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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SqlTableOpenInfo.h
* Description:
* Created: 5/6/98
* Language: C++
#include "Int64.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "ComPackDefs.h"
#include "NAVersionedObject.h"
#include "PrivMgrDefs.h"
// #include "BaseTypes.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class SqlTableOpenInfo
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SqlTableOpenInfo : public NAVersionedObject
enum AccessMode
struct AccessFlags
UInt32 select_: 1;
UInt32 insert_: 1;
UInt32 update_: 1;
UInt32 delete_: 1;
void init()
openFlags_ = 0;
otherFlags_ = FILLER_IS_INITED;
// Default settings
maxNowaitRequests_ = 15;
accessMode_ = READ_;
redefTime_ = -1;
numParts_ = -1;
numIndexes_ = -1;
fileName_ = (NABasicPtr) NULL ;
ansiName_ = (NABasicPtr) NULL ;
corrName_ = (NABasicPtr) NULL ;
columnListCount_ = 0;
updateColumnList_ = (Int16Ptr) NULL;
partNameArray_ = (NABasicPtr) NULL ;
timeoutVal_ = 6000;
utilityOpenId_ = -1;
= 0;
priority_ = 3;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefine virtual functions required for Versioning.
virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(SqlTableOpenInfo); }
SqlTableOpenInfo() : NAVersionedObject(-1) { init(); }
// No destructor, and no "delete ansiName_;" etc. in setAnsiName() methods,
// for we will assume that all allocations come from a heap
NABoolean shareOpens() { return (openFlags_ & SHARE_OPENS) != 0; }
NABoolean executorOpen() { return (openFlags_ & EXECUTOR_OPEN) != 0; }
NABoolean openAllParts() { return (openFlags_ & OPEN_ALL_PARTS) != 0; }
NABoolean isUtilityOpen() { return (openFlags_ & UTILITY_OPEN) != 0; }
NABoolean distributeOpens() { return (openFlags_ & DISTRIBUTE_OPENS) != 0; }
NABoolean reuseOpens() { return (openFlags_ & REUSE_OPENS) != 0; }
NABoolean reuseOpensForWrite() { return (openFlags_ & REUSE_OPENS_FOR_WRITE) != 0; }
NABoolean readProtectedOpen() { return (openFlags_ & READ_PROTECTED_OPEN) != 0;}
NABoolean insertToNonAudited() { return (openFlags_ & INSERT_TO_NONAUDITED_OPEN) != 0;}
NABoolean randomPartarrayGeneration() { return (openFlags_ & RANDOM_PARTARRAY_GENERATION) != 0;}
NABoolean locationSpecified() { return (otherFlags_ & LOCATION) != 0; }
NABoolean isView() { return (otherFlags_ & IS_MX_VIEW) != 0; }
NABoolean validateTimestamp() { return (otherFlags_ & VALIDATE_TS) != 0; }
NABoolean noWaited() { return (otherFlags_ & NO_WAIT) != 0; }
NABoolean lockWait() { return (otherFlags_ & LOCK_WAIT) != 0; }
NABoolean checkSecurity() { return (otherFlags_ & SECURITY) != 0; }
NABoolean subjectTable() const{ return (otherFlags_ & SUBJECT_TABLE) != 0; }
NABoolean isAudited() { return (otherFlags_ & AUDITED) != 0; }
NABoolean isIndex() { return (otherFlags_ & IS_MX_INDEX) != 0; }
NABoolean specialTable() { return (otherFlags_ & SPECIAL_TABLE) != 0; }
NABoolean isUDRSurrogate() { return (otherFlags_ & IS_UDR_SURROGATE) != 0; }
NABoolean isReverseScan() { return (otherFlags_ & REVERSE_SCAN) != 0; }
NABoolean isNSAOperation() { return (otherFlags_ & IS_NSA_OPERATION) != 0; }
NABoolean isInsertOfUpdateCK() { return (otherFlags_ & INSERT_OF_UPDATE_CK) != 0; }
NABoolean isMXMetadataTable()
{ return (otherFlags_ & IS_MX_METADATA_TABLE) != 0; }
NABoolean isValidateViewsAtOpenTime()
{ return (otherFlags_ & VALIDATE_VIEWS_AT_OPEN_TIME) != 0; }
NABoolean validateNumIndexesAtOpenTime()
{ return (otherFlags_ & VALIDATE_NUM_INDEXES_AT_OPEN_TIME) != 0; }
NABoolean isHbase()
{ return (otherFlags_ & IS_HBASE) != 0; }
void setShareOpens(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= SHARE_OPENS : openFlags_ &= ~SHARE_OPENS); }
void setExecutorOpen(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= EXECUTOR_OPEN : openFlags_ &= ~EXECUTOR_OPEN); }
void setOpenAllParts(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= OPEN_ALL_PARTS : openFlags_ &= ~OPEN_ALL_PARTS); }
void setUtilityOpen(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= UTILITY_OPEN : openFlags_ &= ~UTILITY_OPEN); }
void setDistributeOpens(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= DISTRIBUTE_OPENS : openFlags_ &= ~DISTRIBUTE_OPENS); }
