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-- ============================================================================
-- TEST120 - tests revoke query invalidation
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-- Tests query invalidation during revoke role operations.
-- Added in response to JIRA TRAFODION-2189
-- ============================================================================
obey TEST120(clean_up);
log LOG120 clear;
obey TEST120(tests);
obey TEST120(clean_up);
?section clean_up
drop sequence team_seq;
drop schema t120sch cascade;
revoke role t120role3 from sql_user9 by sql_user3;
revoke role t120role2 from sql_user6 by sql_user3;
revoke role t120role3 from sql_user6 by sql_user3;
revoke role t120role4 from sql_user6 by sql_user3;
revoke role t120role3 from sql_user9;
revoke role t120role2 from sql_user6;
revoke role t120role3 from sql_user6;
revoke role t120role4 from sql_user6;
revoke role t120role1 from sql_user3;
revoke role t120role2 from sql_user3;
revoke role t120role3 from sql_user3;
revoke role t120role4 from sql_user3;
drop role t120role1;
drop role t120role2;
drop role t120role3;
drop role t120role4;
?section create_db
create role t120role1;
create role t120role2;
create role t120role3;
create role t120role4;
grant role t120role1, t120role2, t120role3, t120role4 to sql_user3 with admin option;
create schema t120sch authorization t120role1;
set schema t120sch;
create table teams
(team_number int not null primary key,
team_name char(20) not null,
team_contact varchar(50) not null,
team_contact_number char (10) not null
alter table teams add constraint valid_team_no check (team_number > 0);
insert into teams values
(1, 'White Socks', 'Sam','4082282222'),
(2, 'Giants', 'Joe', '5102839483'),
(3, 'Cardinals', 'Stella', '9513849384'),
(4, 'Indians', 'Matt', '5128383748'),
(5, 'Tigers', 'Ronit', '6198273827');
create table games
( home_team_number int not null,
visitor_team_number int not null,
game_number int not null primary key,
game_time timestamp not null,
game_location varchar(50) not null)
alter table games add constraint valid_game_number check (game_number > 0);
insert into games values
(1, 2, 1, timestamp '2009-04-23 19:30:00', 'California'),
(1, 3, 2, timestamp '2009-04-24 19:30:00', 'California'),
(1, 4, 3, timestamp '2009-04-25 10:00:00', 'Oklahoma'),
(2, 3, 4, timestamp '2009-04-25 13:30:00', 'Michigan'),
(1, 5, 5, timestamp '2009-04-25 15:00:00', 'Oklahoma'),
(2, 5, 6, timestamp '2009-04-27 17:00:00', 'New York'),
(3, 4, 7, timestamp '2009-04-28 17:00:00', 'Florida'),
(4, 2, 8, current_timestamp, 'Missouri');
create table players
(player_number int not null,
player_name varchar (50) not null,
player_team_number int not null,
player_phone_number char (10) not null,
player_details varchar(50),
primary key (player_number, player_team_number))
no partition;
alter table players add constraint valid_player_number check(player_number > 0);
insert into players values
(1, 'Tom', 1, '4083948394', null),
(2, 'Bob', 1, '4089483948', null),
(3, 'Toby',1, '4082938493', 'pitcher'),
(3, 'Toby',2, '4082938493', null),
(4, 'Julie', 2, '5108394839', 'catcher'),
(5, 'Joanne', 2, '5103849384', null),
(6, 'Pete', 2, '5102839483', null),
(6, 'Pete', 3, '5102839483', 'third base'),
(7, 'Jared',4, '9518293849', 'short stop'),
(8, 'Zachary', 4, '9518293840', null),
(9, 'Lynne', 5, '9518293892', 'pitcher'),
(10, 'Omar', 5, '5128394893', null);
create table standings
(team_number int not null primary key,
wins int default 0,
loses int default 0,
last_updated timestamp default current_timestamp)
insert into standings (team_number)
select team_number from teams;
create sequence team_seq;
create table stats
(team_number int not null primary key,
num_players int not null)
insert into stats
select team_number, count (player_number)
from teams t, players p
where t.team_number = p.player_team_number
group by team_number;
obey TEST120(queries);
?section tests
-- =================================================================
-- Design:
-- t120role1 - owns schema t120sch
-- t120role2 - contains grants against teams and games
-- t120role3 - contains grants against teams, games, and standings
-- t120role4 - control, has no privs granted, make sure revoking
-- role does not cause recompilations
-- sql_user3 - is schema administrator for schema t120sch
-- sql_user6 - is granted and revoked privileges directly and
-- through t120role2 and t120role3
-- sql_user9 - control, makes sure revokes from roles does not
-- affect sql_user9's compiled queries
-- games - multiple roles giving same privileges
-- teams - multiple privileges through different roles
-- players - control, no roles involved in privileges
-- standings - used to test sequence privileges and revoke role
-- stats - tests revoke PUBLIC authorization ID
-- =================================================================
obey TEST120(create_db);
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(runqueries)" -u sql_user6;
?section runqueries
-- =================================================================
-- This runs all the tests as sql_user6.
