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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CmpContext.h
* Description: The class declaration for CmpContext class, containing the
* global variables for compiler components.
* Created: 9/05/96
* Language: C++
// CmpContext class is used to track the global information arkcmp needs
// for each connection to executor, this is to lay the ground for future
// possibility of multi-threading of arkcmp. This class contains info
// that allocated for each context, i.e. will not be destroyed for each
// statement
#include <fstream>
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include "CmpSqlSession.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NAStringDef.h"
#include "ProcessEnv.h"
#include "sqlcli.h"
#include "ComSysUtils.h" // for TimeVal
#include "Collections.h" // for NAList
#include "hs_cmp.h" // for uStatID_;
#include "NAAssert.h" // required after including a RogueWave file!
#include "CmpMessage.h"
#include "SharedPtr.h"
class SchemaDB;
class ControlDB;
class CmpStatement;
class CmpSqlSession;
class POSInfo;
class NAClusterInfo;
class RuleSet;
class OptDebug;
class CmpMemoryMonitor;
class OptimizerSimulator;
class QueryCache;
class OptPCodeCache ;
class HistogramCache;
class CompilerTrackingInfo;
class OptDefaults;
struct MDDescsInfo;
class CmpStatementISP;
class EstLogProp;
class HiveClient_JNI;
typedef IntrusiveSharedPtr<EstLogProp> EstLogPropSharedPtr;
namespace tmudr {
class UDRInvocationInfo;
class UDRPlanInfo;
class UDR;
// Template changes for Yosemite compiler incompatible with others
typedef HASHDICTIONARY(NAString, CollIndex) CursorSelectColumns;
class CmpContext;
class CmpContextInfo
public :
// CmpContxt Class list
enum CmpContextClassType
CMPCONTEXT_TYPE_NONE = 0, // CmpContext without type
CMPCONTEXT_TYPE_META, // for metadata compilation
CMPCONTEXT_TYPE_USTATS, // for update stats query compilation
static const char * getCmpContextClassName(Int32 t)
switch(t) {
default: return NULL;
CmpContextInfo(CmpContext *cntxt, const char *name = 0)
if (name)
strncpy(name_, name, CMPCONTEXT_CLASS_NAME_LEN);
cmpContext_ = cntxt;
useCount_ = 0;
void incrUseCount() { useCount_++; }
void decrUseCount() { useCount_--; }
// access methods
Int32 getUseCount() { return useCount_; }
CmpContext *getCmpContext() { return cmpContext_; }
bool isSameClass (const char *name)
return !(strncmp(name_, name, CMPCONTEXT_CLASS_NAME_LEN));
const char *getName() const { return name_; }
private :
CmpContext *cmpContext_;
Int32 useCount_;
class CmpContext
public :
enum Flags { IS_STATIC_SQL = 0x0,
// Internal Stored Procedure
IS_ISP = 0x2,
// TRUE if Install/setup.exe is compiling the system modules:
// determined either by a hidden env var (CmpContext.cpp ctor)
// or by a hidden compiler option
// (cmpargs.cpp, "arkcmp -install...")
// If TRUE, then convert static compile errors to warnings,
// and the statement will be recompiled at runtime,
// and only if that fails will it return an error.
// Used if a table or column doesn't exist at compile time
// but will be created or altered programmatically at runtime.
// TRUE if Standalone Parser (NSK Services are not available).
// TRUE if this process is a "secondary" arkcmp,
// started from another arkcmp.
// TRUE if we do not wish mxcmp to abort/exit on a failed
// generator assert. Currently set to TRUE only for first
// pass through compilation when queryCache is ON.
// IS_AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED is TRUE if one or more privmgr
// metadata tables exist.
