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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ItemColRef.h
* Description: Item expressions that reference columns/column ids/col groups
* Created: 11/04/94
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h> // memcpy
#include "CharType.h"
#include "ItemExpr.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "nawstring.h"
#include "NAColumn.h"
#include "CostScalar.h"
#include "QRExprElement.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BaseColumn;
class ColReference;
class ConstValue;
class DefaultSpecification;
class SelParameter;
class DynamicParam;
class RoutineParam;
class HostVar;
class IndexColumn;
class SelIndex;
class RoutineDesc;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColumnDescList;
class NAColumn;
class NAFileSet;
class TableDesc;
typedef ClusteredBitmap PositionSet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A base column is allocated for each column belonging to a base table
// or table-valued stored procedure that is referenced in the query.
// This node is allocated only by the binder and is associated with
// the ValueDesc.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BaseColumn : public ItemExpr
BaseColumn(TableDesc * tableDesc, Lng32 columnNumber)
: ItemExpr(ITM_BASECOLUMN), tableDesc_(tableDesc), colNumber_(columnNumber)
BaseColumn(const BaseColumn &column);
virtual ~BaseColumn();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// virtual method to fixup tree for code generation.
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator *);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
TableDesc *getTableDesc() const { return tableDesc_; }
Lng32 getColNumber() const { return colNumber_; }
NAColumn *getNAColumn() const;
const NAString& getColName() const;
const NAType& getType() const;
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// can this base column be calculated from these values/group attributes
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
virtual OrderComparison sameOrder(ItemExpr *other,
NABoolean askOther = TRUE);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
const NAString getTextForQuery() const;
// return set of keyColumns referenced in the Computed Column expression
void getUnderlyingColumnsForCC(ValueIdSet &underlyingCols);
// deal with equivalent (usually IndexColumn) item expressions
void addEIC(ValueId eic) { equivalentIndexCols_ += eic; }
const ValueIdSet &getEIC() const { return equivalentIndexCols_; }
NABoolean isEIC(ValueId id) const
{ return (getValueId() == id) OR equivalentIndexCols_.contains(id); }
ValueIdList *getClusteringKeyCols() const;
// is this BaseColumn a primary or partitioning key and is val a single
// value or a constant that can be safely coerced to BaseColumn's type?
NABoolean isKeyColumnValue(ItemExpr& val) const;
// is val a constant that can be safely coerced to BaseColumn's type?
NABoolean canSafelyCoerce(ItemExpr& val) const;
// append an ascii-version of ItemExpr into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
virtual NABoolean calculateMinMaxUecs(ColStatDescList & histograms,
CostScalar & minUec,
CostScalar & maxUec);
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
virtual NABoolean isAColumnReference( )
{ return TRUE; }
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
const ValueId &getComputedColumnExpr() { return computedColumnExpr_; }
void setComputedColumnExpr(const ValueId &x) { computedColumnExpr_ = x; }
// the TableId for the table to which this column belongs
TableDesc * tableDesc_;
// Column number within the table
Lng32 colNumber_;
// The index columns that deliver the same value as the base column
ValueIdSet equivalentIndexCols_;
// If this is a computed column, the expression used to compute it (NULL otherwise)
ValueId computedColumnExpr_;
}; // class BaseColumn
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An index column object is allocated each time when an index is used
// by a rule that transforms some base table access into an index scan.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IndexColumn : public ItemExpr
// constructor
IndexColumn(const NAFileSet *indexPtr,
Lng32 indexColumnNumber,
const ValueId &colDefinition);
virtual ~IndexColumn();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// virtual method to fixup tree for code generation.
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator *);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
Lng32 getOffset() const;
const NAType& getType() const;
NAColumn * getNAColumn() const;
Lng32 getIndexColNumber() const { return indexColNumber_; }
ValueId getDefinition() const { return indexColDefinition_; }
// misc. support functions
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual ValueId mapAndRewrite(ValueIdMap &map,
NABoolean mapDownwards = FALSE);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = OPTIMIZER_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
virtual OrderComparison sameOrder(ItemExpr *other,
NABoolean askOther = TRUE);
virtual NABoolean isAColumnReference( )
{ return TRUE; }
const NAFileSet * getNAFileSet() { return index_; }
// a pointer back to the NAFileSet structure
const NAFileSet *index_;
// Column number within the index
Lng32 indexColNumber_;
// Definition of the index column (what's in it)
ValueId indexColDefinition_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A column reference points to a column in a relational node. Constants
// and column references are the leaf nodes of an item expression.
