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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExCompoundStmt.cpp
* Description: 3GL compound statement (CS) operator.
* Created: 4/1/98
* Language: C++
#include "ex_stdh.h"
#include "ComTdb.h"
#include "ex_tcb.h"
#include "ex_expr.h"
#include "ex_error.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "ExCompoundStmt.h"
#include "ExStats.h"
// CatpoundStmt TDB methods.
ex_tcb * ExCatpoundStmtTdb::build(ex_globals *glob)
ex_tcb *left = tdbLeft_->build(glob);
ex_tcb *right = tdbRight_->build(glob);
ExCatpoundStmtTcb *cs =
new(glob->getSpace()) ExCatpoundStmtTcb(*this, *left, *right, glob);
return cs;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTdb::build
// CatpoundStmt TCB methods.
ExCatpoundStmtTcb::ExCatpoundStmtTcb(const ExCatpoundStmtTdb &tdb,
const ex_tcb &left,
const ex_tcb &right,
ex_globals *glob) :
ex_tcb(tdb, 1, glob)
CollHeap *space = glob->getSpace();
// Init children TCB handles.
tcbLeft_ = &left;
tcbRight_ = &right;
// Init queue pairs used to communicate with children.
qleft_ = left.getParentQueue();
qright_ = right.getParentQueue();
// flowParent2Right's rentry->copyAtp(lentry) requires right down-queue
// allocate its ATPs. Otherwise, rentry->copyAtp() will crash because
// of a null qright_.down->queue.atp_.
ex_cri_desc *criDown = tdb.criDescDown_;
ex_cri_desc *criUp = tdb.criDescUp_;
// Allocate queue pair used to communicate with parent.
qparent_.down = new(space) ex_queue(ex_queue::DOWN_QUEUE,
qparent_.up = new(space) ex_queue(ex_queue::UP_QUEUE,
// Allocate private state in each entry of the down queue.
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState *p = new(space) ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState(this);
qparent_.down->allocatePstate(p, this);
delete p;
// remember parent's down-queue index
parent2leftx_ = qparent_.down->getHeadIndex();
// remember left child's up-queue index
leftupx_ = qleft_.up->getHeadIndex();
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::ExCatpoundStmtTcb
delete qparent_.up;
delete qparent_.down;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::~ExCatpoundStmtTcb
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::registerSubtasks()
ExScheduler *sched = getGlobals()->getScheduler();
// schedule sWorkDownLeft only if parent down-queue is non-empty
// or if left child down-queue is non-full.
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkDownLeft, this, qparent_.down,"P1");
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkDownLeft, this, qleft_.down);
// schedule sWorkLeft2Right only if left child up-queue is non-empty
// or if right child down-queue or parent up-queue is non-full
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkLeft2Right, this, qleft_.up,"P2");
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkLeft2Right, this, qright_.down);
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkLeft2Right, this, qparent_.up);
// schedule sWorkUp only if right child up-queue is non-empty
// or if parent up-queue is non-full.
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkUp, this, qright_.up,"P3");
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkUp, this, qparent_.up);
// schedule sWorkCancel if a cancel request is received
sched->registerCancelSubtask(sWorkCancel, this, qparent_.down,"CN");
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::registerSubtasks
inline const ex_tcb* ExCatpoundStmtTcb::getChild(Int32 pos) const
ex_assert((pos >= 0), "ExCatpoundStmtTcb::getChild");
if (pos == 0)
return tcbLeft_;
else if (pos == 1)
return tcbRight_;
return NULL;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::getChild
ExWorkProcRetcode ExCatpoundStmtTcb::work()
// The work methods for the CS operator:
// (1) workDownLeft() - Process new request, giving it to the left child.
// (2) workLeft2Right() - Flow tuple value and control from left to right.
// (3) workUp() - Flow result from right up-queue to parent up-queue.
// This default work method is never called.
ex_assert(0, "ExCatpoundStmtTcb::work: Invalid state");
return WORK_OK;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::work
// Work procedure to send requests down to left child
ExWorkProcRetcode ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workDownLeft()
// while we have unprocessed down requests and while left
// child's down queue has room, start more child requests
while (qparent_.down->entryExists(parent2leftx_) &&
!qleft_.down->isFull()) {
return WORK_OK;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workDownLeft
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::startLeftChild()
// Process the new parent request.
ex_queue_entry *pentry = qparent_.down->getQueueEntry(parent2leftx_);
ex_queue_entry *lentry = qleft_.down->getTailEntry();
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState &pstate =
// Init private state.
