();
void setAckArrived(bool arrived, bool waitForAnother);
// Try to send one buffer or send a chunk of the buffer if the
// buffer size is too large. See comments in the cpp file for more
// detail. The method returns false if no data could be sent because
// the connection is waiting for an ack.
bool tryToSendOneChunk();
void handleIOErrorForSM();