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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Statement.h
* Description:
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sys/types.h>
//#include <sys/time.h>
//#include <fstream>
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "Descriptor.h"
#include "ComQueue.h"
#include "NAMemory.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "SqlTableOpenInfo.h" // triggers
class ex_root_tdb;
class ex_root_tcb;
class ExMasterStmtGlobals;
class ExStatisticsArea;
class LateNameInfo;
class LateNameInfoList;
class SqlTableOpenInfo;
class QuerySimilarityInfo;
class SimilarityInfo;
class TriggerStatusWA;
class CliGlobals;
class ContextCli;
class FileNumberManager;
class UdrSecurityInfo;
class StmtStats;
class ExRsInfo;
class AQRStatementInfo;
class StrTarget;
class Statement;
class ExLobGlobals;
// this class stores statement information that is needed on each cli
// call. Things like the internal module, Statement, input and output
// descriptor, etc. The 'handle' field of STATEMENT_ID class points to
// this. Used only if the name_mode is not 'handle'. Also, used for
// embedded, static, preprocessor generated SQL calls.
class StatementInfo : public ExGod
Statement* &statement() { return statement_; }
Descriptor* & inputDesc() { return inputDesc_; }
Descriptor* & outputDesc() { return outputDesc_; }
ULng32 hashValue() { return hashValue_; }
NABoolean moduleAdded() { return (flags_ & MODULE_ADDED) != 0; };
void setModuleAdded(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= MODULE_ADDED : flags_ &= ~MODULE_ADDED);
Statement * statement_;
Descriptor * inputDesc_;
Descriptor * outputDesc_;
ULng32 hashValue_;
ULng32 flags_;
class Statement : public ExGod {
#define RTMD_HEAP_STR "RTMD heap"
#define RTMD_BLOCKSIZE 2048
enum StatementType
enum State
SUSPENDED_, // A pseudo-state used by RMS.
STMT_EXECUTE_, // A pseduo-state to denote query started executing
STMT_FIXUP_, // A pseduo-state to denote query has entered into fixup state in RMS
FIXUP_BIT = 0x0001, // indicates if the plan has been fixed up.
RESECURE_NEEDED_BIT = 0x0002, // indicates that plan needs to be resecured
CLONED_BIT = 0x0004, // indicates that this statement is a 'clone' of
// another statement, root_tdb is shared with
// that original statement and should not be
// deleted by the 'clone'
// if this was an updatable/deletable cursor
// then this bit is reset at runtime when a row is fetched.
// It is set, if that row is later deleted using delete...where
// current of statement. Used to return an error if a deleted
// row is deleted or updated again without another fetch.
// this is set the first time a statement is compiled or if a
// statement is re-compiled at runtime.for input_desc
// For certain embedded static queries that are executed by calling
// the Cli method, ClearExecFetchClose, a fast search for the statement
// is done. The statement_id passed in by application that does not
// use a handle, is made to point to this Statement. This makes it
// easier and faster to search for that statement. Also, since these
// statements are one-shot stmts (completed within one cli call), we
// do not add them to open statement list.
OLT_OPT = 0x0020,
// set the first time a timestamp mismatch is detected. Used to
// detect the case if a statement, after recompile and refixup
// due to a timestamp mismatch, returns another timestamp mismatch.
// This is treated as an error case.
// set at runtime after resolving the names for the first time.
// for static statements, set if recomp warnings are to be returned.
RECOMP_WARN = 0x0100,
// if autocommit is on, and a transaction is started for this
// statement, then this flag is set.
// The transaction is only committed at the end of a statement
// execution if this flag is set for that statement.
// set, if odbc_process was on at static compilation time.
// Used to send this info to mxcmp at auto recompilation time.
ODBC_PROCESS = 0x0800,
// this is set the first time a statement is compiled or if a
// statement is re-compiled at runtime.for OUTPUT_DESC
// This is set when a module is added to indicate that it is a system
// module statement. This is passsed to CmpCompileInfo to indicate to the
// compiler that we are compiling a system module statement.
// this statement need to be reprepared before executing it.