// pass same request to left child
const ex_queue::down_request request = pentry->downState.request;
lentry->downState.request = request;
lentry->downState.requestValue = pentry->downState.requestValue;
lentry->downState.parentIndex = parent2leftx_;
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_STARTED;
if (request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE) {
// immediately cancel the request (requests are already in
// cancelled state but the cancel callback isn't activated yet)
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_CANCELLED;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::startLeftChild
// flow tuple values and control from left to right child
ExWorkProcRetcode ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workLeft2Right()
// We want to remove left up-queue entries as soon as they're passed to
// the right child. But, we can't. We must defer removing some (ie, the
// 1st and its Q_NO_DATA) left up-queue entries to workUp because
// catpoundstmts like
// begin; select count(*) from t; delete from t; end;
// may have a right child that produce no data result, ie, its first
// up-queue entry is a Q_NO_DATA. Q_NO_DATA does not carry any data.
// We must flow any left data up to the parent even if the right child
// is a non-data-producing statement.
// while left child's up-queue is non-empty do
for (; qleft_.up->entryExists(leftupx_); leftupx_++) {
// process reply from left child
ex_queue_entry *lentry = qleft_.up->getQueueEntry(leftupx_);
ex_queue_entry *rentry = qright_.down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry *pentry = qparent_.down->getQueueEntry
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState &pstate =
switch(lentry->upState.status) {
case ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA:
// if we did not get atleast one row from the left child and we
// are expecting rows (because of SELECT) from the left child
// then raise a warning and stop further execution of CS statements
if (pstate.leftstate_ == CS_STARTED &&
expectingLeftRows() ) {
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // try again later
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_ERROR;
if (afterUpdate()) {
else {
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK;
if (pstate.leftstate_ == CS_ERROR ||
pstate.leftstate_ == CS_CANCELLED) {
if (qparent_.up->isFull())return WORK_OK; // try again later
passChildReplyUp(lentry); // pass EOD up
if (pstate.leftrows_ > 0) {
// some data is parked in up-queue; flush it.
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // the 1st row
// we must remove left up-queue's EOD.
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // the EOD
qparent_.down->removeHead(); // done with this request
else { // it's not an error nor a cancel
if (qright_.down->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // try again later
// for safety and correctness, we wait until
// left is done before passing control to right
if (pstate.leftstate_ == CS_STARTED) { // left has no data result
// flow parent's down-queue entry to the right
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // it's now useless
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_DONE;
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_STARTED;
if (pentry->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE) {
// immediately cancel the request
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_CANCELLED;
case ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE:
if (pstate.leftstate_ == CS_ERROR ||
pstate.leftstate_ == CS_CANCELLED) {
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // toss it out; it's useless
if (pstate.leftrows_ == 0) {
// make sure right child's down-queue is not full before
// changing its tail entry.
if (qright_.down->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // try again later
// catpound statement flows only 1st row from left to right
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_NOT_EMPTY;
else { // pstate.leftrows_ > 0
pentry->downState.request = ex_queue::GET_NOMORE;
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // try again later
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_ERROR;
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // toss it out; it's useless
case ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR:
if (pstate.leftstate_ == CS_ERROR ||
pstate.leftstate_ == CS_CANCELLED) {
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // toss it out; it's useless
pentry->downState.request = ex_queue::GET_NOMORE;
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // try again later
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_ERROR;
processError(lentry->getAtp(), NULL);
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // toss it out; it's useless
// pstate.leftrows_++; don't do this here because the Q_NO_DATA
// case above checks for a positive leftrows_ and will try to
// remove the entry we've just removed from the left up-queue.
