blob: 48d5768bf4d6d1ebb8e0df08c15a24392577d697 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.trafodion.sql;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import org.trafodion.sql.HDFSClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
// This class implements an efficient mechanism to read hdfs files
// Trafodion ExHdfsScan operator provides a range of scans to be performed.
// The range consists of a hdfs filename, offset and length to be read
// This class takes in two ByteBuffers. These ByteBuffer can be either direct buffers
// backed up native buffers or indirect buffer backed by java arrays.
// All the ranges are read alternating between the two buffers using ExecutorService
// using CachedThreadPool mechanism.
// For a given HdfsScan instance, only one thread(IO thread) is scheduled to read
// the next full or partial buffer while the main thread processes the previously
// read information from the other buffer
// HdfsScan picks up a range and schedules a read into a next available buffer.
// If the range is more than the buffer size, then the range is read into multiple
// chunks and schedules one chunk at a time alternatiing the buffers
// Once the range is completed, the next range in the HdfsScanRange is picked up
// for scheduling, till all the ranges assigned to the HdfsScan instance are read.
public class HdfsScan
static Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(HdfsScan.class.getName());
private ByteBuffer buf_[];
private int bufLen_[];
private HDFSClient hdfsClient_[];
private int currRange_;
private long currRangePos_;
private long currRangeLenRemain_;
private int lastBufCompleted_ = -1;
private boolean scanCompleted_;
private CompressionInputStream currInStream_;
private int ioByteArraySizeInKB_;
// Structure to hold the Scan ranges for this HdfsScan instance
class HdfsScanRange
String filename_;
long pos_;
long len_;
int tdbRangeNum_;
short compressionType_;
HdfsScanRange(String filename, long pos, long len, int tdbRangeNum, short compressionType)
filename_ = filename;
pos_ = pos;
len_ = len;
tdbRangeNum_ = tdbRangeNum;
compressionType_ = compressionType;
private HdfsScanRange hdfsScanRanges_[];
static {
String confFile = System.getProperty("trafodion.log4j.configFile");
System.setProperty("trafodion.root", System.getenv("TRAF_HOME"));
public HdfsScan()
public void setScanRanges(ByteBuffer buf1, ByteBuffer buf2, int ioByteArraySizeInKB, String filename[], long pos[],
long len[], int rangeNum[], short compressionType[]) throws IOException
// Two buffers to hold the data read
buf_ = new ByteBuffer[2];
bufLen_ = new int[2];
buf_[0] = buf1;
buf_[1] = buf2;
ioByteArraySizeInKB_ = ioByteArraySizeInKB;
for (int i = 0; i < 2 ; i++) {
if (buf_[i].hasArray())
bufLen_[i] = buf_[i].array().length;
bufLen_[i] = buf_[i].capacity();
hdfsClient_ = new HDFSClient[2];
hdfsScanRanges_ = new HdfsScanRange[filename.length];
for (int i = 0; i < filename.length; i++) {
hdfsScanRanges_[i] = new HdfsScanRange(filename[i], pos[i], len[i], rangeNum[i], compressionType[i]);
if (hdfsScanRanges_.length > 0) {
currRange_ = 0;
currRangePos_ = hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].pos_;
currRangeLenRemain_ = hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].len_;
currInStream_ = null;
scheduleHdfsScanRange(0, 0);
scanCompleted_ = false;
public void scheduleHdfsScanRange(int bufNo, int bytesCompleted) throws IOException
currRangeLenRemain_ -= bytesCompleted;
currRangePos_ += bytesCompleted;
int readLength;
if (currRangeLenRemain_ <= 0) {
if (currRange_ == (hdfsScanRanges_.length-1)) {
scanCompleted_ = true;
else {
currRangePos_ = hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].pos_;
currRangeLenRemain_ = hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].len_;
if (currInStream_ != null)
currInStream_ = null;
if (currRangeLenRemain_ > bufLen_[bufNo])
readLength = bufLen_[bufNo];
readLength = (int)currRangeLenRemain_;
if (! scanCompleted_) {
if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
logger_.debug(" CurrentRange " + hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].tdbRangeNum_ + " LenRemain " + currRangeLenRemain_ + " BufNo " + bufNo);
hdfsClient_[bufNo] = new HDFSClient(bufNo, ioByteArraySizeInKB_, hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].tdbRangeNum_,
buf_[bufNo], currRangePos_, readLength,
hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].compressionType_, currInStream_);
Method to wait for completion of the scheduled read of a chunk in a range
