blob: 8bf5e2e6cbd43a01ae956b33ce92e1df3bf90a8a [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
# (C) Copyright 2013-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import errno
import fcntl
import glob
import inspect
import optparse
import os
import re
import select
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib2
# Dictionary for the following pre-defined test groups :
# PART1 : First half of the phoenix test divided by time. Takes
# approx 30 min.
# PART2 : Second half of the phoenix test divided by time. Takes
# approx 30 min.
# QUICK1: Half of the phoenix tests selected by probability of
# failure and time (old set). Takes approx. 15 min to run.
# QUICK2: Half of the phoenix tests selected by probability of
# failure and time (new set). Takes approx. 15 min to run.
TEST_SUBSET = {'PART1': ['AlterTableTest', 'ArithmeticQueryTest', 'BinaryRowKeyTest',
'CoalesceFunctionTest', 'CompareDecimalToLongTest', 'CustomEntityDataTest',
'DeleteRangeTest', 'DescColumnSortOrderTest', 'DistinctCountTest',
'ExtendedQueryExecTest', 'FunkyNamesTest', 'IsNullTest', 'OrderByTest',
'QueryExecTest', 'SaltedTableTest', 'SaltedTableUpsertSelectTest',
'SaltedTableVarLengthRowKeyTest', 'SkipScanQueryTest',
'UpsertSelectAutoCommitTest', 'UpsertSelectTest', 'UpsertValuesTest'],
'PART2': ['AutoCommitTest', 'CreateTableTest', 'ExecuteStatementsTest',
'GroupByCaseTest', 'IndexTest', 'KeyOnlyTest', 'MultiCfQueryExecTest',
'ProductMetricsTest', 'QueryExecWithoutSCNTest', 'QueryPlanTest',
'ReadIsolationLevelTest', 'ServerExceptionTest', 'StatementHintsTest',
'StddevTest', 'ToCharFunctionTest', 'ToNumberFunctionTest', 'TopNTest',
'UpsertBigValuesTest', 'VariableLengthPKTest'],
'QUICK1': ['AlterTableTest', 'ArithmeticQueryTest', 'AutoCommitTest',
'BinaryRowKeyTest', 'CoalesceFunctionTest', 'CompareDecimalToLongTest',
'CreateTableTest', 'CustomEntityDataTest', 'DeleteRangeTest',
'DistinctCountTest', 'ExecuteStatementsTest', 'ExtendedQueryExecTest',
'FunkyNamesTest', 'GroupByCaseTest', 'IndexTest', 'IsNullTest',
'KeyOnlyTest', 'MultiCfQueryExecTest', 'OrderByTest'],
'QUICK2': ['AlterTableTest', 'ArithmeticQueryTest', 'AutoCommitTest',
'BinaryRowKeyTest', 'CompareDecimalToLongTest', 'CreateTableTest',
'DeleteRangeTest', 'DistinctCountTest', 'ExecuteStatementsTest',
'GroupByCaseTest', 'IndexTest', 'IsNullTest', 'KeyOnlyTest',
'OrderByTest', 'QueryExecWithoutSCNTest', 'SaltedTableUpsertSelectTest',
'StatementHintsTest', 'ToCharFunctionTest', 'ToNumberFunctionTest',
'TopNTest', 'UpsertSelectAutoCommitTest']
# A function (or a structure in C's sense) that contains all variables
# recording user's command-line parameters.
def ArgList():
_target = None
_user = None
_pw = None
_role = None
_dsn = None
_javahome = None
_jdbc_classpath = None
_prop_file = None
_target_type = None
_export_str1 = None
_export_str2 = None
_export_str3 = None
_export_str4 = None
_export_str5 = None
_jdbc_type = None
_tests = None
_hadoop_distro = None
# Tracking all of the global variables in here.
def gvars():
