blob: 9789ced8d0a1d2507f32af603762a5742f0d8a49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class TestGetIndexInfo {
private static final String INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE = "INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE";
private static final String strCreateTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE " + INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE + "(C1 INT, C2 INT)";
private static final String strInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO " + INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE + " (C1, C2) VALUES (?, ?)";
private static final String strUpdateStatisticsQuery = "UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE " + INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE + " ON (C1, C2)";
private static final String strDropTableQuery = "DROP TABLE " + INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE;
private static final String INDEX_C1_NAME = INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE + "_INDEX";
private static final String strCreateIndexQuery = "CREATE INDEX " + INDEX_C1_NAME +" on " + INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE + "(C1)";
private static Connection _conn = null;
public static void doTestSuiteSetup() throws Exception {
try {
_conn = Utils.getUserConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("failed to create connection" + e.getMessage());
try (Statement stmt = _conn.createStatement()
) {
catch (Exception e) {
fail("failed to create the table : " + e.getMessage());
try (
Statement stmt = _conn.createStatement();
PreparedStatement pstmt = _conn.prepareStatement(strInsertQuery);
) {
int[][] testValues = {
{1, 2},
{10, 3},
{2, 2}
for (int i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
pstmt.setInt(1, testValues[i][0]);
pstmt.setInt(2, testValues[i][1]);
// create index
// update statistics on the table
catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
public void testGetNoneUniqueIndexInfo() {
IndexInfo[] expIndexInfo = {
new IndexInfo("TRAFODION", "SEABASE", INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE, false, (String)null, (String)null, (short)0, (short)0, "C1", 0, 3, (short)0, (String)null),
new IndexInfo("TRAFODION", "SEABASE", INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE, false, (String)null, (String)null, (short)0, (short)0, "C2", 0, 3, (short)0, (String)null),
new IndexInfo("TRAFODION", "SEABASE", INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE, false, (String)null, INDEX_C1_NAME, (short)3, (short)0, "", 0, 0, (short)0, (String)null)
try {
DatabaseMetaData meta = _conn.getMetaData();
ResultSet indexInformation = meta.getIndexInfo(_conn.getCatalog(), null, INDEX_INFO_TEST_TABLE, false, false);
int rowNum = 0;
while( {
compareInfoWithExp("testGetUniqueIndexInfo", rowNum + 1, indexInformation, expIndexInfo[rowNum]);
rowNum += 1;
assertEquals(rowNum, 3);
} catch(Exception e) {
public static void cleanTable() {
try ( Statement stmt = _conn.createStatement() ) {
} catch(Exception e) {
// do nothing
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
private class IndexInfo {
public String dbCatalog = "TRAFODION";
public String dbSchema = "SEABASE";
public String dbTableName;
public boolean dbNoneUnique = false;
public String dbIndexQualifier;
public String dbIndexName;
public short dbType;
public short dbOrdinalPosition;
public String dbColumnName;
public String dbAscOrDesc;
public int dbCardinality;
public int dbPages;
public String dbFilterCondition;
public IndexInfo(String dbCatalog, String dbSchema, String dbTableName, boolean dbNoneUnique, String dbIndexQualifier, String dbIndexName,
short dbType, short dbOrdinalPosition, String dbColumnName, int dbAscOrdesc, int dbCardinality, int dbPages, String dbFilterCondition) {
this.dbCatalog = dbCatalog;
this.dbSchema = dbSchema;
this.dbTableName = dbTableName;
this.dbNoneUnique = dbNoneUnique;
this.dbIndexQualifier = dbIndexQualifier;
this.dbIndexName = dbIndexName;
this.dbType = dbType;
this.dbOrdinalPosition = dbOrdinalPosition;
this.dbColumnName = dbColumnName;
this.dbCardinality = dbCardinality;
this.dbPages = dbPages;
this.dbFilterCondition = dbFilterCondition;
private void compareInfoWithExp(String methondName, int rowNum, ResultSet rs, IndexInfo indexInfo) {
try {
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbCatalog ", indexInfo.dbCatalog, rs.getString("TABLE_CAT"));
String currentSchema = _conn.getSchema();
// Since we may run the test in different Schema, so compare the result to the current schema of the connection here.
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNUm " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbSchem ", currentSchema, rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbTableName ", indexInfo.dbTableName, rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbNoneUnique ", indexInfo.dbNoneUnique, rs.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"));
// By the Document, dbNoneUnique will return null if the type is SQL_TABLE_STAT
if (indexInfo.dbType == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic)
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbIndexQualifier ", indexInfo.dbIndexQualifier, rs.getString("INDEX_QUALIFIER"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbIndexName ", indexInfo.dbIndexName, rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbType ", indexInfo.dbType, rs.getShort("TYPE"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbOridinalPosition ", indexInfo.dbOrdinalPosition, rs.getShort("ORDINAL_POSITION"));
// By the Document, it return NULL when the type is SQL_TABLE_STAT
if (indexInfo.dbType == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic)
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbColumnName ", indexInfo.dbColumnName, rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbAscOrDesc ", indexInfo.dbAscOrDesc, rs.getString("ASC_OR_DESC"));
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbCardinality ", indexInfo.dbCardinality, rs.getInt("CARDINALITY"));
// When the type is not SQL_TABLE_STAT, dbCardinality will be NULL
if (indexInfo.dbType != DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic)
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbPages ", indexInfo.dbPages, rs.getInt("PAGES"));
// Since dbPages is not supported now, it always return NULL
// here check if it is real NULL
assertEquals(methondName + " rowNum " + Integer.toString(rowNum) + " dbFilterCondition ", indexInfo.dbFilterCondition, rs.getString("FILTER_CONDITION"));
} catch (Exception e) {