blob: 2d6543ebca76a5d4bbce3c3e060e904cf2ae2902 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef ODBCAS_H_
#define ODBCAS_H_
* Translation unit: ODBCAS
* Generated by CNPGEN(TANTAU CNPGEN TANTAU_AG_PC8 20001120.103031) on Fri Jun 18 12:53:22 2004
* C++ constructs used
* Header file for use with the CEE
* Server functionality included
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <cee.h>
#if CEE_H_VERSION != 19991123
#error Version mismatch CEE_H_VERSION != 19991123
#include <idltype.h>
#if IDL_TYPE_H_VERSION != 19971225
#error Version mismatch IDL_TYPE_H_VERSION != 19971225
char pad_to_offset_132_[3];
DS_AUTOMATION_def DSAutomation;
IDL_short defaultFlag;
char pad_to_offset_140_[2];
IDL_long DSState;
IDL_long MaxSrvrCnt;
IDL_long InitSrvrCnt;
IDL_long AvailSrvrCnt;
IDL_long StartAheadCnt;
IDL_long CurrentSrvrRegistered;
IDL_long CurrentSrvrConnected;
TIME_def StateChangeTime;
#define DATASOURCE_STATUS_def_cin_ ((char *) "b11+d128+h1+IFFFFFFFF")
#define DATASOURCE_STATUS_def_csz_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 21)
struct SRVR_STATUS_t {
IDL_long srvrType;
IDL_OBJECT_def srvrObjRef;
IDL_short nodeId;
char pad_to_offset_136_[2];
IDL_unsigned_long srvrProcessId;
IDL_char processName[9];
char pad_to_offset_280_[2];
IDL_long srvrState;
IDL_char computerName[16];
IDL_unsigned_long clientProcessId;
IDL_string userName;
IDL_PTR_PAD(userName, 1)
IDL_string windowText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(windowText, 1)
DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId;
TIME_def lastUpdatedTime;
VERSION_def srvrVersion;
char pad_to_size_344_[4];
#define SRVR_STATUS_def_cin_ ((char *) \
#define SRVR_STATUS_def_csz_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 50)
struct AS_CFG_STATUS_t {
IDL_short ASNodeId;
char pad_to_offset_4_[2];
IDL_long ASProcessId;
IDL_long ASSrvrState;
IDL_char ASProcessName[9];
IDL_OBJECT_def ASSrvrObjRef;
char pad_to_offset_152_[3];
TIME_def ASLastUpdatedTime;
VERSION_def ASVersion;
IDL_short CfgNodeId;
char pad_to_offset_172_[2];
IDL_long CfgProcessId;
IDL_long CfgSrvrState;
IDL_char CfgProcessName[9];
IDL_OBJECT_def CfgSrvrObjRef;
char pad_to_offset_320_[3];
TIME_def CfgLastUpdatedTime;
VERSION_def CfgVersion;
#define AS_CFG_STATUS_def_cin_ ((char *) \
#define AS_CFG_STATUS_def_csz_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 54)
typedef struct DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def_seq_ {
IDL_unsigned_long _length;
char pad_to_offset_8_[4];
IDL_PTR_PAD(_buffer, 1)
#define DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def_cin_ ((char *) "c0+b11+d128+h1+IFFFFFFFF")
#define DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def_csz_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 24)
typedef struct SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def_seq_ {
IDL_unsigned_long _length;
char pad_to_offset_8_[4];
SRVR_STATUS_def *_buffer;
IDL_PTR_PAD(_buffer, 1)
#define SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def_cin_ ((char *) \
#define SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def_csz_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 53)
* Module 'odbcas' *
* Interface 'odbcas_ASSvc' *
typedef IDL_Object odbcas_ASSvc;
struct odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError { /* Exception */
IDL_string ErrorText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(ErrorText, 1)
struct odbcas_ASSvc_ASTimeout { /* Exception */
IDL_string ErrorText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(ErrorText, 1)
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_ASNoSrvrHdl has no members */
struct odbcas_ASSvc_ASRejectRegistry { /* Exception */
IDL_string ErrorText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(ErrorText, 1)
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_ASRegistryFailed has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_ASTryAgain has no members */
struct odbcas_ASSvc_ASStateChangeError { /* Exception */
IDL_string ErrorText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(ErrorText, 1)
struct odbcas_ASSvc_SQLError { /* Exception */
ERROR_DESC_LIST_def errorList;
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_PortNotAvailable has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_DSNotFound has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_DSAlreadyStopped has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_DSAlreadyStarted has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_DSStateChangeError has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_ProcessStopError has no members */
struct odbcas_ASSvc_ASNotAvailable { /* Exception */
IDL_string ErrorText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(ErrorText, 1)
struct odbcas_ASSvc_DSNotAvailable { /* Exception */
IDL_string ErrorText;
IDL_PTR_PAD(ErrorText, 1)
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrNotFound has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrInUseByAnotherClient has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_InvalidUser has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrCreateError has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_CfgSrvrFailed has no members */
struct odbcas_ASSvc_LogonUserFailure { /* Exception */
IDL_long errorCode;
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_TraceAlreadyEnabled has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_TraceAlreadyDisabled has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_TraceEnableError has no members */
/* Exception odbcas_ASSvc_TraceDisableError has no members */
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_ASTimeout_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_ASRegistryFailed_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_ASRejectRegistry_exn_ 4
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASTimeout ASTimeout;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASRejectRegistry ASRejectRegistry;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 1)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_osy_ ((IDL_long) -671528134)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const VERSION_def *intfVersion
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ const PROCESS_ID_def *nskProcessInfo
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const VERSION_def *intfVersion
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ const PROCESS_ID_def *nskProcessInfo
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const SRVR_CONTEXT_def *srvrContext
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const VERSION_def *intfVersion
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ const PROCESS_ID_def *nskProcessInfo