my_ROOT = None
my_EXPORT_CMD = None
# Make a call to the shell and fetch the results back.
def stdout_write(output):
def read_async(fd):
except IOError, e:
if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
raise e
return ''
def shell_call(cmd):
ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
hpipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
bufsize=1, close_fds=ON_POSIX, shell=True)
# Change to non-blocking mode, so read returns even if there is no data.
fcntl.fcntl(hpipe.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl.fcntl(hpipe.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
total_output_stdout = ''
total_output_stderr = ''
while True:
# wait for data to become available[hpipe.stdout, hpipe.stderr], [], [])
# Try reading some data from each
output_stdout = read_async(hpipe.stdout)
output_stderr = read_async(hpipe.stderr)
if output_stdout:
total_output_stdout += output_stdout
if output_stderr:
total_output_stderr += output_stderr
rc = hpipe.poll()
if rc is not None:
return total_output_stdout + total_output_stderr
# Find the token after s2 in s1
def get_token_after_string(s1, s2, extra_split_chars=None):
if s2 not in s1:
return None
token = s1[s1.find(s2)+len(s2):].split()[0]
if extra_split_chars is not None:
token = token.split(extra_split_chars)[0]
return token
# Find the sub string after s2 in s1
def get_substr_after_string(s1, s2):
if s2 not in s1:
return None
return s1[s1.find(s2)+len(s2):]
# Get Hadoop component version (hadoop, hbase, hive, zookeeper) based
# on distribution
def get_hadoop_component_version(distro, component):
rpm_ver = ''
if 'HBASE_CNF_DIR' in os.environ:
local_file_dict = {
'hadoop_regex': re.compile("^hadoop-common-(\d.*).jar"),
'hadoop': (os.environ['HBASE_CNF_DIR'] + "/../lib/hadoop-common-*[0-9].jar"),
'hbase_regex': re.compile("^hbase-common-(\d.*).jar"),
'hbase': (os.environ['HBASE_CNF_DIR'] + "/../lib/hbase-common-*[0-9].jar"),
'hive_regex': re.compile("^hive-common-(\d.*).jar"),
'hive': (os.environ['HIVE_CNF_DIR'] + "/../lib/hive-common-*[0-9].jar"),
'zookeeper_regex': re.compile("^zookeeper-(\d.*).jar"),
'zookeeper': (os.environ['HBASE_CNF_DIR'] + "/../lib/zookeeper-*[0-9].jar")
# find version number of component using rpm command
if 'HBASE_CNF_DIR' in os.environ and "local_hadoop" in os.environ['HBASE_CNF_DIR']:
rpm_ver = 'LOCAL'
elif distro == 'CDH':
rpm_ver = subprocess.Popen(["rpm", "-q", "--qf", '%{VERSION}', component],
# if distro is Cloudera (CDH) then parse string from rpm_ver
# if distro is HortonWorks (HW) then interrogate commands using script
# parse those for the actual version of the component
if rpm_ver == 'LOCAL':
return(local_file_dict[component + "_regex"].search(
elif distro.startswith("CDH"):
return(rpm_ver[:rpm_ver.rfind("+")].replace("+", "-"))
elif distro.startswith("HDP"):
return(shell_call(gvars.my_ROOT + '/ ' + component))
# Generate pom.xml
def generate_pom_xml(targettype, jdbc_groupid, jdbc_artid, jdbc_path, hadoop_distro):
# dictionary for Hadoop Distribution dependent dependencies
# we'll only access one distro, so no need to create full dict
if hadoop_distro == 'CDH':
hadoop_dict = {
'CDH': {'MY_HADOOP_DISTRO': 'cloudera',
'MY_HADOOP_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "hadoop"),
'MY_MVN_URL': '',
'MY_HBASE_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "hbase"),
'MY_HIVE_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "hive"),
'MY_ZOOKEEPER_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "zookeeper"),
# cdh sub-string added at 1.1
'TRAF_HBASE_TRX_REGEX': re.compile("^hbase-trx-(cdh[\d_]*-)?[\d\.]{3,}jar"),
'TRAF_HBASE_ACS_REGEX': re.compile("^trafodion-HBaseAccess-[\d\.]{3,}jar"),
'MVN_DEPS': [('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-client', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-common', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-server', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-protocol', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hadoop', 'hadoop-hdfs', '${hadoop_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hadoop', 'hadoop-auth', '${hadoop_version}', 'IDEP'),