// IS_AUTHORIZATION_READY is TRUE if all privmgr metadata
// tables exist
// if this context was created in an mxcmp process
IS_MXCMP = 0x1000
CmpContext (UInt32 flags,
CollHeap* h = NULL
// retrieve the diags
ComDiagsArea* diags() { return diags_; }
// retrieve the envs
ProcessEnv* envs() { return envs_; }
// set/get compiler mode (static or dynamic)
CompilationMode GetMode() { return mode_; }
void SetMode(CompilationMode mode) { mode_ = mode; }
// retrieve the ofstream
ofstream* outFstream() { return outFstream_; }
void setOutfstream(ofstream* o) { outFstream_ = o; }
// Some global flags
NABoolean isDynamicSQL() const { return flags_ & IS_DYNAMIC_SQL; }
NABoolean isISP() const { return flags_ & IS_ISP; }
NABoolean isInstalling() const { return flags_ & IS_INSTALLING; }
NABoolean ignoreErrors() const { return flags_ & IS_IGNORE_ERR; }
NABoolean isStandalone() const { return flags_ & IS_STANDALONE; }
NABoolean isMxcmp() const { return flags_ & IS_MXCMP; }
NABoolean isSecondaryMxcmp() const { return flags_ & IS_SECONDARY_MXCMP; }
NABoolean isEmbeddedArkcmp() const { return flags_ & IS_EMBEDDED_ARKCMP;}
NABoolean isUninitializedSeabase() const { return flags_ & IS_UNINITIALIZED_SEABASE;}
NABoolean isCatalogSeabase() const { return flags_ & IS_CATALOG_SEABASE;}
NABoolean isAuthorizationEnabled(NABoolean errIfNotReady = TRUE);
NABoolean isAuthorizationReady() const { return flags_ & IS_AUTHORIZATION_READY; }
NABoolean isRuntimeCompile() const { return isRuntimeCompile_; }
const NABoolean isDoNotAbort() const { return flags_ & IS_DO_NOT_ABORT; }
Int16 getRecursionLevel() { return recursionLevel_;}
void incrRecursionLevel() {recursionLevel_++;}
void decrRecursionLevel() { recursionLevel_--;}
//set the flag indicating if this a primary or a secondary mxcmp.
//A secondary mxcmp is one that has been spawned by another mxcmp process.
//a call to this method is made in ExCmpMessage::actOnReceive
void setSecondaryMxcmp();
void setAuthorizationState (Int32 state);
void setDoNotAbort(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= IS_DO_NOT_ABORT : flags_ &= ~IS_DO_NOT_ABORT);
void setIsEmbeddedArkcmp(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= IS_EMBEDDED_ARKCMP : flags_ &= ~IS_EMBEDDED_ARKCMP);
void setIsUninitializedSeabase(NABoolean v)
void setIsCatalogSeabase(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= IS_CATALOG_SEABASE : flags_ &= ~IS_CATALOG_SEABASE);
void setIsAuthorizationEnabled(NABoolean v)
void setIsAuthorizationReady(NABoolean v)
UInt32 getStatementNum() const { return statementNum_; }
// access the NAHeap* for context
NAHeap* statementHeap();
NAHeap* heap() { return heap_; }
// Initialization at beginning of each context (ie. user session)
NABoolean initContextGlobals();
// Initialization at the beginning of each statement
void init();
// clean up globals at the end of each statement.
void cleanup(NABoolean exception=TRUE);
// optimizer globals
// SchemaDB and initialization procedure at the beginning of each statement
SchemaDB* schemaDB_;
void initSchemaDB();
// table identifier representing each table, easier to hash on.
