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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_HASH_GRBY_H
#define EX_HASH_GRBY_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_hash_grby.h
* Description: Class declarations for ex_hash_grby_tcb and ex_hash_grby_tdb
* Hash groupby (full and partial hash groupby)
* Created:
* Language: C++
#include "hash_table.h"
#include "cluster.h"
// External forward declarations
class ExSimpleSQLBuffer;
class ExTrieTable;
class ExBitMapTable;
class ExHashGroupByStats;
class ExBMOStats;
// Task Definition Block
#include "ComTdbHashGrby.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_hash_grby_tdb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ex_hash_grby_tdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_hash_grby_tdb : public ComTdbHashGrby
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~ex_hash_grby_tdb()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDBs
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbHashGrby instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task control block
class ex_hash_grby_tcb : public ex_tcb {
friend class ex_hash_grby_tdb;
friend class ex_hash_grby_private_state;
enum HashGrbyState {
// the phase of the hash groupby algorithm
// Change ex_hash_grby_tcb::HashGrbyPhaseStr when you add new value to this enum
// New phase enum value should be added before PHASE_END
enum HashGrbyPhase {
Space * space_;
CollHeap * heap_;
MemoryMonitor * memMonitor_;
const ex_tcb * childTcb_;
ex_queue_pair parentQueue_;
ex_queue_pair childQueue_;
// the expressions; copied here for convenience
ex_expr * hashExpr_;
ex_expr * bitMuxExpr_;
ex_expr * bitMuxAggrExpr_;
ex_expr * hbMoveInExpr_;
ex_expr * ofMoveInExpr_;
ex_expr * resMoveInExpr_;
AggrExpr * hbAggrExpr_;
AggrExpr * ofAggrExpr_;
AggrExpr * resAggrExpr_;
ex_expr * havingExpr_;
ex_expr * moveOutExpr_;
ex_expr * hbSearchExpr_;
ex_expr * ofSearchExpr_;
// the atp indexes; copied here for convenience
short hbRowAtpIndex_;
short ofRowAtpIndex_;
short hashValueAtpIndex_;
short bitMuxAtpIndex_;
short bitMuxCountOffset_;
short resultRowAtpIndex_;
short returnedAtpIndex_;
// the following members could also end up in the private state
Int64 matchCount_;
HashGrbyState state_;
HashGrbyState oldState_;
NABoolean readingChild_; // in middle of reading child rows
queue_index index_; // index into down queue
ULng32 bucketCount_;
Bucket * buckets_;
Cluster * rCluster_; // the cluster for which we return all
// matching rows
Cluster * ofClusterList_; // list of spilled clusters
Cluster * lastOfCluster_; // last entry in list
ClusterDB * clusterDb_;
sql_buffer_pool * resultPool_;
NABoolean hasFreeTupp_; // for partial group by; indicates wether
// there is an allocated tupp in the
// result buffer or not.
atp_struct * workAtp_;
atp_struct * tempUpAtp_;
tupp_descriptor hashValueTupp_;
SimpleHashValue hashValue_;
HashTableCursor cursor_;
ExeErrorCode rc_;
// This counter is used to find out how many consecutive misses
// happen for finding a group during partial groupby.
// Once a certain threshold is reached(partialGroupbyMissCounter_== 10),
// then the rows in the partial groupby bucket is sent to the parent and
// new set of groups is created.
Int64 partialGroupbyMissCounter_;
// Members for implementing the bitMux grouping
// An ExTrieTable for keeping track of the groups
//ExTrieTable * bitMuxTable_;
// An ExBitMapTable for keeping track of the bitMux groups
ExBitMapTable * bitMuxTable_;
// A tupp descriptor used to point to the temporary buffer for the extracted
// grouping data.
tupp_descriptor bitMuxTupp_;
// A temporary buffer for the extracted grouping data.
char * bitMuxBuffer_;
// The hash buffer aggregate expression to apply to rows that are
// in the BitMux table. Since the BitMux table computes some aggragates
// itself, the aggregate expression for rows in the BitMux table do not
// need to recompute the same aggregates.
//exp_expr * bitMuxAggrExpr_; -- declared above
// The offset in the BitMux buffer at which to store the row count.
//int bitMuxCountOffset_; -- declared above
ExSubtask *ioEventHandler_;
IOTimer ioTimer_;
Int32 numIOChecks_;
NABoolean haveSpilled_;
ExBMOStats *bmoStats_;
ExHashGroupByStats *hashGroupByStats_;
//CIF buffer defragmentation
tupp_descriptor * defragTd_;
void workInitialize();
void workReadChild();
Int32 workReadChildBitMux();
void workReadOverFlowRow();
void workSpill();
void workReadBuffer();
void workEvaluate();
ULng32 workReturnRows(NABoolean tryToDefrag);
void workDone();
void workHandleError(atp_struct* atp = NULL);
inline void setState(HashGrbyState state) {
oldState_ = state_;
state_ = state;
inline NABoolean isReadingFromChild() const { return readingChild_; }
inline void inReadingFromChild() { readingChild_ = TRUE; }
inline void doneReadingFromChild() { readingChild_ = FALSE; }
void returnResultCurrentRow(HashRow * dataPointer = NULL);
void resetClusterAndReadFromChild(); // Tmobile.
static const char *HashGrbyPhaseStr[];
ex_hash_grby_tcb(const ex_hash_grby_tdb & hash_grby_tdb,
const ex_tcb & childTcb,
ex_globals * glob);
void freeResources(); // free resources
void registerSubtasks();
short work(); // when scheduled to do work
inline ex_hash_grby_tdb & hashGrbyTdb() const;
ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const { return parentQueue_; }
virtual const ex_tcb* getChild(Int32 pos) const;
virtual Int32 numChildren() const { return 1; }
virtual NABoolean needStatsEntry();
virtual ExOperStats *doAllocateStatsEntry(CollHeap *heap,
ComTdb *tdb);
Description : Return ex_tcb* depending on the position argument.
Position 0 means the left most child.
Comments :
History : Yeogirl Yun 8/14/95
Initial Revision.
inline const ex_tcb* ex_hash_grby_tcb::getChild(Int32 pos) const {
ex_assert((pos >= 0), "");
if (pos == 0)
return childTcb_;
return NULL;
// Inline procedures
inline ex_hash_grby_tdb & ex_hash_grby_tcb::hashGrbyTdb() const {
return (ex_hash_grby_tdb &) tdb;
// The hash groupby operator does not need private state per queue entry