blob: 9a82f352a1085202ba9b1e3bb7a8be406bffbeff [file] [log] [blame]
-- Test: TEST062 (CompGeneral)
-- Owner: Optimizer Team
-- Functionality: Tests skew-insensitive parallel hash joins for skewed data
-- Expected files: EXPECTED062
-- Limitations: Sections which are presently being ignored need to be revisited
-- Revision history:
-- (8/3/06): Test created
-- Can not use $$TEST_SCHEMA$$ for this test because we can not pass the schema
-- name to the fake hist perl script. Have to use cat.sch.
-- when robust_query_optimization is system, test062's histogram populate
-- step can get:
-- "*** WARNING[6004] The metadata table HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS for column
-- #CAT.#SCH.SK.SSN do not have intervals 7 and 8 in order. If you have
-- manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes
-- using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics."
-- For now, let's avoid this problem by running test062 with this setting:
-- (11/3/2008): remove the dependency on faking stats. HPIT mini-chunk
-- tests are turned off.
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
control query default robust_query_optimization 'minimum';
create schema sch;
set schema sch;
log LOG062 clear;
obey TEST062(skew_summary_setup);
obey TEST062(default_cqds);
obey TEST062(simple_tests);
obey TEST062(run_char_test);
obey TEST062(run_numeric_test);
obey TEST062(run_skewed_nulls_test);
--obey TEST062(run_mcsb_with_mcskews_test);
obey TEST062(clean_up);
?section simple_tests
-------------- salted --------
log off;
obey TEST062(clnup);
log LOG062;
obey TEST062(createdb_salted);
obey TEST062(loaddb);
obey TEST062(run_simple_test);
obey TEST062(clnup);
?section clnup
drop table T062_sk;
drop table T062_dm1;
drop table t062_seed;
?section createdb
CREATE TABLE T062_SK ( sid int not null, ssn largeint NOT NULL) STORE BY (sid) ;
create table T062_dm1 (ssn integer not null, age int not null) STORE BY (age) ;
create table t062_seed(a int not null, primary key(a));
?section createdb_salted
CREATE TABLE T062_SK (sid int not null, ssn largeint NOT NULL) STORE BY (sid)
salt using 4 partitions;
create table T062_dm1 (ssn integer not null, age int not null) STORE BY (age)
salt using 4 partitions;
create table t062_seed(a int not null, primary key(a));
?section loaddb
insert into t062_seed values(1);
insert into t062_SK
select c10,c1 from t062_seed
transpose 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0 as c1
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c2
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c3
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c10
insert into T062_DM1
select c1, c4 from t062_seed
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c1
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c2
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c3
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c4
log LOG062;
update statistics for table T062_SK on every column;
update statistics for table T062_DM1 on every column;
?section skew_summary_setup
prepare summarize_act_rows from
avg(act_rows) as "AVG_ACT_ROWS",
case when stddev(act_rows) > 5
then 'SKEWED'
else 'NORMAL'
end as skewness,
'FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE' as filtered,
cast (max(act_rows) - min(act_rows) as integer) as range,
cast(stddev(act_rows) as numeric (7,2)) as std_dev
from table(statistics(NULL,'XX'))
where TDB_NAME = 'EX_HASHJ';
?section default_cqds
control query default POS 'off';
control query default COMP_BOOL_68 'off'; -- enable SkewBuster for small tables
-- no index scan to avoid the display of index names on NSK that
-- are non-deterministic
control query default HIDE_INDEXES 'ALL';
-- If a value whose frequency is at least 1% of the totalRowCount, then
-- it is considered skewed
control query default SKEW_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD '0';
control query default SKEW_ROWCOUNT_THRESHOLD '0';
--control query default NESTED_JOINS 'OFF';
control query default MERGE_JOINS 'OFF';
control query default query_cache '0';
control query default CACHE_HISTOGRAMS 'off';
control query default COMP_INT_44 '1'; -- pick up any skews
control query default COMP_INT_70 '10'; --
control query default COMP_INT_7 '11'; --
control query default detailed_statistics 'ALL';
?section run_simple_test
-- should get mixed hash join plans
prepare xx from
select t062_sk.ssn, t062_sk.sid from t062_sk, t062_dm1
where t062_sk.ssn = t062_dm1.ssn order by t062_sk.ssn;
explain options 'f' xx;
-- equi left-join
-- for LINUX. the cost does not prefer a parallel plan.