CollIndex getTableIdent () { return tableIdent_; }
void incrementTableIdent () { tableIdent_++; }
ControlDB* controlDB_;
void initControlDB();
ControlDB* getControlDB() { return controlDB_; }
// ustat globals
UstatContextID uStatID_;
// get the current CmpStatement
CmpStatement* statement() { return currentStatementPtrCache_; }
void setStatement(CmpStatement* s);
void unsetStatement(CmpStatement* s, NABoolean exceptionRaised=FALSE);
NAList<CmpStatement*>& statements() { return statements_; }
// switch the currentStatement_ to s, for ISP execution
void setCurrentStatement(CmpStatement* s);
// By default, isRuntimeCompile_ is true, but StaticCompiler::processMain
// will call this method to set it to false.
void setIsNotRuntimeCompile() { isRuntimeCompile_ = FALSE; }
NABoolean showQueryStats() { return showQueryStats_; }
void setShowQueryStats() { showQueryStats_ = TRUE; }
void resetShowQueryStats() { showQueryStats_ = FALSE; }
virtual ~CmpContext();
enum InternalCompileEnum
{ NOT_INTERNAL_COMPILE = FALSE, // a user module
INTERNAL_MDF, // transient state in StaticCompiler.cpp
INTERNAL_MODULENAME, // a known system module
INTERNAL_MODULEPREFIX // a reserved (unused) system mod name
InternalCompileEnum &internalCompile() { return internalCompile_; }
// for static compilations, need to remember declared cursors and
// how many columns are to be retrieved in order to verify that the
// allocated static output descriptor has the equivalent number of
// host variables to receive the information.
CursorSelectColumns staticCursors_;
CollIndex saveRetrievedCols_;
// get/set storage for SQLMX_REGRESS environment variable
Int32 getSqlmxRegress() const { return sqlmxRegress_; }
void setSqlmxRegress(Int32 regressEnvVar) { sqlmxRegress_ = regressEnvVar; }
CmpSqlSession * sqlSession() { return sqlSession_; }
POSInfo * posInfo() { return posInfo_; }
void setPOSInfo(POSInfo * pi) { posInfo_ = pi; }
// Functions to handle reserved memory in case an out-of-memory situation
// occurs and a response needs to be sent to MXCI or MXOSRVR.
void reserveMemory();
void freeReservedMemory();
Int32 gmtDiff() { return gmtDiff_; }
const char *getCompilerId() const { return compilerId_; }
Lng32 &uninitializedSeabaseErrNum() { return uninitializedSeabaseErrNum_;}
Lng32 &hbaseErrNum() { return hbaseErrNum_;}
NAString &hbaseErrStr() { return hbaseErrStr_;}
void switchContext();
void switchBackContext();
void resetContext();
compileDirect(char *data, UInt32 dataLen, CollHeap *outHeap, Int32 charset,
CmpMessageObj::MessageTypeEnum op, char *&gen_code,
UInt32 &gen_code_len, UInt32 parserFlags,
const char *parentQid, Int32 parentQidLen,
ComDiagsArea *&diagsArea);
// set/reset an env in compiler envs
void setArkcmpEnvDirect(const char *name, const char *value,
NABoolean unset);
// variables managed by the HHDFSMasterHostList class
ARRAY(const char *) *getHosts() { return &hosts_; }
CollIndex getNumSQNodes() { return numSQNodes_; }
void setNumSQNodes(CollIndex n) { numSQNodes_ = n; }
NABoolean getHasVirtualSQNodes() { return hasVirtualSQNodes_; }
void setHasVirtualSQNodes(NABoolean v) { hasVirtualSQNodes_ = v; }
// used by sendAllControlsAndFlags() and restoreAllControlsAndFlags()
Int32 getCntlCount() { return allControlCount_; }
void incCntlCount() { allControlCount_ ++; }
void dcrCntlCount() { allControlCount_ --; }
NABoolean getParserResetIsNeeded() { return parserResetIsNeeded_ ; }
void setParserResetIsNeeded( NABoolean resetIsNeeded )
{ parserResetIsNeeded_ = resetIsNeeded ; }
TimeVal getPrev_QI_time() { return prev_QI_invalidation_time_ ; }
void setPrev_QI_time( TimeVal newTime )
{ prev_QI_invalidation_time_ = newTime ; }
Lng32 getPrev_QI_sec() { return prev_QI_invalidation_time_.tv_sec ; }
void setLogmxEventSqlText(const NAWString& x);
void resetLogmxEventSqlText();
// MV
void setQCache(CmpQCache *cache)
{ qCache_ = cache; }
CmpQCache *getQCache() { return qCache_; }
QueryCache* getQueryCache() { return qcache_; }
OptPCodeCache* getOptPCodeCache() { return optPCodeCache_; }
SchemaDB* getSchemaDB() {return schemaDB_;}
char* getTMFUDF_DLL_InterfaceHostDataBuffer()
{ return tmfudf_dll_interface_host_data_; };
ULng32 getTMFUDF_DLL_InterfaceHostDataBufferLen();
CompilerTrackingInfo* getCompilerTrackingInfo();
OptDebug* getOptDbg() { return optDbg_; }
TransMode& getTransMode() { return transMode_; }
RuleSet *getRuleSet() { return ruleSet_; }
// context histogram cache
HistogramCache* getHistogramCache() { return histogramCache_; }
// Global pointer to the OptimizerSimulator that encapsulates
// all of the OSIM related information.