Returns 4 items, bytes read, buf no, range no, is EOF
If there are more chunks to be read in the range, schedules a read into the other buffer
If EOF is reached or the full range is read, the next range is picked up for
public int[] trafHdfsRead() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException
int[] retArray;
int bytesRead;
int bufNo;
int rangeNo;
int isEOF;
if (hdfsScanRanges_ == null)
throw new IOException("Scan ranges are not yet set");
if (scanCompleted_)
return null;
retArray = new int[4];
switch (lastBufCompleted_) {
case -1:
case 1:
// Wait for the read to complete in buffer 0
bytesRead = hdfsClient_[0].trafHdfsReadBuffer();
bufNo = 0;
rangeNo = hdfsClient_[0].getRangeNo();
isEOF = hdfsClient_[0].isEOF();
currInStream_ = hdfsClient_[0].inStream_;
case 0:
// Wait for the read to complete in buffer 1
bytesRead = hdfsClient_[1].trafHdfsReadBuffer();
bufNo = 1;
rangeNo = hdfsClient_[1].getRangeNo();
isEOF = hdfsClient_[1].isEOF();
currInStream_ = hdfsClient_[1].inStream_;
bufNo = -1;
bytesRead = -1;
rangeNo = -1;
isEOF = 0;
retArray[0] = bytesRead;
retArray[1] = bufNo;
retArray[2] = rangeNo;
retArray[3] = isEOF;
if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
logger_.debug(" Range No " + retArray[2] + " Buffer No " + retArray[1] + " Bytes Read " + retArray[0] + " isEOF " + retArray[3]);
lastBufCompleted_ = bufNo;
if (isEOF == 1) {
if (currRange_ == (hdfsScanRanges_.length-1)) {
scanCompleted_ = true;
return retArray;
} else {
currRangePos_ = hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].pos_;
currRangeLenRemain_ = hdfsScanRanges_[currRange_].len_;
bytesRead = 0;
if (currInStream_ != null)
currInStream_ = null;
switch (lastBufCompleted_)
case 0:
// schedule the next chunk or next range to be read in buffer 1
scheduleHdfsScanRange(1, bytesRead);
case 1:
// schedule the next chunk or next range to be read in buffer 0
scheduleHdfsScanRange(0, bytesRead);
return retArray;
public void stop() throws IOException
if (hdfsClient_[0] != null)
if (hdfsClient_[1] != null)
hdfsClient_[0] = null;
hdfsClient_[1] = null;
public static void shutdown() throws InterruptedException
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
if (args.length < 3)
System.out.println("Usage: org.trafodion.sql.HdfsScan <tableName> <buffer_length> <number_of_splits>");
String tableName = args[0];
int capacity = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) * 1024 *1024;
int split = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
HiveConf config = new HiveConf();
HiveMetaStoreClient hiveMeta = new HiveMetaStoreClient(config);
Table table = hiveMeta.getTable(tableName);
StorageDescriptor sd = table.getSd();
String location = sd.getLocation();
URI uri = new URI(location);
Path path = new Path(uri);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(config);
FileStatus file_status[] = fs.listStatus(path);
ByteBuffer buf1 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity);
ByteBuffer buf2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity);
String fileName[] = new String[file_status.length * split];
long pos[] = new long[file_status.length * split];
long len[] = new long[file_status.length * split];
int range[] = new int[file_status.length * split];
short compress[] = new short[file_status.length * split];
for (int i = 0 ; i < file_status.length * split; i++) {
Path filePath = file_status[i].getPath();
long fileLen = file_status[i].getLen();
long splitLen = fileLen / split;
fileName[i] = filePath.toString();
System.out.println (" fileName " + fileName[i] + " Length " + fileLen);
long splitPos = 0;
for (int j = 0 ; j < split ; j++)
fileName[i] = filePath.toString();
pos[i] = splitPos + (splitLen * j);
len[i] = splitLen;
range[i] = i;
if (j == (split-1))
len[i] = fileLen - (splitLen *(j));
compress[i] = 1; // Uncompressed
System.out.println ("Range " + i + " Pos " + pos[i] + " Length " + len[i]);
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
HdfsScan hdfsScan = new HdfsScan();
hdfsScan.setScanRanges(buf1, buf2, (short)512, fileName, pos, len, range, compress);
int[] retArray;
int bytesCompleted;
ByteBuffer buf;
while (true) {
retArray = hdfsScan.trafHdfsRead();
if (retArray == null)
System.out.println("Range No:" + retArray[2] + " Buf No:" + retArray[1] + " Bytes Completed:" + retArray[0] + " EOF:" + retArray[3]);
if (retArray[1] == 0)
buf = buf1;
buf = buf2;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time taken in milliSeconds " + (time2-time1) );