blob: 8f346303fdd3efc5b66d92f2ea30b9f2dcdf9595 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CmpMessage.h
* Description: This is the class definition for the Compiler/Executor
* messages.
* Created: 5/6/98
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
#include "ComDefs.h"
typedef ULng32 CmpMsgBufLenType;
// this file contains
class CmpMessageObj;
class CmpMessageExit;
class CmpMessageLast;
class CmpMessageSQLText;
class CmpMessageReplyCode;
class CmpMessageCompileStmt;
// forward declaration
class ex_expr;
class sql_buffer;
class FragmentDir;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The base class for all the executor/compiler messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageObj : public IpcMessageObj
enum MessageTypeEnum
DDL = PROCESSDDL, // synonyms
SQLTEXT_RECOMPILE, // tells mxcmp to decache & recompile query
typedef Int64 ID;
CmpMessageObj(IpcMessageObjType t=NULL_REQUEST,
CollHeap* h=0);
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
// decrRefCount() needs to be redefined to call the destructor and
// deallocate space. For the classes derived from this, if there is
// special thing to be done in destructor, needs to write its own
// destroyMe() method
virtual void destroyMe() { }
virtual IpcMessageRefCount decrRefCount();
CollHeap* getHeap() { return h_; }
ID id() const { return id_; }
virtual ULng32 getFlags() const { return 0L; }
virtual void setFlags(ULng32) {}
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const CmpMessageObj&);
virtual ~CmpMessageObj() { }
// Virtual method that sets the version field of the message to the
// version specified by the caller. If the structure of the message
// has changed in an incompatible way from one version to the next this
// method will also do the translation of the new structure to the old
// before sending it to the downrev compiler.
virtual void migrateToVersion(short version)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some helper routines for CmpMessageObj family
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
IpcMessageObjSize packIntoBuffer(char* &buffer,
char* strPtr);
IpcMessageObjSize packIntoBuffer(char* &buffer,
void* strPtr, Lng32 sz);
void unpackBuffer (const char* &buffer,
void* &strPtr, CollHeap* h=0)
char* temp=0;
unpackBuffer(buffer, temp, h);
strPtr = temp;
// unpack a char* buffer
void unpackBuffer (const char* &buffer,
char* &strPtr, CollHeap* h=0);
// unpack a char* buffer, but strPtr is a preallocated space
// with size maxSize. maxSize has to be big enough to hold the
// whole buffer.
void unpackBuffer (const char* &buffer,
char* strPtr, ULng32 maxSize,
ULng32& sizeMoved);
void advanceSize(IpcMessageObjSize &size,
const void * const buffPtr, Lng32 sz=0)
const Int32 lenSize = sizeof(CmpMsgBufLenType);
size += lenSize;
if (buffPtr != NULL)
size += ((sz) ? sz : (str_len((char*)buffPtr) + 1));
ID id_;
void advanceSize(IpcMessageObjSize &size, Int64 i64)
{ size += sizeof(i64); }
IpcMessageObjSize packIntoBuffer(char* &buffer, Int64 i64)
IpcMessageObjSize sz = sizeof(Int64);
str_cpy_all((char*)buffer, (char*)&i64, sz);
buffer += sz;
return sz;
void unpackBuffer (const char* &buffer, Int64& i64)
IpcMessageObjSize sz = sizeof(Int64);
str_cpy_all((char*)&i64, (char*)buffer, sz);
buffer += sz;
CmpMessageObj& operator=(const CmpMessageObj&);
CmpMessageObj(const CmpMessageObj&);
CollHeap* h_;
}; // end of CmpMessageObj
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic request objects
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageRequestBasic : public CmpMessageObj
CmpMessageRequestBasic(MessageTypeEnum t = NULL_REQUEST,
CollHeap* h=0);
virtual ~CmpMessageRequestBasic();
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
CmpMessageRequestBasic(const CmpMessageRequestBasic&);
const CmpMessageRequestBasic& operator=(const CmpMessageRequestBasic&);
}; // end of CmpMessageRequestBasic
class CmpMessageReplyBasic : public CmpMessageObj
CmpMessageReplyBasic(MessageTypeEnum t=NULL_REQUEST,
ID request=0,
CollHeap* h=0);
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
ID& request() { return request_; }
ID request_;
}; // end of CmpMessageReplyBasic
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic class for requests from executor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Information that is sent to recompile a dynamic or static statement.
