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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef CONTEXT_H
#define CONTEXT_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Context.h
* Description: CLI context. A CLI context is an entire execution environment
* for an SQL client (including a user id, transactions,
* prepared statements, cursor states, etc). Right now
* (December 1999) we only support a single context.
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "CliDefs.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "DllExportDefines.h"
#include "CliSemaphore.h"
#include "sqlcli.h"
#include "Statement.h"
#include "ex_god.h"
#include "timeout_data.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "NAUserId.h"
#include "SessionDefaults.h"
#include "ex_transaction.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include "ExSqlComp.h"
#include "ExStats.h"
#include "ExpSeqGen.h"
#include "ssmpipc.h"
#include "hdfs.h"
#include "HdfsClient_JNI.h"
class CliGlobals;
class HashQueue;
class Queue;
class ExSqlComp;
class ExStatisticsArea;
class ExControlArea;
class ExUdrServer;
class UdrContextMsg;
class SequenceValueGenerator;
class LmRoutine;
class ContextCli : public ExGod {
enum ArkcmpFailMode { arkcmpIS_OK_ = FALSE/*no failure*/,
arkcmpERROR_ };
enum CloseCursorType {
CLOSE_ALL, // close all non-holdable cursors
CLOSE_ALL_INCLUDING_ANSI_PUBSUB_HOLDABLE, // close all cursors including pubsub and ansi holdable cursors
CLOSE_ALL_INCLUDING_ANSI_HOLDABLE, // close all non-holdable cursors and ansi holdable cursors
CLOSE_ALL_INCLUDING_PUBSUB_HOLDABLE, // close all non-holdable cursors and pubsub holdable cursors
CLOSE_ALL_INCLUDING_ANSI_PUBSUB_HOLDABLE_WHEN_CQD // close all incl AHC holdable cursors and pubsub holdable cursors
enum closeTransactionType {
CLOSE_ALL_XN, // close cursors belonging to any transaction
CLOSE_CURR_XN, // close only those that are part of current transaction
CLOSE_ENDED_XN // close those cursors whose
// associated xns are no longer active
SQLCTX_HANDLE getContextHandle() { return contextHandle_; }
// Accessor functions to retrieve the current user name and ID
const char *getDatabaseUserName() { return databaseUserName_;}
Int32 *getDatabaseUserID() { return &databaseUserID_; }
Int32 *getSessionUserID() { return &sessionUserID_; }
// Functions to switch user identity. The specified user must exist
// as a valid user in the USERS metadata table. Otherwise an error
// code is returned and error conditions will be written to the
// context's diagnostics area. These functions are only supported on
// Linux.
RETCODE setDatabaseUserByID(Int32 userID);
RETCODE setDatabaseUserByName(const char *userName);
void setDatabaseUser(const Int32 &uid, // IN
const char *uname); // IN
// Functions to map between Trafodion authentication IDs and names.
RETCODE getAuthIDFromName(
const char *authName,
Int32 & authID);
RETCODE getAuthNameFromID(
Int32 authID, // IN
char *authNameBuffer, // OUT
Int32 maxBufLen, // IN
Int32 &requiredLen); // OUT optional
// Function to be used only in ESPs to establish user identity. This
// call will update data members and will NOT verify the input
// arguments by querying the USERS table.