OptimizerSimulator* & getOptimizerSimulator() { return optSimulator_; }
// used by stats caching logic
Int64 getLastUpdateStatsTime() { return lastUpdateStatsTime_; }
void setLastUpdateStatsTime(Int64 updateTime) { lastUpdateStatsTime_ = updateTime; }
// optimizer cached defaults
OptDefaults* getOptDefaults() { return optDefaults_; }
MDDescsInfo *getTrafMDDescsInfo() { return trafMDDescsInfo_; }
void setCIClass(CmpContextInfo::CmpContextClassType x) { ciClass_ = x; }
CmpContextInfo::CmpContextClassType getCIClass() { return ciClass_; }
CollationDBList *getCollationDBList() { return CDBList_; }
void addInvocationInfo(tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *ii)
{ invocationInfos_.insert(ii); }
void addPlanInfo(tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *pi)
{ planInfos_.insert(pi); }
void addRoutineHandle(Int32 rh)
{ routineHandles_.insert(rh); }
// Used to keep track of objects that were part of ddl operations within
// a transactional begin/commit(rollback) session.
// Used at commit time for NATable cache invalidation.
struct DDLObjInfo
NAString ddlObjName;
Int64 objUID;
ComQiScope qiScope;
ComObjectType ot;
NAList<DDLObjInfo>& ddlObjsList() { return ddlObjs_; }
void clearAllCaches();
// MV
// Adding support for multi threaded requestor (multi transactions) handling
// in the arkcmp
// This is needed because arkcmp is also serves as a server for the utilities
// store procedures
void OpenTMFFile();
void CloseTMFFile();
short GetTMFFileNumber() const { return tmpFileNumber_; }
NAClusterInfo *getClusterInfo() { return clusterInfo_; }
void swithcContext();
CmpStatementISP* getISPStatement(Int64 id);
// MV
CmpContext(const CmpContext &);
CmpContext& operator=(const CmpContext &);
// arkcmp internal members.
ComDiagsArea *diags_;
ProcessEnv *envs_;
UInt32 flags_;
NAHeap* heap_;
ofstream* outFstream_;
//this var indicates if the status that the mxcmp
//is a secondary process (i.e. has been spawned by
//another mxcmp process) or a primary process (i.e.
//has not been spawned by another mxcmp) has been
NABoolean mxcmpPrimarySecondaryStatusSet_;
// CmpStatements, this is a stack of CmpStatement,
// for there might be nested statements in the future.
// const static long maxNoOfCmpStatements_ = 256; should use this instead of
// define, when the compiler supports const static.
NAList<CmpStatement*> statements_;
Lng32 currentStatement_;
// For performance reason, cached a pointer to the current statement.
CmpStatement *currentStatementPtrCache_;
// This enum, if not FALSE, indicates that this static compile
// is being done on an
// - 'internal' mdf file (weak condition based on mdf file name only), or
// - 'internal' module (strong condition based on known, trusted module name
// in one of Tandem's internal mdf's).
