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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExScheduler.h
* Description: Task and subtask scheduler.
* The ExScheduler class manages a set of subtasks. Each subtask
* is defined by a TCB and does some work related to that
* TCB. A subtask consists of a function pointer to a work
* procedure and a pointer to a TCB. Subtasks can be activated
* via events, e.g. by queue operations or asynchronous I/O.
* Created: 9/22/96
* Language: C++
#include "ex_god.h"
#include "ComSqlexedbg.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "ComExeTrace.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExScheduler;
class ExSubtask;
class ExExceptionSubtaskEntry;
class ExExceptionSubtask;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
class ex_globals;
class ExFragRootOperStats;
class ExOperStats;
class ExTimeStats;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedef for return codes of subtask work procedures. In DP2, the return
// codes are partially generated and interpreted by the DP2 environment,
// therefore the error codes come from the Guardian error number space.
// The actual type is therefore an int, not an enum.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum WorkProcRetcodeEnum
WORK_OK = 0, // OK, all work is done (same as FEOK)
WORK_CALL_AGAIN = -1, // reschedule work procedure, not done yet
WORK_POOL_BLOCKED = -2, // wait for pool space to free up
WORK_BAD_ERROR = -3, // An internal error occurred during work
WORK_RESCHEDULE_AND_RETURN = -4, // reschedule work procedure, but
// return control to the caller of
// scheduler with this return code.
WORK_NOBODY_WORKED = -5, // Can be used for loop detection.
WORK_STATS_PREEMPT = -6, // If signaled for a statistics preemption
WORK_HASHJ_PREEMPT = -7, // HJ preempts to scheduler.
// if a retcode is added to the enum, make sure that WORK_LAST_RETCODE
// is changed accordingly. This value is used to set up and index an
// array in a StatsEntry to keep track of the return codes.
// We allocate an array of -WORK_LAST_RETCODE + 1 entries!
typedef short ExWorkProcRetcode;
const char *ExWorkProcRetcodeToString(ExWorkProcRetcode r);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedef for subtask work procedures triggered by an event
// This is a non-member function taking a TCB pointer as input
// and returning a value of type ExWorkProcRetcode. TCBs will have to
// define a static member function that looks like this:
// static ExWorkProcRetcode myWorkProc(ex_tcb *);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef ExWorkProcRetcode (*ExWorkProcPtr)(ex_tcb *);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subtask tracing. Usually 8 are plenty. To debug DP2 CPU Limits feature,
// it is helpful to have more. Getting CPU times is expensive on DP2, so
// do not do it by default.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 NumLastCalled = 8;
struct TraceEntry {
ExSubtask *lastCalledTask_;
ExWorkProcRetcode lastWorkRetcode_;
Int64 dp2TimeConsumed_;
Int64 dp2QidCummulative_;
Int64 rmsTimeConsumed_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ExScheduler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExScheduler : public ExGod
// GSH: These classes are defined in tdm_sqlexedbg component.
friend class CSqlexedbgTCBView;
friend class CSqlexedbgTaskView;
ExScheduler(ex_globals *glob);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The work procedure of a scheduler is called by the root node of
// a fragment in the master executor or in DP2, and by the ESP main
// program. The work procedure returns when there is nothing more to
// do. The work procedure does not wait for external events.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ExWorkProcRetcode work(Int64 prevWaitTime = 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// At build time, TCBs register their work procedures with the
// scheduler. Work (subtask) procedures can be registered for multiple
// events. Each call to one of the methods below registers the work
// procedure for one event. Possible events:
// - A new entry is inserted into a queue for which a TCB is the reader,
// - A queue into which the TCB inserts changes from being full to not
// being full (unblock),
// - An cancel operation occurs on a queue for which a TCB is a reader.
// - An event defined by the caller by scheduling the subtask via a
// procedure call.
// Only the TCB mentioned in the event description may register its
// subtask procedures for the event. Only one subtask procedure can
// be registered for a given event.
// Insert, unblock, and cancel events are triggered via queue
// operations, NonQueue events are triggered explicitly by calling
// the schedule() procedure for the ExSubtask object.
// Work procedure return a status code to the scheduler. Depending on
// the return code, the scheduler will do the following:
// - WORK_OK: An event needs to be triggered before this work
// procedure is called again. The scheduler assumes
// that currently there is no more work to be done.