void setDatabaseUserInESP(const Int32 &uid, const char *uname,
bool closeAllOpens = false);
char * getExternalUserName() { return externalUsername_; }
char * userSpecifiedSessionName() { return userSpecifiedSessionName_; }
void setUserSpecifiedSessionName(const char * un)
strcpy(userSpecifiedSessionName_, un);
void setAuthStateInCmpContexts(NABoolean authEnabled,
NABoolean authReady);
void getAuthState (bool &authenticationEnabled,
bool &authorizationEnabled,
bool &authorizationReady,
bool &auditingEnabled);
// functions to get and set roles for the current user
RETCODE getRoleList(Int32 &numRoles,
Int32 *&roleIDs);
RETCODE resetRoleList();
SequenceValueGenerator* &seqGen() { return seqGen_; }
HashQueue * trafSElist() { return trafSElist_; }
inline void incStmtReclaimCount()
if (processStats_ != NULL)
inline void decStmtReclaimCount()
if (processStats_ != NULL)
inline void incCloseStmtListSize()
if (processStats_ != NULL)
inline void decCloseStmtListSize()
if (processStats_ != NULL)
inline ExProcessStats *getExProcessStats() { return processStats_; }
void setHbaseClient(HBaseClient_JNI *hbaseClientJNI)
{ hbaseClientJNI_ = hbaseClientJNI; }
HBaseClient_JNI *getHBaseClient() { return hbaseClientJNI_; }
HiveClient_JNI *getHiveClient() { return hiveClientJNI_; }
void setHiveClient(HiveClient_JNI *hiveClientJNI)
{ hiveClientJNI_ = hiveClientJNI; }
HdfsClient *getHDFSClient() { return hdfsClientJNI_; }
void setHDFSClient(HdfsClient *hdfsClientJNI)
{ hdfsClientJNI_ = hdfsClientJNI; }
//expose cmpContextInfo_ to get HQC info of different contexts
const NAArray<CmpContextInfo *> & getCmpContextInfo() const { return cmpContextInfo_; }
//expose cmpContext stack to allow search
const LIST(CmpContext *)& getCmpContextsInUse() const { return cmpContextInUse_; }
CollIndex addTrustedRoutine(LmRoutine *r);
LmRoutine *findTrustedRoutine(CollIndex ix);
void putTrustedRoutine(CollIndex ix);
ExSqlComp::ReturnStatus sendXnMsgToArkcmp
(char * data, Lng32 dataSize,
Lng32 xnMsgType, ComDiagsArea* &diagsArea);
inline NABoolean grabMemoryQuotaIfAvailable(ULng32 size)
if ( unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ < size ) return FALSE;
unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ -= size ;
return TRUE;
inline void resetMemoryQuota() { unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ = 0 ; }
inline ULng32 unusedMemoryQuota() { return unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_; }
inline void yieldMemoryQuota(ULng32 size)
{ unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ += size; }
// The heap where executor 'stuff' will be allocated from.
// exHeap_ must be first so that it's dtor is called last (Gil)
NAHeap exHeap_;
SQLCTX_HANDLE contextHandle_;
CliGlobals *cliGlobals_;
SessionDefaults * sessionDefaults_;
HashQueue * bdrConfigInfoList_;
// this class defined in file SessionDefaults.h
// AQRInfo * aqrInfo_;
char * authID_;
char * authToken_;
NABoolean validAuthID_;
//External name, max 128 characters
char* externalUsername_;
// Database user name. On Linux the values come from the USER_NAME
// column in the USERS table. Max 128 characters.
char *databaseUserName_;
// List of active roles for the databaseUser
Int32 *roleIDs_;
Int32 numRoles_;
NABoolean userNameChanged_;
// queues(lists) to keep track of loaded modules, statements
// and descriptors.
HashQueue * moduleList_;
HashQueue * statementList_;
HashQueue * descriptorList_;
HashQueue * cursorList_;
// this is a subset of statementList_. It contains all statements in
// state OPEN_ or EOF_
HashQueue * openStatementList_;
// list of non-audited tbat have been locked.
HashQueue * nonAuditedLockedTableList_;
// List of closed statements with ESPs assigned
Queue * statementWithEspsList_;
// remember the last assigned descriptor handle
ULong lastDescriptorHandle_;
ULong lastStatementHandle_;
Int32 databaseUserID_;
// With SPJ Definer Rights, we need to support different values for
// logged on to the current SQL session. CURRENT_USER is the one with
// whose privileges a SQL statement is executed, With Definer Rights SPJ,
// the CURRENT_USER is the owner of the SPJ while SESSION_USER is the
// user who invoked the SPJ.
Int32 sessionUserID_;
// keeps track of current define context.
unsigned short defineContext_;
// flag and pointer to the embedded arkcmp context
NABoolean isEmbeddedArkcmpInitialized_;
CmpContext * embeddedArkcmpContext_;
CmpContext * prevCmpContext_;
// pointer to the array of server versions used to communicate with ARKCMP.
ARRAY(ExSqlComp *) arkcmpArray_;
// Arkcmp context (CmpContext) switching related info
// known CmpContext instance set to be used for different catagory
ARRAY(CmpContextInfo *) cmpContextInfo_;
// stack of CmpContexts in use except current one
LIST(CmpContext *) cmpContextInUse_;
// Array of failure modes for each arkcmp
ARRAY(ArkcmpFailMode) arkcmpInitFailed_;
short versionOfMxcmp_;
char *mxcmpNodeName_;
short indexIntoCompilerArray_;
// the transaction object
ExTransaction * transaction_;
// A diagnostics area for this context
ComDiagsArea diagsArea_;
// Points to the statistics area of current statement
// being executed. Used to return stat info for the
// 'last' statement that was executed.