// The ValueDesc is allocated at the same time as the BaseColumn. So
// the ValueId must be set for this expression by calling setValueId()
// after the allocation is done.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColReference : public ItemExpr
ColReference(ColRefName *colRefName) :
ItemExpr(ITM_REFERENCE), colRefName_(colRefName), starExpansion_(NULL),
parent_(NULL), targetColumnClass_(USER_COLUMN) {}
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ColReference() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// accessor functions
const ColRefName& getColRefNameObj() const { return *colRefName_; }
ColRefName& getColRefNameObj() { return *colRefName_; }
const CorrName& getCorrNameObj() const { return colRefName_->getCorrNameObj(); }
CorrName& getCorrNameObj() { return colRefName_->getCorrNameObj(); }
// star expansion functions
void setStarExpansion(const ColumnDescList *columnList)
starExpansion_ = columnList;
const ColumnDescList *getStarExpansion() { return starExpansion_; }
void setParent(RelExpr *parent) { parent_ = parent; }
RelExpr * getParent() const { return parent_; }
// MV --
inline void setTargetColumnClass(ColumnClass colClass) { targetColumnClass_ = colClass; }
inline ColumnClass getTargetColumnClass() const { return targetColumnClass_; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
// the parser and binder work with textual column references
ColRefName *colRefName_;
// if the column name is '*' or 'table.*', the binder expands it
const ColumnDescList * starExpansion_;
// pointer to parent node
RelExpr *parent_;
// MV --
// Force this column to be added to the RETDesc as a system column.
ColumnClass targetColumnClass_;
}; // class ColReference
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A constant item operator refers to a constant value.
// It is either an integer, a string value or a boolean constant
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ConstValue : public ItemExpr
// constructor for an untyped NULL constant
// constructor for a numeric constant
ConstValue(Lng32 intval,NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// constructor for a string constant
ConstValue(const NAString& strval,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet=CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation=CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility=CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()
// constructor for a wide (unicode) string constant
ConstValue(const NAWString& strval,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet=CharInfo::UNICODE,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation=CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility=CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
enum CharInfo::CharSet strLitPrefixCharSet=CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
// constructor for a string constant with unknown charset (both the
// single-byte and double-byte string values are known)
NAString strval, NAWString wstrval,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation=CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility=CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()
// Supply a type, a buffer containing the packed value,
// the size of the buffer and , optionally, the string
// for the literal
ConstValue(const NAType * type,
void * value,
Lng32 value_len,
NAString * literal = NULL,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
/*soln:10-050710-9594 begin */
/* Same as above constructor along with string constants */
ConstValue(const NAType * type, void * value, Lng32 value_len, NAString *lstrval, NAWString *wstrval,
NAString * literal = NULL, NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(), IsNullEnum isNull = IS_NOT_NULL);
/*soln:10-050710-9594 end */
// constructor to create extremal values (with the option of allowing
// or excluding NULL)
ConstValue(const NAType * type,
const NABoolean wantMinValue,
const NABoolean allowNull,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
ConstValue(OperatorTypeEnum otype, ConstValue *other,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// for query caching, we need a simple ConstValue copy constructor
// to be used in creating a ConstantParameter given a ConstValue.
// we'd like to use one of the above constructors, but they expose
// internal details of ConstValue that we want to hide and ignore.
ConstValue(const ConstValue& s, NAHeap *h);
// just like the previous copy constructor but does pointer copies only;
// ie, no new heap allocations.
ConstValue(const ConstValue& s);
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ConstValue();
// change the character set for a string value.
const NAType* pushDownType(NAType& newType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier);
// perform safe type cast (return NULL ptr for illegal casts)
virtual ConstValue *castToConstValue(NABoolean & negate );
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// A method that returns for "user-given" input values.
// These are values that are either constants, host variables, parameters,
// or even values that are sensed from the environment such as
// current time, the user name, etcetera.
virtual NABoolean isAUserSuppliedInput() const;
// Method for changing the type of the constant
void changeType(const NAType * newType) { type_ = newType; }
// Method for changing the string constant
void changeStringConstant(const NAString* newStringConstant);
// Accessor function for the type.
const NAType * getType() const { return type_; }
// return true iff I am a string literal with unknown character set
NABoolean hasUnknownCharSet();
void * getConstValue() const { return value_; }
Lng32 getStorageSize() const { return storageSize_; }
Lng32 getSize() const;
// get constant value in string format
// The boolean argument indicates whether the text returned
// has been transformed (i.e., all \0 chars become "\0").
NAString getConstStr(NABoolean transformNeeded = TRUE) const;
short isNull() const { return isNull_ ? -1 : 0; }
NABoolean isNullWasDefaultSpec() const { return isNull_==IS_NULL_WAS_DEFAULT;}
void setWasDefaultSpec() { if (isNull_)
NABoolean isAFalseConstant() const;
NABoolean isExactNumeric() const;
// You must call canGetExactNumericValue() to determine if safe to call
// one of the getExactNumericValue methods.