, /* Out */ SRVR_CONTEXT_def *srvrContext
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const VERSION_def *intfVersion
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ const PROCESS_ID_def *nskProcessInfo
, /* Out */ SRVR_CONTEXT_def *srvrContext
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ASTimeout_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ASNoSrvrHdl_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ASTryAgain_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ASNotAvailable_exn_ 5
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_DSNotAvailable_exn_ 6
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_PortNotAvailable_exn_ 7
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_InvalidUser_exn_ 8
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_LogonUserFailure_exn_ 9
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASTimeout ASTimeout;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASNotAvailable ASNotAvailable;
odbcas_ASSvc_DSNotAvailable DSNotAvailable;
odbcas_ASSvc_LogonUserFailure LogonUserFailure;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 2)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_osy_ ((IDL_long) 2027146038)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def *inContext
, /* In */ const USER_DESC_def *userDesc
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ IDL_short retryCount
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def *inContext
, /* In */ const USER_DESC_def *userDesc
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ IDL_short retryCount
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *dataSource
, /* In */ const USER_SID_def *userSid
, /* In */ const VERSION_LIST_def *versionList
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def *inContext
, /* In */ const USER_DESC_def *userDesc
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ IDL_short retryCount
, /* Out */ IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* Out */ DIALOGUE_ID_def *dialogueId
, /* Out */ IDL_char *dataSource
, /* Out */ USER_SID_def *userSid
, /* Out */ VERSION_LIST_def *versionList
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def *inContext
, /* In */ const USER_DESC_def *userDesc
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ IDL_short retryCount
, /* Out */ IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* Out */ DIALOGUE_ID_def *dialogueId
, /* Out */ IDL_char *dataSource
, /* Out */ USER_SID_def *userSid
, /* Out */ VERSION_LIST_def *versionList
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_ASTimeout_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_ASStateChangeError_exn_ 3
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASTimeout ASTimeout;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASStateChangeError ASStateChangeError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 3)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_osy_ ((IDL_long) -1019394971)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrState
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrState
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long TraceType
, /* In */ IDL_long StatisticsType
, /* In */ IDL_long ContextType
, /* In */ const SRVR_CONTEXT_def *srvrContext
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrState
, /* Out */ IDL_long *TraceType
, /* Out */ IDL_long *StatisticsType
, /* Out */ IDL_long *ContextType
, /* Out */ SRVR_CONTEXT_def *srvrContext
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrState
, /* Out */ IDL_long *TraceType
, /* Out */ IDL_long *StatisticsType
, /* Out */ IDL_long *ContextType
, /* Out */ SRVR_CONTEXT_def *srvrContext
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall' *
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 4)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_osy_ ((IDL_long) -811446880)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long DSId
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long DSId
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long DSId
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long DSId
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_DSAlreadyStarted_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_DSStateChangeError_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_PortNotAvailable_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_SQLError_exn_ 5
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_ASTryAgain_exn_ 6
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_SrvrCreateError_exn_ 7
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_CfgSrvrFailed_exn_ 8
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_SQLError SQLError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 5)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_osy_ ((IDL_long) 478578729)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const ERROR_DESC_LIST_def *sqlWarning
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ ERROR_DESC_LIST_def *sqlWarning
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ ERROR_DESC_LIST_def *sqlWarning
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_DSStateChangeError_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_ProcessStopError_exn_ 3
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 6)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_osy_ ((IDL_long) 39137010)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_DSNotFound_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_DSAlreadyStarted_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_DSStateChangeError_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_PortNotAvailable_exn_ 5
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_SQLError_exn_ 6
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_SrvrCreateError_exn_ 7
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_SQLError SQLError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 7)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_osy_ ((IDL_long) -946920360)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const ERROR_DESC_LIST_def *sqlWarning
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* Out */ ERROR_DESC_LIST_def *sqlWarning
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* Out */ ERROR_DESC_LIST_def *sqlWarning
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_DSNotFound_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_DSAlreadyStopped_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_DSStateChangeError_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_ProcessStopError_exn_ 5
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 8)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_osy_ ((IDL_long) 1932719932)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