ExStatisticsArea * stats_;
// this area contains the defaults and other controls
// specified by user using CONTROL QUERY statements.
ExControlArea * controlArea_;
// used by asynchronous CLI cancel feature to
// synchronize the main thread and the cancel thread.
CLISemaphore cancelSemaphore_;
// parser flags to be sent to mxcmp
ULng32 sqlParserFlags_;
// Hold all the dynamicly set (in this process) timeout data
TimeoutData * timeouts_; // it is NULL if not used
// logical timestamp; increment each time SET TIMEOUT executes
// (We ignore counter overlap; this can only affect a statement that
// remained fixed up after 2^32 times of timeout-settings .... :-)
UInt32 timeoutChangeCounter_;
// A list of closed statements maintained in LRU order.
// Used to determine aging statements for space deallocation.
// Rules: (when there are enough allocated statements).
// - A statement is added to the head of the list at close() time.
// - A statement is removed from the list at open() and
// deallocate() time.
// - Each statement on the list has a unique sequence > 0.
// A zero or negative sequence indicates the statement is not on the list.
// - The sequence numbers indicate the sequence of closes of
// those statements.
// closeStatementList points to the most recently closed static statement,
// which has the largest close sequence number.
// nextReclaimStatement points to the statement most eligible for
// space reclaim. nextReclaimStatement will move toward the head of
// the list as statements are reclaimed one by one.
Statement * closeStatementList_;
Statement * nextReclaimStatement_;
// Statistics data.
// stmtReclaimCount_ is the number of statements on the closeStmtList_
// for which space reclaim has been done.
Lng32 closeStmtListSize_;
Lng32 stmtReclaimCount_;
Lng32 stmtReclaimMinPctFree_; // Reclaim space when free is <= percent of total
IpcTimeout espReleaseTimeout_;
// currSequence_ is the sequence of the latest close of a statement.
// prevFixupSequence_ is the sequence of the latest fixup.
Lng32 currSequence_;
Lng32 prevFixupSequence_;
// a pointer containing information that catman
// wants to persist across multiple calls to catman interface
// from executor.
// Its contents are unknown to cli or executor. It is allocated
// and maintained by catman code.
// Passed to CatManAnsiNameToGuardianName.
void * catmanInfo_;
enum Flags
// If the stmt for which stats were collected is deallocated,
// then a copy of it ExStatisticsArea is made and pointed to
// by the stats_ field. This flag, if set, indicates that.
// If this flag is not set, then stats_ points to the stats
// area of the corresponding stmt.
STATS_COPY_ = 0x0001,
// an inMemory object definition was created during this session.
// Kill mxcmp at the end of this session.
ULng32 flags_;
// List of UDR servers servicing this context. Each list element is
// an ExUdrServer pointer. There may be duplicates in the list. Each
// element represents a reference on an ExUdrServer instance. A
// context may own multiple references on a given ExUdrServer, one
// for each fixed up CALL statement that has been executed within
// the context. When a context is destroyed all ExUdrServer
// references must be released by calling the ExUdrServerManager
// interface.
HashQueue *udrServerList_;
// Strings to store UDR runtime options that have been set
// dynamically by the calling application. These strings can only be
// set via an internal CLI function and catman is the only caller of
// that function.
char *udrRuntimeOptions_;
char *udrRuntimeOptionDelimiters_;
Statement *pendingNoWaitPrepare_;
ExProcessStats *processStats_;
inline HashQueue * moduleList(){return moduleList_;};
inline HashQueue * statementList(){return statementList_;};
inline HashQueue * descriptorList(){return descriptorList_;};
inline HashQueue * cursorList(){return cursorList_;};
inline HashQueue * openStatementList(){return openStatementList_;};
// Used to reclaim space from a list of closed statements.
void addToCloseStatementList(Statement *statement);
// SPJ add on
void issueCtrlStmts(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr ctrlStmtBuffer, Int32 length);
void internalPrepareExecuteFetchStmt(char *sqlText);
UdrContextMsg * manufactureUdrContextMsg();
// Locate a matching UDR server within this context
ExUdrServer *findUdrServer(const char *runtimeOptions,
const char *optionDelimiters,
NABoolean dedicated);
// Release all ExUdrServer references currently held
void releaseUdrServers();
// Remove a child statement such as a clone or a stored procedure
// result set proxy from the context's statement lists. Do not call
// the child's destructor (that job is left to the parent
// statement's destructor).
