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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: LmResultSetJava.h
* Description: Container for Java specific result set data.
* Created: 09/07/2005
* Language: C++
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "LmCommon.h"
#include "LmResultSet.h"
#include "LmLangManagerJava.h"
#include "LmRoutineJava.h"
#include "jni.h"
#include "LmConnection.h"
// LmResultSetJava
class LmResultSetJava : public LmResultSet
friend class LmRoutineJava;
enum LmResultSetInfoStatus {
enum LmJDBCConnectionType {
// Accessor methods
LmHandle getResultSet() const { return jdbcRSRef_; }
char *getProxySyntax() { return proxySyntax_; }
NABoolean usesT2Connection()
{ return connectionType_ == JDBC_TYPE2_CONNECTION; }
NABoolean usesT4Connection()
{ return connectionType_ == JDBC_TYPE4_CONNECTION; }
NABoolean moreSpecialRows()
{ return (usesT2Connection()) ?
lastBufferedRow_ > currentRowPosition_ : TRUE; }
NABoolean isCLIStmtClosed()
return CLIStmtClosed_;
Lng32 fetchSpecialRows(void *dataPtr,
LmParameter *colDesc,
ComUInt32 numCols,
ComDiagsArea &da,
ComDiagsArea *rda);
NABoolean isScrollable() const
if (cursorType_ == RS_TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE ||
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// The constructor and destructor are defined as private
// since the object management of this class can only be
// done by the LmRoutineJava class.
// Constrcutor:
// Makes a JNI call to LmUtility::getRSInfo()
// to get result set information for the passed in
// java.sql.ResultSet object (parameter rsRef) and
// initializes the data members accordingly.
// Parameters description:
// lm : Pointer to LmLanguageManagerJava object
// rsRef : java.sql.ResultSet object reference
// paramPos : The position (1-based) of the Java result set object
// in the java method signature. Used only in error reporting.
// routineName : The name of the routine. Used only in error reporting.
// status (output) : The status indicating the outcome of calling the
// LmUtility::getRSInfo() java method.
// da (output) : Diagnostics area to report errors
// The following 'status' can be returned:
// RS_INFO_OK : Result set information was retrieved successfully
// RS_INFO_CLOSED : The result set object (rsRef) is already closed
// RS_INFO_ERROR : There was a problem getting result set information
LmResultSetJava(LmLanguageManagerJava *lm,
LmHandle rsRef,
Int32 paramPos,
const char *routineName,
LmResultSetInfoStatus &status,
NAList<LmConnection*> &lmConnList,
ComDiagsArea *da);
// Destructor:
// Deletes the global references in jdbcRSRef_.
// Should be called only from within the close() method
void initType4ResultSet(Int32 paramPos,
const char *routineName,
LmResultSetInfoStatus &status,
NAList<LmConnection*> &lmConnList,
ComDiagsArea *da);
void initType2ResultSet(Int32 paramPos,
const char *routineName,
LmResultSetInfoStatus &status,
NAList<LmConnection*> &lmConnList,
ComDiagsArea *da);
// Calls the close() method on the Java result set object
// Decrements the reference count in the associated LmConnection object
// Calls the class destructor
void close( ComDiagsArea *da = NULL );
void insertIntoDiagnostic(ComDiagsArea &da, ComUInt32 col_num);
LmResult getValueAsJlong(jobject bigdecObj,
ComUInt32 columnIndex,
ComDiagsArea &da,
NABoolean &wasNull,
jlong &returnvalue);
LmLanguageManagerJava *lmj_;
NAList<LmConnection*> &lmConnList_; // +++ NEED COMMENTS
LmConnection *lmConn_; // Manages the java.sql.Connection object
// of this result set
LmJDBCConnectionType connectionType_; // Type 2 or Type 4 connection
LmHandle jdbcRSRef_; // The Java result set object of this
// result set. Contains a global reference
// the object passed into the init() method.
char *proxySyntax_; // Proxy syntax (used when T4 conn is used)
Int32 firstBufferedRow_; // The row position of the first row that JDBC/MX
// has fetched from SQL/MX and that is still
// buffered in the JDBC/MX driver. The row
// numbers are 1-based.
Int32 lastBufferedRow_; // The row position of the last row that JDBC/MX
// has fetched from SQL/MX and that is still
// buffered in the JDBC/MX driver.
Int32 currentRowPosition_; // The current row position of this
// java.sql.ResultSet instance.
LmResultSetType cursorType_; // Indicates whether this is a scrollable
// or forward-only cursor etc.
Int64 rsCounter_; // An unique value given to each result set
// object in JDBC/MX to indicate the order
// in which the result set's underlying SQL
// statement was executed.
NABoolean CLIStmtClosed_; // Indicates whether the CLI statement is
// closed or not
// The following fields are allocated in the constructor and used as
// parameters to the LmUtility::getRSInfo() method. Destructor
// deallocates them.
// ++++++++++++++++++++
// TBD:
// Can we declare the below fields as 'static' since they are only used
// during LmUtility::getRSInfo() JNI call and are not required beyond the
// constructor. We can just allocate them the first time this class
// constructor is called and then just re-use them after that. They
// will need to be deallocated when LM gets destructed.
// Will this static approach be a concern if LM is made to work in a
// multi-threaded environment in the future.
// ++++++++++++++++++++
jintArray iArray_;
jlongArray lArray_;
jobjectArray oArray_;
jintArray errCode_;
jobjectArray errDetail_;