blob: 026778be5acd13b000bcf6c5d60b1e471f34e2e1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComMPLoc.cpp
* Description: See ComMPLoc.h
* Created: 7/1/99
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include <ctype.h>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComMPLoc.h"
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ComRtUtils.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "SqlParserGlobals.h" // last
system_(ComMPLoc_NAMELEN(1)), \
volume_(ComMPLoc_NAMELEN(1)), \
subvol_(ComMPLoc_NAMELEN(1)), \
// file_(ComMPLoc_NAMELEN(1)) // not always used so don't preallocate
ComMPLoc::ComMPLoc() // lightweight ctor
// This ctor parses left-first:
// "X" is interpreted as "\X", "X.Y" as "\X.$Y", "X.Y.Z" as "\X.$Y.Z", ...
ComMPLoc::ComMPLoc(const ComString &fileName)
ComString nam(fileName);
const char *s =;
Int32 namepartnum = (*s == '\\') ? 1 : (*s == '$') ? 2 : 3;
while (*s)
if (*s++ == '.')
parse(nam, (Format)namepartnum);
// This ctor parses right-first, more in the style of Guardian name parsing:
// "X" as "X", ..., "X.Y.Z" as "$X.Y.Z", "X.Y.Z.f" as "\X.$Y.Z.F"
// If fmt is FILE,
// no namepart defaulting (filling in default \system, $volume, subvol) is done:
// any of these is accepted:
// file
// subvol.file
// $volume.subvol.file
// \system.$volume.subvol.file
// If fmt is FULLFILE, only the last two forms are accepted
// (and the third form gets defaulted to \currentSystem.$
// If fmt is SUBVOL, as in
// "SET MPLOC $volume.subvol;" or "SET MPLOC \system.$volume.subvol;",
// - \system name is optional (gets defaulted to current \currentSystem name),
// - $volume and subvolume are required,
// - no filename part is allowed:
// any of these is accepted:
// $volume.subvol (gets defaulted to \currentSystem.$
// system.$volume.subvol
// If fmt is VOL,
// either of these is accepted:
// $volume (gets defaulted to \currentSystem.$v)
// \system.$volume
// If fmt is SYS,
// \system
ComMPLoc::ComMPLoc(const ComString &fileName, Format fmt)
parse(fileName, fmt);
// This method parses right-to-left.
// By default, it accepts as input true NSK format names only
// (i.e., with dots and dollar sign and backslash punctuation).
// The ctors use ONLY the default true NSK format parsing.
// If you want to follow the SHORTANSI scheme used by ODBC,
// you must do so in two steps, using the lightweight inline ctor first:
// ComMPLoc loc;
// loc.parse(nam, ComMPLoc::SUBVOL, TRUE);
// This will accept names in the ODBC SHORTANSI format only.
// In this format,
// - underscore '_' is the namepart delimiter instead of dot '.',
// - no '\\' or '$' punctuation appears in the system or volume namepart,
// - the system name does not get defaulted, all nameparts must be specified.
// This really makes sense only with fmt SUBVOL, in which only this is accepted:
// system_volume_subvol e.g. SQUAW_DATA00_NSKPORT
// Note that after parsing, the class internally stores this as the equivalent
// vanilla MPLOC:
// \system.$volume.subvol e.g. \SQUAW.$DATA00.NSKPORT
void ComMPLoc::parse(const ComString &fileName, Format fmt,
ComBoolean shortAnsi)
ComBoolean err = FALSE;
ComString nam(fileName);
TrimNAStringSpace(nam); // remove leading+trailing blanks " $X.Y "
char delim = shortAnsi ? '_' : '.';
char sentinelBuf[] = "."; // nul-terminated string
sentinelBuf[0] = delim; // overwrite w/ delim
nam.prepend(sentinelBuf); // sentinel delim
Int32 namepartnum = ABS(fmt);
// Parser treats quoted string as it is. To use reserved word as one part
// of the name separated by dots, the reserved word must be enclosed in
// double quotes. It's ok to remove all double quotes from the name here,
// because unpaired double quote in the name is flagged as error.
if (nam.index('"') != NA_NPOS) { // found a double quote
Int32 quoted = -1;
size_t i = nam.length();
while (i--)
if (nam[i] == '"') {
nam.remove(i,1); // remove all "
quoted = -quoted;
if (quoted > 0) err = TRUE; // " must be in pairs
size_t i = nam.length();
while (i-- && !err) {
char c = nam[i];
if (!isalnum(c)) {
if (c != delim) { // eg. "Y.SUB%OL"
if (nam[i-1] != delim) err = TRUE;
//else we are at either the '\\' or '$' in ".\X.$Y", which is okay,
//or we are at '%' in ".\X.$Y.%UBVOL",
//but on the next loop iter, the isalpha() below will catch this error.
else {
ComString part(&[i+1]);
// Commented this out, to disallow "\X .$Y . Z. F"
// if (!shortAnsi)
// TrimNAStringSpace(part);
if (part.isNull()) err = TRUE;
else {
const char *p =;
switch (namepartnum--) {
case 4: if (!isalpha(*p)) err = TRUE;
file_ = part;
case 3: if (!isalpha(*p)) err = TRUE;
subvol_ = part;
case 2: if (!shortAnsi && *p++ != '$') err = TRUE;
if (!isalpha(*p)) err = TRUE;
if (shortAnsi) part.prepend("$");
volume_ = part;
case 1: if (!shortAnsi && *p++ != '\\') err = TRUE;
if (!isalpha(*p)) err = TRUE;
if (shortAnsi) part.prepend("\\");
system_ = part;
default: err = TRUE;
if (part.length() > MAX_NAMEPART_LEN) err = TRUE;
} // c==delim
} // !isalnum
} // while
if (fmt == FILE) {
if (file_.isNull()) err = TRUE;
else if (!err) {
// Default the system part to <currentSys>,
// except if shortAnsi, which requires full specification w/o defaulting.
