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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Descriptor.h
* Description: SQL Descriptors, used to interface between host programs
* and SQL. A descriptor describes one or more host variables
* (their data type, precision, character set, etc).
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
//#include <sys/types.h>
//#include <stdarg.h>
#include "CliDefs.h"
#include "ComSysUtils.h"
#include "ex_god.h"
#include "ComTdbRoot.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ContextCli;
class Attributes;
class Statement;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// BulkMoveInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BulkMoveInfo
friend class Descriptor;
ULng32 maxEntries() { return maxEntries_; };
ULng32 usedEntries() { return usedEntries_; };
// returns info about the i'th entry. Entry num is 0 based.
NABoolean isExeDataPtr(Int32 i) { return bmiArray_[i].isExePtr(); };
ULng32 getLength(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].length_;};
char * getDescDataPtr(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].descDataPtr_;};
short getExeAtpIndex(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].exeAtpIndex_;};
Long getExeOffset(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].exeOffset_;};
char * getExeDataPtr(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].exeDataPtr_;};
short getFirstEntryNum(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].firstEntryNum_;};
short getLastEntryNum(Int32 i) {return bmiArray_[i].lastEntryNum_;};
NABoolean isVarchar(Int32 i) { return bmiArray_[i].isVarchar();};
NABoolean isNullable(Int32 i) { return bmiArray_[i].isNullable();};
void addEntry(ULng32 length, char * descDataPtr,
short exeAtpIndex, NABoolean exeIsPtr,
Long exeOffset,short firstEntryNum,short lastEntryNum,
NABoolean isVarchar, NABoolean isNullable);
struct BMInfoStruct
enum {
IS_EXE_PTR = 0x0001,
IS_VARCHAR = 0x0002,
IS_NULLABLE = 0x0004
NABoolean isExePtr() { return (bmiFlags_ & IS_EXE_PTR) != 0; }
void setIsExePtr(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? bmiFlags_ |= IS_EXE_PTR : bmiFlags_ &= ~IS_EXE_PTR); }
NABoolean isVarchar() { return (bmiFlags_ & IS_VARCHAR) != 0; }
void setIsVarchar(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? bmiFlags_ |= IS_VARCHAR : bmiFlags_ &= ~IS_VARCHAR); }
NABoolean isNullable() { return (bmiFlags_ & IS_NULLABLE) != 0; }
void setIsNullable(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? bmiFlags_ |= IS_NULLABLE : bmiFlags_ &= ~IS_NULLABLE); }
ULng32 length_;
char * descDataPtr_;
short exeAtpIndex_;
short bmiFlags_;
Long exeOffset_;
char * exeDataPtr_;
short firstEntryNum_;
short lastEntryNum_;
ULng32 flags_;
ULng32 maxEntries_;
ULng32 usedEntries_;
BMInfoStruct bmiArray_[1];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Descriptor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Descriptor : public ExGod {
enum Flags
Rowwise Rowset Versions
There two versions of rowsets, version 1 and version 2. The
original version (version 1) of rowwise rowsets does not
support all SQL/MX data types and does not support nullable
columns. If the input/output params/columns contained any of
the following attributes:
Varchar type
Intervals type
Datetime type
Character set was not single byte
Rowwise rowsets and/or bulk move was disallowed.
Version 2 of rowwise rowsets removes most of the restrictions
imposed by version 1. All data types are supported and nullable
columns are allowed. In certain very rare cases bulk move may
be disallowed (e.g. interval types) for a given param/column,
but this will not disallow bulk move for all other
params/columns. Rowwise rowsets will be returned in all cases,
except if the column is special. A column is special if it is
an "added column" (note: I'm not entirely sure what a
special column is. As best I can tell from the code, it is as
stated, a column that was added after the table was created).
Rowset Types
A Descriptor contains information about values used as input or
output. Each descriptor has a rowset type associated with it.
Typically, the rowset type is set by the user. The executor will
format data based on the rowset type.
There are 4 rowset types as defined in SQLCLIdev.h.
ROWSET_NOT_SPECIFIED is the default rowset type, and indicates that
rowsets are not being used.
ROWSET_COLUMNWISE instructs the executor to use columnwise format
for processing data.
ROWSET_ROWWISE and ROWSET_ROWWISE_V1 are the same value. If this
value is set, then the executor will use the version 1 rowwise rowset
logic for processing.
ROWSET_ROWWISE_V2 instructs the executor to use version 2 rowwise
rowset logic for processing.
Internal Flags
A "Descriptor" object contains information about values used as input
or output. The Descriptor has contains an array of "desc_struct"
structures, where each element of the array contains information about
one of the values. The desc_struct data member is named "desc".