// This class is sent as part of the data() field.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpCompileInfo
CmpCompileInfo(char * sourceStr, Lng32 sourceStrLen,
Lng32 sourceStrCharSet,
char * schemaName, Lng32 schemaNameLen,
ULng32 inputArrayMaxsize,
short rowsetAtomicity);
void init();
short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(CmpCompileInfo); }
Lng32 getVarLength();
Lng32 getLength();
void packVars(char * buffer, CmpCompileInfo *ci,
Lng32 &nextOffset);
void pack(char * buffer);
void unpack(char * base);
void getUnpackedFields(char* &sqltext,
char* &schemaName);
const ULng32 getInputArrayMaxsize() {return inputArrayMaxsize_ ;}
const short getRowsetAtomicity();
NABoolean odbcProcess() { return (flags_ & ODBC_PROCESS) != 0; }
void setOdbcProcess(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= ODBC_PROCESS : flags_ &= ~ODBC_PROCESS); }
NABoolean isSystemModuleStmt (void) {return (flags_ & SYSTEM_MODULE_STMT) != 0;}
void setSystemModuleStmt (NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= SYSTEM_MODULE_STMT : flags_ &= ~SYSTEM_MODULE_STMT); }
NABoolean isAnsiHoldable() { return (flags_ & ANSI_HOLDABLE_CURSOR) != 0; }
void setAnsiHoldable(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= ANSI_HOLDABLE_CURSOR : flags_ &= ~ANSI_HOLDABLE_CURSOR); }
NABoolean isPubsubHoldable() { return (flags_ & PUBSUB_HOLDABLE_CURSOR) != 0; }
void setPubsubHoldable(NABoolean v)
const short getHoldableAttr();
NABoolean noTextCache() { return (flags_ & NO_TEXT_CACHE) != 0; }
void setNoTextCache(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= NO_TEXT_CACHE : flags_ &= ~NO_TEXT_CACHE); }
NABoolean aqrPrepare() { return (flags_ & AQR_PREPARE) != 0; }
void setAqrPrepare(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= AQR_PREPARE : flags_ &= ~AQR_PREPARE); }
NABoolean standaloneQuery() { return (flags_ & STANDALONE_QUERY) != 0; }
void setStandaloneQuery(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= STANDALONE_QUERY : flags_ &= ~STANDALONE_QUERY); }
Lng32 getSqlTextLen() const { return sqlTextLen_; }
void setSqlTextLen(Lng32 len) { sqlTextLen_ = len; }
Lng32 getSqlTextCharSet() const { return sqlTextCharSet_; }
void setSqlTextCharSet(Lng32 cs) { sqlTextCharSet_ = cs; }
NABoolean isHbaseDDL()
{ return (flags_ & HBASE_DDL) != 0; }
void setHbaseDDL(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= HBASE_DDL : flags_ &= ~HBASE_DDL); }
NABoolean doNotCachePlan()
{ return (flags_ & DO_NOT_CACHE_PLAN) != 0; }
void setDoNotCachePlan(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= DO_NOT_CACHE_PLAN : flags_ &= ~DO_NOT_CACHE_PLAN); }
enum { FILLERSIZE = 60 };
enum Flags
// if nametype was specified as NSK at static compilation time.
// Used to send this info to mxcmp at auto recompilation time.
NAMETYPE_NSK = 0x0001,
// if odbc_process was ON as NSK at static compilation time.
// Used to send this info to mxcmp at auto recompilation time.
ODBC_PROCESS = 0x0002,
// the next two flags go together.
// The first flag denotes whether rowset atomicity has been specified.
// The second flag is read on only if the first one is turned ON.
// The second flag denotes whether the statement is ATOMIC or NOT ATOMIC
// do not use text cache during compile.