RETCODE cleanupChildStmt(Statement *child);
char * userSpecifiedSessionName_;
// created whenever user begins a session.
// Should never be NULL as we are always in a session.
char * sessionID_;
// list of volatile tables created in a session.
HashQueue * volTabList_;
HashQueue *hdfsHandleList_;
SequenceValueGenerator * seqGen_;
NABoolean sessionInUse_;
NABoolean mxcmpSessionInUse_;
NABoolean volatileSchemaCreated_;
ExStatisticsArea *mergedStats_;
StmtStats *prevStmtStats_;
CLISemaphore *cliSemaphore_;
Lng32 numCliCalls_;
IpcEnvironment *env_;
NAHeap *ipcHeap_;
UInt32 eventConsumed_;
NABoolean breakEnabled_;
// ESP manager for the context
ExEspManager *espManager_;
ExeTraceInfo *exeTraceInfo_;
// UDR server manager for this process
ExUdrServerManager *udrServerManager_;
// trusted routines in use locally in this context,
// without going through udrserv
ARRAY(LmRoutine *) trustedRoutines_;
// SSMP manager for this context.
ExSsmpManager *ssmpManager_;
NABoolean dropInProgress_;
// set to true if ddl stmts are issued.
// Reset at begin and commit Xn. Used to do NATable invalidation
// for ddl stmts issued within a transaction.
NABoolean ddlStmtsExecuted_;
// Fields to enforce SQL semantics inside the UDR server. These
// fields are checked by the UDR server after a user-defined routine
// returns control, to see if that routine violated any SQL
// semantics for UDRs. Some examples of violations include a NO SQL
// routine attempting to access SQL, and a routine attempting to
// issue SQL transaction statements such as BEGIN WORK.
// If the udrErrorChecksEnabled_ flag is FALSE then none of this UDR
// error checking is performed. The only SQL application that
// enables the UDR error checking is the UDR server.
NABoolean udrErrorChecksEnabled_;
Lng32 udrSqlAccessMode_;
NABoolean udrAccessModeViolation_;
NABoolean udrXactViolation_;
NABoolean udrXactAborted_;
Int64 udrXactId_; // transid that UDR Server is interested to know
// if aborted
NAString jniErrorStr_;
HBaseClient_JNI *hbaseClientJNI_;
HiveClient_JNI *hiveClientJNI_;
HdfsClient *hdfsClientJNI_;
// this points to data used by trafSE (traf storage engine) that is context specific.
// It points to a list of 'black box' of data allocated by user and is returned
// back whenever this context is in use.
HashQueue * trafSElist_;
// memory quota allocation given back by BMOs to be used by other BMOs
ULng32 unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_;
NABoolean deleteStats()
return (flags_ & DELETE_MERGED_STATS_) != 0;
void setDeleteStats(NABoolean v)
(v ? flags_ |= DELETE_MERGED_STATS_ : flags_ &= ~DELETE_MERGED_STATS_);
// An enumeration for different types of lookups into the AUTHS table
// USER BY USER NAME -- Find the row matching a database user name
// USER BY USER ID -- Find the row matching a database user ID
// USER BY EXTERNAL NAME -- Find the row matching an external user name
// ROLE BY ROLE ID -- Find the row matching a database role ID
// AUTH BY NAME -- Find the row matching the database name
enum AuthQueryType
// Private method to perform single-row lookups into the AUTHS
// table. If a matching row is found, column values are returned in
// the users_type structure. users_type is defined in
// smdio/CmTableDefs.h.
// For query type USERS_QUERY_BY_USER_ID, the authID argument must
// be provided.
// For query types USERS_QUERY_BY_USER_NAME and
// USERS_QUERY_BY_EXTERNAL_NAME, the authName argument must be
// provided.
