blob: ab62c49b4ffda9674aa56e1bdc9585084e2ca0be [file] [log] [blame]
## Top-level Makefile with rules for main components
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
## This version number is used by automated build procedures.
## Please don't change the version number unless you know what you are doing.
## Makefile Version: 8 -- SeaMonster
include macros.gmk
# Make Targets
.PHONY: all dbsecurity foundation $(MPI_TARGET) ndcs ci jdbc_jar jdbc_type2_jar sqroot $(SEAMONSTER_TARGET) verhdr dcs rest odb
.PHONY: package package-all pkg-product pkg-sql-regress pkg-phx-tests pkg-dcs-tests check-copyrights
### Main targets
# Server-side only
# Default target (all components)
all: $(MPI_TARGET) dbsecurity foundation jdbc_jar $(SEAMONSTER_TARGET) ndcs ci jdbc_type2_jar dcs rest odb
package: pkg-product pkg-client
# Components
mpi: sqroot verhdr
echo "Building MPI"
cd mpi && $(MAKE) sq-local 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(MPI)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
mpistub: sqroot verhdr
echo "Building MPI stub"
cd mpistub && $(MAKE) sq-local 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(MPISTUB)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
seamonster: mpi
echo "Building SM"
cd seamonster/src; $(MAKE) all 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(SEAMONSTER)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
smstub: mpistub
echo "Building SM stub"
cd smstub/src; $(MAKE) all 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(SMSTUB)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
cd sqf && $(MAKE) genverhdr
dbsecurity: $(MPI_TARGET)
cd dbsecurity && $(MAKE) all 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(Security)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
foundation: sqroot dbsecurity $(MPI_TARGET) $(SEAMONSTER_TARGET)
cd sqf && $(MAKE) all
jdbc_jar: verhdr
cd conn/jdbc_type4 && $(ANT) deploy 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(JDBCT4)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
$(MAVEN) install:install-file -Dfile=conn/jdbc_type4/lib/jdbcT4.jar \
-DgroupId=org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver -DartifactId=t4driver -Dversion="$$TRAFODION_VER" \
-Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(JDBCT4)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
dcs: jdbc_jar jdbc_type2_jar
cd ../dcs && $(MAKE) 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(DCS)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
ndcs: jdbc_jar foundation
cd conn/odbc/src/odbc && $(MAKE) ndcs 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(NDCS)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
cd conn/odbc/src/odbc && $(MAKE) bldlnx_drvr 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(NDCS)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
ci: trafci
trafci: jdbc_jar
cd conn/trafci && $(ANT) dist 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(TRAFCI)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
jdbc_type2_jar: verhdr foundation
cd conn/jdbc_type2 && $(ANT) 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(JDBC_TYPE2)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
cd conn/jdbc_type2 && $(MAKE) 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(JDBC_TYPE2)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
$(MAVEN) install:install-file -Dfile=conn/jdbc_type2/dist/jdbcT2.jar \
-DgroupId=org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.T2Driver -DartifactId=t2driver -Dversion="$$TRAFODION_VER" \
-Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(JDBC_TYPE2)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
rest: verhdr jdbc_jar
cd rest && $(MAKE) 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(REST)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
odb: ndcs
cd conn/odb && $(MAKE) 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(ODB)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
cd ../dcs/src/test/pytests && $(RM) -r odbc* tox.ini config.ini .tox .testrep* test_p2.pyc
cd ../dcs/src/test/jdbc_test && $(RM) -r jdbcprop pom.xml target
cd ../tests/phx && $(RM) -r jdbcprop *.log pom.xml target
clean: sqroot
cd $(MPI_TARGET) && $(MAKE) clean-local
cd $(SEAMONSTER_TARGET)/src && $(MAKE) clean
cd dbsecurity && $(MAKE) clean
cd sqf && $(MAKE) clean
cd conn/odbc/src/odbc && $(MAKE) clean
cd conn/trafci && $(ANT) clean
cd conn/jdbc_type4 && $(ANT) clean
cd conn && $(MAKE) clean
cd conn/jdbc_type2 && $(ANT) clean && $(MAKE) clean
cd rest && $(MAKE) clean
cd conn/odb && $(MAKE) clean
cd ../dcs && $(MAKE) clean
cleanall: sqroot eclipseclean cleantests
cd $(MPI_TARGET) && $(MAKE) clean-local
cd dbsecurity && $(MAKE) cleanall
cd sqf && $(MAKE) cleanall
cd conn/odbc/src/odbc && $(MAKE) cleanall
cd conn/trafci && $(ANT) clean
cd conn/jdbc_type4 && $(ANT) clean
cd conn && $(MAKE) clean
cd conn/jdbc_type2 && $(ANT) clean && $(MAKE) clean
cd rest && $(MAKE) clean
cd conn/odb && $(MAKE) clean
cd ../dcs && $(MAKE) clean
package-all: package pkg-sql-regress pkg-phx-tests pkg-dcs-tests
pkg-product: all
cd sqf && $(MAKE) package 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(Package)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
pkg-client: ci ndcs odb
cd conn && make all 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(Package clients)/" ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# Package SQL regression tests (all target produces some regress/tool files so do that first)
pkg-sql-regress: all
cd sqf && $(MAKE) package-regress 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(Package sql regress)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# Package Phoenix test
pkg-phx-tests: all
cd sqf && $(MAKE) package-phx 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(Package phoenix)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# Package dcs tests
pkg-dcs-tests: all
cd sqf && $(MAKE) package-dcs 2>&1 | sed -e "s/$$/ ##(Package dcs tests)/";exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
@cd sqf; unset SQ_VERBOSE; source ; echo "$${TRAFODION_VER}"
# Check that Environment variables are set correctly and
# create links and files needed as prerequisite for the build
cd sqf && $(MAKE) setupdir
# Check for absolute filenames used as dynamic linked libraries
python ./
eclipse: rest/.project dcs/.project sql/.project sqf/src/seatrans/hbase-trx/.project .project
@echo " Now you can import 5 projects in Eclipse:"
@echo " $^"
@echo " File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace"
@echo " Select root directory $(@D)"
@echo " Search for nested projects"
@echo " Select all or only those you want"
cd rest && $(MAVEN) eclipse:eclipse
cd ../dcs && $(MAVEN) eclipse:eclipse
cd sql && $(MAVEN) eclipse:eclipse
cd sqf/src/seatrans/hbase-trx && $(MAVEN) eclipse:eclipse
cp sqf/export/limited-support-tools/eclipse.project .project
cp sqf/export/limited-support-tools/eclipse.cproject .cproject
$(RM) rest/.classpath rest/.project
$(RM) ../dcs/.classpath ../dcs/.project
$(RM) sql/.classpath sql/.project
$(RM) sqf/src/seatrans/hbase-trx/.classpath sqf/src/seatrans/hbase-trx/.project
$(RM) .cproject .project
cd $(MY_SQROOT)/sql/scripts && install_traf_components