blob: 8eefea7634a3e4b5a9d019aadecd83ce9afc76ae [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: timeout_data.h
* Description: Encapsulation of all the dynamicly set timeout values
* Created: 1/12/2000
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "NAMemory.h"
#include "IpcMessageType.h" // for IpcMessageObjSize, *IpcMessageBufferPtr,
// and *IpcConstMessageBufferPtr
class ComTdbRoot;
// **********************************************************************
// ==== TimeoutHashTable ====
// Internal hash table to hold pairs of < tableName, timeoutValue >
// Uses "in place" hashing; i.e., collisions are handled during insert()
// by placing the new entry in the next empty slot in the hash array.
// ( Thus remove() has to do some work to maintain this invariant.)
// **********************************************************************
// The TimeoutTableEntry is just an entry in the hash table/array
// The only complexity is the size of the table name. Short table
// names are kept in place, but the long ones are allocated on the
// heap instead.
class TimeoutTableEntry : public NABasicObject
TimeoutTableEntry() : tableNamePtr_(NULL), heap_(NULL) {};
~TimeoutTableEntry() { reset(); } ;
inline char * tableName() // return the table name
{ if ( tableNamePtr_ ) return tableNamePtr_; else return tableName_; };
void setTableName (char * tableName, CollHeap * heap);
// deallocate long table name, if needed; set to "unused"
inline void reset()
if ( tableNamePtr_ ) heap_->deallocateMemory(tableNamePtr_) ;
inline void init() { tableNamePtr_ = NULL; used = FALSE; } ;
// public data members: directly accessed entry fields
// ( A lax design here, since this class is only used by TimeoutHashTable )
Lng32 timeoutValue;
ULng32 hashValue;
NABoolean used;
enum { MAX_INTERNAL_TN = 40 }; // long enough for a full guardian file name
char tableName_[MAX_INTERNAL_TN]; // for the short names (most common)
char * tableNamePtr_; // in case the table name is long ( > 40 ; this was
// meant for those long ANSI table names; not currently used as we only
// keep guardian file names now.)
CollHeap * heap_; // the heap a long tablename is allocated from
class TimeoutHashTable : public NABasicObject {
TimeoutHashTable(CollHeap * heap, ULng32 hashTableSize = 16 );
if ( hashArray_ == NULL ) return;
// traverse array, deallocating long names if needed
for ( ULng32 u=0; u < hashTableSize_; u++ ) hashArray_[u].reset();
void insert(char * tableName, Lng32 timeoutValue);
void remove(char * tableName);
// find and set the timeout value for this table; return FALSE iff not found
NABoolean getTimeout(char * tableName, Lng32 & timeoutValue );
// remove all the entries from the hash table
void clearAll();
ULng32 entries() { return entries_ ; } ;
// Methods for packing/unpacking (used for passing information to ESPs)
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength(); // return the length of the packed obj
// pack or unpack, and move the pointer ("buffer") accordingly
void packIntoBuffer(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
ULng32 entries_; // number of entries in this HashQueue
ULng32 hashTableSize_; // current size of the hash table
ULng32 hashTableOriginalSize_; // original size of the hash table
ULng32 tempIndex_; // temporary, set by getTimeout(), used by remove()
TimeoutTableEntry * hashArray_; // the hash table itself
CollHeap * heap_; // the heap a HashQueue allocates from
void resizeHashTableIfNeeded();
TimeoutTableEntry * allocateHashTable(ULng32 size);
// internal routine: insert entry into H.T., return TRUE iff entry is new
NABoolean internalInsert( TimeoutTableEntry ** hashTable,
ULng32 hashTableSize,
char * tableName,
Lng32 timeoutValue );
Lng32 getTimeoutHashValue(char * tableName);
// **********************************************************************
// TimeoutData class
class TimeoutData : public NABasicObject {
TimeoutData(CollHeap *heap, ULng32 estimatedMaxEntries = 16); // ctor
~TimeoutData() {} ; // do nothing dtor
// for lock timeout
void setAllLockTimeout( Lng32 lockTimeoutValue );
void resetAllLockTimeout();
void setTableLockTimeout( char * tableName, Lng32 lockTimeoutValue );
void resetTableLockTimeout( char * tableName );
NABoolean noLockTimeoutsSet() { return noLockTimeoutsSet_ ; }
NABoolean getLockTimeout( char * tableName , Lng32 & timeoutValue );
// for stream timeout
void setStreamTimeout( Lng32 streamTimeoutValue );
void resetStreamTimeout();
NABoolean isStreamTimeoutSet() { return streamTimeoutSet_;} ;
Lng32 getStreamTimeout() { return streamTimeoutValue_;} ;
// copy relevant data from this TimeoutData object into another object,
// The "anotherTD" may need to be allocated (if there's relevant data)
// lnil: gives the list of relevant tables (other timeouts are skipped)
void copyData( TimeoutData ** anotherTD ,
CollHeap * heap,
ComTdbRoot * rootTdb ) ;
// Check if another TimeoutData object is up to date with this one
// ( lnil: gives the list of relevant tables (other timeouts are skipped)
// usingStreams: tells if streams are used in this statement )
NABoolean isUpToDate( TimeoutData * anotherTD , ComTdbRoot * rootTdb ) ;
// Methods for packing/unpacking (used for passing information to ESPs)
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength(); // return the length of the packed obj
// pack or unpack, and move the pointer ("buffer") accordingly
void packIntoBuffer(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
#if _DEBUG // for debugging only
ULng32 entries() { return timeoutsHT_.entries() ; } ;
// For lock timeouts
NABoolean noLockTimeoutsSet_; // flag to speed up checking a common case
// If noLockTimeoutsSet_ == TRUE, the following 3 fields are not used !!
NABoolean forAll_; // Was the timeout set for all tables (i.e. *)
Lng32 forAllTimeout_; // Lock timeout value for all tables (if set)
TimeoutHashTable timeoutsHT_; // List of specified per table lock-timeouts
// for stream timeout
NABoolean streamTimeoutSet_ ; // Was the stream timeout set ?
// If streamTimeoutSet_ == FALSE, the following field is ignored
Lng32 streamTimeoutValue_; // The process-global stream timeout
// an internal utility method: Check if there's relevant timeout data
NABoolean anyRelevantTimeoutData( ComTdbRoot * rootTdb );