blob: 553a624742a316f1e4ca48f2a6dfa09f7f330255 [file] [log] [blame]
# (C) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script packages the src- file for SeaQuest.
# It contains all files in a build area, except:
# - Files stored in Subversion
# - Files stored in the deliverable product tar file
# - .o files
use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::stat;
my $scriptName = basename($0);
# Function to report the accepted syntax
sub usage {
my $helpText = "
Usage: $scriptName [-h] [-v]
-f <src-file>
-b <build-dir>
-t <tarfile>
-h give help text
-v means verbose output
-f <src-tarfile> is the tar file to be made
-b <build-dir> is the build directory
-t <tarfile> is an existing SeaQuest deliverable tarfile
-o means delete .o files
-s BUILD skip check that basename of build-dir is exactly 'BUILD'
print "$helpText";
} # End of usage()
# Function to give ls -l output for a file
sub lsld {
my $F = shift;
my $lsL = `ls -ld $F`;
print "$lsL";
# Function to give du -sm output for a directory
sub dusm {
my $D = shift;
my $du_sm = `du -sm $D`;
print "$du_sm";
# Function to delete a list of files
# Arg 1 = Directory within which files are deleted
# Arg 2 = File with list of files within Arg 1
sub unlink_list_o_files {
my $D = shift;
my $L = shift;
open(INFILE, '<' . $L ) or warn "WARNING: $0 : Error opening file '$L' for read:$!";
my @Lines = map { chomp ; $_ } (<INFILE>);
close(INFILE) or warn "WARNING: $0 : Error closing file '$L' after read:$!";
my $oCtr = 0;
my $aLine = "";
my $cpdFile = "";
my $sb;
print "Size before (MB) : \n";
dusm $D;
my $specialFile = "dbtservices/Linux-x86_64/64/rls/vproc.o";
foreach my $Line( @Lines ) {
$oCtr ++;
$aLine = $Line;
$cpdFile = $D . "/" . $aLine;
unlink ( $cpdFile );
$sb = stat( $cpdFile );
if ( $sb ) {
print "ERROR: File not deleted : $cpdFile\n";
exit 1;
if ( $aLine =~ $specialFile ) { print "Deleted : $aLine\n"; }
print "Files deleted count = $oCtr\n";
print "Size after (MB) : \n";
dusm $D;
# Main body of script
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
my %options=();
getopts('hvf:b:t:os:', \%options);
my $verboseMode = 0;
my $no_o_filesMode = 0;
my $checkMakefile = 0;
my $buildDIR = "";
my $tmpDIR = "";
my $tmpDIR_default = "/tmp/package_sq_builddir";
my $badInput = 0;
my $srcTarFile = "";
my $tarFile = "";
my $skipCheck = 0;
my $skipCheck_BUILD = "";
my $origDir = getcwd;
my $currentDir;
if (defined $options{h}) {
exit 0;
if (defined $options{v}) {
if (defined $options{o}) {
if (defined $options{b}) {
$buildDIR = $options{b};
if ($verboseMode) {
print "buildDIR = $buildDIR\n";
if ( ! -d $buildDIR ) {
print "ERROR: Not a directory: $buildDIR\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
} else {
print "ERROR: $scriptName is missing option -b\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
if (defined $options{f}) {
$srcTarFile = $options{f};
# Find absolute path for this file
if ( $srcTarFile !~ '^/' ) {
$srcTarFile = "$origDir/$srcTarFile";
if ($verboseMode) {
print "srcTarFile = $srcTarFile\n";
if ( -e $srcTarFile ) {
print "ERROR: Target tarfile already exists: $srcTarFile\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
} else {
print "ERROR: $scriptName is missing option -f\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
if (defined $options{t}) {
$tarFile = $options{t};
# Find absolute path for this file
if ( $tarFile !~ '^/' ) {
$tarFile = "$origDir/$tarFile";
if ($verboseMode) {
print "tarFile = $tarFile\n";
if ( ! -s $tarFile ) {
print "ERROR: Tarfile not found: $tarFile\n";
lsld $tarFile;
$badInput = 1;
} else {
print "ERROR: $scriptName is missing option -t\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
if (defined $options{s}) {
my $skipOption = $options{s};