// See method SQLCLI_RetryValidateDescs for details.
enum AtomicityType
enum ExecState
static const char *stmtState(State state);
bool isOpen();
StatementType stmt_type;
State stmt_state;
SQLSTMT_ID * statement_id;
SQLSTMT_ID* cursor_name_;
char * source_str;
Lng32 source_length; // octet length of source_str
Lng32 charset_;
// name of cat.sch when this query was initially compiled.
// Used at recomp time.
char * schemaName_;
Lng32 schemaNameLength_;
ex_root_tdb * root_tdb;
ex_root_tcb * root_tcb;
Lng32 root_tdb_size;
CliGlobals *cliGlobals_;
ContextCli *context_;
Module *module_;
ExMasterStmtGlobals * statementGlobals_;
Descriptor *default_input_desc;
Descriptor *default_output_desc;
ULng32 flags_;
Queue *clonedStatements; // List of statements cloned from this statement.
// Will be empty for a clone.
Statement *clonedFrom_; // Valid only for a clone. Statement from which
// this statement was cloned.
Statement *parentCall_; // Valid only for a stored procedure result
// set. The CALL statement that produced
// this result set.
Space *spaceObject_;
Space &space_;
NAHeap heap_;
// This contains a space object which might be used during unpacking to
// allocate additional space for potential upgrading of objects in the
// plan. This space is derived from heap_, and therefore goes away with
// it when the statement is destroyed.
Space *unpackSpace_;
// valid if this is an 'update where current of cursor' query.
// Points to the referenced cursor statement.
Statement * currentOfCursorStatement_;
LateNameInfoList * lnil_;
char * inputData_;
ULng32 inputDatalen_;
ExecState state_;
// keeps track of current define context.
unsigned short defineContext_;
// keeps track of current envvars context.
Int64 envvarsContext_;
// Double linked list of close statements eligible for space reclaim.
Statement *prevCloseStatement_;
Statement *nextCloseStatement_;
// Sequence number assigned at close.
// Used to measure the age of the statement after close.
Lng32 closeSequence_;
// holds max length of input parameter arrays for dynamic statements, prior to compilation.
// all input parameters are arrays of this maximum length.
// set only by ODBC through CLI call as of Release 1.5.
ULng32 inputArrayMaxsize_;
// Used to denote that a rowset insert statement is NOT ATOMIC by ODBC
// can take three values UNSPECIFIED_, ATOMIC_, or NOT_ATOMIC_
AtomicityType rowsetAtomicity_;
// Number of nonfatal errors that will be tolerated by a NOT ATOMIC rowset insert.
// used by ODBC
Lng32 notAtomicFailureLimit_;
// statement index in a module, to identify Measure statement counters.
Int32 statementIndex_;
// The following supports implicit transactions which are started and
// committed in the scope of Statement::execute when the statement would
// otherwise run without a transaction. Such transactions are needed to
// support recursive calls into the CLI to do CatMapAnsiNameToGuardianName,
// Catalog Visibility checks, RTMD fetches, etc.
// What this variable means is that if there is any active transaction,
// then that transaction one of these implcit transactions and
// was started by the Statement class.
NABoolean anyTransWasStartedByMe_;
// The following supports temporarily clearing the autocommit setting if
// needed, so that recursive alls into the CLI will not commit the
// transaction when they finish. These recursive calls are the ones that
// support CatMapAnsiNameToGuardianName, Catalog Visibility checks,
// RTMD fetches, etc.
NABoolean autoCommitCleared_;
// The following supports temporarily clearing the Tmode setting if
// needed, so that recursive calls into the CLI will not overwrite the
// transaction when they finish. These recursive calls are the ones that
// support CatMapAnsiNameToGuardianName, Catalog Visibility checks,
// RTMD fetches, etc.