if (fmt != SYS && system_.isNull() && !shortAnsi) {
if (namepartnum) err = TRUE; // must have all nameparts to my left
format_ = err ? INVALID : fmt;
if (err) {
ComString nam(fileName);
system_ = nam; // save original for getMPName, errmsgs
sysdotvol_ = volume_ = subvol_ = file_ = "";
else {
sysdotvol_ = system_; // set to "" or "\sys"
if (!sysdotvol_.isNull())
sysdotvol_ += '.'; // literal dot, *not* delim
sysdotvol_ += volume_;
void ComMPLoc::initializeSystemName(ComBoolean ignoreNADefaults)
static char mySysName[MAX_NAMEPART_LEN+1] = "";
if (!SqlParser_Initialized() || ignoreNADefaults || !mySysName[0]) {
if (!mySysName[0])
ComRtGetOSClusterName(mySysName, sizeof(mySysName), NULL);
if (mySysName[0] && mySysName[0] != ' ') {
system_ = mySysName;
if (*system_ != '\\') {
strcpy(mySysName, system_);
system_ = SqlParser_MPLOC.system_;
Int32 ComMPLoc::applyDefaults(const ComMPLoc &defaults,
ComBoolean emptySystemNameMatchCountsAsAMatch)
if (!isValid(FILE)) return 0;
if (system_.isNull())
system_ = defaults.system_;
if (volume_.isNull())
volume_ = defaults.volume_;
if (subvol_.isNull())
subvol_ = defaults.subvol_;
Int32 defaultMatchCount = 0;
if (system_ == defaults.system_) {
if (!system_.isNull() || emptySystemNameMatchCountsAsAMatch)
if (volume_ == defaults.volume_) {
if (subvol_ == defaults.subvol_)
return defaultMatchCount;
ComString ComMPLoc::getMPName() const
// Do NOT say "if (!isValid())" here -- infinite recursion!
// Instead we just pass the name along as-is, if UNKNOWN.
if (format_ == INVALID)
return system_; // original string, saved by parse() if error
ComString n(ComMPLoc_NAMELEN(4));
ComBoolean beg = FALSE;
if ( hasSystemName()) { n += getSystemName(); n += '.'; beg = TRUE; }
if (beg || hasVolumeName()) { n += getVolumeName(); n += '.'; beg = TRUE; }
if (beg || hasSubvolName()) { n += getSubvolName(); n += '.'; beg = TRUE; }
if (beg || hasFileName()) n += getFileName();
// If this Loc was built using the left-to-right ctor
// or with format SUBVOL or VOL or SYS,
// it can have trailing parts missing, e.g. "\SYS.$VOL.SUBV.",
// so now we remove any trailing dots, e.g. "\SYS.$VOL.SUBV"
for (size_t i = n.length(); i-- && n[i] == '.'; )
return n;
ComString ComMPLoc::getOSSName() const
// Do NOT say "if (!isValid())" here -- infinite recursion!
// Instead we just pass the name along as-is, if UNKNOWN.
if (format_ == INVALID)
return system_; // original string, saved by parse() if error
static const ComString VSV_DEFAULT("SYSTEM");
ComString n("/G/");
n += hasVolumeName() ? ChopMPLocPrefix(getVolumeName()) :;
n += '/';
n += hasSubvolName() ? getSubvolName() : VSV_DEFAULT;
if (hasFileName()) {
n += '/';
n += getFileName();
return n;
// Returns name, e.g. \SYS.$DATA.SUBVOL.NAM
// 0123456789!123456789@
// and lenArray[0] = 4, for 4 name parts in this name
// lenArray[1] = 21, length of entire name
// lenArray[2] = 5, offset of $DATA.SUBVOL.NAM
// lenArray[3] = 11, offset of SUBVOL.NAM
// lenArray[4] = 18, offset of NAM
// This allows storing one single character string and a set of offsets into it,
// for equivalent ways of referencing an object --
// **this is meaningful ONLY IF the caller has called applyDefaults()
// **with the correct current defaults!
// See CollationInfo class's namelen + synonymOffset[3] size_t's.
ComString ComMPLoc::getMPName(size_t *lenArray /* array[5] */ ) const
lenArray[0] = lenArray[1] = lenArray[2] = lenArray[3] = lenArray[4] = 0;
ComString n = getMPName();
ComASSERT(format_ != UNKNOWN);
if (format_ != UNKNOWN && // safe to..
((ComMPLoc *)this)->isValid(FILE)) { // ..cast away constness
lenArray[1] = n.length(); // [1] = length of full name
size_t a = 1;
size_t i = 0;
const char *s =;
for ( ; *s; i++, s++) {
if (*s == '.') {
lenArray[++a] = i + 1; // [2] thru [4] = offsets of trailing name parts
lenArray[0] = a; // [0] = the count of size_t's being returned
} // (length + up to 3 offsets)
// (aka the number of nameparts)
return n; // Return the external-format string as well.
ComBoolean ComMPLoc::isValid(Format fmt)
if (format_ == UNKNOWN)
parse(getMPName(), fmt);
return ((format_ != INVALID) &&
(format_ == fmt ||
ABS(format_) == fmt)); // format_ of FULLFILE matches FILE,
} // but *not* vice versa!
ComBoolean ComMPLoc::getAsSubvol()
if (isValid(SUBVOL)) return TRUE;
if (hasSubvolName()) {
file_ = "";
format_ = SUBVOL;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
ostream &operator<< (ostream &s, const ComMPLoc &name)
s << name.getMPName();
return s;