NABoolean canGetExactNumericValue() const;
// Method to convert a ConstValue into an exact number,
// result must be multiplied by 10**-scale
Int64 getExactNumericValue(Lng32 &scale) const;
Int64 getExactNumericValue() const
{ Lng32 scale;
Int64 result = getExactNumericValue(scale);
CMPASSERT(scale >= 0);
while (scale--) result /= 10;
return result;
// same, but getting an approximate numeric value
NABoolean canGetApproximateNumericValue() const;
double getApproximateNumericValue() const;
// get offsets of the three fields stored in the data buffer
void getOffsetsInBuffer(int &nullIndOffset,
int &vcLenOffset,
int &dataOffset);
// Are two ConstValues equal to each other???
virtual NABoolean operator == (const ItemExpr& other) const;
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// can this base column be calculated from these values/group attributes
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
// return a string that identifies the operator. same as getText() except
// we prepend char set to string literals. This is to fix genesis case
// 10-040616-0347 "NF: query cache does not work properly on || for certain
// character set". If we change ConstValue::getText() for this fix, we risk
// breaking QA tests due to expected output diffs.
virtual const NAString getText4CacheKey() const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getTextForQuery() const;
const NAString getTextForQuery(UnparseFormatEnum form) const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = OPTIMIZER_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
// get raw, unquoted text
const NAString *getRawText() const;
// Genesis 10-980402-1556 (see Binder)
ConstValue * toUpper(CollHeap *h = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// mutate text -- use with extreme caution -- only before an unparse/getText
// for purposes of an error message, after which we throw in the towel anyway!
void setText(const char *t) { *text_ = t; }
// can this ConstValue be safely coerced into this target type?
NABoolean canBeSafelyCoercedTo(const NAType& target);
// does this ItemExpr (dis)qualify query to be cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// is this an empty string?
NABoolean isEmptyString() const;
virtual NABoolean calculateMinMaxUecs(ColStatDescList & histograms,
CostScalar & minUec,
CostScalar & maxUec);
// is this a system generated const value?
NABoolean isSystemProvided() const { return isSystemSupplied_; };
// change literal of a cacheable query into ConstantParameter
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
NABoolean isRebindNeeded() { return rebindNeeded_; };
void setRebindNeeded(NABoolean x) { rebindNeeded_ = x; };
NABoolean isStrLitWithCharSetPrefixSpecified() const { return isStrLitWithCharSetPrefix_; }
// TRUE if is a string literal appearing together with a character set prefix - This data
// member is for use with the DEFAULT string literal CLAUSE in a DDL column definition only.
void setStrLitWithCharSetPrefixFlag(NABoolean x) { isStrLitWithCharSetPrefix_ = x; }
// provide an interface to the SB and MB strings prepared by the parser.
// Use with caution! At least need to check the null-ness.
NAString* getLocaleString() { return locale_strval; };
NAWString* getLocaleWString() { return locale_wstrval; };
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
// computeHashValues() computes a hash value for a constant for use
// in skew busters and most frequent value search.
// Hash value is created only for character and numeric column types.
UInt32 computeHashValue(const NAType& columnType);
// does the value of this constant (if char) has trailing blanks
NABoolean valueHasTrailingBlanks();
void initCharConstValue(const NAString&,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility,
NABoolean isCaseInSensitive = FALSE,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()
void initCharConstValue(const NAWString&,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility,
NABoolean isCaseInSensitive = FALSE,
NAMemory * outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
enum CharInfo::CharSet strLitPrefixCharSet = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
// this indicates whether the constant is a NULL constant
IsNullEnum isNull_;
// type information about the constant.
const NAType * type_;
// contains the packed representation for the constant value.
// it is used by the expression generator
void * value_; // untyped storage for the bit pattern
Lng32 storageSize_; // size of the buffer anchored in value_
// contains the text used for specifying the constant value.
// it is captured by the parser.
NAString *text_;
// Indicates whether the ConstValue constructor stored a valid SQL literal
// in *text_(TRUE) or text_ was passed by the caller (FALSE) and may or may
// not be a valid literal.
// NOTE: In the long term, we should validate or fix all cases and get
// rid of this data member. Also note that FALSE doesn't mean that text_
// is an invalid SQL literal, it just means we are keeping the older
// code that doesn't always store valid literals.
NABoolean textIsValidatedSQLLiteralInUTF8_;
NABoolean rebindNeeded_; // TRUE if the string const value is originally
// set with an unknown charset value.
NABoolean isStrLitWithCharSetPrefix_; // TRUE if is a str lit with charset prefix - This
// member is used with the DEFAULT string literal CLAUSE in a DDL column definition only.
NABoolean isSystemSupplied_; // true iff a system-supplied literal
NAString* locale_strval;
NAWString* locale_wstrval;
}; // class ConstValue
typedef ConstValue* ConstValuePtrT;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A SystemLiteral is a system-supplied ConstValue. It's sole purpose in
// life is to facilitate identification of system-supplied literals so that
// query caching does not change SystemLiteral(s) into ConstantParameter(s)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SystemLiteral : public ConstValue
// constructor for a system-supplied untyped NULL constant
SystemLiteral() : ConstValue() { isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// constructor for a system-supplied numeric constant
SystemLiteral(Lng32 intval)
: ConstValue(intval) { isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// constructor for a system-supplied string constant
(const NAString& strval,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet=CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation=CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility=CharInfo::COERCIBLE)
: ConstValue(strval, charSet, collation, coercibility)
{ isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// constructor for a system-supplied wide (unicode) string constant
(const NAWString& strval,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet=CharInfo::UNICODE,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation=CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility=CharInfo::COERCIBLE)
: ConstValue(strval, charSet, collation, coercibility)
{ isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// constructor for a system-supplied string constant that its character
// set is unknow at this point. Binder will determine the character set.