Int16 savedRoVal_;
Int16 savedRbVal_;
Int32 savedAiVal_;
// Support for UDR security/runtime re-compilation
LIST(UdrSecurityInfo *) *udrSecurity_;
// the following fields support no-wait operations
NABoolean noWaitOpEnabled_; // just a cache; same info is in FileNumber object
NABoolean noWaitOpPending_;
NABoolean noWaitOpIncomplete_;
NABoolean standaloneStatement_; // this statement is part of an ExecDirect ststemant . It is not an explicitly prepared user statement. This is used during AQR
NABoolean wmsMonitorQuery_;
ULng32 tasks_;
Lng32 fileNumber_;
// the following fields are used to hold the defaults related information
// which is used at auto recomp time. They are currently no looked at
// by cli. This info is created during static compilation and stored
// in rtdu(see cli/rtdu.h). It is then shipped back to mxcmp during
// auto recomp(see Statement::prepare method).
Lng32 recompControlInfoLen_;
char * recompControlInfo_;
char * uniqueStmtId_;
Lng32 uniqueStmtIdLen_;
AQRStatementInfo * aqrStmtInfo_;
StmtStats *stmtStats_;
// this is the cli level where this statement was used.
// For top level cli calls, it will be 1. Gets incremented for
// recursive cli calls.
// Initialized to cliGlobals->numCliCalls at Statement constructor time.
// Is currently used during closeAllCursors to only close those
// cursors/statements which were instantiated at the same level where
// the closeAllCursors call is being issued from.
// Prevents closing of cursors/statements in parent's (or child's scope).
Lng32 cliLevel_;
StatementInfo *stmtInfo_;
// VO, Plan Versioning Support.
// The following two fields are used to control the resetting of current compiler
// when preparing a query. Initialise to COM_VERS_UNKNOWN at construction time.
// The associated prepareReturn method resets the fields on exit from ::prepare,
// based upon the retcode value.
short versionOnEntry_; // Version of current compiler when prepare was called
short versionToUse_; // Version of compiler that will do the prepare
RETCODE prepareReturn (const RETCODE retcode);
// VO, Plan Versioning Support.
// The following error information is used when a plan versioning error is detected which may
// be reported later. The error code fields are initialised to VERSION_NO_ERROR, the remaining
// fields need no initialisation; access to them are controlled by the error code fields.
VersionErrorCode fetchErrorCode_;
COM_VERSION fetchPlanVersion_;
COM_VERSION fetchSupportedVersion_;
ComNodeName fetchNode_;
VersionErrorCode mxcmpErrorCode_;
COM_VERSION mxcmpStartedVersion_;
// For a parallel extract producer query. This is the template for
// consumer query text strings
char *extractConsumerQueryTemplate_;
char *parentQid_;
char parentQidSystem_[25];
// StatsArea to return master stats when the statement is not yet fixed up
ExStatisticsArea *compileStatsArea_;
Int64 compileEndTime_; // In case there are no statistics.
char *childQueryId_;
Lng32 childQueryIdLen_;
SQL_QUERY_COST_INFO *childQueryCostInfo_;
Int64 aqrInitialExeStartTime_;
// Private Functions
void buildConsumerQueryTemplate();
// returns true, if plan has been fixed up. 0, otherwise.
inline short fixupState();
inline void setFixupState(short state);
// starts a transaction, if one has not already been started
short beginTransaction(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
// ends(commits) transaction, if one is running and auto commit is on.
short commitTransaction(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
// aborts(rollbacks) transaction, if one is running and auto commit is on.
// If doXnRollback is passed in and is TRUE, then rollback the Xn.
// This could happen if savepoint rollback has failed.
short rollbackTransaction(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
NABoolean doXnRollback = FALSE);
// rollbacks savepoints, if dp2 savepoints are being done.