void setReuseOpens(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= REUSE_OPENS : openFlags_ &= ~REUSE_OPENS); }
void setReuseOpensForWrite(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= REUSE_OPENS_FOR_WRITE : openFlags_ &= ~REUSE_OPENS_FOR_WRITE); }
void setReadProtectedOpen(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= READ_PROTECTED_OPEN : openFlags_ &= ~READ_PROTECTED_OPEN); }
void setInsertToNonAuditedOpen(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? openFlags_ |= INSERT_TO_NONAUDITED_OPEN : openFlags_ &= ~INSERT_TO_NONAUDITED_OPEN); }
void setRandomPartarrayGeneration(NABoolean v)
void setLocationSpecified(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= LOCATION : otherFlags_ &= ~LOCATION); }
void setIsView(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_MX_VIEW : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_MX_VIEW); }
void setValidateTimestamp(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= VALIDATE_TS : otherFlags_ &= ~VALIDATE_TS); }
void setNoWaited(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= NO_WAIT : otherFlags_ &= ~NO_WAIT); }
void setLockWait(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= LOCK_WAIT : otherFlags_ &= ~LOCK_WAIT); }
void setCheckSecurity(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= SECURITY : otherFlags_ &= ~SECURITY); }
void setIsAudited(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= AUDITED : otherFlags_ &= ~AUDITED); }
void setIsIndex(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_MX_INDEX : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_MX_INDEX); }
void setSpecialTable(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= SPECIAL_TABLE : otherFlags_ &= ~SPECIAL_TABLE); }
void setIsUDRSurrogate(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_UDR_SURROGATE : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_UDR_SURROGATE); }
void setIsReverseScan(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= REVERSE_SCAN : otherFlags_ &= ~REVERSE_SCAN); }
void setIsNSAOperation(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_NSA_OPERATION : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_NSA_OPERATION); }
void setIsMXMetadataTable(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_MX_METADATA_TABLE : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_MX_METADATA_TABLE); }
void setIsInsertOfUpdateCK(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= INSERT_OF_UPDATE_CK : otherFlags_ &= ~INSERT_OF_UPDATE_CK); }
void setSubjectTable(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= SUBJECT_TABLE : otherFlags_ &= ~SUBJECT_TABLE); }
void setValidateViewsAtOpenTime(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= VALIDATE_VIEWS_AT_OPEN_TIME :
void setValidateNumIndexesAtOpenTime(NABoolean v)
void setIsHbase(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_HBASE : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_HBASE); }
short maxNowaitRequests() { return maxNowaitRequests_; }
void setMaxNowaitRequests(short numreq) { maxNowaitRequests_ = numreq; }
short numParts() { return numParts_; }
void setNumParts(short numparts) { numParts_ = numparts; }
AccessMode accessMode() { return (AccessMode)(accessMode_); }
void setAccessMode(AccessMode am) { accessMode_ = am; }
UInt32 getSelectAccess() const { return accessFlags_.select_; }
UInt32 getInsertAccess() const { return accessFlags_.insert_; }
UInt32 getUpdateAccess() const { return accessFlags_.update_; }
UInt32 getDeleteAccess() const { return accessFlags_.delete_; }
UInt32 getPrivAccess(PrivType which)
if (which == SELECT_PRIV)
return getSelectAccess();
else if (which == INSERT_PRIV)
return getInsertAccess();
else if (which == UPDATE_PRIV)
return getUpdateAccess();
else if (which == DELETE_PRIV)
return getDeleteAccess();
return -1;
AccessFlags getAccessFlags() const { return accessFlags_; }
void setSelectAccess(UInt32 flag = 1)
{ accessFlags_.select_ = flag ? 1 : 0; }
void setInsertAccess(UInt32 flag = 1)
{ accessFlags_.insert_ = flag ? 1 : 0; }
void setUpdateAccess(UInt32 flag = 1)