Both the Descriptor object and desc_struct structure contain a data
member than is a flag bit map. The Descriptor object flag bit map is
named "flags_". The desc_struct structure bit map data member is named
"desc_flag". Possible values for both the Descriptor flags_ and
desc_struct desc_flags bit maps are:
All flags are mutually exclusive. That is, setting one flag will not
implicitly change the value of another flag.
The BULK_MOVE_DISABLED flag is used to disable bulk move for all of
the Descriptor's entries. If this flag is set, then none of the
descriptor's entries are bulk moved.
The BULK_MOVE_SETUP flag is used to indicate that the appropriate
actions have been taken to set up for bulk move of some or all of
the entries in a Descriptor (i.e. InputOutputExpr::setupBulkMoveInfo
has been called).
The DESC_TYPE_WIDE flag is used to indicate that the Descriptor is a
wide descriptor.
The bulk move logic will disable bulk move (i.e. set the BULK_MOVE_DISABLED flag)
if the DESC_TYPE_WIDE flag is set.
The DO_SLOW_MOVE flag is used by the desc_struct to indicate that the value
represented by that desc_struct is not bulk moved (i.e. it is slow moved by
convDoIt). It is also used by the Descriptor to indicate there is a slow
move value in its list of values. That is, the DO_SLOW_MOVE flag is set in
the Descriptor if any of the Descriptor's values has the DO_SLOW_MOVE flag
The ROWWISE_ROWSET and ROWWISE_ROWSET_V1 flags are the same value. This flag
is used by the Descriptor to indicate that the rowset type is version 1. It
is set by the user, via the SQL_EXEC_SetDescItem method. It indicates that
the user wants the executor to use the original rowwise rowset and bulk move
logic for processing rowwise rowsets and bulk move.
The ROWWISE_ROWSET_V2 flag is used by the Descriptor to indicate that the
rowset type is version 2. It is set by the user, via the SQL_EXEC_SetDescItem
method. It indicates that the user wants the executor to use the new rowwise
rowset and bulk move logic for processing rowwise rowsets and bulk move.
DESC_TYPE_WIDE = 0x0004,
DO_SLOW_MOVE = 0x0008,
SQLDESC_ID descriptor_id;
short dyn_alloc_flag;
Lng32 rowsetSize; // Number of rows in rowset array.
void *rowsetStatusPtr; // Optional. Specifies the status array. It
// contains the row status values for each row
// after a RowSet fetch.
// Must be size of RowsetSize
// Application is responsable for this ptr.
Lng32 rowsetNumProcessed; // Number of rows processed in the rowset
Lng32 rowsetHandle; // A handle/cursor to current row in rowset
// A value of "-1" indicates that a rowset
// has not been defined.
Lng32 max_entries; // Max entries of desc_struct
Lng32 used_entries; // Num active entries of desc_struct
ULng32 flags_;
ULng32 compoundStmtsInfo_; // contains information needed for compound statements
Lng32 rowwiseRowsetSize; // Number of rows in rowset array they
// are being passed in stacked rowwise.
Lng32 rowwiseRowsetRowLen; // length of each row.
Long rowwiseRowsetPtr; // ptr to the start of rowset buffer.
Lng32 rowwiseRowsetPartnNum; // partition number where this rwrs
// buffer need to go to.
char filler_[16];
struct desc_struct {
IS_NUMERIC = 0x0001,
Lng32 rowsetVarLayoutSize; /* Three cases:
* ZERO: when entry is not participating
* in a rowset or the same value is
* used in the rowset (i.e., without
* an array)
* COLUMN_WISE: Same value as length. There
* is an array of values of that length
* Row-WISE: value is the size of the structure
* where this item is contained. There
* are several item in the structure,
* even items outside the rowset.
Lng32 rowsetIndLayoutSize; /* Three cases:
* ZERO: when entry is not participating
* in a rowset or the same value is
* used in the rowset (i.e., without
* an array)
* COLUMN_WISE: Same value as ind_length. There
* is an array of values of that length
* Row-WISE: value is the size of the structure
* where this item is contained. There
* are several item in the structure,
* even items outside the rowset.
Lng32 datatype;
Lng32 datetime_code;
Lng32 length;
short nullable;
Lng32 charset; //
char *charset_schema; // Internally charset and collation
char *charset_catalog; // is stored as a long.
char *charset_name; // All other charset and collation related
Lng32 coll_seq; // desc items are stored as character strings.
char *coll_schema;
char *coll_catalog;
char *coll_name;
Lng32 scale;
Lng32 precision;
Lng32 int_leading_precision;
char *output_name;
short generated_output_name;
char *heading;
short string_format;
char *table_name;
char *schema_name;
char *catalog_name;
Long var_ptr; // For Bound. Application allocate memory
// If Rowset is equal to 1,
// then var_ptr is a pointer to single var.