NO_TEXT_CACHE = 0x0040,
// internal prepare during AQR
AQR_PREPARE = 0x0080,
// not an user explicitly prepared query
// this is a request to perform a SQL ddl operation that will be converted
// to an hbase object
HBASE_DDL = 0x0800,
// do not cache the resulting query plan
char * sqltext_; // 00-07
Lng32 sqlTextLen_; // 08-11
Lng32 unused_; // 12-15
char * schemaName_; // 16-23
Lng32 schemaNameLen_; // 24-27
Lng32 unused2_; // 28-31
ULng32 inputArrayMaxsize_; // 32-35
ULng32 flags_; // 36-39
Lng32 sqlTextCharSet_; // 40-43
char fillerBytes_[FILLERSIZE]; // 44-103
class CmpMessageRequest : public CmpMessageRequestBasic
CmpMessageRequest(MessageTypeEnum e, char* data=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,
CollHeap* h=0,
const char *parentQid = NULL, Lng32 parentQidLen = 0);
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
void copyToString(char* & dest, CmpMsgBufLenType& sz,
char* s, CmpMsgBufLenType sz1);
char* data() const { return data_; }
Lng32 charSet() const { return charSet_; }
virtual ULng32 getFlags() const { return flags_; }
virtual void setFlags(ULng32 f) { flags_ = f; }
virtual void destroyMe();
virtual ~CmpMessageRequest() { destroyMe(); }
CmpMsgBufLenType getSize() const { return sz_; };
inline const char *getParentQid() const { return parentQid_; }
inline Lng32 getParentQidLen() const { return parentQidLen_; }
CmpCompileInfo * getCmpCompileInfo() const
{ return (CmpCompileInfo *)data();};
CmpMessageRequest& operator=(const CmpMessageRequest&);
CmpMessageRequest(const CmpMessageRequest&);
char* data_;
CmpMsgBufLenType sz_;
ULng32 flags_;
Lng32 charSet_; // sender's character set
Lng32 parentQidLen_;
const char *parentQid_;
NABoolean allocated_;
}; // end of CmpMessageRequest
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic class for reply to executor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageReply : public CmpMessageReplyBasic
// The memeber data_ of this class can be set through data() member function
// with any pointer. After data_ is set, this class owns that pointer.
// This memory is supposed to be allocated from outh CollHeap*,
// NADELETEBASIC will be called to delete the memory.
CmpMessageReply(MessageTypeEnum e, ID request =0,
CollHeap* h=0,
char* preAllocatedData=0,
ULng32 preAllocatedDataSize=0,
CollHeap* outh=0);
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
CollHeap* outHeap() { return outh_; }
Lng32 getSize() const { return sz_; }
char* getData() const { return data_; }
char* takeData() {dataAllocated_ = FALSE; char* temp = data_; data_ = 0; return temp;}
char* data() const { return data_; }
char*& data() { dataAllocated_ = TRUE; return data_; }
CmpMsgBufLenType & size() { return sz_; }
virtual void destroyMe();
virtual ~CmpMessageReply();
CmpMessageReply& operator=(const CmpMessageReply&);
CmpMessageReply(const CmpMessageReply&);
CmpMsgBufLenType sz_;
char* data_;
// flag to identiy whethere data_ is allocated internally or taken from
// preAllocatedData_.
NABoolean dataAllocated_;
// Executor wants to allocate the storage for the reply buffer.
// preAllocatedData_ is the pre allocated buffer to hold the reply data
// in unpackObj. preAllocatedDataSize_ is the size allocated.
char* preAllocatedData_;
CmpMsgBufLenType preAllocatedSize_;
// This CollHeap* is used to allocate data_.
CollHeap* outh_;
}; // end of CmpMessageReply
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// connection control messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageExit : public CmpMessageObj
CmpMessageExit(CollHeap* h=0) : CmpMessageObj(EXIT_CONNECTION,h) {}
~CmpMessageExit() {}
CmpMessageExit& operator=(const CmpMessageExit&);
CmpMessageExit(const CmpMessageExit&);
}; // end of CmpMessageExit
class CmpMessageLast : public CmpMessageObj
CmpMessageLast(CollHeap* h=0) : CmpMessageObj(LAST_MESSAGE,h)
{ }
{ }
CmpMessageLast& operator=(const CmpMessageLast&);
CmpMessageLast(const CmpMessageLast&);
}; // end of CmpMessageLast
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requests from executor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run time environment setup messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageEnvs : public CmpMessageObj
// An EXGLOBALS request will be sent to arkcmp at the beginning of each request to make
// sure arkcmp has same info as executor. It contains:
// . environemnt variables
// . current working directory
// . transId
// . .etc ....