(const NAString& strval,
const NAWString& wstrval,
enum CharInfo::Collation collation=CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
enum CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility=CharInfo::COERCIBLE)
: ConstValue(strval, wstrval, collation, coercibility)
{ isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// Supply a type, a buffer containing the packed value,
// the size of the buffer and , optionally, the string
// for the literal (system-supplied version)
SystemLiteral(const NAType *type, void *value, Lng32 value_len,
NAString *literal = NULL)
: ConstValue(type, value, value_len, literal)
{ isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// constructor to create extremal values with the option of allowing
// or excluding NULL (system-supplied version)
(const NAType *type, const NABoolean wantMinValue,
const NABoolean allowNull)
: ConstValue(type, wantMinValue, allowNull)
{ isSystemSupplied_ = TRUE; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The DEFAULT keyword, allowed only in the VALUES list in an INSERT,
// is really just a placeholder till Binder can replace it with the correct
// ConstValue (or reject it as a syntax error).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DefaultSpecification : public ItemExpr
virtual ~DefaultSpecification() {}
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// If for any reason copyTopNode() is called before bindNode then the call
// goes to ItemExpr::copyTopNode() and it does'nt handle (by design) NULL
// derivedNode. DefaultSpecification::copyTopNode() gets called during
// inlining of triggers and when there is recursion involved, it happens
// before the binder has finished. So we need to provide an override.
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// Safety net -- these methods should never be called because we should
// never get so far as to use them.
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType() { CMPASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; }
short codeGen(Generator*) { CMPASSERT(FALSE); return -1; }
const NAString getText() const { return "DEFAULT"; }
}; // class DefaultSpecification
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A host variable used in a static SQL statement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class HostVar : public ItemExpr
enum PrototypeType { INVALID, QUALIFIEDNAME };
// constructors for hostvars without, and with, an indicator host variable
HostVar(const NAString & varName,
const NAType *type,
NABoolean isSystemGen = FALSE)
: ItemExpr(ITM_HOSTVAR), varName_(varName, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
varType_(type), isSystemGenerated_(isSystemGen),
isEnvVar_(FALSE), isDefine_(FALSE),
isParam_(FALSE), isCachedParam_(FALSE),
ordinalPosition_ (0),
hvIndex_ (0),
{ CMPASSERT(!varName_.isNull()); }
// This one take OperatorTypeEnum otype as a parameter.
HostVar(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
const NAString & varName,
const NAType *type,
NABoolean isSystemGen = FALSE)
: ItemExpr(otype ), varName_(varName, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
varType_(type), isSystemGenerated_(isSystemGen),
isEnvVar_(FALSE), isDefine_(FALSE),
isParam_(FALSE), isCachedParam_(FALSE),
ordinalPosition_ (0),
hvIndex_ (0),
{ CMPASSERT(!varName_.isNull()); }
HostVar(const NAString & varName,
const NAString & indicatorName,
const NAType *type,
NABoolean isSystemGen = FALSE)
: ItemExpr(ITM_HOSTVAR), varName_(varName, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
varType_(type), isSystemGenerated_(isSystemGen),
isEnvVar_(FALSE), isDefine_(FALSE),
isParam_(FALSE), isCachedParam_(FALSE),
indicatorName_(indicatorName, CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
ordinalPosition_ (0),
hvIndex_ (0),
// copy ctor
HostVar(const HostVar&);
virtual ~HostVar() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
const NAString& getName() const { return varName_; }
const NAType* getType() const { return varType_; }
const NAString& getIndName() const { return indicatorName_; }
NABoolean isSystemGenerated() const { return isSystemGenerated_; }
NABoolean isEnvVar() const { return isEnvVar_; }
void setIsEnvVar(NABoolean isEV = TRUE) { isEnvVar_ = isEV; }
NABoolean isDefine() const { return isDefine_; }
void setIsDefine(NABoolean isDef = TRUE) { isDefine_ = isDef; }
NABoolean isParam() const { return isParam_; }
void setIsParam(NABoolean isParam = TRUE) { isParam_ = isParam; }
NABoolean isCachedParam() const { return isCachedParam_; }
void setIsCachedParam(NABoolean isCachedParam = TRUE)
{ isCachedParam_ = isCachedParam; }
NABoolean isSystemGeneratedOutputHV() const;
NAString& getPrototypeValue() { return prototypeValue_; }
const NAString& getPrototypeValue() const { return prototypeValue_; }
NABoolean hasPrototypeValue() const { return !prototypeValue_.isNull(); }
void setPrototypeValue(const NAString &s){ prototypeValue_ = s; }
PrototypeType getPrototypeType() const { return prototypeType_; }
NABoolean isPrototypeValid() const { return prototypeType_ != INVALID; }
void setPrototypeType(PrototypeType type){ prototypeType_ = type; }
// A virtual method that returns for "user-given" input values.