// Returns rollbackXn as TRUE, if savepoint rollback returned an error
// and the Xn needs to be aborted.
short rollbackSavepoint(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, NABoolean &rollbackXn);
unsigned short &defineContext() { return defineContext_;};
Int64 &envvarsContext() { return envvarsContext_;};
ex_root_tdb *assignRootTdb(ex_root_tdb *new_root_tdb);
NABoolean implicitTransNeeded(void);
void turnOffAutoCommit(void);
void resetAutoCommit(void);
void saveTmodeValues(void);
void resetTmodeValues(void);
void commitImplicitTransAndResetTmodes(void);
NABoolean isExeDebug(char *src, Lng32 charset);
Int32 octetLen(char *s, Lng32 charset);
Int32 octetLenplus1(char *s, Lng32 charset);
Int32 sourceLenplus1();
// For stored procedure result set proxy statements, see if a
// prepare of proxy syntax is required and if so, do the internal
// prepare
RETCODE rsProxyPrepare(ExRsInfo &rsInfo, // IN
ULng32 rsIndex, // IN
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea); // INOUT
// For stored procedure result set proxy statements, return TRUE if
// the current statement source matches the newSource input string.
NABoolean rsProxyCompare(const char *newSource) const;
NABoolean isUninitializedMv( const char * physicalName,
const char *lastUsedAnsiName,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea );
NABoolean doesUninitializedMvExist(char **pMvName, ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
Statement(SQLSTMT_ID * statement_id,
CliGlobals * cliGlobals,
StatementType stmt_type = DYNAMIC_STMT,
char * cursorName = 0,
Module * module = NULL);
RETCODE prepare(char *source,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
char *passed_gen_code,
ULng32 passed_gen_code_len,
Lng32 charset=SQLCHARSETCODE_ISO88591,
NABoolean unpackTdbs = TRUE,
ULng32 cliFlags = 0
RETCODE prepare2(char *source, ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
char *gen_code, ULng32 gen_code_len,
Lng32 charset,
NABoolean unpackTdbs,
ULng32 cliFlags);
Lng32 unpackAndInit(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
short indexIntoCompilerArray);
RETCODE fixup(CliGlobals * cliGlobals, Descriptor * input_desc,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, NABoolean &doSimCheck,
NABoolean &partitionUnavailable,
const NABoolean donePrepare);
RETCODE execute(CliGlobals * cliGlobals, Descriptor * input_desc,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, ExecState = INITIAL_STATE_,
NABoolean fixupOnly = FALSE,
ULng32 cliFlags = 0);
RETCODE fetch(CliGlobals * cliGlobals, Descriptor * output_desc,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
NABoolean newOperation);
RETCODE error(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE doOltExecute(CliGlobals *cliGlobals, Descriptor * input_desc,
Descriptor * output_desc,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
NABoolean &doNormalExecute,
NABoolean &reExecute);
Lng32 cancel(); // called by the cancel thread only.
RETCODE describe(Descriptor * desc, Lng32 what_desc, ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE addDescInfoIntoStaticDesc(Descriptor * desc, Lng32 what_desc, ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE getRSProxySyntax(char *proxy, Lng32 maxlength, Lng32 *spaceRequired);
RETCODE getExtractConsumerSyntax(char *proxy, Lng32 maxlength,
Lng32 *spaceRequired);
RETCODE getProxySyntax(char *proxy, Lng32 maxlength, Lng32 *spaceRequired,
const char *prefix, const char *suffix);
RETCODE doHiveTableSimCheck(TrafSimilarityTableInfo *si,
ExLobGlobals* lobGlob,
NABoolean &simCheckFailed,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE doQuerySimilarityCheck(TrafQuerySimilarityInfo * qsi,
NABoolean &simCheckFailed,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE mvSimilarityCheck(char *table,
ULng32 siMvBitmap,
ULng32 rcbMvBitmap,
NABoolean &simCheckFailed,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
NABoolean isIudTargetTable(char *tableName, SqlTableOpenInfoPtr* stoiList);
RETCODE close(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, NABoolean inRollback = FALSE);
RETCODE bindTo(Statement * statement_id);
RETCODE closeTables(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE reOpenTables(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
RETCODE releaseTransaction(
NABoolean allWorkRequests = FALSE,
NABoolean alwaysSendReleaseMsg = FALSE,
NABoolean statementRemainsOpen = FALSE // this param for holdable cursor.
void releaseEsps(NABoolean closeAllOpens);
// When a stmt is deallocated, opens on tables are closed. If
// the opens are to be reused, then only shared opens are closed.
// There are some cases where we want to close all opens even
// if opens are being reused.