// else var_ptr is a pointer to ptr array of
// variables.
char *var_data; // For Unbound. Rowsets are not used
Long ind_ptr; // Same convention as var_ptr
Lng32 ind_data; // For Unbound. Rowsets are not used
Lng32 ind_datatype;
Lng32 ind_length;
Lng32 vc_ind_length;
Lng32 aligned_length; //length + ind_length + vc_ind_length + fillers
// offsets to values in the actual sql row.
// Used by caller to align their data so bulkmove could be done.
Lng32 data_offset;
Lng32 null_ind_offset;
ULng32 desc_flags;
// Vicz: three new descriptor items to support call stmt description
short parameterMode;
short ordinalPosition;
short parameterIndex;
char *text_format;
#ifdef _DEBUG
Lng32 rowwise_var_offset; // testing logic
Lng32 rowwise_ind_offset; // testing logic
desc_struct *desc;
BulkMoveInfo *bmInfo_;
// the statement for which bulk move was done from/to this descriptor.
Statement * bulkMoveStmt_;
ContextCli *context_; // the context that contains this descriptor
NABoolean lockedForNoWaitOp_; // true if this descriptor is in use
// by a pending no-wait operation
static void DescItemDefaultsForDatetimeCode(desc_struct & descItem,
Lng32 datetime_interval);
static void DescItemDefaultsForType(desc_struct & descItem,
Lng32 datatype,
NAHeap & heap);
static Lng32 DefaultPrecision(Lng32 datatype);
static Lng32 DefaultScale(Lng32 datatype);
static Lng32 setIndLength(desc_struct &descItem);
static Lng32 setVarLength(desc_struct &descItem);
char *getVarItem(desc_struct &descItem, Lng32 idxrow);
char *getIndItem(desc_struct &descItem, Lng32 idxrow);
RETCODE processNumericDatatype(desc_struct &descItem,
Lng32 numeric_value);
RETCODE processNumericDatatypeWithPrecision(desc_struct &descItem,
ComDiagsArea &diags);
void set_text_format(desc_struct &descItem);
Descriptor(SQLDESC_ID * descriptor_id_,
Lng32 max_entries_,
ContextCli *context);
NABoolean operator ==(Descriptor &other);
RETCODE alloc(Lng32 used_entries_);
RETCODE dealloc();
RETCODE addEntry(Lng32 entry);
char * getVarData(Lng32 entry);
char * getVarData(Lng32 entry, Lng32 idxrow);
Int32 getVarDataLength(Lng32 entry);
Int32 getVarIndicatorLength(Lng32 entry);
const char * getVarDataCharSet(Lng32 entry);
char * getIndData(Lng32 entry);
char * getIndData(Lng32 entry, Lng32 idxrow);
Int32 getIndLength(Lng32 entry);
RETCODE getDescItemMainVarInfo(Lng32 entry,
short &var_isnullable,
Lng32 &var_datatype,
Lng32 &var_length,
void ** var_ptr,
Lng32 &ind_datatype,
Lng32 &ind_length,
void ** ind_ptr);
RETCODE getDescItem(Lng32 entry, Lng32 what_to_get,
void * numeric_value, char * string_value,
Lng32 max_string_len, Lng32 * returned_len,
Lng32 start_from_offset,
Descriptor* desc_to_get_more_info = 0,
Int32 entry_in_desc_to_get_more_info = 0
) ;
RETCODE getDescItemPtr(Lng32 entry, Lng32 what_to_get,
char **string_ptr, Lng32 *returned_len);
RETCODE setDescItem(Lng32 entry, Lng32 what_to_set, Long numeric_value,
char * string_value,
Descriptor* desc_to_get_more_info = 0,
Int32 entry_in_desc_to_get_more_info = 0
RETCODE setDescItemInternal(Lng32 entry, Lng32 what_to_set,
Lng32 numeric_value,
char * string_value
// GetNameViaDesc - retrieve the name of a statement,cursor, or descriptor
// from a given descriptor id. The name is returned in a OBJ_ID
// dynamically
// allocated from the executor heap.
static SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* GetNameViaDesc(SQLDESC_ID *desc_id, ContextCli *context, NAHeap &heap);
inline void setMaxEntryCount(Lng32 max_entries_);
inline Lng32 getMaxEntryCount();
Lng32 getUsedEntryCount();
void setUsedEntryCount(Lng32 used_entries_);
Lng32 getRowsetSize()
return rowsetSize;
Lng32 getRowwiseRowsetSize() { return rowwiseRowsetSize; }
Lng32 getRowwiseRowsetRowLen() { return rowwiseRowsetRowLen; }
Int64 getRowwiseRowsetPtr() { return rowwiseRowsetPtr; }
Lng32 getRowsetNumProcessed()
return rowsetNumProcessed;
Lng32 getCurrRowOffsetInRowwiseRowset()
return (rowwiseRowsetRowLen * rowsetNumProcessed);
Long getCurrRowPtrInRowwiseRowset()
return (rowwiseRowsetPtr + rowwiseRowsetRowLen * rowsetNumProcessed);
ULng32 getCompoundStmtsInfo() const;
void setCompoundStmtsInfo(ULng32 info);
inline NABoolean thereIsACompoundStatement() const
{return ((compoundStmtsInfo_ & ComTdbRoot::COMPOUND_STATEMENT_IN_QUERY) != 0);}
inline void setCompoundStatement()
{ compoundStmtsInfo_ |= ComTdbRoot::COMPOUND_STATEMENT_IN_QUERY; }
inline void * getDescHandle();
inline SQLDESC_ID* getDescName();
const SQLMODULE_ID *getModuleId() { return descriptor_id.module; };
inline char *getModuleName();
inline long getModuleNameLen()
{ return GET_SQL_MODULE_NAME_LEN_PTR(descriptor_id.module); };
inline ULng32 getDescFlags();
inline void setDescFlags(ULng32 f);
// static helper functions to deal with FS types
static Lng32 ansiTypeFromFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static const char * ansiTypeStrFromFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static Lng32 datetimeIntCodeFromTypePrec(Lng32 datatype, Lng32 precision);
static short isIntervalFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static short isCharacterFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static short isIntegralFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static short isFloatFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static short isNumericFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static short isDatetimeFSType(Lng32 datatype);
static short isBitFSType(Lng32 datatype);
inline short dynAllocated();
ContextCli * getContext() { return context_; }
// This function gets char string content from an ASCII CHAR host variable.
static char *
getCharDataFromCharHostVar(ComDiagsArea & diags,
NAHeap& heap,
char * host_var_string_value,
Lng32 host_var_string_value_length,
const char* the_SQLDESC_option,
Descriptor* info_desc = 0,
Int32 info_desc_index = 0,
short target_type = -1);
// Methods to do Bulk Move
RETCODE allocBulkMoveInfo();
RETCODE deallocBulkMoveInfo();
BulkMoveInfo * bulkMoveInfo() { return bmInfo_; };
NABoolean bulkMoveDisabled();
void setBulkMoveDisabled(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= BULK_MOVE_DISABLED : flags_ &= ~BULK_MOVE_DISABLED); }
NABoolean bulkMoveSetup();
void setBulkMoveSetup(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= BULK_MOVE_SETUP : flags_ &= ~BULK_MOVE_SETUP); }
void reComputeBulkMoveInfo()
// set the flags so bulk move info could be recomputed.
setBulkMoveDisabled(FALSE); // bulk move is no longer disabled
setBulkMoveSetup(FALSE); // but needs to be set up.
enum BulkMoveStatus
// bulk move is disallowed for this case. Use convDoIt
// to move data(slow move) for this entry.
// bulk move is turned off for all entries.
// Use convDoIt for everything.
// bulk move is allowed.
// This method will return the proper location in the
// descriptor's data buffer.
Long getRowsetVarPtr(short entry);
// This method will call the appropriate checkBulkMoveStatus method
// depending on the rowwise rowset version currently in use.
// The methods called from this method also have the side affect of
// setting the varPtr parameter to the proper location in the
// descriptor's data buffer for this items bulk move start address.
// isInputDesc: TRUE, if bulk move is being done for input.
