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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef NASTRING_H
#define NASTRING_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NAString.h
* Description: common definitions of basic data types
* Created: 4/27/94
* Language: C++
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "CollHeap.h"
#include "ComCharSetDefs.h"
#include "NAStringDef.h"
#include "NAWinNT.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a string datatype
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NB: NAString no longer IS RWCString ; instead, it's a separate class,
// derived from RWCString, with all allocation changed from global new to
// instead use a CollHeap *
//#define NASTRING RWCString // needed by c89 compiler in a few places
// the class NAString methods are contained in NAStringDef.h/NAStringDef.cpp
// The following methods have to be defined for a NAString:
// - a default constructor (no length restrictions for the created string)
// - type conversion from and to char *
// - copy constructor
// - indexing operator char & operator[] (StringPos)
// - a substring operator NoahString operator() (StringPos start,StringPos len)
// - assignment operator (see below)
// - length operator StringPos length()
// - other methods as needed (use Tools.h++ method names)
// We expect the NAString data type to be implemented such that it "owns"
// the character string contained in it. That means that when a value is
// assigned to a NAString, then a copy is made of the source string such
// that the user of NAString is not required to keep the source of the
// assignment around. The copy of the string may be deleted at the next
// assignment, with the destructor, or in any other consistent way. See
// the Tools.h++ implementation of RWCString for an example on how this
// could work.
// We require a behavior like an array index from the StringPos data
// type. A type conversion (if necessary) must be defined such that integers
// from 0 upwards can be used to address string elements (astring[0] must
// access the first element).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods on strings (defined as standalone C procedures, since we have
// no control over the RWCString class.
// Note that convertNAString() allocates memory.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
char* convertNAString(const NAString &ns, CollHeap *heap,
NABoolean wideNull = FALSE);
void GetSimplePosixFilename(NAString &filename, NABoolean doLower = FALSE);
ULng32 hashKey(const NAString &ns);
NABoolean IsNAStringSpace(const NAString &ns);
NABoolean IsNAStringSpaceOrEmpty(const NAString &ns);
NABoolean NAStringHasOnly7BitAsciiChars(const NAString& ns);
NABoolean NAStringHasOnlyDecimalDigitAsciiChars(const NAString& ns);
NABoolean IsSqlReservedWord(const char *sqlText);
NABoolean IsCIdentifier(const char *id);
NAString LookupDefineName(const NAString &ns, NABoolean iterate = FALSE);
void NAStringUpshiftASCII(NAString &ns);
Lng32 NAStringToLong(const NAString &ns);
double NAStringToReal(const NAString &ns);
UInt32 NAStringToUnsigned(const NAString &ns);
NAString LongToNAString(Lng32 l);
NAString RealToNAString(double d);
NAString UnsignedToNAString(UInt32 u);
NAString Int64ToNAString(Int64 l);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ANSI SQL name related functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString ToAnsiIdentifier(const NAString &ns, NABoolean assertShort=TRUE);
char * ToAnsiIdentifier2(const char * nsData, size_t nsLen,
CollHeap * heap);
char * ToAnsiIdentifier2(const char * nsData, size_t nsLen,
CollHeap * heap, Lng32 isoMapCS);
void ToAnsiIdentifier3(const char * inputData, size_t inputLen,
char * outputData, size_t outputMaxLen, size_t * outputLen);
void ToAnsiIdentifier3(const char * inputData, size_t inputLen,
char * outputData, size_t outputMaxLen, size_t * outputLen,
Lng32 isoMapCS);
// The following macro definitions are for the flags parameter of ToInternalIdentifier()
Lng32 ToInternalIdentifier( NAString &ansiIdent
, Int32 upCase = TRUE
, NABoolean acceptCircumflex = FALSE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SQL text related functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ToInternalString(NAString &internalStr, const NAString &quotedStr);
void ToQuotedString( NAString &quotedStr
, const NAString &internalStr
, NABoolean encloseInQuotes = TRUE);
Lng32 PrettifySqlText(NAString &sqlText,
const char *nationalCharSetName = NULL);
size_t LineBreakSqlText(NAString &sqlText,
NABoolean showddlView = FALSE,
size_t maxlen = 79,
size_t pfxlen = 2,// indent subsequent lines 2 spaces
size_t pfxinitlen = 0,// indent first line 0 spaces
char pfxchar = ' ',
const char *schemaName = NULL,
NABoolean commentOut = FALSE);
void TrimNAStringSpace(NAString &ns, NABoolean leading = TRUE,
NABoolean trailing = TRUE);
size_t IndexOfFirstWhiteSpace(const NAString &ns, size_t startPos = 0);
size_t IndexOfFirstNonWhiteSpace(const NAString &ns, size_t startPos = 0);
void RemoveLeadingZeros(NAString &ns);
void RemoveTrailingZeros(NAString &ns);
NAString Latin1StrToUTF8(const NAString & latin1Str, NAMemory * heap = NULL);
NAString &replaceAll(NAString &source, const NAString &searchFor,
const NAString &replaceWith);
// See notes at NAString.cpp specialSQL_TEXT[].