// If closeAllOpens is TRUE, then do the real close of the table.
RETCODE dealloc(NABoolean closeAllOpens = FALSE);
// Helper functions called by dealloc() and releaseSpace()
RETCODE releaseTcbs(NABoolean closeAllOpens);
void releaseStats();
NABoolean updateInProgress();
// reads trigger status from rfork and updates trigger status vector in TCB.
RETCODE getTriggersStatus(SqlTableOpenInfoPtr* stoiList,
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea);
inline void * getStmtHandle();
inline Module * getModule() { return module_; }
inline Int32 getStatementIndex() { return statementIndex_; };
inline void setStatementIndex(Int32 i) { statementIndex_ = i; };
SQLSTMT_ID *getStmtId() { return (SQLSTMT_ID *)statement_id; };
const SQLMODULE_ID *getModuleId() { return statement_id->module; };
inline const char *getIdentifier();
//inline char *getModuleName();
inline ContextCli * getContext() { return context_; };
inline ex_root_tdb *getRootTdb() const { return root_tdb; }
inline ex_root_tcb *getRootTcb() const { return root_tcb; }
NABoolean doOltQueryOpt();
Space *getUnpackSpace() { return unpackSpace_; }
void setUnpackSpace(Space *sp) { unpackSpace_ = sp; }
//void setCursorName(char * cn, long cn_len = strlen(cn));
void setCursorName(const char * cn);
inline SQLSTMT_ID* getCursorName();
inline short allocated();
short transactionReqd();
ExMasterStmtGlobals *getGlobals() { return statementGlobals_; }
Int64 getRowsAffected();
NABoolean noRowsAffected(ComDiagsArea &diags);
inline void addDefaultDesc(Descriptor * desc, Lng32 what_desc);
inline Descriptor * getDefaultDesc(Lng32 what_desc);
inline State getState() const { return stmt_state; }
inline ExecState getExecState() const {return state_;}
inline NABoolean isStandaloneQ() {return standaloneStatement_;}
inline void setStandaloneQ(NABoolean b) {standaloneStatement_ = b;}
inline NABoolean wmsMonitorQuery() {return wmsMonitorQuery_;}
inline void setWMSMonitorQuery(NABoolean b) {wmsMonitorQuery_ = b;}
// set the state of a statement. As a side effect the statement
// is added or removed from the current context's openStatementList.
// Thus, never set the state directly. Always use this method.
// The only "exception" is the initialization list of the constructor
// of the statement.
void setState(State state);
inline StatementType getStatementType();
void copyGenCode(char * gen_code, ULng32 gen_code_len,
NABoolean unpackTDBs = TRUE);
void copyInSourceStr(char * in_source_str_, Lng32 in_source_length_,
Lng32 charset=SQLCHARSETCODE_ISO88591);
void copyOutSourceStr(char * out_source_str_, Lng32 &out_source_length_);
void copySchemaName(char * schemaName, Lng32 schemaNameLength);
void copyRecompControlInfo(char * basePtr,
char * controlInfo, Lng32 controlInfoLength);
Statement * getCurrentOfCursorStatement(char * cursorName);
Statement * currentOfCursorStatement()
return currentOfCursorStatement_;
short handleUpdDelCurrentOf(ComDiagsArea &diags);
Lng32 recompControlInfoLen() { return recompControlInfoLen_;};
char * recompControlInfo(){ return recompControlInfo_;};
Queue * getClonedStatements() { return clonedStatements; };
void setUniqueStmtId(char * id);
char * getUniqueStmtId() { return uniqueStmtId_; }
Lng32 getUniqueStmtIdLen() { return uniqueStmtIdLen_; }
Lng32 setParentQid(char *queryId);
char *getParentQid();
void setParentQidSystem(char *parentQidSystem);
char *getParentQidSystem();
Int64 getExeStartTime();
void setExeStartTime(Int64 exeStartTime);
Lng32 getCliLevel() const { return cliLevel_; }
inline short isResecureNeeded();
inline void setResecureNeeded();
inline void resetResecureNeeded();
inline short isCloned();
inline void setCloned();
inline void resetCloned();
inline NABoolean isDeletedCursor();
inline void setDeletedCursor();
inline void resetDeletedCursor();
NABoolean isSelectInto();
NABoolean isDeleteCurrentOf();
NABoolean isUpdateCurrentOf();
NABoolean computeInputDescBulkMoveInfo() { return ((flags_ & COMPUTE_INPUTDESC_BULKMOVE_INFO) != 0); }
