blob: 0eae2ba0a04ff7fd5088f724dddccbd23721cca3 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Tests for SeaBase
-- Tests coprocessors, serialization, hbase filter preds pushdown.
-- Tests schema drop.
-- Added November 2013
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
log LOG012 clear;
cqd hbase_serialization 'ON';
cqd hbase_coprocessors 'ON';
cqd hbase_filter_preds 'ON';
obey TEST012(clnup);
obey TEST012(ddl);
obey TEST012(tests);
obey TEST012(negtests);
obey TEST012(schemaDrop);
obey TEST012(getStmts);
?section clnup
drop table if exists T012T1 cascade;
drop table if exists T012T2 cascade;
drop table if exists t012tT3 cascade;
drop table if exists t012t11 cascade;
?section ddl
create table if not exists t012t1(a smallint not null serialized, b int serialized,
c largeint serialized,
aa smallint unsigned default 10 not null serialized,
d char(4) serialized, e varchar(5) serialized,
g numeric(5,2) serialized,
primary key(a desc));
create index t012t1i1 on t012t1(b);
create index t012t1i2 on t012t1(g desc);
invoke t012t1;
create view t012v1 as select a,b,c from t012t1 where c < 0 with check option;
invoke t012v1;
?section tests
insert into t012t1 values (1,2,3, 1, 'a', 'b', 5.2);
insert into t012t1 values (2, null, null, 2, null, null, null);
select * from t012t1;
select * from t012t1 where a = 1;
select * from t012t1 where b = 2;
select * from t012t1 where b < 3;
select * from t012t1 where d >= 'a';
update t012t1 set g = g+10;
select * from t012t1;
delete from t012t1 where (b,g) > (2,5);
select * from t012t1;
insert into t012v1 values (3,3,-1);
select * from t012v1;
?section negtests
create table t012t10(f real not null serialized,
h decimal(4,3) serialized,
i date not null serialized,
j interval year to month serialized);
insert into t012v1 values (3,3,3);
create table t012t11(a int not null);
?section schemaDrop
create schema trafodion.zschema;
set schema trafodion.zschema;
create table t012t11 (a int not null primary key, b int not null, c int not null, d int not null);
create table t012t12 (a int not null primary key, b int not null);
create index t012t11i1 on t012t11(b);
create unique index t012t11i2 on t012t11(b);
alter table t012t11 add constraint t012t11c1 unique (c);
alter table t012t11 add constraint t012t11c2 foreign key (d) references t012t12(a);
create view t012t11v1(a1,a2) as select x.a, y.a from t012t11 x, t012t11 y where x.a = y.a;
showddl t012t11;
insert into t012t12 values (1,1), (2,2), (3,3);
insert into t012t11 values (1,1,1,1), (2,2,2,2), (3,3,3,3);
update statistics for table t012t11 on every column;
get tables in schema trafodion.zschema;
get indexes in schema trafodion.zschema;
get views in schema trafodion.zschema;
drop schema trafodion.zschema cascade;
get tables in schema trafodion.zschema;
get indexes in schema trafodion.zschema;
get views in schema trafodion.zschema;
?section getStmts
drop schema if exists zschema1 cascade;
drop schema if exists zschema2 cascade;
create schema trafodion.zschema1;
create schema trafodion.zschema2;
create table zschema1.t (a int);
create table zschema2.t (a int);
create view zschema1.v as select zschema1.t.a a, zschema2.t.a b
from zschema1.t, zschema2.t;
create view zschema2.v as select zschema1.t.a a, zschema2.t.a b
from zschema1.t, zschema2.t;
create view zschema2.v2 as select zschema1.v.a a, zschema2.t.a b
from zschema1.v, zschema2.t;
get tables in view zschema1.v;
get views on table zschema1.t;
get tables in view zschema2.v2;
get all tables in view zschema2.v2;
get views in view zschema2.v2;
get all objects in view zschema2.v2;
drop schema zschema1 cascade;
drop schema zschema2 cascade;