// In the future, for performance reason, it can be changed so that this request only
// be sent when
// . info changed in executor, needs to refresh arkcmp. this needs a trigger in the info
// change code.
// . arkcmp dies, a new arkcmp is spawned from executor.
enum EnvsOperatorEnum
NONE, EXGLOBALS, UNSETENV /* not used currently */
// constructors
CmpMessageEnvs(EnvsOperatorEnum, char ** envvars,
NABoolean emptyOne, CollHeap* h);
CmpMessageEnvs(EnvsOperatorEnum, char*, CollHeap* h=0);
// Ipc related routines
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
Lng32 nEnvs() const { return nEnvs_; }
char** envs() const { return envs_; }
char* cwd() const { return cwd_; }
NABoolean activeTrans() const { return activeTrans_==1; }
Int64 transId() const { return transId_; }
EnvsOperatorEnum getOperator() const { return operator_; }
virtual void destroyMe();
virtual ~CmpMessageEnvs();
CmpMessageEnvs(const CmpMessageEnvs&);
CmpMessageEnvs& operator=(const CmpMessageEnvs&);
EnvsOperatorEnum operator_;
// Information sent to arkcmp from executor, these info need to be in synch with
// executor.
// envs_ is a null terminated array of string which is also null terminated
Lng32 nEnvs_;
char** envs_;
// current working directory.
char* cwd_;
// for EXGLOBALS operator. It will pass the globals executor wants to share with
// compiler (arkcmp).
Lng32 activeTrans_; // 0 if not. 1 if yes, transId_ then contains valid info
Int64 transId_;
}; // end of CmpMessageEnvs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// messages to perform cleanup, userid change, etc.
// Issued from master exe when cleanup session command is issued,
// or userid changes, or something else need to be cleaned up.
// Currently only used for cleanupEsps.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageEndSession : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageEndSession(char* input_data,CmpMsgBufLenType size,
CollHeap* h=0) : CmpMessageRequest(END_SESSION, NULL, 0, h),
if (input_data)
Lng32 flags = *(Lng32*)input_data;
setCleanupEsps((flags & CLEANUP_ESPS) != 0);
setResetAttrs((flags & RESET_ATTRS) != 0);
virtual ~CmpMessageEndSession() {}
CLEANUP_ESPS = 0x0001,
RESET_ATTRS = 0x0002,
CLEAR_CACHE = 0x0004
// Ipc related routines
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
void setCleanupEsps(NABoolean v)
{ ( v ? flags_ |= CLEANUP_ESPS : flags_ &= ~CLEANUP_ESPS);}
NABoolean cleanupEsps() { return (flags_ & CLEANUP_ESPS) != 0; };
void setResetAttrs(NABoolean v)
{ ( v ? flags_ |= RESET_ATTRS : flags_ &= ~RESET_ATTRS);}
NABoolean resetAttrs() { return (flags_ & RESET_ATTRS) != 0; };
void setClearCache(NABoolean v)
{ ( v ? flags_ |= CLEAR_CACHE : flags_ &= ~CLEAR_CACHE);}
NABoolean clearCache() { return (flags_ & CLEAR_CACHE) != 0; };
CmpMessageEndSession& operator=(const CmpMessageEndSession&);
CmpMessageEndSession(const CmpMessageEndSession&);
UInt32 flags_;
}; // end of CmpMessageEndSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The SQL text message for SQL compilation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageSQLText : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageSQLText(char* sqltext=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,CollHeap* h=0,
MessageTypeEnum op=SQLTEXT_COMPILE)
: CmpMessageRequest(op, sqltext,size,h,charset)
{ };
virtual ~CmpMessageSQLText() {};
CmpMessageSQLText& operator=(const CmpMessageSQLText&);
CmpMessageSQLText(const CmpMessageSQLText&);
}; // end of CmpMessageSQLText
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The SQL text message for recompilation of a static statement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageCompileStmt : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageCompileStmt(char* sqltext=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,CollHeap* h=0,
CmpMessageRequest(SQLTEXT_STATIC_COMPILE, sqltext,size,h, cs)
{ };
CmpMessageCompileStmt(char* sqltext,
CmpMsgBufLenType size,
MessageTypeEnum op,
