blob: 073301a779a1ac1811353d1a2a9b0520565c465c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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t2 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t1
t3 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t1
t4 - MS - simple MS app - check > 32K data size
t5 - MS - simple MS app - ctrl reply is larger than ctrl max
t6 - MS - simple MS app - test permutations of sizes/results
t9 - SB - thread/SB test
t14 - MS - nowait MSG_LINK_ with multiple outstanding requests
t15 - MS - multithreaded server test
t16 - MS - multithreaded server test
t17 - MS - cli->svc->srv
t18 - MS - 1 client, 2 servers
t19 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t3, with MEM_LEAK define
t20 - MS - simple MS app - read monitor messages
t21 - MS - simple MS app - read monitor messages
t22 - MS - test msg_mon_get_process_info
t23 - MS - 1 client, 1 DTM, 1 TSE- test multiple opens
t24 - MS - test msg_mon_register_death_notification and shutdown notication
t25 - MS - process-pair testing
t27 - MS - simple MS app - used for bm
t30 - MS - process-pair testing - similar to t25
t31 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2
t32 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2
t35 - MS - transaction stuff
t36 - MS - msg_mon_get_my_process_name, msg_mon_get_process_...
t37 - FS - simple FS app - outstanding requests
t38 - FS - simple FS app - reply with error
t39 - FS - simple FS app - both open $receive
t40 - FS - simple FS app - FILE_GETRECEIVEINFO test
t41 - MS - simple MS app - cl opens srv, srv opens cli
t42 - MS - simple MS app - test msg_mon_get_process_info_type
t43 - MS - simple MS app - test LDONE queueing
t44 - MS - simple MS app - test LDONE queueing threaded
t45 - FS - simple FS app - test trans enlist/delist
t48 - FS - simple FS app - test AWAITIOX with timeout > 0
t49 - FS - simple FS app - test 2 WR to 2 processes
t50 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2, double-open
t51 - MS - simple MS app - test tmsync
t52 - SB - simple MS app - test node-info
t53 - FS - simple FS app - test trans no cb for tx=0
t54 - FS - simple FS app - test trans for double WR
t55 - FS - simple FS app - test trans for double WR (ART)
t56 - FS - simple FS app - used for bm
t57 - MS - simple MS app - test LDONE queueing threaded (2)
t58 - MS - simple MS app - test LDONE queueing threaded (3)
t61 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t3 (BIGGER I/O)
t62 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 (BIGGER I/O)
t63 - MS - simple MS app - test LDONE queueing (with srv death)
t64 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t43 (two servers)
t65 - FS - simple FS app - simple CC testing
t66 - MS - simple MS app - uses no copy interface
t67 - FS - simple FS app - uses no copy interface
t68 - MS - simple MS app - test LISTEN filtering
t69 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t3 using attach
t70 - SB - simple MS app - start process - infile/outfile
t71 - SB - simple MS app - registry test
t72 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 using attach
t73 - MS - multithreaded client/server test
t74 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t3 (open/close)
t75 - MS - multithreaded client/server test
t76 - FS - recreate 511 error - open/open/close/open/close
t77 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 (check srv sender map)
t78 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 (check receive info)
t79 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 (check receive info)
t80 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 (check sys msgs)
t83 - FS - simple FS app - 3-tier AWAITIOX(-1) test
t84 - FS - simple FS app - test no sys msgs
t85 - MS - simple MS app - test send-event
t86 - MS - simple MS app - test open-info
t88 - MS - simple MS app - test MSG_HOLD
t91 - MS - simple MS app - threaded waiting test
t92 - MS - simple MS app - threaded waiting test
t93 - MS - simple MS app - 1 client to many servers
t94 - FS - simple FS app - test open problem
t95 - FS - simple FS app - test trans no cb for tx=0 (supp)
t96 - FS - simple FS app - test slot dealloc problem
t98 - MS - simple MS app - start-and-exit
t100 - MS - simple MS app - client fail/start/open (fails if no ADOPT_PID)
t101 - FS - simple FS app - BWRITEREADX2 and WRITEREADX2
t102 - FS - simple FS app - test shutdown system message
t103 - FS - simple FS app - test change system message
t104 - MS - simple MS app - mount device
t105 - MS - simple MS app - test tmsync take 2
t115 - MS - simple MS app - longevity
t118 - MS - simple MS app - used for monitor-services bm