('org.apache.hadoop', 'hadoop-common', '${hadoop_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hive', 'hive-exec', '${hive_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.zookeeper', 'zookeeper', '${zookeeper_version}', 'EDEP')
elif hadoop_distro == 'HDP':
hadoop_dict = {
'HDP': {'MY_HADOOP_DISTRO': 'HDPReleases',
'MY_HADOOP_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "hadoop"),
'MY_MVN_URL': '',
'MY_HBASE_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "hbase"),
'MY_HIVE_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "hive"),
'MY_ZOOKEEPER_VERSION': get_hadoop_component_version(hadoop_distro, "zookeeper"),
'TRAF_HBASE_TRX_REGEX': re.compile("^hbase-trx-hdp[\d_]*-[\d\.]{3,}jar"),
'TRAF_HBASE_ACS_REGEX': re.compile("^trafodion-HBaseAccess-[\d\.]{3,}jar"),
'MVN_DEPS': [('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-client', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-common', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-server', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hbase', 'hbase-protocol', '${hbase_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hadoop', 'hadoop-hdfs', '${hadoop_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hadoop', 'hadoop-auth', '${hadoop_version}', 'IDEP'),
('org.apache.hadoop', 'hadoop-common', '${hadoop_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.hive', 'hive-exec', '${hive_version}', 'EDEP'),
('org.apache.zookeeper', 'zookeeper', '${zookeeper_version}', 'EDEP')
# read template file into multiline string
with open(os.path.join(gvars.my_ROOT, 'pom.xml.template'), 'r') as fd1:
template_text =
# substitute template variables with real info
with open(os.path.join(gvars.my_ROOT, 'pom.xml'), 'w') as fd2:
# remove T2 only specifications when using T4 driver
if jdbc_artid == 't4driver':
remove_t2 = re.compile('<!-- START_FOR_T2_ONLY -->.*?<!-- END_FOR_T2_ONLY -->',
template_text = remove_t2.sub("", template_text)
elif jdbc_artid == 't2driver':
dep_string = ""
# generate Hadoop Distribution dependent dependency multiline string
for groupid, artid, version, exclusion in hadoop_dict[hadoop_distro]['MVN_DEPS']:
dep_string = dep_string + " <dependency>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <groupId>" + groupid + "</groupId>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <artifactId>" + artid + "</artifactId>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <version>" + version + "</version>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <scope>test</scope>\n"
# check to see if we need to include/exclude transitive dependencies
if exclusion != 'IDEP':
dep_string = dep_string + " <exclusions>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <exclusion>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <groupId>*</groupId>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " <artifactId>*</artifactId>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " </exclusion>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " </exclusions>\n"
dep_string = dep_string + " </dependency>\n"
template_text = re.sub('<!-- START_DISTRO_DEP -->', dep_string, template_text)
# look for Trafodion Hbase TRX file and Trafodion Hbase Access file
# assume in $MY_SQROOT/export/lib
traf_lib_file_list = os.listdir(os.environ['MY_SQROOT'] + '/export/lib')
# assume regular expression used for traf_hbase_trx_file and traf_hbase_access_file
# is precise enough to ever return only 1 value
traf_hbase_trx_file = [ for l in traf_lib_file_list for m in
if m][0]
template_text = re.sub('TRAF_HBASE_TRX_FILE', traf_hbase_trx_file, template_text)
traf_hbase_access_file = [ for l in traf_lib_file_list for m in
if m][0]
template_text = re.sub('TRAF_HBASE_ACS_FILE', traf_hbase_access_file, template_text)