CollHeap* h=0,
CmpMessageRequest(op, sqltext,size,h, cs)
{ };
virtual ~CmpMessageCompileStmt() {};
CmpMessageCompileStmt& operator=(const CmpMessageCompileStmt&);
CmpMessageCompileStmt(const CmpMessageCompileStmt&);
}; // end of CmpMessageCompileStmt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The DDL commands
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageDDL : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageDDL(char* stmt=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,CollHeap* h=0,
const char *parentQid = NULL,
Lng32 parentQidLen = 0):
CmpMessageRequest(DDL, stmt,size,h,charset, parentQid, parentQidLen)
{ };
virtual ~CmpMessageDDL() {};
CmpMessageDDL& operator=(const CmpMessageDDL&);
CmpMessageDDL(const CmpMessageDDL&);
}; // end of CmpMessageDDL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Info about DDL operations that return status.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpDDLwithStatusInfo : public CmpCompileInfo
// enum { MAX_MSG_LEN_ = 500; };
DONE_ = 0x0001,
COMPUTE_ST_ = 0x0002,
COMPUTE_ET_ = 0x0004,
RETURN_ET_ = 0x0008,
START_ = 0x0010,
END_ = 0x0020,
XN_STARTED_ = 0x0040,
MD_UPGRADE_ = 0x0080,
GET_MD_VERSION_ = 0x0100,
GET_SW_VERSION_ = 0x0200,
MD_CLEANUP_ = 0x0400,
CHECK_ONLY_ = 0x0800,
INIT_TRAF_ = 0x2000,
MINIMAL_IT_ = 0x4000,
DDL_XNS_ = 0x8000,
CmpDDLwithStatusInfo(char * sourceStr, Lng32 sourceStrLen,
Lng32 sourceStrCharSet,
char * schemaName, Lng32 schemaNameLen);
short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(CmpDDLwithStatusInfo); }
Lng32 getLength();
void pack(char * buffer);
void unpack(char * base);
void copyStatusInfo(CmpDDLwithStatusInfo*from);
void setStartStep(NABoolean v) {(v ? statusFlags_ |= START_ : statusFlags_ &= ~START_); };
NABoolean startStep() { return (statusFlags_ & START_) != 0; };
void setEndStep(NABoolean v) {(v ? statusFlags_ |= END_ : statusFlags_ &= ~END_); };
NABoolean endStep() { return (statusFlags_ & END_) != 0; };
void setDone(NABoolean v) {(v ? statusFlags_ |= DONE_ : statusFlags_ &= ~DONE_); };
NABoolean done() { return (statusFlags_ & DONE_) != 0; };
void setReturnET(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= RETURN_ET_ : statusFlags_ &= ~RETURN_ET_); };
NABoolean returnET() { return (statusFlags_ & RETURN_ET_) != 0; };
void setComputeST(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= COMPUTE_ST_ : statusFlags_ &= ~COMPUTE_ST_); };
NABoolean computeST() { return (statusFlags_ & COMPUTE_ST_) != 0; };
void setComputeET(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= COMPUTE_ET_ : statusFlags_ &= ~COMPUTE_ET_); };
NABoolean computeET() { return (statusFlags_ & COMPUTE_ET_) != 0; };
void setXnStarted(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= XN_STARTED_ : statusFlags_ &= ~XN_STARTED_); };
NABoolean xnStarted() { return (statusFlags_ & XN_STARTED_) != 0; };
void setMDupgrade(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= MD_UPGRADE_ : statusFlags_ &= ~MD_UPGRADE_); }
NABoolean getMDupgrade() { return (statusFlags_ & MD_UPGRADE_) != 0;}
void setGetMDVersion(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= GET_MD_VERSION_ : statusFlags_ &= ~GET_MD_VERSION_); }
NABoolean getMDVersion() { return (statusFlags_ & GET_MD_VERSION_) != 0;}
void setGetSWVersion(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= GET_SW_VERSION_ : statusFlags_ &= ~GET_SW_VERSION_); }
NABoolean getSWVersion() { return (statusFlags_ & GET_SW_VERSION_) != 0;}
void setMDcleanup(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= MD_CLEANUP_ : statusFlags_ &= ~MD_CLEANUP_); }
NABoolean getMDcleanup() { return (statusFlags_ & MD_CLEANUP_) != 0;}
void setCheckOnly(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= CHECK_ONLY_ : statusFlags_ &= ~CHECK_ONLY_); }
NABoolean getCheckOnly() { return (statusFlags_ & CHECK_ONLY_) != 0;}
void setReturnDetails(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= RETURN_DETAILS_ : statusFlags_ &= ~RETURN_DETAILS_); }