control query shape esp_exchange(cut);
prepare xx from
select t062_sk.ssn, sid from t062_sk left join t062_dm1
on t062_sk.ssn = t062_dm1.ssn;
explain options 'f' xx;
-- equi natural-left-join
prepare xx from
select ssn, sid from t062_sk natural left join t062_dm1;
explain options 'f' xx;
-- negative test - non-equil join
prepare xx from
select t062_sk.ssn from t062_sk, t062_dm1 where t062_sk.ssn >= t062_dm1.ssn;
explain options 'f' xx;
-- negative test - right join
cqd join_order_by_user 'on';
prepare xx from
select ssn from t062_sk natural right join t062_dm1;
explain options 'f' xx;
control query shape cut;
cqd join_order_by_user reset;
-- full groupby in ESPs on a skew column is not allowed. Here we enforce
-- a plan which does not have an exchange node between the grouby and
-- a de-skew hash join. It should fail.
-- CQS
control query shape esp_exchange(groupby(hash_join(cut, cut)));
control query default join_order_by_user 'on';
prepare xx from
select sum(t062_sk.ssn) from t062_sk , t062_dm1
where t062_sk.ssn = t062_dm1.ssn group by t062_sk.ssn;
-- add an exchange in between the groupby and the hashjoin. The plan should
-- succeed
control query shape esp_exchange(groupby(esp_exchange(hash_join(cut, cut))));
prepare xx from
select sum(t062_sk.ssn) from t062_sk , t062_dm1
where t062_sk.ssn = t062_dm1.ssn group by t062_sk.ssn;
control query shape off;
control query default join_order_by_user 'reset';
explain options 'f' xx;
-- groupby in ESPs as the either immediate child of a skew buster hash join
-- is not allowed
-- test right child
control query shape esp_exchange(hash_join(cut, groupby(esp_exchange(cut))));
prepare xx from
select t062_sk.ssn from t062_sk, (select age mx from t062_dm1 group by age) x
where t062_sk.ssn =;
control query shape off;
-- test left child
control query shape esp_exchange(hash_join(groupby(esp_exchange(cut)), cut));
prepare xx from
select t062_sk.ssn from (select age mx from t062_dm1 group by age) x, t062_sk
where t062_sk.ssn =;
control query shape off;
explain options 'f' xx;
-- transpose in ESPs immediate as the right child of a skew buster
-- hash join is not allowed
-- test right child
control query shape esp_exchange(hash_join(cut, transpose(esp_exchange(cut))));
prepare xx from
select t062_sk.ssn from t062_sk, (select * from t062_dm1 transpose age as c1) x;
control query shape off;
?section run_char_test
-- turn on the char-type extension
control query default COMP_BOOL_93 'on';
-- turn on VEG formation for vchars
control query default COMP_BOOL_158 'on';
---------- ISO88591 ----------------
------------------ case 1 ----------
log off;
drop table skc;
drop table dm2c;
log LOG062;
create table skc(name char(30) not null,
userId char(30) not null
store by (name);
create table dm2c( name varchar(20) not null,
salary float (40) not null)
store by (name);
obey test062(doit);
------------------ case 2 ----------
drop table skc;
create table skc(name varchar(30) not casespecific not null,
userId varchar(30) not casespecific not null
store by (name);
drop table dm2c;
create table dm2c( name char(20) not casespecific not null,
salary float (40) not null)
store by (name);
obey test062(doit);
------------ UCS2 -------------------
------------------ case 1 ----------
drop table skc;
create table skc(name varchar(20) character set UCS2 not casespecific not null,
userId varchar(20) character set UCS2 not casespecific not null
store by (name);
drop table dm2c;
create table dm2c( name char(30) character set UCS2 not null,
salary float (40) not null)
store by (name);
obey test062(doitr_ucs2);
------------------ case 2 ----------
drop table skc;
create table skc(name varchar(20) character set UCS2 not casespecific not null,
userId varchar(20) character set UCS2 not casespecific not null
store by (name);
drop table dm2c;
create table dm2c( name varchar(30) character set UCS2 not null,
salary float (40) not null)
store by (name);
obey test062(doitr_ucs2);
?section doit
obey test062(loadit);
obey TEST062(run_char);
?section doitr_ucs2
obey test062(loaditr_ucs2);
obey TEST062(run_char);
?section loadit -- 30-20 combination
delete from skc;
delete from dm2c;
-- Special note: trailing spaces in these values are added purposely.