# find the Trafodion HBase version being used
hbaseVerRegex = re.compile("^hbase-trx(-[a-z0-9_]+)?-([\d\.]{3,})jar")
traf_hbase_version = hbaseVerRegex.match(traf_hbase_trx_file).group(2)[:-1]
template_text = re.sub('MY_TRAF_HBASE_VERSION', traf_hbase_version, template_text)
# fix up T2 Hadoop properties
template_text = re.sub(hprop, hadoop_dict[hadoop_distro][hprop], template_text)
# fix up properties common to T2 and T4
template_text = re.sub('MYJDBC_GROUP_ID', jdbc_groupid, template_text)
template_text = re.sub('MYJDBC_ART_ID', jdbc_artid, template_text)
template_text = re.sub('MYJDBC_PATH', jdbc_path, template_text)
# Generate propfile
def generate_t4_propfile(propfile, target, user, pw, role, dsn, targettype):
with open(propfile, 'w') as fd:
fd.write('url=jdbc:t4jdbc://' + target + '/\n')
fd.write('user=' + user + '\n')
fd.write('roleName=' + role + '\n')
fd.write('password=' + pw + '\n')
fd.write('serverDataSource=' + dsn + '\n')
fd.write('targettype=' + targettype + '\n')
def generate_t2_propfile(propfile, targettype):
with open(propfile, 'w') as fd:
fd.write('targettype=' + targettype + '\n')
# Parse the argument list for main
def prog_parse_args():
rec = inspect.stack()[1] # 0 reprents this line,
# 1 reprents line at caller,
# 2 reprents line at caller's caller,
# ... and so on ...
frame = rec[0]
info = inspect.getframeinfo(frame)
gvars.my_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(info.filename))
DEFAULT_JDBC_CLASSPATH = '${project.basedir}/lib/hp/tr/jdbcT4.jar'
DEFAULT_PROP_FILE = os.path.join(gvars.my_ROOT, 'jdbcprop')
# alas, the more powerful argparse module only exists in >= 2.7 and >= 3.2,
# use optparse instead.
option_list = [
# No need to add '-h' or '-help', optparse automatically adds one.
# we do not use short options, hence the first ''.
# required args
optparse.make_option('', '--target', action='store', type='string',
help="target '<IP>:<port>', required argument with no default. " +
"This is still needed for jdbc loader even when using sqlci."),
optparse.make_option('', '--user', action='store', type='string',
help='user id for the target, required argument with no default. ' +
'It can be any non-empty string if using sqlci.'),
optparse.make_option('', '--pw', action='store', type='string',
help='password for the target, required argument with no default. ' +
'It can be any non-empty string if using sqlci.'),
# optional args
optparse.make_option('', '--role', action='store', type='string',
dest='role', default='',
help="role for the target, defaulted to ''"),
optparse.make_option('', '--dsn', action='store', type='string',
dest='dsn', default='TDM_Default_DataSource',
help="data source for the target, defaulted to " +
optparse.make_option('', '--javahome', action='store', type='string',
dest='javahome', default='/usr',
help="java program (version 1.7 required) location, " +
"defaulted to '/usr'"),
optparse.make_option('', '--jdbccp', action='store', type='string',
dest='jdbccp', default=DEFAULT_JDBC_CLASSPATH,
help="jdbc classpath, defaulted to " +
"'${project.basedir}/lib/hp/tr/jdbcT4.jar', \t\t "
"<test_root> is where this program is."),
optparse.make_option('', '--propfile', action='store', type='string',
dest='propfile', default=DEFAULT_PROP_FILE,
help="property file, defaulted to automatically generated " +
"'<test root>/jdbcprop', <test root> is where this program is."),
optparse.make_option('', '--targettype', action='store', type='string',
dest='targettype', default='TR',
help='target type, SQ for Seaquest, TR for TRAFODION, ' +
'defaulted to TR'),
optparse.make_option('', '--jdbctype', action='store', type='string',
dest='jdbctype', default='T4',
help='jdbctype, defaulted to T4'),
optparse.make_option('', '--hadoop', action='store', type='string',
dest='hadoop', default='CDH',
help='Hadoop Distro, possible values are CDH (Cloudera), ' +
'HDP (Hortonworks). Defaulted to CDH.'),
optparse.make_option('', '--export1', action='store', type='string',