// Also note that use of this non-Ansi value is going to break when we start
// supporting character sets beyond SQL_TEXT; then we will either have to have
// a function that returns an out-of-charset character for each given charset,
// and concatenate our internal unconflicting object names on the fly,
// rather than this nice simple hardcoded approach, OR
// change this '@' to '\001' or some such impossible-in-all-charsets character
// (as it's a nonprinting ascii char, using it will make debugging a tiny bit
// less obvious, that's all).
#define NON_SQL_TEXT_CHAR '@'
#define NON_SQL_TEXT_STR "@"
#define FUNNY_ANSI_IDENT(str) "\"" str NON_SQL_TEXT_STR "\""
#define FUNNY_ANSI_IDENT_HAS_PREFIX(str,pfx) \
(strncmp(str, "\"" pfx, strlen("\"" pfx)) == 0)
void FUNNY_ANSI_IDENT_REMOVE_PREFIX(NAString &str, const char *pfx);
// Syntactic sugar to call Space::allocateAndCopyToAlignedSpace() in exp_space.C
// (because exe/exp cannot use NAString/RWCString stuff, since exe/exp
// is in a system library...)
#define AllocateAndCopyToAlignedSpace(/* const NAString& */ ns, \
/* size_t */ countPrefixSize) \
allocateAndCopyToAlignedSpace( \
(ns).data(), (ns).length(), countPrefixSize)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routines to set and access the NAString_isoMappingCS memory cache for
// use by routines ToInternalIdentifier() and ToAnsiIdentifier[2|3]() in
// modules w:/common/NAString[2].cpp. These routines currently cannot
// access SqlParser_ISO_MAPPING directly due to the complex build hierarchy.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 NAString_getIsoMapCS();
void NAString_setIsoMapCS(Lng32 isoMappingCS);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routines use by routines ToInternalIdentifier() and
// ToAnsiIdentifier[2|3]() in modules w:/common/NAString[2].cpp.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline SQLCHARSET_CODE ComGetNameInterfaceCharSet()
inline void ComSetNameInterfaceCharSet(SQLCHARSET_CODE ansiNameCharSet)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// if NAString_getIsoMapCS() == (Lng32)SQLCHARSETCODE_ISO88591
// call the corresponding ...8859_1() routine
// otherwise only execute the corresponding 7-bit ASCII logic
NABoolean isUpperIsoMapCS(unsigned char c);
NABoolean isAlphaIsoMapCS(unsigned char c);
NABoolean isAlNumIsoMapCS(unsigned char c);
void NAStringUpshiftIsoMapCS(NAString &ns);
#endif /* NASTRING_H */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is necessary if you want to make a NAKeyLookup (hash table)
// containing elements that are NAString only.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Collections.h"
class NAStringAsOnlyValueInNAKeyLookup : public NAString
NAStringAsOnlyValueInNAKeyLookup() : NAString() {}
NAStringAsOnlyValueInNAKeyLookup(const char *str) : NAString(str) {}
NAStringAsOnlyValueInNAKeyLookup(const NAString &str) : NAString(str) {}
const NAString *getKey() const { return this; }
// inherits NAString::operator==()
// likewise hashkey(const NAString&) will be used by NAKeyLookup
class NAKeyLookupOnNAStringOnly : public NAKeyLookup<
NAKeyLookupOnNAStringOnly(short initSize = 29, CollHeap* h = NULL) :
(initSize, NAKeyLookupEnums::KEY_INSIDE_VALUE, h) {}
//copy ctor
NAKeyLookupOnNAStringOnly (const NAKeyLookupOnNAStringOnly & orig, CollHeap * h=0) ;
//## This is commented out because it causes the dtor to crash.
//## The only current user of this class wants this hashtable to
//## persist over the entire lifetime of arkcmp, so memory leakage
//## is not an issue for it. But other (future) users, beware!
//## clearAndDestroy();