RETCODE authQuery(
AuthQueryType queryType,
const char * authName,
Int32 authID,
char * authNameFromTable,
Int32 authNameMaxLen,
Int32 & authIDFromTable,
std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs);
RETCODE storeName(
const char *src,
char *dest,
int maxLength);
RETCODE storeName(
const char *src,
char *dest,
int maxLength,
int &actualLength);
ContextCli(CliGlobals *cliGlobals);
void deleteMe();
inline UInt32 * getEventConsumed() { return &eventConsumed_; }
inline IpcEnvironment * getEnvironment() { return env_; }
inline ExEspManager * getEspManager() { return espManager_; }
inline ExSsmpManager *getSsmpManager() { return ssmpManager_; }
inline ExeTraceInfo *getExeTraceInfo() { return exeTraceInfo_; }
NAHeap *getIpcHeap() { return ipcHeap_; }
inline ExUdrServerManager *getUdrServerManager() { return udrServerManager_; }
// Accessor and mutator functions for UDR error checking. Notes on
// UDR error checking appear below with the data member
// declarations.
NABoolean getUdrErrorChecksEnabled() { return udrErrorChecksEnabled_; }
Lng32 getUdrSQLAccessMode() { return udrSqlAccessMode_; }
NABoolean getUdrAccessModeViolation() { return udrAccessModeViolation_; }
NABoolean getUdrXactViolation() { return udrXactViolation_; }
NABoolean getUdrXactAborted() { return udrXactAborted_; }
void setUdrErrorChecksEnabled(NABoolean b) { udrErrorChecksEnabled_ = b; }
void setUdrSQLAccessMode(Lng32 mode) { udrSqlAccessMode_ = mode; }
void setUdrAccessModeViolation(NABoolean b) { udrAccessModeViolation_ = b; }
void setUdrXactViolation(NABoolean b) { udrXactViolation_ = b; }
void setUdrXactAborted(Int64 currTransId, NABoolean b);
// A few useful wrapper functions to ease management of the UDR
// error checking fields
void clearUdrErrorFlags();
NABoolean sqlAccessAllowed() const;
void getUdrErrorFlags(NABoolean &sqlViolation,
NABoolean &xactViolation,
NABoolean &xactAborted) const
sqlViolation = udrAccessModeViolation_;
xactViolation = udrXactViolation_;
xactAborted = udrXactAborted_;
inline CLISemaphore *getSemaphore()
return cliSemaphore_;
inline Lng32 incrNumOfCliCalls() { return ++numCliCalls_; }
inline Lng32 decrNumOfCliCalls()
if (numCliCalls_ > 0)
return --numCliCalls_;
return numCliCalls_;
inline Lng32 getNumOfCliCalls() { return numCliCalls_; }
Lng32 initializeSessionDefaults();
Lng32 initializeExeBDRConfigInfo(char *mgbltyCatName,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea);
short moduleAdded(const SQLMODULE_ID * module_name);
RETCODE allocateDesc(SQLDESC_ID * desc_id, Lng32 max_entries);
RETCODE deallocDesc(SQLDESC_ID * desc_id,
NABoolean deallocStaticDesc);
Descriptor * getDescriptor(SQLDESC_ID * desc_id);
RETCODE allocateStmt(SQLSTMT_ID * stmt_id,
Statement::StatementType stmt_type = Statement::DYNAMIC_STMT,
SQLSTMT_ID * cloned_stmt_id = NULL);
RETCODE deallocStmt(SQLSTMT_ID * stmt_id,
NABoolean deallocStaticStmt);
Statement * getStatement(SQLSTMT_ID * statement_id, HashQueue * stmtList = NULL);
Statement * getNextStatement(SQLSTMT_ID * statement_id, NABoolean position,
NABoolean advance);
// Upgrade both argument types for multi charset module names
void removeCursor(SQLSTMT_ID* cursorName, const SQLMODULE_ID* moduleName);
void addToCursorList(Statement &s);
void addToOpenStatementList(SQLSTMT_ID *statement_id, Statement *statement);
void removeFromOpenStatementList(SQLSTMT_ID * statement_id);
short commitTransaction(NABoolean waited);
short releaseAllTransactionalRequests();
void closeAllCursors(enum CloseCursorType,
enum closeTransactionType transType, const Int64 executorXnId = 0,
NABoolean inRollback = FALSE);
void checkIfNeedToClose(Statement *stmt, enum CloseCursorType type,
NABoolean &closeStmt, NABoolean &releaseStmt);
void clearAllTransactionInfoInClosedStmt(Int64 transid);
void closeAllCursorsFor(SQLSTMT_ID * statement_id);
inline NAHeap * exHeap() { return &exHeap_; }
inline CollHeap * exCollHeap() { return &exHeap_; }
inline HashQueue *getStatementList() const;
inline HashQueue *getCursorList() const;
inline HashQueue *getOpenStatementList() const;
inline HashQueue * getNonAuditedLockedTableList()
{ return nonAuditedLockedTableList_; }
inline ULong getNextDescriptorHandle()
{ return lastDescriptorHandle_++; }
inline ULong getNextStatementHandle() {return ++lastStatementHandle_;}
#ifdef _DEBUG
// dumps a list of all statements with info about allocated memory
// for debugging purposes only
void dumpStatementInfo();
void dumpStatementAndGlobalInfo(ostream* outstream);
// Returns a reference to the ComDiagsArea, diagsArea_, of this context.