if ($verboseMode) {
print "skipOption = $skipOption\n";
if ( $skipOption eq "BUILD" ) {
$skipCheck_BUILD = $skipOption;
} else {
print "ERROR: Unrecognized value for -s : $skipOption\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
my $buildBase = basename ( $buildDIR );
my $buildDirname = dirname ( $buildDIR );
if ( ! "$skipCheck_BUILD" ) {
if ( $buildBase ne "BUILD" ) {
print "ERROR: Build directory basename is not BUILD: $buildDIR\n\n";
$badInput = 1;
if ( $badInput ) {
# usage();
exit 1;
# Create temporary directory for these lists of files:
# 1. All filenames in build area
# 2. All filenames in packaged product
# 3. All .o files in build area
$tmpDIR = `mktemp -d ${tmpDIR_default}.XXXX`;
chomp( $tmpDIR );
`chmod 777 $tmpDIR`;
if ($verboseMode) {
print "tmpDIR = $tmpDIR\n";
lsld $tmpDIR;
print "Creating file lists in $tmpDIR ...\n\n";
my $allFilenames = $tmpDIR . "/builddir-files-all";
my $allProductFiles = $tmpDIR . "/product-files";
my $all_o_Files = $tmpDIR . "/builddir-files-o";
chdir $buildDIR;
if ($verboseMode) {
print "allFilenames = $allFilenames\n";
$currentDir = getcwd;
print "currentDir = $currentDir\n";
print "\nfind * -type f | sort > $allFilenames\n";
`find * -type f | sort > $allFilenames`;
if ($verboseMode) {
lsld $allFilenames;
print "\ntar -tzf $tarFile | grep -v '/\$' | sort > $allProductFiles\n";
`tar -tzf $tarFile | grep -v '/\$' | sort > $allProductFiles`;
if ($verboseMode) {
lsld $allProductFiles;
print "\negrep -e '\\.o\$' $allFilenames > $all_o_Files\n";
`egrep -e '\\.o\$' $allFilenames > $all_o_Files`;
if ($verboseMode) {
lsld $all_o_Files;
# Duplicate the build directory then remove unneeded files
# Create temporary directory for duplicate of build area
my $cmdPrefix = "";
my $newBuildDir = `mktemp -d ${buildDIR}.XXXX`;
chomp( $newBuildDir );
`chmod 777 $newBuildDir`;
if ($verboseMode) {
print "newBuildDir = $newBuildDir\n";
lsld $newBuildDir;
$cmdPrefix = "time ";
chdir $newBuildDir;
print "\nDuplicating build area to $newBuildDir ...\n";
if ($verboseMode) {
print "${cmdPrefix}cp -rp $buildDIR/* $newBuildDir\n";
`${cmdPrefix}cp -rp $buildDIR/* $newBuildDir`;
print "Sizes (MB) :\n";
dusm $buildDIR;
dusm $newBuildDir;
if ( $no_o_filesMode ) {
# Remove files in .o list
print "\nRemoving .o files from $newBuildDir ...\n";
unlink_list_o_files( $newBuildDir, $all_o_Files );
# Always remove files already packaged into product
print "\nRemoving files packaged into product tar file from ${newBuildDir}/sqf ...\n";
unlink_list_o_files( "$newBuildDir/sqf" , $allProductFiles );
dusm $newBuildDir;
print "\nRemoving specific directories ${newBuildDir} ...\n";
print "Size before (MB) : \n";
dusm $newBuildDir;
my @removeTheseDirs = ( "sqf/build-scripts/open-src-pkg",
"sql/regress" );
my $dCtr = 0;
my $delDir;
foreach my $aDir (@removeTheseDirs) {
$dCtr ++;
$delDir = $newBuildDir . "/" . $aDir;
print "\t$delDir\n";
rmtree ( $delDir );
my $sb = stat( $delDir );
if ( $sb ) {
print "ERROR: Directory not deleted : $delDir\n";
exit 1;
print "Directories deleted count = $dCtr\n";
print "Size after (MB) : \n";
dusm $newBuildDir;
print "\nCreating tar file $srcTarFile ...\n";
if ($verboseMode) {
print "\n${cmdPrefix}tar -czf $srcTarFile *\n";
`${cmdPrefix}tar -czf $srcTarFile *`;
print "Tar file created =\n";
lsld $srcTarFile;
print "\n";
chdir $origDir;
if ($verboseMode) {
print "Verbose mode means these temporary files are not deleted:\n";
print " $tmpDIR\n $newBuildDir\n";
exit 0
} else {
# Delete temporary directories
foreach my $aDir ( $tmpDIR, $newBuildDir ) {
my $rmOut = `rm -rf $aDir 2>&1`;
my $OutputERR = $? >> 8;
if ($OutputERR > 0) {
print "Error occurred while attempting to delete $aDir\n";
exit 1;
print "Deleted $aDir\n";
print "\nAll done !\n";