case ex_queue::Q_INVALID:
ex_assert(0,"ExCatpoundStmtTcb:workLeft2Right: Invalid state");
return WORK_OK;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workLeft2Right
// flow tuple value from left to right
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::flowLeft2Right(ex_queue_entry *lentry)
ex_queue_entry *rentry = qright_.down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry *pentry = qparent_.down->getQueueEntry
// pass same request from left to right child
rentry->downState.request = pentry->downState.request;
rentry->downState.requestValue = pentry->downState.requestValue;
// associate right-down request with left-up entry's parent index
rentry->downState.parentIndex = lentry->upState.parentIndex;
// catpound statement flows any input data from left to right
// passAtp may be OK here. But, we use copyAtp to be consistent with
// ExCatpoundStmtTcb::flowParent2Right
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::flowLeft2Right
// flow tuple value from parent to right
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::flowParent2Right(queue_index pindex)
// We're the 2nd catpoundstmt node in a 3-statement block like this
// begin; select a from t; delete from u; select b from v; end;
// The queues look like this
// +--+
// |CS|
// +--+
// | | +-+ | | +-+
// | | | | |g| | |
// +-+ | | +-+ | |
// +--+ +--+
// |S | |CS|
// +--+ +--+
// | | +-+ | | +-+
// | | |e| | | | |
// +-+ | | +-+ | |
// +--+ +--+
// |D | |S |
// +--+ +--+
// The 1st catpoundstmt flowed the 1st select's result to our parent's
// down-queue(g). Our left child (the delete) has a Q_NO_DATA in its up-
// queue(e). Now, we must flow our parent's down-queue data (g) to our
// right child's down-queue. If we don't do this (and instead flow our
// left up-queue to the right down-queue), we'll lose the 1st select's
// result because our left up-queue has nothing but a Q_NO_DATA.
ex_queue_entry *rentry = qright_.down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry *pentry = qparent_.down->getQueueEntry(pindex);
// pass same request from parent to right child
rentry->downState.request = pentry->downState.request;
rentry->downState.requestValue = pentry->downState.requestValue;
// associate right-down request with parent index
rentry->downState.parentIndex = pindex;
// pass data from parent-to-right
// passAtp would be incorrect here because catpoundstmts like this
// begin; set :h = select c from t; insert into s(d) values(:h); end;
// require that :h be set to null if "select c from t" has no data.
// In this case, copyAtp sets :h to null whereas passAtp leaves :h
// uninitialized.
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::flowParent2Right
ExWorkProcRetcode ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workUp()
// while there is work that has been started do
while (qparent_.down->getHeadIndex() != parent2leftx_) {
// get head entry and pstate
ex_queue_entry *pdentry = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState &pstate =
*((ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState*) pdentry->pstate);
Int32 eod = 0;
// while we have (up or cancel or error) work to do, ie,
// while right child's up-queue is non-empty do
for (; !qright_.up->isEmpty() && !eod; qright_.up->removeHead()) {
// get right child's first up-queue entry
ex_queue_entry *rentry = qright_.up->getHeadEntry();
// get parent's last up-queue entry
ex_queue_entry *puentry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
switch (rentry->upState.status) {
case ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA:
// any room in the up-queue?
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // no, try again later
// if we did not get atleast one row from the right child and we
// are expecting rows (because of SELECT) from the right child
// then raise a warning and stop further execution of CS statements
if (pstate.rightstate_ == CS_STARTED &&
expectingRightRows() ) {
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_ERROR;
if (afterUpdate()) {
else {
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK;
if (pstate.rightstate_ == CS_ERROR ||
pstate.rightstate_ == CS_CANCELLED) {
passChildReplyUp(rentry); // pass EOD up
else {
if (pstate.rightstate_ == CS_STARTED && pstate.leftrows_ > 0) {
// right has no data but left has some. pass left data up.
pstate.rightrows_ = pstate.leftrows_;
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) {
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_DONE; // pass it up exactly once
return WORK_OK; // retry passing EOD later
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_DONE;
passChildReplyUp(rentry); // pass EOD up
if (getStatsEntry() != NULL) {
eod = 1; // this parent request is done
if (pstate.leftrows_ > 0) {
// left had some data and that data has been catenated into right
// child's atp, flush that left child data parked in it's up-queue.