NABoolean computeOutputDescBulkMoveInfo() { return ((flags_ & COMPUTE_OUTPUTDESC_BULKMOVE_INFO) != 0); }
void setComputeBulkMoveInfo(NABoolean v)
{ if (v)
void setComputeInputDescBulkMoveInfo(NABoolean v)
void setComputeOutputDescBulkMoveInfo(NABoolean v)
NABoolean oltOpt() { return ((flags_ & OLT_OPT) != 0); }
void setOltOpt(NABoolean v);
StatementInfo * stmtInfo() { return stmtInfo_; }
void setStmtInfo(StatementInfo *stmtInfo) {stmtInfo_ = stmtInfo; }
NABoolean tsMismatched() { return ((flags_ & TS_MISMATCHED) != 0); }
void setTsMismatched(NABoolean v)
{ v ? flags_ |= TS_MISMATCHED : flags_ &= ~TS_MISMATCHED; }
NABoolean firstResolveDone() { return (flags_ & FIRST_RESOLVE_DONE) != 0; };
void setFirstResolveDone(short v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= FIRST_RESOLVE_DONE : flags_ &= ~FIRST_RESOLVE_DONE); };
NABoolean recompWarn() { return (flags_ & RECOMP_WARN) != 0; };
void setRecompWarn(short v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= RECOMP_WARN : flags_ &= ~RECOMP_WARN); };
NABoolean autocommitXn() { return (flags_ & AUTOCOMMIT_XN) != 0; };
void setAutocommitXn(short v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= AUTOCOMMIT_XN : flags_ &= ~AUTOCOMMIT_XN); };
NABoolean odbcProcess() { return (flags_ & ODBC_PROCESS) != 0; };
void setOdbcProcess(short v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= ODBC_PROCESS : flags_ &= ~ODBC_PROCESS); };
NABoolean systemModuleStmt() { return (flags_ & SYSTEM_MODULE_STMT) != 0; };
void setSystemModuleStmt (short v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= SYSTEM_MODULE_STMT : flags_ &= ~SYSTEM_MODULE_STMT); };
NABoolean aqrReprepareNeeded() { return (flags_ & AQR_REPREPARE_NEEDED) != 0; };
void setAqrReprepareNeeded(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= AQR_REPREPARE_NEEDED : flags_ &= ~AQR_REPREPARE_NEEDED); };
NABoolean returnRecompWarn();
void dump(ostream * outstream);
{ holdable_ = h;}
RETCODE setHoldable(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, NABoolean h);
{ return holdable_; }
RETCODE setPubsubHoldable(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, NABoolean h);
inline NABoolean isPubsubHoldable() { return holdable_ == SQLCLIDEV_PUBSUB_HOLDABLE; }
NABoolean isEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete(void);
NABoolean isStreamScan(void);
RETCODE setAnsiHoldable(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, NABoolean h);
inline NABoolean isAnsiHoldable() { return holdable_ == SQLCLIDEV_ANSI_HOLDABLE; }
RETCODE setInputArrayMaxsize(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, const Lng32 inpArrSize);
inline ULng32 getInputArrayMaxsize() const
return inputArrayMaxsize_;
RETCODE setRowsetAtomicity(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, const AtomicityType atomicity);
inline AtomicityType getRowsetAtomicity() const
return (AtomicityType) rowsetAtomicity_;
RETCODE setNotAtomicFailureLimit(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, const Lng32 limit);
inline Lng32 getNotAtomicFailureLimit() const
return notAtomicFailureLimit_;
inline Lng32 getRootTdbSize()
return root_tdb_size;
inline Lng32 getSrcStrSize()
return source_length;
inline char * getSrcStr()
return source_str;
ExStatisticsArea *getStatsArea();
ExStatisticsArea *getOrigStatsArea();
// A method return the masterStats when the statement is not yet fixed up
ExStatisticsArea *getCompileStatsArea();
void setCompileEndTime(Int64 julianTime) {
compileEndTime_ = julianTime; };
Int64 getCompileEndTime() const { return compileEndTime_; };
inline Statement*& prevCloseStatement() { return prevCloseStatement_; }
inline Statement*& nextCloseStatement() { return nextCloseStatement_; }
inline Lng32& closeSequence() { return closeSequence_; }
Lng32 releaseSpace();
NABoolean isReclaimable();
// Wait for completion of UDR requests associated with this
// statement. If allRequests is FALSE then only wait for
// transactional requests.