// These are values that are either constants, host variables, parameters,
// or even values that are sensed from the environment such as
// current time, the user name, etc:
// Always TRUE for a HostVar.
virtual NABoolean isAUserSuppliedInput() const;
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
const NAType * pushDownType(NAType& desiredType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier);
// a virtual function for checking whether this node is
// ANSI character-type matching rule relaxable
NABoolean isCharTypeMatchRulesRelaxable();
// virtual method to fixup tree for code generation.
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator *);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
void setSpecialType(ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType type)
{ specialSyntaxType_=type; }
ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType getSpecialType() const
{ return specialSyntaxType_; }
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
inline ULng32 getRowsetInfo() {return rowsetInfo_;}
inline void setRowsetInfo (ULng32 rowsetInfo)
{rowsetInfo_ = rowsetInfo;}
// Constants used by rowsetInfo_. They get populated in sqlparser.y
// to indicate what they are in a rowset query
enum RowsetEnum {
USE_TOTAL_ROWSET_SIZE = 0x0001, // Indicates to use whole
// rowset size in DP2
HV_ROWSET_FOR_INPUT_SIZE = 0x0002, // This is the host var in
HV_ROWSET_FOR_OUTPUT_SIZE = 0x0004, // This is the host var in
HV_ROWSET_LOCAL_SIZE = 0x0008, // This is the host var in
// ROWSET <var> ( <list >)
HV_INPUT_ASSIGNMENT = 0x0010, // This is an input host variable
// used in an assignment statement
HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_INPUT_ROWLEN = 0x0020, // max length of each input
// row in the rowwise rowset
// input buffer
HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_INPUT_BUFFER = 0x0040, // this hostvar/param contains
// the address of rowwise
// rowwise rowset input buffer
HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_PARTN_NUM = 0x0080, // this param contains the
// partition number where
// this rwrs buffer need
// to be shipped to
HV_ROW_IN_ROWWISE_ROWSET = 0x0100, // this hvar/param is part
// of the row that will be
// moved in to the rowwise
// rowset buffer
NOT_A_FLAG = 0x8000 // We put other information
// that is not a flag
inline void setUseTotalRowsetSize() {
inline void setHVRowsetForInputSize() {
inline void setHVRowsetForOutputSize() {
inline void setHVRowsetLocalSize() {
rowsetInfo_ |= HV_ROWSET_LOCAL_SIZE;
inline void setHVInputAssignment() {
inline NABoolean isHVInputAssignment() {
return ((rowsetInfo_ & HV_INPUT_ASSIGNMENT) != 0);
// does this entire ItemExpr qualify query to be cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// Raj P - 01/2001
// Parameter mode, ordinal position and variable index
// needed for (java) stored procedures
ComColumnDirection getParamMode () const {return paramMode_;};
Int32 getOrdinalPosition () const {return ordinalPosition_;};
Int32 getHVorDPIndex () const { return hvIndex_;}
virtual void setPMOrdPosAndIndex( ComColumnDirection paramMode,
Int32 ordinalPosition,
Int32 index);
// Param heading and tablename needed here for JDBC/WLI, when dynamic rowsets are used.
const NAString &getParamHeading() const { return heading_; }
void setParamHeading(NAString head)
heading_ = head;
const NAString &getParamTablename() const { return tablename_; }
void setParamTablename(NAString tablename)
tablename_ = tablename;
// name (in embedded host language syntax) of the variable and possibly indic
NAString varName_;
NAString indicatorName_;
// SQLtype of the variable
const NAType *varType_;
// a value, always character string, always in SQL syntax
NAString prototypeValue_;
PrototypeType prototypeType_;
NABoolean isEnvVar_;
NABoolean isDefine_;
NABoolean isParam_;
NABoolean isCachedParam_;
NABoolean isSystemGenerated_; // TRUE => internally generated host var
// should not impact histogram statistics
ULng32 rowsetInfo_; // Contains rowset information. Can be populated
// by constants in rowset enum
ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType specialSyntaxType_;
// Raj P - 01/2001
// Parameter mode, ordinal position and variable index
// needed for (java) stored procedures
ComColumnDirection paramMode_;
Int32 ordinalPosition_;
Int32 hvIndex_;
// In certain cases, the hostvar is assigned non-datatype attributes of
// the target column when it is typed.
// For internal use only, used to implement the 'temporary' blob/clob
// solution from JDBC/WLI.
// It is assigned the tablename and column heading of the target
// column when used as the source of an insert (insert...values (?[10])) or
// an update (update...set col = ?[10]) query.
// Array parameters are converted to hostvars during the early part of binding
// so hostvar needs these datamembers. They will be used only for dynamic rowsets
// from JDBC/WLI. See similar comment below for DynamicParams.
