blob: c4da720aec151fc2990bca9e47215c5a9afb67e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_SEND_TOP_H
#define EX_SEND_TOP_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_send_top.h
* Description: Send top node (client part of a client-server connection)
* Created: 12/6/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "FragDir.h"
#include "Ex_esp_msg.h"
#include "ExSMCommon.h"
// classes defined in this file
class ex_send_top_tdb;
class ex_send_top_tcb;
class ExSendTopMsgStream;
class ExSendTopCancelMessageStream;
// Task Definition Block for send top node
#include "ComTdbSendTop.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_send_top_tdb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ex_send_top_tdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_send_top_tdb : public ComTdbSendTop
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~ex_send_top_tdb()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// send top nodes are usually built such that many tcbs exist for a
// single tdb and that each tcb can use a different form of communication
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ex_tcb * buildInstance(ExExeStmtGlobals * glob,
Lng32 myInstanceNum,
Lng32 childInstanceNum);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDB's
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbSendTop instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const int NumSendTopTraceElements = 8;
// Task control block for send top node
class ex_send_top_tcb : public ex_tcb
// Constructor
ex_send_top_tcb(const ex_send_top_tdb &sendTopTdb,
ExExeStmtGlobals *glob,
const IpcProcessId &sendBottomProcId,
Lng32 myInstanceNum,
Lng32 childInstanceNum);
// Destructor
inline const ex_send_top_tdb &sendTopTdb() const
{ return (const ex_send_top_tdb &)tdb; }
void freeResources(); // free resources
void registerSubtasks(); // add extra event for IPC I/O completion
virtual Int32 fixup();
short work();
ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const;
inline ex_queue_pair getParentQueueForSendTop() const { return qParent_; }
inline Lng32 getMyInstanceNum() const { return myInstanceNum_; }
inline Lng32 getChildInstanceNum() const { return childInstanceNum_; }
// access predicates in tdb
inline ex_expr * moveInputValues() const
{ return sendTopTdb().moveInputValues_; }
// this is how the callback procedures tell the ::work method
// that something is wrong.
inline void setIpcBroken()
{ ipcBroken_ = TRUE; }
inline void tickleSchedulerCancel()
{ ioCancelSubtask_->scheduleAndNoteCompletion(); }
inline void tickleSchedulerWork(NABoolean noteCompletion = FALSE)
if (noteCompletion)
virtual Int32 numChildren() const;
virtual const ex_tcb* getChild(Int32 pos) const;
virtual ExOperStats *doAllocateStatsEntry(CollHeap *heap,
ComTdb *tdb);
// Tell the server that we lost interest in a request
short notifyProducerThatWeCanceled();
// Stub to processCancel() used by scheduler.
static ExWorkProcRetcode sCancel(ex_tcb *tcb);
void incReqMsg(Int64 msgBytes);
ExSendTopMsgStream *getMsgStream() { return msgStream_; }
ExSendTopCancelMessageStream *getCancelMsgStream()
{ return cancelMessageStream_; }
IpcConnection *getConnection() { return connection_; }
// check for data in the down queue to send to send bottom
short checkSend();
// get a send buffer from the message stream
TupMsgBuffer *getSendBuffer();
// pre-send continue requests in anticipation of alot of reply data
short continueRequest();
// check for response data from send bottom and put in up queue
short checkReceive();
// get a receive buffer from the message stream
TupMsgBuffer *getReceiveBuffer();
// open a connection to the corresponding (remote) send bottom node
short createConnectionToSendBottom(NABoolean nowaitedCompleted = FALSE);
short createIpcGuardianConnection(NABoolean nowaitedCompleted = FALSE);
// Process cancel requests. (called when parent cancel its request)
ExWorkProcRetcode processCancel();
ExWorkProcRetcode processCancelHelper();
// check for reply to a cancel request.
void checkCancelReply();
// get an empty send buffer (caller becomes owner) for canceling.
TupMsgBuffer *getCancelSendBuffer(NABoolean lateCancel);
// For SeaMonster
short createSMConnection();
// Return the max number of outstanding send buffers. By default the
// value is restricted to 1. The restriction can be lifted by
// The restriction was originally a hard-coded value of 1 in the
// send top cpp file accompanied by this comment: "Restrict the
// protocol to 1 send buffer until we have a fix for out of sequence
// messages."