-- Please do not remove them.
-- Some of the 'YS' string is padded with spaces so that the total length
-- is over 20 characters. The number of such instances is over 5 which is
-- the lower limit above which the skew-normal indicator will turn SKEW.
insert into skc values
('john', 'JBL'), ('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS', '8#RTG'),
('YS', '8#RTG'),
('Johnson ', 'MNKJ'),
('john', 'JBL'), ('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('Johnson ', 'MNKJ'),
('john', 'JBL'), ('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS', '8#RTG'),
('Johnson ', 'MNKJ'),
('john', 'JBL'), ('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('Johnson ', 'MNKJ'),
('john', 'JBL'), ('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('YS ', '8#RTG'),
('Johnson ', 'MNKJ'),
('martin', 'Perl'),
('martin', 'variance'),
('martin', 'AS');
insert into dm2c values('Johnson ', 12450);
insert into dm2c values('0123456789012345678', 12450);
insert into dm2c values('martin ', 40088), ('YS ', 9990);
?section loaditr_ucs2 -- 20-30 combination
delete from skc;
delete from dm2c;
-- Special note: trailing spaces in these values are added purposely.
-- Please do not remove them.
-- Some of the 'YS' string is padded with spaces so that the total length
-- is over 20 characters. The number of such instances is over 5 which is
-- the lower limit above which the skew-normal indicator will turn SKEW.
insert into skc values
(_ucs2'john', _ucs2'JBL'), (_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS', _ucs2'8#RTG'), (_ucs2'YS', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'Johnson ', _ucs2'MNKJ'), (_ucs2'john', _ucs2'JBL'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'Johnson ', _ucs2'MNKJ'),
(_ucs2'john', _ucs2'JBL'), (_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'Johnson ', _ucs2'MNKJ'),
(_ucs2'john', _ucs2'JBL'), (_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'Johnson ', _ucs2'MNKJ'),
(_ucs2'john', _ucs2'JBL'), (_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'YS ', _ucs2'8#RTG'),
(_ucs2'Johnson ', _ucs2'MNKJ'),
(_ucs2'martin', _ucs2'Perl'),
(_ucs2'martin', _ucs2'variance'),
(_ucs2'martin', _ucs2'AS');
insert into dm2c values(_ucs2'YS ', 12450);
insert into dm2c values(_ucs2'0123456789012345678', 12450);
insert into dm2c values(_ucs2'martin ', 40088), (_ucs2'johnson', 9990);
?section run_char
update statistics for table skc on name generate 20 intervals;
update statistics for table dm2c on name generate 20 intervals;
obey TEST062(default_cqds);
control query default detailed_statistics 'ALL';
prepare xx from
select count( from
skc <<+ cardinality 10e5 >>, dm2c <<+ cardinality 10e4 >>
where = ;
explain options 'f' xx;
execute xx;
execute summarize_act_rows;
?section run_numeric_test
obey TEST062(run_numeric_9_4_test);
?section create_and_load_9_4;
log off;
control query default DETAILED_STATISTICS 'reset';
drop table table1k;
log LOG062;
CREATE TABLE table1k (ssn largeint not null,
sixteen numeric(9,4) NOT NULL,
four numeric(6, 4) NOT NULL)