// - WORK_CALL_AGAIN: The work procedure is scheduled again for
// execution. The triggering event is not reset.
// - WORK_POOL_BLOCKED: This task is blocked because it cannot allocate
// space in its sql_buffer_pool. Keep on scheduling
// the subtask until we have space. The work procedure
// will continue to return WORK_POOL_BLOCKED until
// space frees up. The work procedure must not produce
// or consume queue entries until more space frees up.
// - WORK_ERROR: Not all work may be done. Work procedure is returning
// due to an error. Treated the same as WORK_CALL_AGAIN.
// - WORK_BAD_ERROR: This work procedure is not called again. The error
// indicates an internal inconsistency in the TCB.
// - all others: The scheduler returns with the given return code
// to its caller
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void registerInsertSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr subtask,
ex_tcb *tcb,
ex_queue *queue,
const char *taskName = NULL);
void registerUnblockSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr subtask,
ex_tcb *tcb,
ex_queue *queue,
const char *taskName = NULL);
void registerCancelSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr subtask,
ex_tcb *tcb,
ex_queue *queue,
const char *taskName = NULL);
// BertBert VV
void registerNextSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr subtask,
ex_tcb *tcb,
ex_queue *queue,
const char *taskName = NULL);
// BertBert ^^
void registerResizeSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr subtask,
ex_tcb *tcb,
ex_queue *queue,
const char *taskName = NULL);
ExSubtask * registerNonQueueSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr subtask,
ex_tcb *tcb,
const char *taskName = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Acessor methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 hasActiveEvents(ex_tcb *tcb);
inline NABoolean externalEventCompleted(void)
{ return externalEventCompleted_; };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following method allows an ExSubtask to flag the scheduler as
// having an external event completed (that may give the scheduler some
// useful work to do). (It would be desireable to have this method
// declared in such a way that only ExSubtask can call it, but
// unfortunately the only way to do that is to make ExSubtask a
// friend of this class, giving it access to everything, since the
// definition of ExSubtask follows this class.)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void setExternalEventCompleted(void)
{ externalEventCompleted_ = TRUE; };
void setRootTcb(ex_tcb *tcb);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Query limits: next three methods support the ability to raise an error
// if a query takes too much of a ESP or master's CPU time. These are
// defined also for exe-in-dp2, though the feature is not used there.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setMaxCpuTime(Int64 m) { maxCpuTime_ = m * 1000L * 1000L; }
void setCpuLimitCheckFreq(Int32 m) {
maxSubtaskLoops_ = m;
subtaskLoopCnt_ = maxSubtaskLoops_; // A trick to ensure we check CPU
// time on the the first iteration.
NABoolean checkSuspendAndLimit();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to start the GUI
// (this method can also be called from the debugger)!!!
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void startGui();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to aid in diagnosing looping problems
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline ExSubtask * getLastCalledTask(void) const
{ return (lastCalledIdx_ == -1 ? 0 :
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to aid executor tracing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 printALiner(Int32 lineno, char *buf);
static Int32 getALine(void * mine, Int32 lineno, char * buf)
{ return ((ExScheduler *) mine)->printALiner(lineno, buf); }
// remember where we get the space from
ex_globals *glob_;
// list of events managed by this scheduler
ExSubtask *subtasks_;
// a convenient pointer to the last event
ExSubtask *tail_;
// helps with debugging loops
TraceEntry subtaskTrace_[NumLastCalled];
Int32 lastCalledIdx_;
// helps with executor tracing
ExeTrace *exeTrace_;
// list of rarely used subtasks (could keep multiple of these later)
ExExceptionSubtask *exceptionSubtask_;
// a flag for use by no-wait completion logic -- It is set to true
// whenever an external event completes that might give this
// scheduler some useful work to do. It is reset whenever the
// scheduler exits with no more work to do.
NABoolean externalEventCompleted_;
// pointer to the root operator's stats, if we need to collect
// CPU and elapsed time measurements
ExOperStats * rootStats_;
// data members for executor GUI ONLY
// should the GUI be displayed?
NABoolean msGui_;
// function pointers for Microsoft GUI
SqlexedbgExpFuncs *pExpFuncs_;
// root TCB
ex_tcb *localRootTcb_;
// Query execution limits - CPU time for this fragment instance.
// On DP2, this is max for all sessions of the query in this process.
