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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MemoryMonitor.h
* Description: Class declarations to monitor memory pressure.
* Created: 8/2/99
* Modified:
* Language: C++
#include <fstream>
#include "NAMemory.h"
#include "Int64.h"
// MemoryMonitor implements a very basic memory pressure detection mechanism.
// Due to the nature of the used heuristics (the page fault rate is the
// main indicator for memory pressure) the core of MemoryMonitor is platform
// dependent. The current implementaion is done for Windows NT and uses the
// NT performance data helper DLL.
// The memory monitor itself. There is one instance of MemoryMonitor per
// node. The MXSSCP process on the node creates a thread to constantly update
// the MemoryMonitor object values
class MemoryMonitor : public NABasicObject {
// windowSize is the number of entries in the slinding window we keep
// for the page faults. sampleInterval is the time in seconds between
// two window entries.
MemoryMonitor(Lng32 windowSize, Lng32 sampleInterval, CollHeap *heap);
// calculate the memory pressure indicator. This indicator has a value between 0
// (no pressure) and 99 (system is in deep, deep trouble). It is up to the
// caller to decide on the action to take based on this value
Lng32 memoryPressure();
inline float getPageFaultRate() { return pageFaultRate_; }
inline Lng32 getSampleInterval() const { return sampleInterval_; };
inline ULng32 getPhysMemInBytes() const
float physKBytes = physKBytes_ <= 4 * 1024 * 1024 ? physKBytes_ : 4 * 1024 * 1024;
return (ULng32)(physKBytes * 1000);
inline void setEnable(NABoolean b) { enable_ = b; }
inline void enableLogger() {loggerEnabled_ = TRUE; }
inline NABoolean isLoggerEnabled() { return loggerEnabled_; }
Int64 availablePhyMemKb() { return memFree_; }
static DWORD WINAPI memMonitorUpdateThread(void * param);
void update();
void updatePageFaultRate(Int64 pageFaultValue);
// data members
float physKBytes_; // size of main memory in KBytes
float physKBytesRatio_;
float availBytesPercent_; // % available (unused) physical memory
float commitBytesPercent_; // % of virtual memory committed.
float commitPhysRatio_; // ratio of committed to physical memory.
NABoolean pagingCounterAdded_;
float pageFaultRate_;
Int64 prevPageFault_;
Int64 prevTime_;
Int64 currTime_;
Int64 logTime_;
Int64 memTotal_;
Int64 memActive_;
Int64 memInactive_;
// Written by monitor thread, and read by main thread.
Int64 memFree_; //pages that are free in kb.
float entryCount_;
// Written by main thread, and read by monitor thread.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean enable_; // TRUE => collect counter values.
NABoolean resetEntryCount_; // For measuring page fault rate.
// Written by monitor thread, and read by main thread.
Lng32 pressure_;
// Only referenced by the main thread.
NABoolean resetOnce_;
Lng32 sampleInterval_; // in milliseconds
NABoolean loggerEnabled_;
// SQ_LINUX will use Win32 API for worker thread to update pressure.
static NABoolean threadIsCreated_;
static HANDLE updateThread_;
static ULng32 threadId_;
FILE* fd_meminfo_;
FILE* fd_vmstat_;