ComDiagsArea &diags() { return diagsArea_; }
ComDiagsArea *getDiagsArea() { return &diagsArea_; }
ExStatisticsArea* getStats() { return stats_; }
void setStatsArea(ExStatisticsArea *stats, NABoolean statsCopy = FALSE,
NABoolean inSharedSegment = TRUE, NABoolean getSemaphore = TRUE);
ExControlArea * getControlArea() { return controlArea_; }
// return the TimeoutData field of the context (if it is NULL --allocate it)
// (If allocate == FALSE, just return it as is, even if it is NULL)
TimeoutData * getTimeouts( NABoolean allocate = TRUE );
void clearTimeoutData(); // deallocate the TimeoutData
// make these functions non-inline on NT and inline on NSK.
// These methods are called from code in executor directory
// which creates a problem when linking for arkesp since arkesp
// does not link in with cli code.
// By making them non-inline on nt, a stub could be added.
// This problem does not show up on nsk since inline functions
// are really inline out there.
void incrementTimeoutChangeCounter();
UInt32 getTimeoutChangeCounter();
void* &catmanInfo() {return catmanInfo_;}
// Used to communicate with the embedded ARKCMP.
NABoolean isEmbeddedArkcmpInitialized()
{ return isEmbeddedArkcmpInitialized_;}
void setEmbeddedArkcmpIsInitialized(NABoolean val)
{ isEmbeddedArkcmpInitialized_ = val;}
CmpContext *getEmbeddedArkcmpContext()
{ return embeddedArkcmpContext_; }
void setEmbeddedArkcmpContext(CmpContext * cntx)
{ embeddedArkcmpContext_ = cntx; }
// Used to communicate with the ARKCMP process.
void setArkcmp(ExSqlComp *es)
short index = arkcmpArray_.entries();
arkcmpArray_.insertAt(index, es);
void setArkcmpFailMode(ContextCli::ArkcmpFailMode afm)
short index = arkcmpInitFailed_.entries();
arkcmpInitFailed_.insertAt(index, afm);
ExSqlComp * getArkcmp(short index = 0)
return arkcmpArray_[index];
ArkcmpFailMode & arkcmpInitFailed(short index = 0)
return (ContextCli::ArkcmpFailMode &)arkcmpInitFailed_[index];
short getNumArkcmps()
return arkcmpArray_.entries();
Lng32 setOrStartCompiler(short mxcmpVersionToUse, char *remoteNodeName,
short &indexIntoCompilerArray);
inline short getVersionOfCompiler() {return versionOfMxcmp_;}
inline void setVersionOfMxcmp(short version)
{ versionOfMxcmp_ = version; }
inline void setIndexToCompilerArray(short index)
{ indexIntoCompilerArray_ = index; }
inline short getIndexToCompilerArray()
return indexIntoCompilerArray_;
inline const char * getMxcmpNodeName() {return mxcmpNodeName_;}
inline void setMxcmpNodeName( char *mxcmpNodeName)
{ mxcmpNodeName_ = mxcmpNodeName; }
inline NABoolean sendSettingsToCompiler (const short index) const
// Send controls if current compiler is the default compiler, or if caller asks
// for the current compiler
{ return ( (indexIntoCompilerArray_ == 0) || (indexIntoCompilerArray_ == index) ); };
// Methods to switch to different CmpContext
Int32 switchToCmpContext(Int32 cmpCntxtType);
Int32 switchToCmpContext(void *cmpCntxt);
Int32 switchBackCmpContext(void);
void copyDiagsAreaToPrevCmpContext();
NABoolean isDropInProgress() { return dropInProgress_; }
void setDropInProgress() { dropInProgress_ = TRUE; };
// Method to acquire a reference to a UDR server associated with
// a given set of JVM startup options
ExUdrServer *acquireUdrServer(const char *runtimeOptions,
const char *optionDelimiters,
NABoolean dedicated = FALSE);
// Here are methods to manage the UDR runtime option strings that
// can be set dynamically by the calling application. These strings
// can only be set via an internal CLI function and catman is the
// only caller of that function.