{ accessFlags_.update_ = flag ? 1 : 0; }
void setDeleteAccess(UInt32 flag = 1)
{ accessFlags_.delete_ = flag ? 1 : 0; }
void clearAllAccessFlags()
accessFlags_.select_ = 0;
accessFlags_.insert_ = 0;
accessFlags_.update_ = 0;
accessFlags_.delete_ = 0;
const char *ansiName() { return ansiName_.getPointer(); }
char *nonConstAnsiName() { return ansiName_.getPointer(); }
void setAnsiName(char *name) { ansiName_ = name; }
char *fileName() { return fileName_.getPointer(); }
void setFileName(char *name) { fileName_ = name; }
char *corrName() { return corrName_.getPointer(); }
void setCorrName(char *name) { corrName_ = name; }
char *getPartNameArray()
{ return partNameArray_.getPointer(); }
void setPartNameArray (char *buf) { partNameArray_ = buf; }
void setNumEntriesInPartNameArray (unsigned short numEntries)
{ numPartsInPartNameArray_ = numEntries; }
unsigned short getNumEntriesInPartNameArray (void)
{ return numPartsInPartNameArray_; }
short getColumnListCount() const { return columnListCount_; }
void setColumnListCount(short count) { columnListCount_ = count; }
void incColumnListCount() { columnListCount_++; }
void decColumnListCount() { columnListCount_--; }
// short *&getRefToColumnList() { return updateColumnList_; }
short *getColumnList() { return updateColumnList_.getPointer(); }
void setColumnList(short *colList) { updateColumnList_ = colList; }
// short &updateColumnList(short ix) { return updateColumnList_[ix]; }
short getUpdateColumn(short ix) { return updateColumnList_[(Int32)ix]; }
void setUpdateColumn(short ix, short col)
{ updateColumnList_[(Int32)ix] = col; }
// short &updateColumnList(CollIndex ix) { return updateColumnList_[ix]; }
short getUpdateColumn(CollIndex ix) { return updateColumnList_[(Int32)ix]; }
void setUpdateColumn(CollIndex ix, short col)
{ updateColumnList_[(Int32)ix] = col; }
// long &timeoutVal() { return timeoutVal_; }
Lng32 getTimeoutVal() { return timeoutVal_; }
void setTimeoutVal(Lng32 timeoutVal) { timeoutVal_ = timeoutVal; }
// short &priority() { return priority_; }
short getPriority() { return priority_; }
void setPriority(short priority) { priority_ = priority; }
// timestamp value when table schema was modified
Int64 &redefTime() { return redefTime_; }
Int64 getRedefTime() { return redefTime_; }
void setRedefTime(const Int64 &redefTime) { redefTime_ = redefTime; }
// security vector to monitor changes
Int32 getSecurityVector() { return securityVector_; }
void setSecurityVector(const Int32 &secVec) { securityVector_ = secVec; }
// owner
Int16 getOwner() { return owner_; }
void setOwner(const Int16 &owner) { owner_ = owner; }
Int16 getNumIndexes() {return numIndexes_;}
void setNumIndexes(const Int16 numIndexes) {numIndexes_ = numIndexes;}
// Utility Open Id
Int64 getUtilityOpenId() { return utilityOpenId_; }
void setUtilityOpenId(const Int64 &openId) {utilityOpenId_ = openId;}
void clearFiller()
memset(fillersSqlTableOpenInfo2_, 0, sizeof fillersSqlTableOpenInfo2_);
memset(fillersSqlTableOpenInfo_, 0, sizeof fillersSqlTableOpenInfo_ );
Long pack(void *space)
return NAVersionedObject::pack(space);
Lng32 unpack(void *base, void * reallocator)
if ((otherFlags_ & FILLER_IS_INITED) == 0)
// This is a version-compatible way to fix a problem in plans
// written by the pre-R2 FCS compiler: the filler fields were not
// initialized to zeroes. We only support plans from the R1.8 compiler,
// so only offsets that were filler in R1.8 need to be repaired here.
numPartsInPartNameArray_ = 0;
utilityOpenId_ = 0;
partNameArray_ = (NABasicPtr) NULL ;
if(updateColumnList_.unpack(base)) return -1;
if(fileName_.unpack(base)) return -1;
if(ansiName_.unpack(base)) return -1;
if(corrName_.unpack(base)) return -1;
if(partNameArray_.unpack(base)) return -1;
return NAVersionedObject::unpack(base, reallocator);
enum OpenFlags
SHARE_OPENS = 0x0001, EXECUTOR_OPEN = 0x0002,
OPEN_ALL_PARTS = 0x0004, SQL_SECURED = 0x0008,
PRIV_OPEN = 0x0010, LICENSED_PROC = 0x0020,
UTILITY_OPEN = 0x0040,
// Normally, first open is always done on the root partition. This
// could cause heavy traffic on the root datavol and result in it
// running out of resources(error 35, 30).