UInt32 getNumSendBuffers() const
if (sendTopTdb().getRestrictSendBuffers())
return 1;
return sendTopTdb().getNumSendBuffers();
UInt32 getNumRecvBuffers() const
{ return sendTopTdb().getNumRecvBuffers(); }
// state of the send top node with respect to the connection
enum ExSendTopState
INVALID, // Invalid is for the trace buffer only
NOT_OPENED, // initial state
WAITING_FOR_OPEN_COMPLETION, // waiting for nowaited open to complete
WAITING_FOR_OPEN_REPLY, // waiting for open reply, ExFragInstanceHandle
CANCELED_BEFORE_OPENED, // waiting for cancel reply, normal open
// hasn't happened; can only go back to NOT_OPENED
OPEN_COMPLETE, // open reply received, continue sending
SERVER_SATURATED // do not send any more data, continue req only
} sendTopState_;
static const char *getExSendTopStateString(ExSendTopState s);
struct ExSendTopStateTrace
ExSendTopState stState_;
int lineNum_;
} stStateTrace_[NumSendTopTraceElements];
int stTidx_;
void setStState(ExSendTopState newState, int linenum);
// send top node state transition diagram
// --------------- --------------------------
// | | getSendBuffer | |
// | NOT_OPENED |------------->>>------------->| WAITING_FOR_OPEN_REPLY |
// | | | |
// --------------- --------------------------
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// v ^ |
// v ^ |
// v ^ |
// | | |
// notify | | checkCancelReply |
// Producer| | |
// We | | |
// Canceled| | |
// | | |
// ------------------------- |
// | | | getReceiveBuffer
// | | v
// ------------------------- v
// |
// |
// |
// ------------------- -------------------
// | | Note 1 | |
// | |---------<<<-------------| |
// | | Note 2 | |
// | |--------->>>-------------| |
// ------------------- -------------------
// Note 1: getReceiveBuffer, dataHdr->stopSendingData == TRUE
// Note 2: getReceiveBuffer, dataHdr->stopSendingData == FALSE
NABoolean ipcBroken_; // callback sets it, work reads it.
ex_queue_pair qParent_;
atp_struct* workAtp_;
// remember my own instance number and the instance number of the
// child ESP that I'm talking to
Lng32 myInstanceNum_;
Lng32 childInstanceNum_;
queue_index nextToSendDown_; // next down queue index to send to server
TupMsgBuffer* currentSendBuffer_; // send sql buffer being built
TupMsgBuffer* currentReceiveBuffer_; // receive sql buffer being processed
Lng32 sendBufferSize_; // size of send sql buffer
Lng32 receiveBufferSize_; // size of receive sql buffer
// subtasks to be executed when an I/O completes
ExSubtask* ioCancelSubtask_;
ExSubtask* ioSubtask_;
// the connection to the ESP containing the send bottom node
IpcConnection* connection_;
// A message stream used to assemble and disassemble messages
ExSendTopMsgStream* msgStream_;
// A message stream to allow canceling regardless of state
// of the other message stream.
ExSendTopCancelMessageStream *cancelMessageStream_;
CollIndex mySendTopTcbIndex_; // for cancel processing
// a quick way to identify the child fragment in the child ESP
ExFragInstanceHandle childFragHandle_;
// process id of our communication partner
IpcProcessId bottomProcId_;
// to help locate canceled messages for send bottom.
ULng32 currentBufferNumber_;
sm_target_t smTarget_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The message stream used by the send top node to send cancel messages
// for specific ex_queue msgs to the send bottom node via an Ipc connection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExSendTopCancelMessageStream : public IpcClientMsgStream
// Constructors
// construct a message stream associated with a particular send top node
ExExeStmtGlobals *glob,
Lng32 sendBufferLimit,
Lng32 inUseBufferLimit,
IpcMessageObjSize bufferSize,
ex_send_top_tcb *sendTopTcb);
// Make a private copy Ctor and leave it undefined, to prevent inadvertant
// copying.
ExSendTopCancelMessageStream( ExSendTopCancelMessageStream &t );
// Operators:
// Make a private assignment operator and leave it undefined, to
// prevent inadvertant copying.
ExSendTopCancelMessageStream &operator =(ExSendTopCancelMessageStream &t);
// Public methods, in alphabetical order.
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
void setLateCancel() { lateCancel_ = TRUE; }
// a pointer back to the send top node
ex_send_top_tcb *sendTopTcb_;
NABoolean lateCancel_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The message stream used by the send top node to exchange data with
// the send bottom node via an Ipc connection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExSendTopMsgStream : public IpcClientMsgStream
// constructor
ExSendTopMsgStream(ExExeStmtGlobals* glob,
Lng32 sendBufferLimit,
Lng32 inUseBufferLimit,
IpcMessageObjSize bufferSize,
ex_send_top_tcb* sendTopTcb);
// method called upon send complete
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection* connection);
// method called upon receive complete
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection* connection);
ex_send_top_tcb *getSendTopTcb() { return sendTopTcb_; }
// a pointer back to the send top node
ex_send_top_tcb* sendTopTcb_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private state: ex_send_top_private_state
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_send_top_private_state : public ex_tcb_private_state
friend class ex_send_top_tcb;
ex_send_top_private_state(const ex_send_top_tcb *tcb); //constructor
~ex_send_top_private_state(); // destructor
ex_tcb_private_state *allocate_new(const ex_tcb *tcb);
ex_send_top_tcb::sendStep step_; // step in processing this parent row
ULng32 bufferNumber_;
Int64 matchCount_;
#endif /* EX_SEND_TOP_H */