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // left data
qleft_.up->removeHead(); // left EOD
case ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE:
case ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR:
// if right is cancelled or an error, then throw it away
if (pstate.rightstate_ == CS_ERROR ||
pstate.rightstate_ == CS_CANCELLED) continue;
if (qparent_.up->isFull()) return WORK_OK; // retry later
if (rentry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR) {
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_ERROR;
processError(rentry->getAtp(), NULL);
// catpound statement passes-up only 1st row from right
else if (pstate.rightrows_ == 0) {
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_NOT_EMPTY;
else if (pstate.rightrows_ > 0) {
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_ERROR;
case ex_queue::Q_INVALID:
ex_assert(0,"ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workUp: Invalid state");
// right child's up-queue is empty or current request is done
if (eod)
qparent_.down->removeHead(); // this parent request is done
return WORK_OK;
return WORK_OK;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workUp
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::passChildReplyUp(ex_queue_entry *centry)
// get parent's down-queue head entry and its pstate
ex_queue_entry *pdentry = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
// get parent's last up-queue entry
ex_queue_entry *puentry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
// prepare to pass rentry up to parent's up-queue
puentry->upState.status = centry->upState.status;
puentry->upState.parentIndex = pdentry->downState.parentIndex;
puentry->upState.downIndex = qparent_.down->getHeadIndex();
// pass the reply up to the parent's up-queue
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::passChildReplyUp
ExWorkProcRetcode ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workCancel()
// Check the down queue from the parent for cancellations. Propagate
// cancel requests and remove all requests that are completely cancelled.
// Loop over all requests that have been sent down.
queue_index x;
for (x = qparent_.down->getHeadIndex(); x != parent2leftx_; x++) {
ex_queue_entry *pentry = qparent_.down->getQueueEntry(x);
// check whether the current down request is cancelled
if (pentry->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE) {
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState &pstate =
if (pstate.leftstate_ == CS_STARTED ||
pstate.leftstate_ == CS_NOT_EMPTY) {
// cancel request to left child
pstate.leftstate_ = CS_CANCELLED;
if (pstate.rightstate_ == CS_STARTED ||
pstate.rightstate_ == CS_NOT_EMPTY) {
// cancel request to right child
pstate.rightstate_ = CS_CANCELLED;
return WORK_OK;
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::workCancel
// Process and propagate error up to parent's up-queue
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::processError(atp_struct *atp, ComDiagsArea *da)
ex_queue_entry *pdentry = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry *puentry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState &pstate =
// set up error entry for parent up-queue
puentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
puentry->upState.parentIndex = pdentry->downState.parentIndex;
puentry->upState.downIndex = qparent_.down->getHeadIndex();
if (da) puentry->setDiagsArea(da);
// insert entry into parent's up queue
// cancel this request and all its children
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::processError
// Process CS error due to a child returning > 1 row.
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::processCardinalityError(ex_queue_entry *centry)
// create error for diags
ComDiagsArea *da = ExRaiseSqlError
(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap(), centry,
processError(centry->getAtp(), da);
} // ExCatpoundStmtTcb::processCardinalityError
//This method is used to raise error -EXE_CS_EOD_ROLLBACK_ERROR or
// warning +EXE_CS_EOD. Raising this error or warning causes further processing of the
// CS to be stopped and if any updates were seen previously in this CS then the
// whole transaction is rolled back. Note that the warning EXE_CS_EOD is actually
//raised as an error here and and attached to a Q_SQLERROR entry. It is converted into a
//warning in the root::fetch or root::oltExecute method. This is done since it
//is crucial that this warning be posted and further processing on the offending CS be stopped.
//There is a possibility that warnings are not propogated correctly and we continue processing
//on the CS once the warning has been raised as an actual warning.
void ExCatpoundStmtTcb::processEODErrorOrWarning(NABoolean isWarning)
ex_queue_entry *pdentry = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry *puentry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
ComDiagsArea * da ;
if (isWarning)
da = ExRaiseSqlError(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap(), puentry,
da = ExRaiseSqlError(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap(), puentry,
puentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
puentry->upState.parentIndex = pdentry->downState.parentIndex;
puentry->upState.downIndex = qparent_.down->getHeadIndex();
// CatpoundStmtPrivateState methods.
void ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState::init()
leftstate_ = ExCatpoundStmtTcb::CS_EMPTY;
rightstate_ = ExCatpoundStmtTcb::CS_EMPTY;
leftrows_ = 0;
rightrows_ = 0;
} // void ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState::init
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState::allocate_new(const ex_tcb *tcb)
return new(((ex_tcb *)tcb)->getSpace())
ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState((ExCatpoundStmtTcb *) tcb);
} // ExCatpoundStmtPrivateState::allocate_new