blob: 36b83ce95107da40d9035cc3b89dbd8519701dcc [file] [log] [blame]
/// \file libread.cpp
/// \brief STFS_read implementation
/// This file contains the implementation of the STFS_read() function,
/// starting with the functional STFSLIB_read function and drilling
/// down to supporting functions.
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "stfs/stfslib.h"
#include "stfs_metadata.h"
#include "stfs_defs.h"
#include "stfs_util.h"
#include "stfs_message.h"
#include "stfsd.h"
#include "send.h"
namespace STFS {
// LibRead_GetMoreFragments
/// \brief Obtains updated EFM data to determine if there are additional
/// fragments
/// This function updates an existing EFM if needed. The latest file metadata
/// information is requested from the owning STFSd process. When it is
/// received, if the number of fragments doesn't match the number of fragments
/// in the "old" EFM, then the new fragments are added to the list
/// \param pp_Efh The handle associated with this operation.
/// \retval true New fragments were detected
/// \retval false No new fragments were detected or communications with
/// STFSd were not satisfactory.
LibRead_GetMoreFragments (STFS_ExternalFileHandle *pp_Efh) {
const char *WHERE = "LibRead_GetMoreFragments ";
STFS_ScopeTrace lv_st(WHERE,2);
/// Check Parameters
if (pp_Efh == NULL) {
ASSERT (false);
return false;
//Will the order of the ffh's match in the vector between daemon and lib?
//How can we tell which one to put... Can add logic to compare
//int lv_Ret = 0;
//For now just work on grabbing the efm from the daemon
/// Setup and Housekeeping
bool lv_newFragmentsFound = false;
/// Finis!
return lv_newFragmentsFound;
// STFSLIB_read
/// \brief Driver code for an STFS_read() library call
STFSLIB_read( stfs_fhndl_t pv_Fhandle,
void *pp_Buf,
size_t pv_Count)
const char *WHERE = "STFSLIB_read";
STFS_ScopeTrace lv_st(WHERE);
if (!pp_Buf) {
errno = EFAULT;
return -1;
STFS_ExternalFileHandle *lp_Efh = STFS_ExternalFileHandle::GetExternalFileHandle(pv_Fhandle);
if (! lp_Efh) {
TRACE_PRINTF2(1, "Error in obtaining External File Handle for %ld\n", pv_Fhandle);
return -1;
size_t lv_totalBytesRead = 0;
bool lv_readCompleted = false;
char * lp_currBufPtr = (char *) pp_Buf;
size_t lv_readSize = pv_Count;
while (!lv_readCompleted) {
ssize_t lv_Stat = 0;
int lv_Ret = 0;
//Check if the current fragment is local. If not, then send req to daemon
lv_Ret = lp_Efh->IsCurrFragmentLocal();
if(lv_Ret < 0) {
//error evaluating fragment
return -1;
else if(lv_Ret == 1) {
lv_Stat = lp_Efh->Read((char *)lp_currBufPtr,
else {
#ifdef SQ_PACK
lv_Stat= SendToSTFSd_read();
lv_Stat = STFSd_read(&(lp_Efh->OpenIdentifierGet()),
(char *)lp_currBufPtr,
//The currentFFH_ is not local so we will need to read
// through remote daemon
if (( (size_t)lv_Stat + lv_totalBytesRead) == pv_Count) {
// the usual case; we read everything as expected. Prepare to exit our
// read-loop
lv_totalBytesRead += lv_Stat;
lv_readCompleted = true;
else if (lv_Stat == 0) {
// Didn't read anything else in this fragment. Can we roll to another?
// Gotcha! There might be a new fragment here! Check to see if there
// are any new fragments then loop around and read again.
// If we're moving to a new FFH that's already in our list, the
// reposition at the top of the loop should move to it automatically,
// so we just skip ahead.
// But if this is the last FFH, we need to see if either this process
// or the owning STFSd knows about any more fragments. We take a lazy
// approach to doing this, hoping that somewhere along the way,
// someone has already retrieved this information for us:
// 1) See if the EFM already knows about other fragments. Occurs
// this process owns read access to the file in another open, or
// another opener in this process already got an updated list of
// FFMs.
// 2) If the number of FFHs matches the number of FFMs and we're in
// the last FFM, check with the owning daemon to update the
// metadata for this file.
if (lp_Efh->CurrentFFHIsLast() == true) {
if (lp_Efh->NewFFHsNeeded() == true) {
// Someone else found fragments for us. Logically open them for
// this efh and try the read again.
lv_Stat = lp_Efh ->OpenNewFragments();
if (lv_Stat < 0) {
return (lv_totalBytesRead>0 ? lv_totalBytesRead : lv_Stat);
else {
// We have all the FFHs that this lib process knows about,
// check to see if new fragments available
bool lv_newFragsDetected = LibRead_GetMoreFragments (lp_Efh);
if (lv_newFragsDetected == false) {
// a real EOF! Clean up errno after all the calls we've made
errno = 0;
return lv_totalBytesRead;
// We found new fragments. Open them and try to read the rest of
// the data.
lv_Stat = lp_Efh ->OpenNewFragments();
if (lv_Stat < 0) {
// hope that any error was set below
return (lv_totalBytesRead>0 ? lv_totalBytesRead : -1);
} // else
} // 0 count error handling
else if (lv_Stat<0) {
// Error! We might be done here. We can't just return this error
// though. We have to check to see if we read anything. If so, return
// that value and when the caller comes back, the error might (or might
// not) happen again.
return (lv_totalBytesRead>0 ? lv_totalBytesRead : -1);
else {
// partial read! Adjust our counters and try again
// find out...
ASSERT ( (size_t) lv_Stat < pv_Count);
lv_totalBytesRead += lv_Stat;
lp_currBufPtr = (char *)lp_currBufPtr + lv_Stat;
lv_readSize -= lv_Stat;
if (lp_Efh->SetCurrentFragmentBasedOnCurrOffset() == true) {
// switched frags! We're reading sequentially, so we need to do an
// explicit lseek in case this fragment's FD was previously used for
// some other I/O operation.
lv_Stat = lp_Efh->SeekToCurrFragmentStart();
if (lv_Stat < 0) {
// physical position failed!
return (lv_totalBytesRead>0 ? lv_totalBytesRead : lv_Stat);
} //while !readcompleted
return lv_totalBytesRead;
} //namespace STFS