blob: df2a941ff9777266b1d600f8eb317dc4f6c666d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef NALOG_H
#define NALOG_H
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "NAString.h"
#include "NAStdioFile.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class: CNALogfile
// This class supports a basic logging capability and is a child class of
// CNAStdioFile. Logging:
// -- Optionally logs the current time for each request
// -- Optionally logs the process ID for each request
// -- Optionally flushes the request to disk
// -- Controls the level of logging
// -- Either appends to an existing log or clears the log before continuing
// If the file does not exist, it will be created
// -- Optionally generates a log file name
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CNALogfile : public CNAStdioFile {
typedef CNAStdioFile inherited;
// eLEVEL1 is basic logging
// eLEVEL2 is basic plus detailed logging
// eLEVEL3 is basic, detailed, plus logging performed only with DEBUG code
enum ELoggingLevel { eUNKNOWN, eLEVEL1, eLEVEL2, eLEVEL3 };
NABoolean m_bPrintTime;
NABoolean m_bPrintProcessID;
NABoolean m_bFlushAtLogTime;
NABoolean m_bPrintLogHeader;
NABoolean m_bDashToUnderscore;
ELoggingLevel m_eLoggingLevel;
NABoolean m_bClearLogAtOpen;
char *m_pLogName;
// m_bLoggingEnabled is set when information is successfully extracted from
// the SQLMX_LOGNAME environment variable and/or when a log has been
// successfully opened. Everytime a message is logged, m_bLoggingEnabled
// must be on
NABoolean m_bLoggingEnabled;
// m_bLogFailure is set if a call to either OpenLog or WriteLog to a fails.
// This signifies that there is a problem with the log and we should not
// access the file anymore
NABoolean m_bLogFailure;
// These are helper methods used to scan the environment variable
// SQLMX_UTIL_LOGNAME to get the requested values.
void ScanEnvVar ( char *pEnvVarInfo );
char *GetNextToken (char *pStrToScan, Int32 &length);
// This is the helper method to convert any dash in
// log filename to underscore.
void ConvertDashToUnderscore(char *pLogName);
virtual ~CNALogfile();
Int32 Open( void );
Int32 Open( NAString logName, CNAStdioFile::EOpenMode mode );
Int32 Open( char *pLogName, CNAStdioFile::EOpenMode mode );
void Close();
Int32 Log(const char *pBuffer, ELoggingLevel level = CNALogfile::eLEVEL1);
Int32 Log(const NAString &str, ELoggingLevel level = CNALogfile::eLEVEL1)
{ return Log(, level); }
NABoolean Write(const char *pBuffer, Lng32 buflen);
NABoolean Write(const NAString &str, Lng32 buflen)
{ return Write(, buflen); }
NABoolean GetTimePrint() { return m_bPrintTime; }
void SetTimePrint(NABoolean flag) {m_bPrintTime = flag; }
NABoolean GetPrintProcessID() { return m_bPrintProcessID; }
void SetPrintProcessID(NABoolean flag) { m_bPrintProcessID = flag; }
NABoolean GetFlushRow() { return m_bFlushAtLogTime; }
void SetFlushRow(NABoolean flag) { m_bFlushAtLogTime = flag; }
NABoolean IsLoggingEnabled() { return m_bLoggingEnabled; }
void SetLoggingEnabled(NABoolean flag) { m_bLoggingEnabled = flag; }
ELoggingLevel GetLoggingLevel() { return m_eLoggingLevel; }
void SetLoggingLevel(ELoggingLevel loggingLevel)
{ m_eLoggingLevel = loggingLevel; }
char *GetLogfileName() { return m_pLogName; }
void SetLogfileName( char *pLogfileName ) { m_pLogName = pLogfileName; }
void SetClearLogAtOpen(NABoolean openMode) { m_bClearLogAtOpen = openMode; }
NABoolean GetLogFailure() { return m_bLogFailure; }
void SetLogFailure(NABoolean logFailure) { m_bLogFailure = logFailure; }
NABoolean GetPrintLogHeader() {return m_bPrintLogHeader;}
void SetPrintLogHeader (NABoolean header)
{m_bPrintLogHeader = header;}
NABoolean GetDashToUnderscore () {return m_bDashToUnderscore;}
void SetDashToUnderscore (NABoolean DashToUnderscore)
{m_bDashToUnderscore = DashToUnderscore;}
NABoolean isHeaderString (const char *strHeader);
// These methods that format string to log.
NAString GetTimeToLog();
NAString GetProcessToLog();
#endif // NALOG_H