// Examples of internal mdf files are those that catman uses, or rfork, etc.
// See methods isInternalMdf and isInternalModName in arkcmp/StaticCompiler.C.
InternalCompileEnum internalCompile_;
// Node and Disk autonomy must distinguish run-time compiles.
NABoolean isRuntimeCompile_;
short tmpFileNumber_;
// Short to store environment variable SQLMX_REGRESS
Int32 sqlmxRegress_;
// SQL session. Created when CmpContext is constructed.
// Values are added or removed from it based on user session
// maintaned in master executor(cli).
// These values (session id, volatile schema name, ets..) are either
// sent by master executor or internally added (or removed).
CmpSqlSession* sqlSession_;
// The reservedMemory pointer points to memory in the context heap
// that is freed when some out-of-memory situations occur. Without
// freeing memory in the context heap, it may be impossible to
// report an error. This can cause MXCMP to get stuck in a loop
// trying to report the error.
void *reservedMemory_;
// system POS info. Current set and used by bulk replication.
POSInfo * posInfo_;
NABoolean showQueryStats_;
// difference between gmt and local time in minutes. Set once when arkcmp
// is started.
Int32 gmtDiff_;
// process start time, node num, pin, segment num on Seaquest.
char compilerId_[COMPILER_ID_LEN];
Int16 recursionLevel_;
Lng32 uninitializedSeabaseErrNum_;
// underlying hbase error and detail info, if returned.
// valid when uninitializedSeabaseErrNum_ is set.
Lng32 hbaseErrNum_;
NAString hbaseErrStr_;
ARRAY(const char *) hosts_;
CollIndex numSQNodes_;
NABoolean hasVirtualSQNodes_;
NAClusterInfo *clusterInfo_;
RuleSet *ruleSet_;
OptDebug *optDbg_;
CmpMemoryMonitor *cmpMemMonitor_;
OptimizerSimulator *optSimulator_;
HistogramCache *histogramCache_;
QueryCache* qcache_;
OptPCodeCache* optPCodeCache_ ; //Ptr to PCode Expr Cache for this CmpContext
// table identifier representing each table, easier to hash on.
CollIndex tableIdent_;
char* tmfudf_dll_interface_host_data_;
// compiler mode (static or dynamic)
CompilationMode mode_;
// compiler tracking information
CompilerTrackingInfo *compilerTrackingInfo_;
NABoolean parserResetIsNeeded_ ; // Used by sqlcomp/parser.cpp
TimeVal prev_QI_invalidation_time_ ; // Used by sqlcomp/CmpMain.cpp
NAWString* sqlTextBuf_ ; //Used by logmxevent_sq.cpp
TransMode transMode_;
Int64 lastUpdateStatsTime_; // used by stats caching logic
// query defaults using during a statement compilation
OptDefaults* optDefaults_;
MDDescsInfo * trafMDDescsInfo_;
CmpContextInfo::CmpContextClassType ciClass_;
CollationDBList *CDBList_;
// objects allocated from the system heap, to be deleted
// after each statement has finished compiling
LIST(tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *) invocationInfos_;
LIST(tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *) planInfos_;
LIST(Int32) routineHandles_;
// count how many cqds have been sent by
// CmpSeabaseDDL::sendAllControlsAndFlags(), so that we don't send
// them again, see that method for more info.
Int32 allControlCount_;
// Used to keep track of objects that were part of ddl operations within
// a transactional begin/commit(rollback) session.
// Used at commit time for NATable cache invalidation.
NAList<DDLObjInfo> ddlObjs_;
// a count of how many statements have been compiled
UInt32 statementNum_;
// for any Hive SQL operations we may want to do
HiveClient_JNI* hiveClient_;
}; // end of CmpContext
static inline CmpContext::InternalCompileEnum &InternalCompile()
{ return cmpCurrentContext->internalCompile(); }