// If this flag is set, then open is done on one of the partitions
// from the partNameArray, if this array was generated.
// This would distribute opens among multiple datavols.
// See runtime code for the actual algorith used to pick a partition.
// if set, tables are not closed at the end of a query. This allows
// the same open to be reused for the next query which accesses that
// table.
// If the table is shared opened by multiple openers from the same
// process, then the share count is decremented until it reaches 1.
// At that time, the last open is preserved so it could be reused.
// Tables are closed if the process is exited, or if user id changes.
REUSE_OPENS = 0x0100,
// sets exclusion mode to ARK_DML_PROTECTED. This does a read protected
// open which prevents any write access to the table.
// this flagis set when CQD USTAT_INSERT_TO_NONAUDITED_TABLE is DF_ON.
// this tells the executor that inserting to a nonaudited table is ok
// this causes the force open flag to be set for DP2.
// this flag is a temporary flag to tell the executor whether to keep
// current behavior as far as picking which partition of the table to
// open, or not.
// OtherFlags:
// SECURITY: this is set, if security check is to be done before
// opening the table to access data. If set, security
// check is done with a non-priv open, and if successful,
// the table is closed and reopened with priv open.
enum OtherFlags
LOCATION = 0x0001,
IS_MX_VIEW = 0x0002,
VALIDATE_TS = 0x0004,
NO_WAIT = 0x0008,
LOCK_WAIT = 0x0010,
SECURITY = 0x0020,
AUDITED = 0x0040,
IS_MX_INDEX = 0x0080,
SUBJECT_TABLE = 0x01000, // triggers
REVERSE_SCAN = 0x4000,
IS_HBASE = 0x100000
AccessFlags accessFlags_; // 00-03
UInt32 openFlags_; // 04-07
UInt32 otherFlags_; // 08-11
Int16 maxNowaitRequests_; // 12-13
// number of horizontal partitions
Int16 numParts_; // 14-15
// physical file name and the ansi name of the table or view
NABasicPtr ansiName_; // 16-23
NABasicPtr fileName_; // 24-31
NABasicPtr corrName_; // 32-39
Int16Ptr updateColumnList_; // 40-47
Int16 columnListCount_; // 48-49
Int16 accessMode_; // 50-51
Int16 priority_; // 52-53
// if this is an sql/mp base table which has secondary indexes, then
// the next field indicates the number of indexes.
// This field is used at runtime to validate if a new index with
// NO INVALIDATE option was created at runtime. An index created with
// NO INV option does not change the timestamp of the base table which
// causes incorrect index maintanence to be done.
// To validate that, we compare this field with the actual number of
// indexes at open time, if there is no timestamp mismatch.
// If the number at runtime is greater than numIndexes_, then an index
// was created with NO INV option.
Int16 numIndexes_; // 54-55
// timestamp value when table schema was modified
Int64 redefTime_; // 56-63
// timeout value used while accessing this table.
Int32 timeoutVal_; // 64-67
// securityVector_ and owner_ for use with UDRs
// guardian security vector
Int32 securityVector_; // 68-71
// owner
Int16 owner_; // 72-73
Int16 numPartsInPartNameArray_; // 74-75
char fillersSqlTableOpenInfo2_[4]; // 76-79
// utility open id, if this open is part of a utility operation.
Int64 utilityOpenId_; // 80-87
NABasicPtr partNameArray_; // 88-95
char fillersSqlTableOpenInfo_[16]; // 96-111
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Template instantiation to produce a 64-bit pointer emulator class
// for SqlTableOpenInfo
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef NAVersionedObjectPtrTempl<SqlTableOpenInfo> SqlTableOpenInfoPtr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Template instantiation to produce a 64-bit pointer emulator class
// for SqlTableOpenInfoPtr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAVersionedObjectPtrArrayTempl<SqlTableOpenInfoPtr> SqlTableOpenInfoPtrPtr;