// FALSE, if bulkd move is being done for output.
inline BulkMoveStatus checkBulkMoveStatus( short entry
, Attributes *op
, Long &varPtr
, NABoolean isInputDesc
, NABoolean isOdbc
, NABoolean isRWRS
, NABoolean isInternalIntervalFormat
if (rowwiseRowsetV2() == TRUE)
return checkBulkMoveStatusV2(entry, op, varPtr, isInputDesc, isOdbc,
isRWRS, isInternalIntervalFormat);
return checkBulkMoveStatusV1(entry, op, varPtr, isInputDesc,
isRWRS, isInternalIntervalFormat);
}; // end Descriptor::checkBulkMoveStatus
BulkMoveStatus checkBulkMoveStatusV1(short entry, Attributes * op,
Long &varPtr,
NABoolean isInputDesc,
NABoolean isRWRS,
NABoolean isInternalIntervalFormat);
BulkMoveStatus checkBulkMoveStatusV2(short entry, Attributes * op,
Long &varPtr,
NABoolean isInputDesc,
NABoolean isOdbc,
NABoolean isRWRS,
NABoolean isInternalIntervalFormat);
// this flag indicates that the entry number 'entry' is to be
// be moved using 'slow' move method (convDoIt).
NABoolean doSlowMove(short entry)
desc_struct &descItem = desc[entry - 1]; // Zero base
return (descItem.desc_flags & descItem.DO_ITEM_SLOW_MOVE) != 0;
void setDoSlowMove(short entry, NABoolean v)
desc_struct &descItem = desc[entry - 1]; // Zero base
(v ? descItem.desc_flags |= descItem.DO_ITEM_SLOW_MOVE : descItem.desc_flags &= ~descItem.DO_ITEM_SLOW_MOVE);
NABoolean doSlowMove();
void setDoSlowMove(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= DO_SLOW_MOVE : flags_ &= ~DO_SLOW_MOVE);
// Common Rowwise rowset methods.
// Set rowwise rowset disabled flag
void setRowwiseRowsetDisabled(NABoolean v)
// True if rowwise rowset disabled flag is on.
NABoolean rowwiseRowsetDisabled()
return (flags_ & ROWWISE_ROWSET_DISABLED) != 0;
// True if any type of rowwise rowset is on.
NABoolean rowwiseRowset()
return ((flags_ & ROWWISE_ROWSET_V1) || (flags_ & ROWWISE_ROWSET_V2)) != 0;
// True if any type of rowwise rowset is on and rowwise rowsets are not disabled.
NABoolean rowwiseRowsetEnabled()
return ((rowwiseRowset()) && (NOT rowwiseRowsetDisabled()));
// Rowwise rowset version 1 methods.
NABoolean rowwiseRowsetV1()
return (flags_ & ROWWISE_ROWSET_V1) != 0;
void setRowwiseRowsetV1(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= ROWWISE_ROWSET_V1 : flags_ &= ~ROWWISE_ROWSET_V1);
NABoolean rowwiseRowsetV1Enabled()
return ((rowwiseRowsetV1()) && (NOT rowwiseRowsetDisabled()));
// Rowwise rowset version 2 methods.
NABoolean rowwiseRowsetV2()
return (flags_ & ROWWISE_ROWSET_V2) != 0;
void setRowwiseRowsetV2(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= ROWWISE_ROWSET_V2 : flags_ &= ~ROWWISE_ROWSET_V2);
NABoolean rowwiseRowsetV2Enabled()
return ((rowwiseRowsetV2()) && (NOT rowwiseRowsetDisabled()));
Statement* &bulkMoveStmt() { return bulkMoveStmt_; }
NABoolean isDescTypeWide();
void setDescTypeWide(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= DESC_TYPE_WIDE : flags_ &= ~DESC_TYPE_WIDE); }
// Methods to mark and unmark Descriptor as in use for a pending
// no-wait operation
// returns SUCCESS if Descriptor is not already locked; ERROR
// otherwise (caller should generate diagnostic if appropriate)
RETCODE lockForNoWaitOp(void);
// returns SUCCESS if Descriptor is locked; ERROR otherwise
// (caller should generate diagnostic if appropriate)
RETCODE unlockForNoWaitOp(void);
// returns true if Descriptor is locked, false if unlocked;
// does not change lock state
NABoolean lockedForNoWaitOp(void)
{ return lockedForNoWaitOp_; };
inline void * Descriptor::getDescHandle()
return descriptor_id.handle;
inline SQLDESC_ID* Descriptor::getDescName()
return &descriptor_id;
inline char *Descriptor::getModuleName()
return descriptor_id.module->module_name;
/* returns -1 if this descriptor was allocated by a call to AllocDesc */
inline short Descriptor::dynAllocated(){
return dyn_alloc_flag;
inline Lng32 Descriptor::getMaxEntryCount(){
return max_entries;
inline void Descriptor::setMaxEntryCount(Lng32 max_entries_){
max_entries = max_entries_;
inline ULng32 Descriptor::getDescFlags(){return flags_;}
inline void Descriptor::setDescFlags(ULng32 f){flags_ = f;}
void stripBlanks(char * buf, Lng32& len);
void upperCase(char * buf);