blob: effec96b5e9994dd5fc9b06e4e8778a5a9795938 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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//// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "PrivMgrDefs.h"
#include "PrivMgrMD.h"
#include "PrivMgrMDTable.h"
#include "PrivMgrDesc.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ComViewColUsage.h"
#include "CmpDDLCatErrorCodes.h"
#include <string>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
class ComSecurityKey;
class NATable;
class PrivMgrObjectInfo;
// *****************************************************************************
// *
// * File: PrivMgrPrivileges.h
// * Description: This file contains the class that accesses and maintains
// * access rights by granting, revoking, and obtaining current
// privileges
// * Language: C++
// *
// *****************************************************************************
class UIDAndPrivs
int64_t objectUID;
PrivObjectBitmap privsBitmap;
// *****************************************************************************
// * Class: PrivMgrPrivileges
// * Description: This class represents the access rights for objects
// *****************************************************************************
class PrivMgrPrivileges : public PrivMgr
// Set default column privileges for a bitmap based on a table or view
static void setColumnPrivs(PrivColumnBitmap &bitmap)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors and destructor:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::string &objectName,
const int32_t grantorID,
const std::string &metadataLocation,
ComDiagsArea * pDiags = NULL);
PrivMgrPrivileges (
const PrivMgrObjectInfo &objectInfo,
const std::string &metadataLocation,
ComDiagsArea *pDiags = NULL);
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::string &metadataLocation,
ComDiagsArea *pDiags = NULL);
const std::string &metadataLocation,
ComDiagsArea *pDiags = NULL);
PrivMgrPrivileges(const PrivMgrPrivileges &other);
virtual ~PrivMgrPrivileges();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public functions:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus buildSecurityKeys(
const int32_t granteeID,
const PrivMgrCoreDesc &privs,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *> & secKeySet);
PrivStatus getGrantorDetailsForObject(
const bool isGrantedBySpecified,
const std::string grantedByName,
const int_32 objectOwner,
int_32 &effectiveGrantorID,
std::string &effectiveGrantorName);
PrivStatus getPrivBitmaps(
const std::string & whereClause,
const std::string & orderByClause,
std::vector<PrivObjectBitmap> & privBitmaps);
PrivStatus getPrivsOnObject (
const ComObjectType objectType,
std::vector<PrivMgrDesc> & privDescs );
PrivStatus getPrivsOnObjectForUser(
const int64_t objectUID,
ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t userID,
PrivMgrDesc &privsForTheUser,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *>* secKeySet);
PrivStatus getPrivRowsForObject(
const int64_t objectUID,
std::vector<ObjectPrivsRow> & objectPrivsRows);
PrivStatus getPrivTextForObject(
const PrivMgrObjectInfo &objectInfo,
std::string &privilegeText);
PrivStatus givePrivForObjects(
const int32_t currentOwnerID,
const int32_t newOwnerID,
const std::string &newOwnerName,
const std::vector<int64_t> &objectUIDs);
PrivStatus grantColumnPriv(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeID,
const std::string &granteeName,
const std::string &grantorName,
const PrivMgrDesc &privsToGrant,
const bool isWGOSpecified);
PrivStatus grantObjectPriv(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeID,
const std::string &granteeName,
const std::string &grantorName,
const std::vector<PrivType> &privList,
const std::vector<ColPrivSpec> & colPrivsArray,
const bool isAllSpecified,
const bool isWGOSpecified);
PrivStatus grantObjectPriv(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeID,
const PrivObjectBitmap privsBitmap,
const PrivObjectBitmap grantableBitmap);
PrivStatus grantToOwners(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const Int32 granteeID,
const std::string & granteeName,
const Int32 ownerID,
const std::string & ownerName,
const Int32 creatorID,
const std::string & creatorName);
PrivStatus insertPrivRowsForObject(
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::vector<ObjectPrivsRow> & objectPrivsRows);
PrivStatus populateObjectPriv(
const std::string &objectsLocation,
const std::string &authsLocation);
PrivStatus revokeColumnPriv(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeID,
const std::string & granteeName,
const std::string & grantorName,
const PrivMgrDesc &privsToRevoke,
const bool isWGOSpecified);
PrivStatus revokeObjectPriv(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeID,
const std::string & granteeName,
const std::string & grantorName,
const std::vector<PrivType> &privList,
const std::vector<ColPrivSpec> & colPrivsArray,
const bool isAllSpecified,
const bool isGOFSpecified);
PrivStatus revokeObjectPriv();
PrivStatus sendSecurityKeysToRMS(
const int32_t granteeID, const PrivMgrDesc &listOfRevokedPrivileges);
void setTrafMetadataLocation (const std::string &trafMetadataLocation)
{ trafMetadataLocation_ = trafMetadataLocation; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// helpers
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
bool isAuthIDGrantedPrivs(
const int32_t authID,
std::vector<int64_t> &objectUIDs);
PrivStatus convertPrivsToDesc(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const bool isAllSpecified,
const bool isWGOSpecified,
const bool isGOFSpecified,
const std::vector<PrivType> privsList,
const std::vector<ColPrivSpec> & colPrivsList,
PrivMgrDesc &privsToGrant);
PrivStatus getPrivsFromAllGrantors(
const int64_t objectUID,
ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t grantee,
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
PrivMgrDesc &privs,
bool & hasManagePrivileges,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *>* secKeySet = NULL
PrivStatus getUserPrivs(
ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t grantee,
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
PrivMgrDesc &privs,
bool & hasManagePrivileges,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *>* secKeySet = NULL
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private functions:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
bool checkColumnRevokeRestrict (
int32_t granteeID,
const NAList<PrivMgrCoreDesc> &colPrivsToRevoke,
std::vector <PrivMgrMDRow *> &rowList );
bool checkRevokeRestrict (
PrivMgrMDRow &rowIn,
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> &rowList );
PrivStatus dealWithConstraints (
const ObjectUsage &objectUsage,
std::vector<ObjectUsage *> &listOfAffectedObjects);
PrivStatus dealWithUdrs (
const ObjectUsage &objectUsage,
std::vector<ObjectUsage *> &listOfAffectedObjects);
PrivStatus dealWithViews (
const ObjectUsage &objectUsage,
const PrivCommand command,
const int32_t grantorID,
std::vector<ObjectUsage *> &listOfAffectedObjects);
void deleteListOfAffectedObjects(
std::vector<ObjectUsage *> listOfAffectedObjects)
delete listOfAffectedObjects.back(), listOfAffectedObjects.pop_back();
PrivStatus gatherConstraintPrivileges(
ObjectUsage &constraintUsage,
const std::vector<ObjectUsage *> listOfAffectedObjects);
PrivStatus gatherViewColUsages(
ObjectReference *objectRef,
ViewUsage &viewUsage,
std::vector<ComViewColUsage> &viewColUsages);
PrivStatus gatherViewPrivileges(
ViewUsage &viewUsage,
const PrivCommand command,
const int32_t grantorID,
const std::vector<ObjectUsage *> listOfAffectedObjects);
PrivStatus generateColumnRowList();
PrivStatus generateObjectRowList();
PrivStatus getAffectedObjects(
const ObjectUsage &objectUsage,
const PrivCommand command,
std::vector<ObjectUsage *> &listOfAffectedObjects);
void getColRowsForGranteeOrdinal(
const int32_t granteeID,
const int32_t columnOrdinal,
const std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> &columnRows,
const std::vector<int32_t> &roleIDs,
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> &rowList);
PrivStatus getColumnRowList(
const int64_t objectUID,
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> &columnRows);
PrivStatus getDistinctIDs(
const std::vector <PrivMgrMDRow *> &objectRowList,
const std::vector <PrivMgrMDRow *> &columnRowList,
std::vector<int32_t> &userIDs,
std::vector<int32_t> &roleIDs);
PrivStatus getGrantedPrivs(
const int32_t granteeID,
PrivMgrMDRow &row);
PrivStatus getGranteesForViewUsage (
const ViewUsage &viewUsage,
std::set<int32_t> &granteeList);
PrivStatus getObjectRowList(
const int64_t objectUID,
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> &objectRows);
PrivStatus getRoleIDsForUserID(
int32_t userID,
std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs);
PrivStatus getRowsForGrantee(
const int64_t objectUID,
const int32_t granteeID,
const bool isObjectTable,
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> &rowList,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *>* secKeySet);
void getTreeOfGrantors(
const int32_t granteeID,
std::set<int32_t> &listOfGrantors);
PrivStatus getUserIDsForRoleIDs(
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
std::vector<int32_t> & userIDs);
PrivStatus givePriv(
const int32_t currentOwnerID,
const int32_t newOwnerID,
const std::string &newOwnerName,
const int64_t objectUID);
PrivStatus initGrantRevoke(
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeID,
const std::vector<PrivType> &privList,
const std::vector<ColPrivSpec> & colPrivsArray,
const bool isAllSpecified,
const bool isGOSpecified,
const bool isGrant,
PrivMgrDesc &privsToApply,
PrivMgrDesc &privsOfTheGrantor,
std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs);
void reportPrivWarnings(
const PrivMgrDesc &origPrivs,
const PrivMgrDesc &actualPrivs,
const CatErrorCode warningCode);
void scanColumnBranch( const PrivType pType,
const int32_t& grantor,
const std::set<int32_t> &listOfColumnOrdinals,
const std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> & rowList );
void scanColumnPublic(
const PrivType pType,
const std::set<int32_t> &listOfColumnOrdinals,
const std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *>& rowList );
void scanObjectBranch(
const PrivType pType,
const int32_t& grantor,
const std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *>& rowList );
void scanPublic(
const PrivType pType, // in
const std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *>& rowList ); // in
void summarizeColPrivs(
const ObjectReference &objRef,
const int32_t granteeID,
const int32_t grantorID,
const std::vector<int32_t> &roleIDs,
const std::vector<ObjectUsage *> &listOfAffectedObjects,
std::vector<ColumnReference *> &columnReferences);
PrivStatus summarizeCurrentAndOriginalPrivs(
const int64_t objectUID,
const int32_t granteeID,
const int32_t grantorID,
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
const std::vector<ObjectUsage *> listOfChangedPrivs,
PrivMgrDesc &summarizedOriginalPrivs,
PrivMgrDesc &summarizedCurrentPrivs);
PrivStatus updateDependentObjects(
const ObjectUsage &objectUsage,
const PrivCommand command);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data Members:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int64_t objectUID_;
std::string objectName_;
int32_t grantorID_; // is this needed as a member
std::string objectTableName_;
std::string columnTableName_;
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> objectRowList_;
std::vector<PrivMgrMDRow *> columnRowList_;