RETCODE completeUdrRequests(NABoolean allRequests) const;
NABoolean containsUdrInteractions() const;
void setParentCall(Statement *statement) { parentCall_ = statement; }
Statement *getParentCall() const { return parentCall_; }
ExRsInfo *getResultSetInfo() const;
ExRsInfo *getOrCreateResultSetInfo();
// the following methods support no-wait operations on a
// Statement
NABoolean mightHaveWorkToDo(void);
inline NABoolean noWaitOpEnabled(void) { return noWaitOpEnabled_; } ;
inline void setNoWaitOpEnabled(void) { noWaitOpEnabled_ = TRUE; } ;
inline void resetNoWaitOpEnabled(void) { noWaitOpEnabled_ = FALSE; } ;
inline void setNoWaitOpEnableStatus(NABoolean status) { noWaitOpEnabled_ = status; };
inline NABoolean noWaitOpPending(void) { return noWaitOpPending_; };
void setNoWaitOpPending(void) ;
void resetNoWaitOpPending(void) ;
//BM Gil Someone needs to use the following method
inline NABoolean noWaitOpIncomplete(void) { return noWaitOpIncomplete_; } ;
inline void setNoWaitOpIncomplete(void) { noWaitOpIncomplete_ = TRUE; } ;
inline Lng32 getNowaitTag (void) { return statement_id->tag; };
inline void setNowaitTag (Lng32 tag) { statement_id->tag = tag; };
inline Lng32 getFileNumber(void) { return fileNumber_; } ;
inline RETCODE setFileNumber(Lng32 fileNumber)
RETCODE rc = SUCCESS; // assume success
if (fileNumber_ == -1)
fileNumber_ = fileNumber;
rc = ERROR;
return rc;
} ;
inline RETCODE resetFileNumber(void)
if (fileNumber_ != -1)
fileNumber_ = -1;
rc = ERROR;
return rc;
} ;
inline ULng32 getStmtTasks(void) { return tasks_;};
inline void setStmtTasks(ULng32 tasks) { tasks_ = tasks; };
inline NAHeap *stmtHeap() { return &heap_; } ;
void updateTModeValues();
inline StmtStats * getStmtStats() { return stmtStats_; }
void setStmtStats(NABoolean autoRetry);
// Plan versioning stuff
void issuePlanVersioningWarnings (ComDiagsArea & diagsArea);
// For returning statement attributes related to parallel extract
Lng32 getConsumerQueryLen(ULng32 index);
void getConsumerQuery(ULng32 index, char *buf, Lng32 buflen);
Lng32 getConsumerCpu(ULng32 index);
Lng32 initStrTarget(SQLDESC_ID * sql_source,
ContextCli &currContext,
ComDiagsArea &diags,
StrTarget &strTarget);
// auto query retry
AQRStatementInfo * aqrStmtInfo() { return aqrStmtInfo_; };
void setAqrStmtInfo(AQRStatementInfo * v) { aqrStmtInfo_ = v; }
NABoolean updateChildQid();
void updateStatsAreaInContext();
Lng32 setChildQueryInfo(ComDiagsArea *diagsArea, char * uniqueQueryId,
Lng32 uniqueQueryIdLen,
SQL_QUERY_COST_INFO *query_cost_info,
Lng32 getChildQueryInfo(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea, char * uniqueQueryId,
Lng32 uniqueQueryIdMaxLen,
Lng32 * uniqueQueryIdLen,
SQL_QUERY_COST_INFO *query_cost_info,
//return TRUE if query is prefixed by display,
// e.g. display select ...