NAString heading_;
NAString tablename_;
}; // class HostVar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameter is the base class of DynamicParam and ConstantParameter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Parameter : public ItemExpr
// constructor
Parameter(OperatorTypeEnum otype)
: ItemExpr(otype) {}
// copy ctor
Parameter(const Parameter& orig)
: ItemExpr(orig) {}
virtual ~Parameter() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0; }
// A method that returns true for "user-given" input values.
// These are values that are either constants, host variables, parameters,
// or even values that are sensed from the environment such as
// current time, the user name, etcetera.
virtual NABoolean isAUserSuppliedInput() const { return TRUE; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
}; // class Parameter
// ConstantParameter is used to represent each constant
// parameter of a cacheable query that has been normalizedForCache.
class ConstantParameter : public Parameter
ConstValue *val_; // the constant value we're treating as a cache parameter
NAType *type_; // same as val_'s type except it's nullable
PositionSet *posns_;// set of positions that share this ConstantParameter
// create a ConstantParameter
ConstantParameter(const ConstValue& v, NAMemory *h,
NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE, UInt32 p=0);
// create a ConstantParameter with a given NAType
ConstantParameter(ConstValue* v, NAMemory *h, const NAType* typ, UInt32 p=0);
// copy constructor
ConstantParameter(const ConstantParameter& cp, NAHeap *h);
// free our allocated memory
virtual ~ConstantParameter();
// append an ascii-version of ConstantParameter into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
Lng32 getSize() const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
const NAType* getType() const { return type_; }
ConstValue * getConstVal() const { return val_; }
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual ConstantParameter *castToConstantParameter() { return this; }
NABoolean matches(ConstValue *val) const;
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
void addPosition(UInt32 p) { *posns_ += p; }
PositionSet *getPositionSet() { return posns_; }
// Selectivity represents a query cache entry's SelParameter's selectivity.
// Selectivity helps determine when two cache entries match. Two cache entries'
// SelParameter's match iff their types & selectivities match.
class Selectivity {
Selectivity(CostScalar s) : val_(s) {}
Selectivity(const Selectivity &s) : val_(s.val_) {}
virtual ~Selectivity() {}
// return true iff two selectivities match or are within some
// tolerance specified by the CQD QUERY_CACHE_SELECTIVITY_TOLERANCE
NABoolean operator==(const Selectivity& other) const;
CostScalar getValue() const { return val_; };
CostScalar val_;
struct ParamType {
NAType *type_; // type of that ConstantParameter
PositionSet *posns_;// set of positions that share this ConstantParameter
ParamType() : type_(0), posns_(NULL) {}
ParamType(NAType *t, PositionSet *r) : type_(t), posns_(r) {}
// SelParamType is the type & selectivity of a cache entry's SelParameter
struct SelParamType {
NAType *type_; // type of that SelParameter
Selectivity sel_; // selectivity of that SelParameter
PositionSet *posns_;// set of positions that share this SelParameter
SelParamType() : sel_(CostScalar(0)), type_(0), posns_(NULL) {}
SelParamType(NAType *t, const Selectivity& s, PositionSet *r)
: sel_(s), type_(t), posns_(r) {}
// SelParameter is used to represent a cacheable query's selection parameter
class SelParameter : public ConstantParameter
Selectivity sel_; // the selectivity part
// create a SelParameter
SelParameter(ConstValue* v, NAMemory *h, const NAType* typ,
const Selectivity s, UInt32 p)
: ConstantParameter(v, h, typ, p), sel_(s) {}
// copy constructor
SelParameter(const SelParameter& cp, NAHeap *h)
: ConstantParameter(cp, h), sel_(cp.sel_) {}
// free our allocated memory
virtual ~SelParameter() {}
// accessor
const Selectivity getSelectivity() const { return sel_; }
// append an ascii-version of SelParameter into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
virtual const SelParameter *castToSelParameter() const { return this; }
ConstValue * castToConstValue(NABoolean & negate_it);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A parameter supplied in a dynamic SQL statement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DynamicParam : public Parameter
// constructors (for unnamed, named, and named/unnamed with indicator)
DynamicParam(CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_DYN_PARAM), paramName_(h),
ordinalPosition_ (0),
dpIndex_ (0),
DynamicParam(const NAString & paramName, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_DYN_PARAM), paramName_(paramName, h),
ordinalPosition_ (0),
dpIndex_ (0),
DynamicParam(const NAString & paramName,
const NAString & indicatorName,
CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_DYN_PARAM), paramName_(paramName, h),