const char *getUdrRuntimeOptions() const
return udrRuntimeOptions_;
const char *getUdrRuntimeOptionDelimiters() const
return udrRuntimeOptionDelimiters_;
Lng32 setUdrRuntimeOptions(const char *options, ULng32 optionsLen,
const char *delimiters, ULng32 delimsLen);
ExTransaction * getTransaction() { return transaction_; }
NABoolean &ddlStmtsExecuted() { return ddlStmtsExecuted_; }
Lng32 setAuthID(
const char * externalUsername,
const char * databaseUsername,
const char * authToken,
Int32 authTokenLen,
Int32 effectiveUserID,
Int32 sessionUserID);
void completeSetAuthID(
Int32 userID,
Int32 sessionUserID,
const char *logonUserName,
const char *authToken,
Int32 authTokenLen,
const char *databaseUserName,
bool eraseCQDs,
bool recreateMXCMP,
bool releaseUDRServers,
bool dropVolatileSchema,
bool resetCQDs);
char * getAuthID()
return authID_;
return NULL;
Lng32 boundsCheckMemory(void *startAddress, ULng32 length);
inline SQLCTX_HANDLE getContextHandle() const {return contextHandle_;}
void reset(void *contextMsg);
void closeAllStatementsAndCursors(); // Close all statements
void retrieveContextInfo(void *contextMsg);
inline ULng32 getSqlParserFlags() const { return sqlParserFlags_; }
inline void setSqlParserFlags(ULng32 flagbits)
{ sqlParserFlags_ |= flagbits; }
inline void resetSqlParserFlags(ULng32 flagbits)
{ sqlParserFlags_ &= ~flagbits; }
inline void assignSqlParserFlags(ULng32 flagbits) { sqlParserFlags_ = flagbits; }
inline void semaphoreLock(){cancelSemaphore_.get();}
inline void semaphoreRelease(){cancelSemaphore_.release();}
void removeFromCloseStatementList(Statement *statement,
NABoolean forOpen);
// Reclaim statements if it is available
NABoolean reclaimStatements();
// Dealocate statement space based on least recently used rule.
NABoolean reclaimStatementSpace();
// returns the current DEFINE context.
unsigned short getCurrentDefineContext();
unsigned short &defineContext() { return defineContext_;};
// returns TRUE, if define context has changed.
// Sets the current define context.
NABoolean checkAndSetCurrentDefineContext();
inline CliGlobals * getCliGlobals(void)
{ return cliGlobals_; } ;
NABoolean statsCopy() { return (flags_ & STATS_COPY_) != 0; }
void setStatsCopy(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= STATS_COPY_ : flags_ &= ~STATS_COPY_); }
NABoolean statsInSharedSegment() { return (flags_ & STATS_IN_SHARED_SEGMENT_) != 0; }
void setStatsInSharedSegment(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= STATS_IN_SHARED_SEGMENT_ : flags_ &= ~STATS_IN_SHARED_SEGMENT_); }
inline Statement * pendingNoWaitPrepare() const
{ return pendingNoWaitPrepare_; }
NABoolean inMemoryObjectDefn()
{ return (flags_ & IN_MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFN) != 0; }
void setInMemoryObjectDefn(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= IN_MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFN : flags_ &= ~IN_MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFN); }
inline void setPendingNoWaitPrepare(Statement *statement)
{ pendingNoWaitPrepare_ = statement; };
inline void resetPendingNoWaitPrepare()
{ pendingNoWaitPrepare_ = NULL; };
void logReclaimEvent(Lng32 freeSize, Lng32 totalSize);
SessionDefaults * getSessionDefaults() { return sessionDefaults_; }
HashQueue * getBDRConfigInfoList() { return bdrConfigInfoList_; }
void resetBDRConfigInfoList();
AQRInfo * aqrInfo() { return (sessionDefaults_
? sessionDefaults_->aqrInfo() : NULL); }
void addToStatementWithEspsList(Statement *statement);
void removeFromStatementWithEspsList(Statement *);
bool unassignEsps(bool force = false);
void beginSession(char * userSpecifiedSessionName);