NABoolean isDISPLAY();
#ifdef _DEBUG
void StmtPrintf(const char *formatString, ...) const;
NABoolean stmtDebugEnabled() const { return stmtDebug_; }
NABoolean stmtListDebugEnabled() const { return stmtListDebug_; }
NABoolean stmtDebug_;
NABoolean stmtListDebug_;
}; // class Statement
inline short Statement::isCloned()
return (short)( flags_ & CLONED_BIT );
inline void Statement::setCloned()
flags_ |= CLONED_BIT ;
inline void Statement::resetCloned()
flags_ &= ~CLONED_BIT ;
inline NABoolean Statement::isDeletedCursor()
return ( (flags_ & DELETED_CURSOR_BIT) != 0 );
inline void Statement::setDeletedCursor()
inline void Statement::resetDeletedCursor()
inline short Statement::isResecureNeeded()
return (short)( flags_ & RESECURE_NEEDED_BIT );
inline void Statement::setResecureNeeded()
inline void Statement::resetResecureNeeded()
inline short Statement::fixupState()
return (short)( flags_ & FIXUP_BIT );
inline void Statement::setFixupState(short state)
if (state)
flags_ |= FIXUP_BIT;
flags_ &= ~FIXUP_BIT;
inline void * Statement::getStmtHandle()
return statement_id->handle;
inline const char * Statement::getIdentifier()
return statement_id->identifier;
inline long Statement::getIdentifierLen()
return GET_SQLCLI_OBJ_NAME_LEN_PTR(statement_id->identifier);
inline char * Statement::getModuleName()
return statement_id->module->module_name;
inline long Statement::getModuleNameLen()
return GET_SQL_MODULE_NAME_LEN_PTR(statement_id->module);
/* return -1, if statement was allocated by a call to AllocStmt(). */
/* AllocStmt() is called for extended dyn statements or for CLI */
/* users passing no name. */
inline short Statement::allocated()
if (stmt_type == DYNAMIC_STMT)
return -1;
return 0;
inline SQLSTMT_ID* Statement::getCursorName()
return cursor_name_;
inline void Statement::addDefaultDesc(Descriptor * desc, Lng32 what_desc)
if (what_desc == SQLWHAT_INPUT_DESC)
default_input_desc = desc;
else if (what_desc == SQLWHAT_OUTPUT_DESC)
default_output_desc = desc;
inline Descriptor * Statement::getDefaultDesc(Lng32 what_desc)
if (what_desc == SQLWHAT_INPUT_DESC)
return default_input_desc;
else if (what_desc == SQLWHAT_OUTPUT_DESC)
return default_output_desc;
return 0;
inline Statement::StatementType Statement::getStatementType()
return stmt_type;
short convertTableName(char *tgt, char *src);
// Class to store last known surrogate file security timestamp
// and permission check information.
// Used by implementation of CALL <udr>
class UdrSecurityInfo : public NABasicObject
UdrSecurityInfo () :
previousSecurityTS_(0), previouslyChecked_(FALSE)
// Accessors
const char *getUdrName()
return udrName_;
Int64 getPreviousSecurityTS() const
return previousSecurityTS_;
NABoolean isPreviouslyChecked() const
return previouslyChecked_;
RETCODE getPreviousResult()
return previousResult_;
// Mutators
void setUdrName(char *udrName)
udrName_ = udrName;
void setPreviousSecurityTS(Int64 secTime)
previousSecurityTS_ = secTime;
void setPreviouslyChecked(NABoolean checked)
previouslyChecked_ = checked;
void setPreviousResult(RETCODE result)
previousResult_ = result;
char *udrName_;
Int64 previousSecurityTS_;
NABoolean previouslyChecked_;
RETCODE previousResult_;