STORE BY (ssn)
salt using 4 partitions
insert into table1k values
(1, 11000.8611, 1.1111),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(2, 4562.1234, 2.2222), (2, 4562.1234, 2.2222),
(6, 6.9998, 6.6666), (7, 497.9398, 7.7777),
(8, 47.998, 7.7777), (9, 4.3998, 7.7777),
(9, 4.3998, 7.7777), (9, 4.3998, 7.7777),
(9, 4.3998, 7.7777);
update statistics for table table1k on every column;
?section do_numeric_test;
control query default detailed_statistics 'ALL';
control query default SKEW_ROWCOUNT_THRESHOLD '0';
prepare xx from
select min(t1.sixteen) from
table1k t1 <<+ cardinality 10e5 >>,
table1k t2 <<+ cardinality 10e5 >>
where t1.sixteen=t2.sixteen;
explain options 'f' xx;
execute xx;
execute summarize_act_rows;
-- negative test. Columns sixteen and four have different precision and
-- scale. No SB plan.
prepare xx from
select min(t1.sixteen) from
table1k t1 <<+ cardinality 10e5 >>,
table1k t2 <<+ cardinality 10e5 >>
where t1.sixteen=t2.four;
explain options 'f' xx;
?section run_numeric_9_4_test;
obey TEST062(create_and_load_9_4);
obey TEST062(do_numeric_test);
drop table table1k;
?section run_skewed_nulls_test;
log off;
drop table t062A;
drop table t062B;
drop table t062_seed;
log LOG062;
create table t062_seed(a int not null, primary key(a));
create table t062A
(uniq largeint not null,
c10K largeint,
c1K int,
c100 int,
c10 int,
c1 int,
primary key (uniq)
salt using 4 partitions ;
create table t062B
(uniq smallint unsigned not null,
c10K smallint unsigned ,
c1K int,
c100 int,
c10 int,
c1 int,
primary key (uniq)
salt using 4 partitions ;
insert into t062_seed values (1);
insert into t062A
select * from (
0 + (10000 * x10000) + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + +( 1 * x1) as uniq,
0 + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (1 * x1),
from t062_seed
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1
) as src where src.uniq < 10921;
prepare s2 from
insert into t062b select
uniq + ?p,
from t062A;
set param ?p 10922; execute s2;
set param ?p 21845; execute s2;
update t062a set c10k = 1 where uniq < 21843;
update t062b set c1k = 1;
update statistics for table t062a on c10k;
update statistics for table t062b on uniq;
update statistics for table t062b on c1k;
update statistics for table t062b on c100;
update statistics for table t062b on c10;
control query default detailed_statistics 'ALL';
control query default SKEW_ROWCOUNT_THRESHOLD '0';
prepare xx from
select max(fact.uniq) from
t062a fact left join t062b dm1
on fact.c10k = dm1.uniq
left join t062b dm2 <<+ cardinality 10e6 >>
on dm1.c1k = dm2.c100;
explain options 'f' xx;
execute xx;
execute summarize_act_rows;
?section run_mcsb_with_mcskews_test;
-- TEST the new MCSB (skews are detected via MC-stats)
cqd HJ_NEW_MCSB_PLAN 'on';
obey mcsb(int_test);
obey mcsb(char_test);
?section clean_up
cqd * reset;
drop table t062A;
drop table t062B;
drop table t062_seed;
drop table t062_mc_f;
drop table t062_mc_d1;
drop table t062_mc_d3;
drop table t062_mc_seed;
drop table skc;
drop table dm2c;