Lng32 reduceEsps();
void endSession(NABoolean cleanupEsps = FALSE,
NABoolean cleanupEspsOnly = FALSE,
NABoolean cleanupOpens = FALSE);
void dropSession(NABoolean clearCmpCache = FALSE);
void endMxcmpSession(NABoolean cleanupEsps, NABoolean clearCmpCache = FALSE);
void resetAttributes();
void createMxcmpSession();
Int32 updateMxcmpSession();
void resetVolatileSchemaState();
void closeAllTables();
char * getSessionId() { return sessionID_; }
void setSessionId(char * si);
void genSessionId();
NABoolean sessionInUse() { return sessionInUse_; }
NABoolean mxcmpSessionInUse() { return mxcmpSessionInUse_; }
NABoolean volatileSchemaCreated() { return volatileSchemaCreated_;}
void setVolatileSchemaCreated(NABoolean v)
{ volatileSchemaCreated_ = v; }
HashQueue * getVolTabList() { return volTabList_;}
void initVolTabList();
void resetVolTabList();
void killIdleMxcmp();
void killAndRecreateMxcmp();
#ifdef _DEBUG
void StmtListPrintf(const Statement *s, const char *formatString, ...) const;
ExStatisticsArea *getMergedStats()
return mergedStats_;
void setMergedStats(ExStatisticsArea *stats)
mergedStats_ = stats;
ExStatisticsArea *getMergedStats(
/* IN */ short statsReqType,
/* IN */ char *statsReqStr,
/* IN */ Lng32 statsReqStrLen,
/* IN */ short activeQueryNum,
/* IN */ short statsMergeType,
/*IN/out */ short &retryAttempts);
Lng32 GetStatistics2(
/* IN */ short statsReqType,
/* IN */ char *statsReqStr,
/* IN */ Lng32 statsReqStrLen,
/* IN */ short activeQueryNum,
/* IN */ short statsMergeType,
/* OUT */ short *statsCollectType,
/* IN/OUT */ SQLSTATS_DESC sqlstats_desc[],
/* IN */ Lng32 max_stats_desc,
/* OUT */ Lng32 *no_returned_stats_desc);
StmtStats *getPrevStmtStats()
return prevStmtStats_;
void setPrevStmtStats(StmtStats *ss)
prevStmtStats_ = ss;
Lng32 setSecInvalidKeys(
/* IN */ Int32 numSiKeys,
/* IN */ SQL_QIKEY siKeys[]);
Int32 checkLobLock(char* inLobLockId, NABoolean *found);
Lng32 setLobLock(
/* IN */ char *lobLockId// objID+column number
Lng32 holdAndSetCQD(const char * defaultName, const char * defaultValue);
Lng32 restoreCQD(const char * defaultName);
Lng32 setCS(const char * csName, char * csValue);
Lng32 resetCS(const char * csName);
inline IpcTimeout getEspReleaseTimeout() const
{ return espReleaseTimeout_; }
// Private method to initialize the context's user identity based on
// OS user identity. Should be called before any query processing
// begins. This step requires a fully initialized CliGlobals so
// should not be called before CliGlobals initialization completes.
void initializeUserInfoFromOS();
hdfsFS getHdfsServerConnection(char *hdfsServer, Int32 port);
void disconnectHdfsConnections();
}; // class ContextCli
/* ContextTidMap - Maps contextCli to a thread id
* 1. Only one mapping entry is possible for a given thread id.
* 2. A thread can work on only one ContextCli object at a time.
* 3. Multiple threads in the same process can work on the same ContextCli.
* `
class ContextTidMap
ContextTidMap(pid_t tid, ContextCli *context)
tid_ = tid;
context_ = context;
pid_t tid_;
ContextCli *context_;
inline HashQueue *
ContextCli::getStatementList() const
return statementList_;
inline HashQueue *
ContextCli::getCursorList() const
return cursorList_;
inline HashQueue *
ContextCli::getOpenStatementList() const
return openStatementList_;
struct hdfsConnectStruct
hdfsFS hdfsHandle_;
Int32 hdfsPort_;
char hdfsServer_[256]; // max length determined by dfs.namenode.fs-limits.max-component-length(255)
Lng32 parse_statsReq(short statsReqType,char *statsReqPtr, Lng32 statsReqStrLen,
char *nodeName, short &cpu, pid_t &pid, Int64 &timeStamp,
Lng32 &queryNumber);