, /* In */ IDL_string ReasonText
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS' *
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 9)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_osy_ ((IDL_long) 470889124)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const AS_CFG_STATUS_def *AsCfgStatus
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ AS_CFG_STATUS_def *AsCfgStatus
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ AS_CFG_STATUS_def *AsCfgStatus
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_DSNotFound_exn_ 2
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 10)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_osy_ ((IDL_long) -1871233060)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const DATASOURCE_STATUS_def *DSStatus
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* Out */ DATASOURCE_STATUS_def *DSStatus
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* Out */ DATASOURCE_STATUS_def *DSStatus
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_DSNotFound_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_ASNotAvailable_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_DSNotAvailable_exn_ 4
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASNotAvailable ASNotAvailable;
odbcas_ASSvc_DSNotAvailable DSNotAvailable;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 11)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_osy_ ((IDL_long) -1849630353)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def *srvrListStatus
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* Out */ SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def *srvrListStatus
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* Out */ SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def *srvrListStatus
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_ASNotAvailable_exn_ 2
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASNotAvailable ASNotAvailable;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 12)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_osy_ ((IDL_long) 58174705)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def *srvrListStatus
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def *srvrListStatus
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def *srvrListStatus
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_ASNotAvailable_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_SrvrNotFound_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_SrvrInUseByAnotherClient_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_ProcessStopError_exn_ 5
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
odbcas_ASSvc_ASNotAvailable ASNotAvailable;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 13)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_osy_ ((IDL_long) 1728644050)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long StopType
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_ASParamError_exn_ 1
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 14)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_osy_ ((IDL_long) 412216083)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def *DSListStatus
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def *DSListStatus
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def *DSListStatus
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_ASParamError_exn_ 1
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 15)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_osy_ ((IDL_long) 691115433)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long lifePermit
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* Out */ IDL_long *lifePermit
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ IDL_long srvrType
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* Out */ IDL_long *lifePermit
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_ASParamError_exn_ 1
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 16)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_osy_ ((IDL_long) -258781373)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_long Operation
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_long Operation
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_long Operation
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_long Operation
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_ASParamError_exn_ 1
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 17)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_osy_ ((IDL_long) 390699907)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_short Operation
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_short Operation
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_short Operation
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ IDL_short TestPoint
, /* In */ IDL_unsigned_short Operation
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_ASParamError_exn_ 1
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 18)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_osy_ ((IDL_long) 1738586948)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *dataSourceName
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperation
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperationValue
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *dataSourceName
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperation
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperationValue
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *dataSourceName
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperation
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperationValue
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *dataSourceName
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperation
, /* In */ IDL_long dataSourceOperationValue
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_ASParamError_exn_ 1
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 19)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_osy_ ((IDL_long) 830318057)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const GEN_ParamList_def *paramList
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const GEN_ParamList_def *paramList
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const GEN_ParamList_def *paramList
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const GEN_ParamList_def *paramList
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_DSNotFound_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_DSAlreadyStopped_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_TraceAlreadyEnabled_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_TraceEnableError_exn_ 5