Int64 maxCpuTime_;
// Flag to tell scheduler to exit and let caller wait for reactivation.
bool suspended_;
// Query execution limits - max times through the subtask list
// before evaluating CPU limit.
Int32 subtaskLoopCnt_;
Int32 maxSubtaskLoops_;
// private methods
// add another subtask or share an already existing one
ExSubtask * addOrFindSubtask(ExWorkProcPtr workProc,
ex_tcb *tcb,
const char *taskName);
// add another exception subtask or share an already existing one
ExExceptionSubtask * addOrFindExceptionSubtask(
ExWorkProcPtr workProc,
ex_tcb *tcb,
const char *taskName,
ex_globals *glob);
ExOperStats *getRootStats();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subtasks are objects that are kept in the scheduler. They don't have
// public constructors in order to keep it that way. The scheduler
// searches through its subtasks for scheduled ones and calls their
// work procedures. Each TCB can register one or more subtasks with the
// scheduler and can link subtasks to queue and non-queue events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExSubtask
friend class ExScheduler;
// GSH: These classes are defined in tdm_sqlexedbg component.
friend class CSqlexedbgTCBView;
friend class CSqlexedbgTaskView;
friend class CSqlexedbgApp;
inline ex_tcb * getTcb() const { return tcb_; }
inline Int32 isScheduled() const { return scheduled_; }
inline void schedule() { scheduled_ = 1; }
inline void scheduleAndNoteCompletion()
{ scheduled_ = 1; scheduler_->setExternalEventCompleted(); }
// for GUI
inline Int32 getBreakPoint() const { return breakPoint_; }
inline void setBreakPoint(Int32 val) { breakPoint_ = val; }
inline const char * getTaskName() const { return taskName_; }
inline Int32 * getScheduledAddr() { return &scheduled_; }
ExScheduler * scheduler,
ExWorkProcPtr workProc,
ex_tcb *tcb,
const char *taskName) {
scheduler_ = scheduler;
scheduled_ = 0; workProc_ = workProc; tcb_ = tcb;
taskName_ = taskName; next_ = NULL; breakPoint_ = 0;
inline NABoolean matches(ExWorkProcPtr workProc, ex_tcb *tcb) const
{ return (workProc_ == workProc && tcb_ == tcb); }
inline void setTcb(ex_tcb *tcb) { tcb_ = tcb; }
// pointer to the ExScheduler that created (and dispatches) this subtask
ExScheduler * scheduler_;
// an indicator whether the subtask is to be scheduled or not (boolean)
Int32 scheduled_;
// pointer to the work procedure that gets scheduled when the event is
// triggered
ExWorkProcPtr workProc_;
// pointer to the TCB that registered the subtask
ex_tcb *tcb_;
// events are kept in (intrusive) linked lists
ExSubtask *next_;
// ** ** information for GUI *** -------------
Int32 breakPoint_;
const char *taskName_;
// private methods
virtual ExWorkProcRetcode work();
inline void reset() { scheduled_ = 0; }
inline ExSubtask *getNext() { return next_; }
inline void insertAfter(ExSubtask *newNext)
{ newNext->next_ = next_; next_ = newNext; }
class ExExceptionSubtask : public ExSubtask
ExScheduler * scheduler,
const char *taskName) : ExSubtask(scheduler, NULL, NULL, taskName),
entryList_(NULL) {}
void addOrFindSubtaskEntry(ExWorkProcPtr workProc,
ex_tcb *tcb,
const char *taskName,
ex_globals *glob);
virtual ExWorkProcRetcode work();
ExExceptionSubtaskEntry * entryList_;
class ExExceptionSubtaskEntry
friend class ExExceptionSubtask;
ExWorkProcPtr workProc,
ex_tcb *tcb,
const char *taskName) :
workProc_(workProc), tcb_(tcb), next_(NULL), taskName_(taskName) {}
// pointer to the work procedure that gets scheduled when the event is
// triggered
ExWorkProcPtr workProc_;
// pointer to the TCB that registered the subtask
ex_tcb *tcb_;
// events are kept in (intrusive) linked lists
ExExceptionSubtaskEntry * next_;
// the name is mostly for debugging
const char *taskName_;
inline Int32 matches(ExWorkProcPtr workProc, ex_tcb *tcb) const
{ return (workProc_ == workProc && tcb_ == tcb); }
#endif /* EX_SCHEDULER_H */