NABoolean getReturnDetails() { return (statusFlags_ & RETURN_DETAILS_) != 0;}
void setInitTraf(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= INIT_TRAF_ : statusFlags_ &= ~INIT_TRAF_); }
NABoolean getInitTraf() { return (statusFlags_ & INIT_TRAF_) != 0;}
void setMinimalInitTraf(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= MINIMAL_IT_ : statusFlags_ &= ~MINIMAL_IT_); }
NABoolean getMinimalInitTraf() { return (statusFlags_ & MINIMAL_IT_) != 0;}
void setDDLXns(NABoolean v)
{(v ? statusFlags_ |= DDL_XNS_ : statusFlags_ &= ~DDL_XNS_); }
NABoolean getDDLXns() { return (statusFlags_ & DDL_XNS_) != 0;}
void setMsg(const char * msg)
msgLen_ = strlen(msg);
strcpy(msg_, msg);
char * msg() { return msg_; }
Lng32 &step() {return step_;}
Lng32 &subStep() {return substep_;}
void setStep(Lng32 step) { step_ = step; }
void setSubstep(Lng32 substep) { substep_ = substep; }
Lng32 blackBoxLen() { return blackBoxLen_; }
char * blackBox() { return blackBox_; }
void setBlackBoxLen(Lng32 v) { blackBoxLen_ = v; }
void setBlackBox(char * v) { blackBox_ = v; }
Lng32 step_;
Lng32 substep_;
UInt32 statusFlags_;
Lng32 msgLen_;
char msg_[512];
// black box data that can be sent and received. Contents are interpreted
// based on the query that is being processed.
Lng32 blackBoxLen_;
char * blackBox_;
class CmpMessageDDLwithStatus : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageDDLwithStatus(char* stmt,CmpMsgBufLenType size,
CollHeap* h=0):
CmpMessageRequest(DDL_WITH_STATUS, stmt,size,h)
virtual ~CmpMessageDDLwithStatus() {};
CmpDDLwithStatusInfo * getCmpDDLwithStatusInfo() const
{ return (CmpDDLwithStatusInfo *)data();};
CmpMessageDDLwithStatus& operator=(const CmpMessageDDLwithStatus&);
CmpMessageDDLwithStatus(const CmpMessageDDLwithStatus&);
}; // end of CmpMessageDDLwithStatus
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Describe command
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageDescribe : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageDescribe(char* stmt=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,CollHeap* h=0,
CmpMessageRequest(DESCRIBE, stmt,size,h,charset)
{ };
virtual ~CmpMessageDescribe() {};
CmpMessageDescribe& operator=(const CmpMessageDescribe&);
CmpMessageDescribe(const CmpMessageDescribe&);
}; // end of CmpMessageDescribe
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageUpdateHist : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageUpdateHist(char* stmt=0, CmpMsgBufLenType size=0, CollHeap* h=0,
CmpMessageRequest(UPDATE_HIST_STAT, stmt,size,h,charset)
{ }
virtual ~CmpMessageUpdateHist() { }
}; // end of CmpMessageUpdateHist
class CmpMessageMFStmt : public CmpMessageObj
}; // end of CmpMessageMFStmt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The SET TRANSACTION command
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageSetTrans : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageSetTrans(char* stmt=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,CollHeap* h=0):
CmpMessageRequest(SET_TRANS, stmt,size,h)
{ };
virtual ~CmpMessageSetTrans() {};
CmpMessageSetTrans& operator=(const CmpMessageSetTrans&);
CmpMessageSetTrans(const CmpMessageSetTrans&);
}; // end of CmpMessageSetTrans
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This command is send from executor to arkcmp at the end of a
// transaction. On receiving it, arkcmp invalidates NATable for ddl objects
// that were part of that transaction. They are then reloaded when that
// object is accessed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate(char* stmt=NULL,CmpMsgBufLenType size=0,CollHeap* h=0):
CmpMessageRequest(DDL_NATABLE_INVALIDATE, stmt,size,h)
{ };
virtual ~CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate() {};
CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate& operator=(const CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate&);
CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate(const CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate&);