dest='exportstr1', default='NONE',
help='any export string, defaulted to NONE'),
optparse.make_option('', '--export2', action='store', type='string',
dest='exportstr2', default='NONE',
help='any export string, defaulted to NONE'),
optparse.make_option('', '--export3', action='store', type='string',
dest='exportstr3', default='NONE',
help='any export string, defaulted to NONE'),
optparse.make_option('', '--export4', action='store', type='string',
dest='exportstr4', default='NONE',
help='any export string, defaulted to NONE'),
optparse.make_option('', '--export5', action='store', type='string',
dest='exportstr5', default='NONE',
help='any export string, defaulted to NONE'),
optparse.make_option('', '--tests', action='store', type='string',
dest='tests', default='.*',
help="specify a subset of tests to run. This can either be a string " +
"with each test sperated by ',' without space characters OR " +
"one of the following pre-defined subsets: PART1, PART2, " +
"QUICK1, or QUICK2. If this option is omitted, the default is " +
"ALL tests. \t\t\t\t For example: \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " +
"--tests=AlterTableTest \t\t\t\t " +
"--tests=AlterTableTest,ArithmeticQueryTest \t\t" +
"--tests=QUICK1 \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t")
usage = 'usage: %prog [-h|--help|<options>]'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, option_list=option_list)
# OptionParser gets the options out, whatever is not preceeded by
# an option is considered args.
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# we are not expecting any args right now. In the future, if we do,
# make a list of the known args and check against it.
if args:
parser.error('Invalid argment(s) found: ' + str(args))
if options.targettype != 'SQ' and options.targettype != 'TR':
parser.error('Invalid --targettype. Only SQ aor TR is supported: ' +
distro = options.hadoop[0:3] # take first three characters to be back-compatible with CDH51, etc
if distro != 'CDH' and distro != 'HDP':
parser.error('Invalid --hadoop. Only CDH (Cloudera) or HDP ' +
'(Hortonworks) + is supported: ' + options.hadoop)
if options.jdbctype != 'T2' and options.jdbctype != 'T4':
parser.error('Invalid --jdbctype. Only T2 or T4 is supported: ' +
# check for the required args for certain conditions
if options.jdbctype == 'T4':
not_found = []
T4_required_args = ['target', 'user', 'pw']
for r in T4_required_args:
if options.__dict__[r] is None:
not_found.append('--' + r)
if not_found:
parser.error('Required option(s) not found: ' + str(not_found))
myjdbc_groupid = 'org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver'
myjdbc_artid = 't4driver'
elif options.jdbctype == 'T2':
# check for Trafodion ENV variables to be set
req_envs_error_string = ""
if req_env not in os.environ:
req_envs_error_string = (req_envs_error_string + 'Required environment variable ' +
req_env + ' for T2 test has NOT been set!\n')
if req_envs_error_string:
myjdbc_groupid = 'org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.T2Driver'
myjdbc_artid = 't2driver'
# Automatically generate the prop file if the user did not specify one
if options.propfile == DEFAULT_PROP_FILE:
if options.jdbctype == 'T2':
generate_t2_propfile(options.propfile, options.targettype)
elif options.jdbctype == 'T4':
generate_t4_propfile(options.propfile,, options.user,,
options.role, options.dsn, options.targettype)
ArgList._target =
ArgList._user = options.user
ArgList._pw =
ArgList._role = options.role
ArgList._dsn = options.dsn
ArgList._javahome = options.javahome
if options.jdbccp != DEFAULT_JDBC_CLASSPATH:
options.jdbccp = os.path.abspath(options.jdbccp)
ArgList._jdbc_classpath = options.jdbccp
ArgList._prop_file = os.path.abspath(options.propfile)
ArgList._target_type = options.targettype
ArgList._jdbc_type = options.jdbctype
ArgList._hadoop_distro = distro
ArgList._export_str1 = options.exportstr1