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 20)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_osy_ ((IDL_long) 320671963)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace' *
* Exception number constants for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_ASParamError_exn_ 1
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_DSNotFound_exn_ 2
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_DSAlreadyStopped_exn_ 3
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_TraceAlreadyDisabled_exn_ 4
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_TraceDisableError_exn_ 5
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
union {
odbcas_ASSvc_ASParamError ASParamError;
} u;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 21)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_osy_ ((IDL_long) 135280495)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_exc_ *exception_
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *DSName
, /* In */ DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId
, /* In */ const IDL_char *srvrObjRef
, /* In */ IDL_long traceType
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_smt_ method_
* Operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS' *
* Exception union for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
struct odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_exc_ {
IDL_long exception_nr;
IDL_long exception_detail;
* Local index for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_ldx_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 22)
* Operation synopsis for operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
#define odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_osy_ ((IDL_long) 1913697932)
* Asynchronous method function pointer type for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_amt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Asynchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
* Set Asynchronous Method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_amt_ method_
* Asynchronous response for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* In */ const odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* In */ const IDL_char *ASVersion
* Synchronous method function pointer type for
* operation'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
typedef void (*odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_smt_) (
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ IDL_char *ASVersion
* Synchronous method function prototype for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
extern "C" void
/* In */ CEE_tag_def objtag_
, /* In */ const CEE_handle_def *call_id_
, /* Out */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_exc_ *exception_
, /* Out */ IDL_char *ASVersion
* Set Synchronous method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_smt_ method_
* Set Synchronous multithreaded method for
* operation 'odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *impl_
, /* In */ odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_smt_ method_
* CIN description of interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
static char odbcas_ASSvc_ici_[] = {
'n','<','d','3','2','+','0','+','0','+', 0};
#define odbcas_ASSvc_ics_ ((IDL_unsigned_long) 5130)
* Interface creation function for 'odbcas_ASSvc'
extern "C" CEE_status
/* Out */ CEE_handle_def *interface_handle);
* Synchronous implementation creation function for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
* Should only be be called via the ODBCAS_ASSVC_SIM_ macro.
extern "C" CEE_status
/* Out */ CEE_handle_def *implementation_handle,
/* In */ ...);
* Synchronous implementation creation macro for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
#define ODBCAS_ASSVC_SIM_(impl_) odbcas_ASSvc_sim_((impl_) \
, odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_sme_ )
* Asynchronous implementation creation function for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
* Should only be be called via the ODBCAS_ASSVC_AIM_ macro.
extern "C" CEE_status
/* Out */ CEE_handle_def *implementation_handle,
/* In */ ...);
* Asynchronous implementation creation macro for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
#define ODBCAS_ASSVC_AIM_(impl_) odbcas_ASSvc_aim_((impl_) \
, odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_ame_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_ame_ )
* Synchronous Multi Threaded implementation creation function for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
* Should only be be called via the ODBCAS_ASSVC_MSIM_ macro.
extern "C" CEE_status
/* Out */ CEE_handle_def *implementation_handle,
/* In */ ...);
* Synchronous Multi Threaded implementation creation macro for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
#define ODBCAS_ASSVC_MSIM_(impl_) odbcas_ASSvc_msim_((impl_) \
, odbcas_ASSvc_RegProcess_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GetObjRefHdl_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_UpdateSrvrState_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_SrvrMonitorCall_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StartAS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopAS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StartDS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopDS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusAS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDS_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSDetail_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusSrvrAll_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StopSrvr_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_StatusDSAll_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_WouldLikeToLive_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_SetTestPoint_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_ClearTestPoint_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_DataSourceConfigChanged_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GeneralParam_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_EnableTrace_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_DisableTrace_sme_ \
, odbcas_ASSvc_GetVersionAS_sme_ )
* Configured Object initialization function
* for interface 'odbcas_ASSvc'
extern "C" void
/* In */ const CEE_handle_def *object_handle,
/* In */ const char *param,
/* In */ long param_len,
/* Out */ CEE_status *sts,
/* Out */ CEE_tag_def *obj_tag,
/* Out */ CEE_handle_def *implementation_handle);
* End interface 'odbcas_ASSvc' *
/* End module: odbcas */
* End translation unit: ODBCAS
#endif /* ODBCAS_H_ */