}; // end of CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Database user ID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageDatabaseUser : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageDatabaseUser(char *stmt = NULL,
CmpMsgBufLenType size = 0,
CollHeap* h = 0)
: CmpMessageRequest(DATABASE_USER, stmt, size, h)
virtual ~CmpMessageDatabaseUser()
CmpMessageDatabaseUser& operator=(const CmpMessageDatabaseUser&);
CmpMessageDatabaseUser(const CmpMessageDatabaseUser&);
}; // end of CmpMessageDatabaseUser
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The reply code message from arkcmp to executor,
// containing the code generated by the generator.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageReplyCode : public CmpMessageReply
CmpMessageReplyCode(CollHeap* h=0, ID request=0,
char* preAllocatedData=0,
ULng32 preAllocatedSize = 0,
CollHeap* outh_=0,
FragmentDir * fragmentDir = NULL) :
CmpMessageReply(REPLY_CODE, request, h, preAllocatedData, preAllocatedSize,
{ }
virtual ~CmpMessageReplyCode();
virtual void destroyMe();
FragmentDir * getFragmentDir() { return fragmentDir_; }
void setFragmentDir(FragmentDir * fd) { fragmentDir_ = fd; }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
IpcMessageObjSize copyFragsToBuffer(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
CmpMessageReplyCode& operator=(const CmpMessageReplyCode&);
CmpMessageReplyCode(const CmpMessageReplyCode&);
FragmentDir * fragmentDir_;
}; // end of CmpMessageReplyCode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class declarations for the CmpMessageObjects for internal stored
// procedure execution.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CmpMessageISPRequest is the execution of SP request sent from executor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageISPRequest : public CmpMessageRequest
// When executor instantiate this object.
// The pointers will be copied into this object, not the contents
// because of the performance reason.
// So the caller should not free the memory before the object freed
// When compiler instantiate this object.
// The object will be unpacked from the IPC buffers, i.e. the member
// will be allocated and contents will be copied over. Then this class
// owns the pointers and delete them at the desructor time.
CmpMessageISPRequest(char* procName = 0,
void* inputExpr = 0,
ULng32 inputExprSize = 0,
void* outputExpr = 0,
ULng32 outputExprSize = 0,
void* keyExpr = 0,
ULng32 keyExprSize = 0,
void* inputData = 0,
ULng32 inputDataSize = 0,
ULng32 ouputRowSize = 0,
ULng32 outputTotalSize = 0,
CollHeap* h=0,
const char *parentQid = NULL,
Lng32 parentQidLen = 0);
virtual ~CmpMessageISPRequest() ;
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
virtual void destroyMe();
// methods to access private members
const char* procName() const { return procName_; }
const ULng32 inputExprSize() const { return inputExprSize_; }
const void* inputExpr() const { return inputExpr_; }
const ULng32 outputExprSize() const { return outputExprSize_; }
const void* outputExpr() const { return outputExpr_; }
const ULng32 keyExprSize() const { return keyExprSize_; }
const void* keyExpr() const { return keyExpr_; }
const ULng32 inputDataSize() const { return inputDataSize_; }
const void* inputData() const { return inputData_; }
const ULng32 keyDataSize() const { return keyDataSize_; }
const void* keyData() const { return keyData_; }
const ULng32 outputRowSize() const { return outputRowSize_; }
const ULng32 outputTotalSize() const { return outputTotalSize_; }
CmpMessageISPRequest(const CmpMessageISPRequest &);
const CmpMessageISPRequest& operator=(const CmpMessageISPRequest&);
// members, information provided by executor
char* procName_; // ISP name, null terminated
// The expressions are packed as (length, data) by executor before
// construct this object. executor will provide methods to access
// the values.