indicatorName_(indicatorName, h),
ordinalPosition_ (0),
dpIndex_ (0),
// copy ctor
DynamicParam (const DynamicParam & orig, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(orig),
paramName_(orig.paramName_, h),
indicatorName_(orig.indicatorName_, h),
heading_(orig.heading_, h),
tablename_(orig.tablename_, h),
paramMode_ (orig.paramMode_),
ordinalPosition_ (orig.ordinalPosition_),
udrFormalParamName_(orig.udrFormalParamName_, h),
dpIndex_ (orig.dpIndex_),
rowsetSize_ (orig.rowsetSize_),
DynamicParam* getOriginal() const { return original_; }
void setOriginal (DynamicParam* o) { original_ = o; }
const NAString& getName() const
return paramName_;
const NAString& getIndicatorName() const
return indicatorName_;
const NAString &getParamHeading() const
return heading_;
void setParamHeading(NAString head)
heading_ = head;
const NAString &getParamTablename() const
return tablename_;
void setParamTablename(NAString tablename)
tablename_ = tablename;
ULng32 getRowsetSize() const
return rowsetSize_;
void setRowsetSize( const ULng32 size)
rowsetSize_ = size;
ULng32 getRowsetInfo() const
return rowsetInfo_;
void setRowsetInfo( const ULng32 info)
rowsetInfo_ = info;
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
// does this entire ItemExpr qualify query to be cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// Methods to support CALL statement processing
ComColumnDirection getParamMode () const {return paramMode_;};
Int32 getOrdinalPosition () const {return ordinalPosition_;};
Int32 getHVorDPIndex () const { return dpIndex_;}
virtual void setPMOrdPosAndIndex( ComColumnDirection paramMode,
Int32 ordinalPosition,
Int32 index);
void setUdrFormalParamName(const NAString &name)
udrFormalParamName_ = name;
const NAString &getUdrFormalParamName() const
return udrFormalParamName_;
const NAType * pushDownType(NAType& desiredType, enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier);
inline void setDPRowsetForInputSize() {
rowsetInfo_ |= HostVar::HV_ROWSET_FOR_INPUT_SIZE;
inline NABoolean isDPRowsetForInputSize() {
return ((rowsetInfo_ & HostVar::HV_ROWSET_FOR_INPUT_SIZE) != 0);
inline void setRowwiseRowsetInputMaxRowlen() {
inline NABoolean isRowwiseRowsetInputMaxRowlen() {
return ((rowsetInfo_ & HostVar::HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_INPUT_ROWLEN) != 0);
inline void setRowwiseRowsetInputBuffer() {
inline NABoolean isRowwiseRowsetInputBuffer() {
return ((rowsetInfo_ & HostVar::HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_INPUT_BUFFER) != 0);
inline void setRowwiseRowsetPartnNum() {
rowsetInfo_ |= HostVar::HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_PARTN_NUM;
inline NABoolean isRowwiseRowsetPartnNum() {
return ((rowsetInfo_ & HostVar::HV_ROWWISE_ROWSET_PARTN_NUM) != 0);
inline void setRowInRowwiseRowset() {
rowsetInfo_ |= HostVar::HV_ROW_IN_ROWWISE_ROWSET;
inline NABoolean isRowInRowwiseRowset() {
return ((rowsetInfo_ & HostVar::HV_ROW_IN_ROWWISE_ROWSET) != 0);
// the name of the param ("" for unnamed params) and the indicator (if any)
NAString paramName_;
NAString indicatorName_;
// In certain cases, the param is assigned non-datatype attributes of
// the target column when it is typed.
// For internal use only, used to implement the 'temporary' blob/clob
// solution from JDBC/WLI.
// It is assigned the tablename and column heading of the target
// column when used as the source of an insert (insert...values (?)) or
// an update (update...set col = ?) query.
// This information is returned during describe time and used by the caller
// to find out if this param was assigned to a blob/clob'ed column.
// See sqlparser.y for the special heading generated for a BLOB/CLOB col.
NAString heading_;
NAString tablename_;
ULng32 rowsetSize_;
ULng32 rowsetInfo_;
// The following are only used when compiling a CALL statement:
// parameter mode - IN, OUT, or INOUT. UNDEFINED for non-CALL
// statements.
// parameter ordinal position - Formal parameter position. Values
// start at 1. 0 for non-CALL statements.
// parameter index - An ordering of parameters according to their
// position in the SQL text. Values start at 1. 0 for non-CALL
// statements.
// formal parameter name - only set when a single dynamic
// parameter is used as a CALL statement IN or INOUT argument. If
// the formal parameter name is set and this dynamic parameter
// object is unnamed, then when the CALL statement is DESCRIBEd we
// return the formal parameter name in the SQLDESC_NAME descriptor
// entry rather than an empty name. Only JDBC and ODBC use these
// formal names currently. The purpose is to allow clients to set
// CALL statement input values by name when a given input argument
// is represented by a single dynamic parameter in the CALL
// statement text. This bookkeeping is not done for OUT parameters
// because DESCRIBE names for OUT parameters come from the RelExpr
// object's RETDesc not from the dynamic parameter instances
// themselves.