t124 - FS - simple FS app - M-client to N-server FS test
t126 - FS - simple FS app - test trans cb errors
t127 - MS - simple MS app - open test
t128 - FS - simple FS app - 16 outstanding READUPDATES
t129 - MS - simple MS app - longevity - similar to t115
t130 - SB - simple SB app - map test
t131 - MS - simple MS app - ABANDON test
t132 - MS - simple MS app - opens cross, accept problem
t133 - MS - simple MS app - start-process nw
t135 - MS - simple MS app - ABANDON test
t137 - MS - simple MS app - XPROCESSOR_GETINFOLIST_
t138 - MS - simple MS app - check CV.wait
t139 - SB - simple SB app - check itoa
t141 - MS - simple MS app - LINK/REPLY after broken conn
t142 - MS - simple MS app - start-process nw-callback
t145 - MS - simple MS app - test shutdown API
t149 - MS - simple MS app - multi-threaded LINK w/ errors
t151 - MS - simple MS app - shutdown with accept
t152 - MS - simple MS app - MS open-nowait
t153 - FS - simple FS app - AWAITIOX -2
t155 - SB - simple MS app - send-to-self MS
t156 - SB - simple FS app - send-to-self FS
t157 - SB - simple SB app - send-to-self simple
t160 - MS - simple MS app - multiple $RECEIVE readers
t161 - MS - simple MS app - timer
t162 - FS - simple FS app - timer
t163 - MS - simple MS app - priority-q
t164 - FS - simple FS app - FS open-nowait
t165 - FS - simple FS app - FS opens over set of servers
t167 - MS - simple MS app - XWAIT with timeouts
t168 - FS - simple FS app - test LDONE problem
t169 - MS - simple MS app - multiple $RECEIVE readers bm
t170 - MS - simple MS app - test X/BLISTEN_TEST_IREQM
t172 - MS - simple MS app - exec timing bm
t176 - FS - simple FS app - M-client to N-server FS test
t180 - MS - simple MS app - M-client to N-server MS test
t182 - FS - simple FS app - BFILE_COMPLETE_
t183 - MS - simple MS app - MSG_LINK_ with errors
t184 - FS - simple FS app - epoll/PWU
t185 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t2 with dup open
t186 - FS - simple FS app - WRITEX/READX
t187 - MS - simple MS app - msg_mon_register_death_notification2
t188 - MS - simple MS app - XPROCESS_AWAKE_
t190 - FS - simple FS app - mon open/close msg test
t194 - FS - simple FS app - BCANCELREQ/XCANCELREQ
t195 - FS - simple FS app - like t37, but with start-process
t198 - FS - simple FS app - cross-close
t197 - FS - simple FS app - check recv-depth
t201 - MS - simple MS app - resume/suspend
t202 - MS - simple MS app - launch 3rd party binary
t205 - FS - simple FS app - used for monitor-services bm (FS)
t206 - FS - simple FS app - mult-out i/os [optional abort]
t207 - FS - simple FS app - more BCANCELREQ/XCANCELREQ
t208 - FS - simple FS app - similar to t84 with userid
t209 - MS - simple MS app - dump
t210 - MS - simple MS app - mount device take 2
t212 - MS - simple MS app - server dies - BREAK hang problem
t213 - FS - simple FS app - multi-threaded FS client
t214 - FS - simple FS app - multi-client/multi-server FS
t215 - FS - simple FS app - many clients to server
t216 - MS - simple MS app - many clients to server (w/ aband)
t217 - FS - simple FS app - many clients to server (w/ cancel)
t219 - MS - simple MS app - XMSG_LINK2_/XMSG_BREAK2_
t220 - FS - simple FS app - BCANCEL/BCANCELREQ for $RECEIVE
t221 - MS - simple MS app - ABANDON after PATHDOWN
t222 - MS - simple MS app - start process
t226 - FS - simple FS app - close while outstanding i/os
t227 - FS - simple FS app - close while outstanding i/os [2]
t228 - MS - simple FS app - ABANDON with multi server threads
t231 - FS - simple FS app - client wr server that reincarnates
t233 - MS - simple MS app - M-client to N-server MS (max out)
t234 - MS - simple MS app - M-client to N-server MS (open/close)
t235 - MS - simple MS app - many opens to a server
t238 - MS - alternate logger test
t240 - MS - simple MS app - test gdb/sb.gdb
t241 - MS - simple MS app - msg_enable_open_cleanup
t242 - FS - simple FS app - file_enable_open_cleanup
t245 - MS - simple MS app - Error on many outstanding-pair
t246 - MS - simple MS app - Check notices (up/down)
t249 - MS - simple MS app - Check text functions
t250 - MS - simple MS app - similar to t3
t253 - MS - simple MS app - multiple threads opening same server
t261 - MS - simple MS app - msg_mon_get_zone_info and detail
t262 - MS - simple MS app - object-timers
t263 - MS - simple MS app - idle-conn
t266 - MS - simple MS app - TLS
t277 - FS - simple FS app - thread-specific FS
t279 - MS - simple MS app - verifier
t280 - FS - simple FS app - verifier
t281 - MS - simple MS app - stream-count-problem
t282 - MS - simple MS app - client-death stress
t285 - FS - simple FS app - like t45 but with tmlib2
t286 - MS - simple MS app - stress monitor