ArgList._export_str2 = options.exportstr2
ArgList._export_str3 = options.exportstr3
ArgList._export_str4 = options.exportstr4
ArgList._export_str5 = options.exportstr5
# check if tests parameter was passed in a pre-defined test group
if options.tests.upper() in ['PART1', 'PART2', 'QUICK1', 'QUICK2']:
# tests parameter was passed a pre-defined test group so
# generate list of tests seperated by a comma
ArgList._tests = ','.join(map(str, TEST_SUBSET[options.tests.upper()]))
ArgList._tests = options.tests
# Generate the pom.xml file from the template according to target type
generate_pom_xml(ArgList._target_type, myjdbc_groupid, myjdbc_artid,
ArgList._jdbc_classpath, ArgList._hadoop_distro)
print 'target: ', ArgList._target
print 'user: ', ArgList._user
print 'pw: ', ArgList._pw
print 'role: ', ArgList._role
print 'dsn: ', ArgList._dsn
print 'java home: ', ArgList._javahome
print 'jdbc classpath: ', ArgList._jdbc_classpath
print 'prop file: ', ArgList._prop_file
print 'target type: ', ArgList._target_type
print 'jdbc type: ', ArgList._jdbc_type
print 'hadoop distro: ', ArgList._hadoop_distro
print 'export string 1: ', ArgList._export_str1
print 'export string 2: ', ArgList._export_str2
print 'export string 3: ', ArgList._export_str3
print 'export string 4: ', ArgList._export_str4
print 'export string 5: ', ArgList._export_str5
if options.tests != '.*':
print 'tests to be run: ', ArgList._tests
print 'tests to be run: ALL tests'
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD = 'export PATH=' + ArgList._javahome + '/bin:$PATH'
if ArgList._export_str1 != 'NONE':
if gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD != '':
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += ';'
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += 'export ' + ArgList._export_str1
if ArgList._export_str2 != 'NONE':
if gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD != '':
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += ';'
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += 'export ' + ArgList._export_str2
if ArgList._export_str3 != 'NONE':
if gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD != '':
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += ';'
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += 'export ' + ArgList._export_str3
if ArgList._export_str4 != 'NONE':
if gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD != '':
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += ';'
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += 'export ' + ArgList._export_str4
if ArgList._export_str5 != 'NONE':
if gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD != '':
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += ';'
gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD += 'export ' + ArgList._export_str5
# main
# clean the target
output = shell_call(gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD + ';mvn clean')
stdout_write(output + '\n')
# do the whole build, including running tests
output = shell_call(gvars.my_EXPORT_CMD + ';mvn test -Dtest=' + ArgList._tests)
lines = output.split('\n')
to_parse = False
num_tests_run = 0
num_tests_failed = 0
num_tests_errors = 0
num_tests_skipped = 0
for ln in lines:
if ln.startswith('Results '):
to_parse = True
if to_parse:
if ln.startswith('Tests run: '):
num_tests_run = int(get_token_after_string(ln, 'Tests run:', ','))
num_tests_failed = int(get_token_after_string(ln, 'Failures:', ','))
num_tests_errors = int(get_token_after_string(ln, 'Errors:', ','))
num_tests_skipped = int(get_token_after_string(ln, 'Skipped:', ','))
sumfile_output = '\n---------- SUMARY ----------\n'
sumfile_output += ('Total number of tests run: ' + str(num_tests_run) + '\n')
sumfile_output += ('Total number of failures: ' + str(num_tests_failed) + '\n')
sumfile_output += ('Total number of errors: ' + str(num_tests_errors) + '\n')
sumfile_output += ('Total number of tests skipped: ' + str(num_tests_skipped) + '\n')