blob: eef85780e011aca834899cda2a5da62eabb81488 [file] [log] [blame]
// UID.h -- Representing users in ServerWare NT security.
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef _uid_h_
#define _uid_h_
#include <stddef.h>
#include "rosetta/rosgen.h"
// NTSEC_USER constructors/operators actually live in the Security DLL.
#define SECLIBAPI __declspec(dllimport)
// End users of ServerWare NT have some form of internal representation that
// could change over time. To conceal that change from code outside of the
// security implementation, we encapsulate the representation in a class and
// manipulate it with associated member functions.
// We also need to hand around user identities in some "exportable" form,
// i.e. in some form we can stick into a message and have it be interpretable
// by another process, or that we can stick into a buffer that gets written
// to disk (e.g. the disk label, TSN Black Box, SQL/ARK metadata).
// After some experimentation, the simplest answer is to use the "exportable"
// form also as the internal form. If the class has no virtual functions,
// it ought not to take up any more space than a struct with the equivalent
// data members.
// NSK defines the type name UID_T (in DSYSTYP), corresponding to the POSIX
// scalar type uid_t (defined in sys/types.h). This name has too strong a
// connotation of the POSIX identifier, so we do NOT use it for our class name.
// Instead, we'll use NTSEC_USER as our new class name.
// NTSEC_USER is the ServerWare/NT Security representation of a user identity.
// C++ claims that all data members specified between two access keywords
// (i.e. public:, private:, protected:) will be stored in successively
// higher memory locations, with possibly alignment filler. Microsoft
// claims this is true for all data members in the class, implying that
// the language definition doesn't guarantee ordering across access keywords.
// Just to be safe, PUT ALL DATA MEMBERS IN THE SAME PLACE in this class.
// NTSEC_USER Type values.
// We use text to make them simpler to identify in memory.
// Our pre-defined NTSEC_USER values. These are not real users.
enum {
#ifdef __linux__
NTSEC_TYPE_PREDEF = ((('P' << 8) | ('R' << 8)) | ('E' << 8)) | ' ',
NTSEC_TYPE_NTSID = ((('S' << 8) | ('I' << 8)) | ('D' << 8)) | ' '
NTSEC_TYPE_PREDEF = 'PRE ', // Predefined values, not real users.
NTSEC_TYPE_NTSID = 'SID ', // NT users represented by an NT SID.
// NTSEC_USER Flag values.
// Things to remember about this user.
enum {
NTSEC_FLAG_NTADMIN = 0x01, // Belongs to local NT Administrators group.
NTSEC_FLAG_NTBACKUP = 0x02, // Had SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege enabled.
NTSEC_FLAG_NTRESTORE = 0x04 // Had SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege enabled.
// NTSEC_USER Data area size.
// We happen to include space for the maximum size of a SID. NT does
// not define a constant for this. Even if it did we couldn't use it;
// since NTSEC_USER can be one component of a structure on disk, its size can't
// change over time. So, we establish a constant for the space we reserve
// for the SID (or whatever other representation we may change to later).
// A SID is 8 bytes plus up to 15 DWORDs, as of Windows NT 3.51.
// Therefore that's how much space we'll allocate, forever.
#define NTSEC_DATA_MAX_BYTES (8+15*4)
// Textual SID maximum length.
// We allow extracting a "printable SID" from the NTSEC_USER value.
// See the implementation of the "textsid()" member function for
// the derivation of this value. This includes the terminating null.
// dg64 - this struct is embedded in 32-bit generated files, so need 32-bits
// All data members.
#ifdef NA_64BIT
xunsigned_32 Type; // A constant so we know what's what.
unsigned_32 Type; // A constant so we know what's what.
#ifdef NA_64BIT
xunsigned_32 Length; // Actual size of the following SID or whatever.
unsigned_32 Length; // Actual size of the following SID or whatever.
#ifdef NA_64BIT
xunsigned_32 Flags; // Random useful information.
unsigned_32 Flags; // Random useful information.
char Data[NTSEC_DATA_MAX_BYTES]; // The actual whatever.
// Constructors exported to callers.
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER(); // Default constructor.
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER(void *pSid); // Constructor from a SID.
// (?? should use PSID)
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER(const char *Username); // Constructor from a username.
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER(const wchar_t *Username); // UNICODE username.
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER(const char *TextSid, int dummy); // Textual SID.
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER(const NTSEC_USER& User);// Copy constructor.
// Constructors for internal use only.
// These can't be private, but aren't exported from the DLL either.
NTSEC_USER(int predef_type); // Constructor for predefined values.
// No destructor needed.
// Binary operators.
// In each of these, "this" is the left hand side,
// the parameter is the right hand side.
// Assignment operator. Allows rhs to be const; returns a reference
// so as to behave like standard assignment operators.
SECLIBAPI NTSEC_USER& operator=(const NTSEC_USER& rhs);
// Comparison operators.
// The "const" keywords allow either side to be const.
// Return TRUE/FALSE (?? should use return type BOOL not int).
SECLIBAPI int operator< (const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
SECLIBAPI int operator<=(const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
SECLIBAPI int operator==(const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
SECLIBAPI int operator>=(const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
SECLIBAPI int operator> (const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
SECLIBAPI int operator!=(const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
// Member functions callable by other layers.
// Functions with inline bodies don't need SECLIBAPI.
// Let callers determine how much space they *really* need.
unsigned_32 length() const
{ return (sizeof(NTSEC_USER) - NTSEC_DATA_MAX_BYTES + Length); }
// Let callers determine if this user is "real" or invalid.
//?? Should return BOOL not int ?
int valid() const { return Type == NTSEC_TYPE_NTSID; }
// Fetch username, in ASCII or UNICODE. Caller supplies buffer.
SECLIBAPI int_16 username(char *userbuf, size_t *userlen) const;
SECLIBAPI int_16 username(wchar_t *userbuf, size_t *userlen) const;
// Fetch user's SID in textual form.
SECLIBAPI int_16 textsid(char *sidbuf, size_t *sidlen) const;
// Fetch user's SID in binary form.
SECLIBAPI int_16 binarysid(void *sidbuf, size_t *sidlen) const;
// Member functions not exported to other layers; therefore,
// they are not SECLIBAPI and are not implemented in-line.
// They are still "public" so other parts of Security can use them.
// "Flags" access functions.
unsigned_32 get_flags(void) const;
void set_flags(unsigned_32 flags);
// Member functions used only within the class (so not SECLIBAPI).
// Generic comparison function, used by comparison operators.
int compare(const NTSEC_USER& rhs) const;
#endif // _uid_h_