ComColumnDirection paramMode_;
Int32 ordinalPosition_;
Int32 dpIndex_;
NAString udrFormalParamName_;
DynamicParam* original_; // null or param we were copyTopNode from
}; // class DynamicParam
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A fake parameter used to represent the routines formal intputs and
// actual output
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RoutineParam : public Parameter
// Constructurs
RoutineParam(CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_ROUTINE_PARAM), paramName_(h),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
RoutineParam(const NAString & paramName, const NAType *type, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_ROUTINE_PARAM), paramName_(paramName, h),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
RoutineParam(const NAString & paramName, const NAType *type, Lng32 pos,
ComColumnDirection direction, RoutineDesc *rdesc, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_ROUTINE_PARAM), paramName_(paramName, h),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
RoutineParam(NAColumn *col, Lng32 pos,
RoutineDesc *rdesc, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_ROUTINE_PARAM), paramName_(col == NULL ? "" : col->getColName() , h),
paramMode_(col == NULL ? COM_UNKNOWN_DIRECTION : col->getColumnMode()),
optionalParam_(col == NULL ? FALSE : col->isOptional()),
paramType_(col == NULL ? NULL : col->getType()),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
if (col != NULL)
strncpy(argumentType_, col->getRoutineParamType(), 2);
RoutineParam(const NAString & paramName, const NAType *type, Lng32 pos,
ComColumnDirection direction, char * argType, RoutineDesc *rdesc, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_ROUTINE_PARAM), paramName_(paramName, h),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
strncpy(argumentType_, argType, 2);
RoutineParam(RoutineDesc * rdesc,
Lng32 position,
CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(ITM_ROUTINE_PARAM), paramName_(h),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
// copy ctor
RoutineParam (const RoutineParam & orig, CollHeap * h=0)
: Parameter(orig),
paramName_(orig.paramName_, h),
memset(argumentType_, 0, sizeof(argumentType_));
const NAString& getName() const
return paramName_;
void setName(NAString & name)
paramName_ = name;
const NAType * getType() const
return paramType_;
void setType(NAType *type)
paramType_ = type;
const char * getArgType() const
return argumentType_;
void setArgType(char *type)
strncpy(argumentType_ , type,3);
const NABoolean optionalParam() const
return optionalParam_;
void setOptionalParam(NABoolean optional)
optionalParam_ = optional;
// does this entire ItemExpr qualify query to be cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa)
return isCacheable_;
virtual NABoolean isAUserSuppliedInput() const { return FALSE; }
void setIsCacheableExpr(NABoolean cacheable)
isCacheable_ = cacheable;
ComColumnDirection getParamMode() const
return paramMode_;
void setParamMode(ComColumnDirection direction)
paramMode_ = direction;
const Int32 getOrdinalPos() const
return ordinalPosition_;
void setOrdinalPos(Int32 pos)
ordinalPosition_ = pos;
const RoutineDesc * getRoutineDesc() const
return rdesc_;
void setRoutineDesc(RoutineDesc * rdesc)
rdesc_ = rdesc;
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
// Methods to support CALL statement processing
Int32 getOrdinalPosition () const {return ordinalPosition_;};
// redefine pushDownType()
const NAType * pushDownType(NAType& desiredType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier)
{ return &desiredType; }
NAString paramName_;
const NAType *paramType_;
NABoolean optionalParam_;
NABoolean isCacheable_;
ComColumnDirection paramMode_;
Int32 ordinalPosition_;
RoutineDesc *rdesc_;
char argumentType_[3];
}; // class RoutineParam
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A select list index used in an ORDER BY clause.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SelIndex : public ItemExpr
SelIndex(ULng32 i, ItemExpr * exprInGrbyClause = NULL)
: ItemExpr(ITM_SEL_INDEX),
// virtual destructor
virtual ~SelIndex() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// accessor functions
ULng32 getSelIndex() const { return selIndex_; }
void setSelIndex(ULng32 idx) { selIndex_ = idx; }
const ItemExpr * getExprInGrbyClause() const { return exprInGrbyClause_; }
ItemExpr * getExprInGrbyClause() { return exprInGrbyClause_; }
NABoolean renamedColNameInGrbyClause()
{ return renamedColNameInGrbyClause_; }
void setRenamedColNameInGrbyClause(NABoolean val)
{renamedColNameInGrbyClause_ = val;}
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
// An index into the select list. The range is 1..n, where n is the number
// of expressions in the select list.
ULng32 selIndex_;
// points to the expression in the groupby clause that got replaced
// by this SelIndex. See RelRoot::transformGroupByWithOrdinalPhase1
// for details. Used to compute view text.
ItemExpr * exprInGrbyClause_;
// If a grouby or having clause contains a name that is both a
// renamed colname and a base column name then we have
// decided that the base column will win. Grouping will be done
// according to the base column and not the renamed col.
// If this SelIndex is being used to point to a renamed column in the
// GroupBy clause then renamedColNameInGrbyClause_
// will be TRUE. If an ordinal is present in this clause
// then renamedColNameInGrbyClause_ will be FALSE.
// Replacement of renamedcols with a select index is done in
// transformGroupByWithOrdinalPhase1. Then in GroupByAgg::bindNode()
// we replace the select index with a colreference to the
// base column if we detect that renamed column is the same as an
// existing base column.
// select a + 1 as b from t group by b ; (create table t (a int, b int) ;)
// This statement should raise an error since the select list contains columns
// that are not in the group by clause.
NABoolean renamedColNameInGrbyClause_;
}; // class SelIndex
#endif /* ITEMCOLREF_H */