-- =================================================================
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
-- At this time sql_user6 has no privileges
-- Expect error 4481
-- Prepare a bunch of queries, all fail with no privilege
prepare select_games from select game_number from games;
prepare select_teams from select team_number, team_name from teams;
prepare insert_teams from
insert into teams values (6, 'Braves', 'Jim', '8653845150');
prepare update_teams from
update teams set team_contact_number = '8653855150' where team_number = 6;
prepare select_players from select count(*) from players;
prepare select_standings from select team_number, seqnum(team_seq) from standings;
prepare select_stats from select team_number, num_players from stats;
-- the next two lines insure that explain isn't a back door (JIRA TRAFODION-2294)
explain options 'f' select * from games;
select * from games;
-- sql_user9 also has no privileges
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(select_queries)" -u sql_user9;
-- grant privileges
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(grant_all_privs)" -u sql_user3;
-- Prepare a bunch of queries, all successful
prepare select_games from select game_number from games;
prepare select_teams from select team_number, team_name from teams;
prepare insert_teams from
insert into teams values (6, 'Braves', 'Jim', '8653845150');
prepare update_teams from
update teams set team_contact_number = '8653855150' where team_number = 6;
prepare select_players from select count(*) from players;
prepare select_standings from select team_number, seqnum(team_seq) from standings;
-- Gather the query invalidation keys for each plan
-- OI - object/column insert required
-- OG - sequence usage required
-- OS - object/column select required
-- OU - object/column update required
-- AR - role involved, check query plans that rely on roles during revoke
log EXPLAIN120 clear;
explain select_games;
explain select_teams;
explain insert_teams;
explain update_teams;
explain select_players;
explain select_standings;
sh echo "Query_Invalidation_Keys explain output for select_games, select_teams, insert_teams, update_teams, select_players, select_standings: " >> LOG120;
sh sed '/Query_Invalidation_Keys/,/ObjectUIDs/!d;/ObjectUIDs/d' EXPLAIN120 | sed -e 's/[0-9 \t]*//g' >> LOG120;
log LOG120;
-- Verify that sql_user9 can select from games
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(select_queries)" -u sql_user9;
-- revoke t120role4 from sql_user6
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(revoke_t120role4)" -u sql_user3;
-- queries s/b recompiled
execute select_games;
execute select_teams;
-- revoke insert, delete privilege from t120role2
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(revoke_t120role2p)" -u sql_user3;
-- still have privilege
execute select_teams;
-- no longer has privilege (4481) and query attempted recompilation
execute insert_teams;
-- grant privilege back
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(grant_t120role2p)" -u sql_user3;
execute select_teams;
-- now works and query recompiled (8597)
execute insert_teams;
-- revoke t120role2 from sql_user6
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(revoke_t120role2)" -u sql_user3;
-- still have privs but query recompiled (8597)
execute select_games;
execute select_teams;
execute select_standings;
execute select_players;
-- no longer has privilege (4481) and query attempted recompilation
execute insert_teams;
execute update_teams;
-- revoke role t120role3 from sql_user6
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(revoke_t120role3)" -u sql_user3;
-- no longer has privilege (4481) on select_games,
-- but has privilege on select_teams and select_players
execute select_games;
execute select_teams;
execute select_players;
-- user has select but not usage
execute select_standings;
-- Verify sql_user9 can still select from games and no recompilation msg
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(select_queries)" -u sql_user9;
-- tests for PUBLIC
-- select priv on stats has been granted to public
prepare select_stats from select team_number, num_players from stats;
log EXPLAIN120 clear;
explain select_stats;
sh echo "Query_Invalidation_Keys explain output for select_stats: " >> LOG120;
sh sed '/Query_Invalidation_Keys/,/ObjectUIDs/!d;/ObjectUIDs/d' EXPLAIN120 | sed -e 's/[0-9 \t]*//g' >> LOG120;
log LOG120;
execute select_stats;
-- revoke PUBLIC
sh sqlci -i "TEST120(revoke_public)" -u sql_user3;
select * from stats;
execute select_stats;
?section grant_all_privs
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
grant insert, delete, update(team_contact, team_contact_number) on teams to t120role2 by t120role1;
grant select on teams to sql_user6 by t120role1;
grant select (game_number, game_time) on games to t120role2 by t120role1;
grant select (game_number, game_time) on games to t120role3 by t120role1;
grant all on players to sql_user6 by t120role1;
grant role t120role2, t120role3, t120role4 to sql_user6;
grant role t120role3 to sql_user9;
grant select on standings to sql_user6 by t120role1;
grant usage on sequence team_seq to t120role3 by t120role1;
grant select (team_number, num_players) on stats to "PUBLIC" by t120role1;
showddl games;
showddl teams;
showddl players;
showddl standings;
showddl sequence team_seq;
showddl role t120role1;
showddl role t120role2;
showddl role t120role3;
showddl role t120role4;
?section revoke_t120role2p
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
revoke insert, delete on teams from t120role2 by t120role1;
?section grant_t120role2p
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
grant insert, delete on teams to t120role2 by t120role1;
?section revoke_t120role2
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
revoke role t120role2 from sql_user6;
-- sql_user3 has privs on all tables, can execute and no recompile
obey TEST120(queries);
?section revoke_t120role3
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
revoke role t120role3 from sql_user6;
-- sql_user3 has privs on all tables, can execute and no recompile
obey TEST120(queries);
?section revoke_t120role4
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
revoke role t120role4 from sql_user6;
-- sql_user3 has privs on all tables, can execute and no recompile
obey TEST120(queries);
?section revoke_public
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
revoke select (team_number, num_players) on stats from "PUBLIC" by t120role1;
showddl stats;
select team_number, num_players from stats;
?section queries
select game_number from games;
select team_number from teams;
select player_number from players;
select team_number, seqnum(team_seq) from standings;
select team_number, num_players from stats;
?section select_queries
log LOG120;
values (current_user);
set schema t120sch;
select game_number from games;