ULng32 inputExprSize_; // size of the inputExpr
void* inputExpr_; // expression for input data
ULng32 outputExprSize_; // size of the outputExpr
void* outputExpr_; // expression for output data
ULng32 keyExprSize_; // size of the key data
void* keyExpr_; // expression for key expression
// The data is packed by executor before construct this object.
// executor will provide methods to access the values.
ULng32 inputDataSize_; // size of input data
void* inputData_; // input data
ULng32 keyDataSize_; // size of the key data
void* keyData_; // key data
ULng32 outputRowSize_; // the size of each row of output data
ULng32 outputTotalSize_; // buffer size for output data, once the
// output exceeds the limit, it should be sent back in multiple
// replies.
// internal flag to identify whether the void* for data are allocated
// internally in this class.
// in executor side, where the constructor is called with parameters
// the allocated_ flag will be FALSE, and the caller owns the pointers.
// in compiler, where the constructor is called with 0 parameters, and
// data is unpacked from IPC buffer, allocated_flag will be set to TRUE,
// and this class owns ths pointers, should delete them in destructor.
NABoolean allocated_;
}; // end of CmpMessageISPRequest
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CmpMessageISPGetNext is the request to arkcmp from executor to get
// more data. This is used to fetch more data when the previous
// CmpMessageISPReply returns with status as more data to be fetched in
// arkcmp site.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageISPGetNext : public CmpMessageRequest
CmpMessageISPGetNext(ULng32 bufSize = 0,
ID ispRequest = 0,
Lng32 serialNo = 0,
CollHeap* h=0,
const char *parentQid = NULL,
Lng32 parentQidLen = 0);
virtual ~CmpMessageISPGetNext();
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
ULng32 bufSize() const { return bufSize_; }
ID ispRequest() const { return ispRequest_; }
CmpMessageISPGetNext(const CmpMessageISPGetNext&);
const CmpMessageISPGetNext& operator=(const CmpMessageISPGetNext& );
// members
ULng32 bufSize_;
ID ispRequest_;
Lng32 serialNo_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CmpMessageISPReply is the reply of the execution of SP request sent
// from compiler.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageReplyISP : public CmpMessageReply
CmpMessageReplyISP(CollHeap* h=0, ID request=0,
char* preAllocatedData=0, ULng32 preAllocatedSize=0, CollHeap* outh_=0) :
CmpMessageReply(REPLY_ISP, request, h, preAllocatedData, preAllocatedSize, outh_)
{ areMore_ = 0; }
virtual ~CmpMessageReplyISP() { }
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
void setAreMore(NABoolean b) { areMore_ = b; }
NABoolean areMore() { return areMore_; }
CmpMessageReplyISP& operator=(const CmpMessageReplyISP&);
CmpMessageReplyISP(const CmpMessageReplyISP&);
// 0 if there is more data to be fetched, 1 if there is no more.
Lng32 areMore_;
}; // end of CmpMessageReplyISP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CmpMessageConnectionType is the message sent from executor to arkcmp
// to specify the property of connection, i.e. for DML/DDL or ISP execution.
// This message is sent at the beginning of each connection, so arkcmp can
// skip the functions only needed for DML/DDL. It saves resource for arkcmp
// spawned in ISP execution.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageConnectionType : public CmpMessageRequestBasic
enum ConnectionTypeEnum { DMLDDL, ISP };
CmpMessageConnectionType(ConnectionTypeEnum e = DMLDDL,
CollHeap* h=0);
ConnectionTypeEnum connectionType() { return type_; }
IpcMessageObjSize mypackedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packMyself(IpcMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
void unpackMyself(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr& buffer);
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packedLength()
{ return mypackedLength(); }
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ return packMyself(buffer); }
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer)
{ unpackMyself(objType,objVersion,sameEndianness, objSize,buffer); }
virtual ~CmpMessageConnectionType() { }
ConnectionTypeEnum type_;
CmpMessageConnectionType& operator=(const CmpMessageConnectionType&);
CmpMessageConnectionType(const CmpMessageConnectionType&);
}; // end of CmpMessageConnectionType