blob: 734416aeeffa5b4d6516ae735bf4a00f0d54b501 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- TEST101
set schema trafodion.spjrs;
-- Main test driver section
set schema trafodion.spjrs;
obey TEST101(clean_up);
create schema trafodion.spjrs;
obey $$REGRTSTDIR$$/sampledb;
log LOG101 clear;
obey TEST101(make_patterns);
obey TEST101(java_compile);
obey TEST101(tests);
obey TEST101(clean_up);
?section clean_up
drop procedure order_summary;
drop procedure part_data;
drop procedure rs;
drop procedure rs3;
drop procedure utils;
drop procedure xact;
drop procedure Test101_2rs_errwarn;
drop procedure Test101_singleRowFetch;
drop procedure trafodion.spjrs.lmGateway;
drop procedure trafodion.spjrs.lmRSGateway;
drop procedure rs0p;
drop procedure rs1p;
drop procedure rs3p;
drop library TEST101;
drop table trafodion.sch.udrproxy;
drop table trafodion.sch.t10;
drop table trafodion.sch.test101_t1;
drop table trafodion.sch.interval_columns;
drop table trafodion.sch.varchar_columns;
drop table trafodion.sch.ucs2_columns;
sh rm -f TEST101.class TEST101.jar TEST101.patterns;
drop schema trafodion.spjrs cascade;
?section java_compile
sh sh $$scriptsdir$$/tools/java-compile.ksh 2> LOG101-SECONDARY | tee -a LOG101;
sh sh $$scriptsdir$$/tools/java-archive.ksh TEST101.jar TEST101.class 2>> LOG101-SECONDARY | tee -a LOG101;
log LOG101;
?section make_patterns
sh rm -f TEST101.patterns;
sh sh make-quoted-pattern.ksh JARFILE_Q
$$REGRRUNDIR$$/TEST101.jar > TEST101.patterns;
obey TEST101.patterns;
show pattern;
log LOG101;
?section tests
obey TEST101(create_library);
obey TEST101(create_rs);
obey TEST101(basic_test);
--obey TEST101(explain_test);
--obey TEST101(dnr_change);
--obey TEST101(rs_autocommit);
--obey TEST101(rs_errors_warnings);
--obey TEST101(rs_parallel_plan);
obey TEST101(udr_memory_leak);
?section basic_test
call order_summary('04/01/2003', ?);
call order_summary('04/01/2003', ?);
prepare S from call order_summary('04/01/2003', ?);
execute S;
execute S;
call part_data(244, ?, ?, ?);
call part_data(244, ?, ?, ?);
prepare S from call part_data(244, ?, ?, ?);
execute S;
execute S;
-- Produce a 0-row result set
call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy where a <> a', ?);
prepare S from call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy where a <> a', ?);
execute S;
execute S;
-- Test resulset involving a column with no heading (bug 2758 test)
prepare S from call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1', ?);
execute S;
-- Test a few more datatypes not covered by the sample DB. This
-- section also covers NOT NULL result set columns.
call rs('select * from sch.varchar_columns', ?);
call rs('select * from sch.ucs2_columns', ?);
?section create_library
create library TEST101 file $$JARFILE_Q$$;
?section explain_test
prepare E from
select substring(description from locate('signature', description) for 300)
from table(explain(NULL, 'S'))
where trim(operator) = 'CALL';
prepare S from
call TRAFODION."_MD_".VALIDATEROUTINE(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
execute E;
-- VALIDATEROUTINE2 is not created on disk by downrev compiler in QCD7.
-- When VALIDATEROUTINE2 is created on disk the following can be run.
--prepare S from
--call $$SQLMX_SYSCAT$$.HP_ROUTINES.VALIDATEROUTINE(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
execute E;
prepare S from call trafodion.spjrs.order_summary(?,?);
execute E;
prepare S from call trafodion.spjrs.part_data(?,?,?,?);
execute E;
?section dnr_change
set envvar SQLCI_CURSOR 1;
set schema trafodion.spjrs;
----------------------------------------------------- [SETUP]
drop procedure rs3;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 2
external name 'TEST101.rs3' library TEST101;
prepare S from
call rs3('select 1 from trafodion.sch.udrproxy',
'select 1, 2 from trafodion.sch.udrproxy',
'select 1, 2, 3 from trafodion.sch.udrproxy', ?);
declare C cursor for S;
declare RS1 cursor for C result set 1;
declare RS2 cursor for C result set 2;
----------------------------------------------------- [EXEC DNR 2]
execute S;
begin work;
open C;
fetch C;
declare RS3 cursor for C result set 3;
open RS1;
close RS1;
open RS2;
close RS2;
open RS3;
close RS3;
dealloc RS3;
----------------------------------------------------- [EXEC DNR 1]
drop procedure rs3;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 1
external name 'TEST101.rs3' library TEST101;
execute S;
begin work;
open C;
fetch C;
declare RS3 cursor for C result set 3;
open RS1;
close RS1;
open RS2;
close RS2;
open RS3;
close RS3;
dealloc RS3;
----------------------------------------------------- [EXEC DNR 3]
drop procedure rs3;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 3
external name 'TEST101.rs3' library TEST101;
execute S;
begin work;
open C;
fetch C;
declare RS3 cursor for C result set 3;
open RS1;
close RS1;
open RS2;
close RS2;
open RS3;
close RS3;
dealloc RS3;
----------------------------------------------------- [EXEC DNR 0]
drop procedure rs3;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 0
external name 'TEST101.rs3a' library TEST101;
execute S;
begin work;
open C;
fetch C;
declare RS3 cursor for C result set 3;
open RS1;
close RS1;
open RS2;
close RS2;
open RS3;
close RS3;
dealloc RS3;
----------------------------------------------------- [EXEC DNR 2]
drop procedure rs3;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 2
external name 'TEST101.rs3' library TEST101;
execute S;
begin work;
open C;
fetch C;
declare RS3 cursor for C result set 3;
open RS1;
close RS1;
open RS2;
close RS2;
open RS3;
close RS3;
dealloc RS3;
-- Restore procedure RS3
drop procedure rs3;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 3
external name 'TEST101.rs3' library TEST101;
?section rs_autocommit
-- Throughout this section we need to verify whether a transaction
-- is currently active. The following techniques are used
-- * Attempt a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. It will fail if no transaction is
-- active.
-- * Call an SPJ that returns the transaction identifier
set schema trafodion.spjrs;
set envvar SQLCI_CURSOR 1;
prepare PS0 from call xact('GetTxName', ?);
prepare PS3 from call rs3 (
'select ''RS1'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A',
'select ''RS2'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A',
'select ''RS3'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A', ?);
declare AUTO_CALL1 cursor for PS3;
declare AUTO_RS1 cursor for AUTO_CALL1 result set 1;
declare AUTO_RS2 cursor for AUTO_CALL1 result set 2;
declare AUTO_RS3 cursor for AUTO_CALL1 result set 3;
declare AUTOSEL1 cursor for select * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A;
-- Simple AUTOCOMMIT test without result sets
set transaction autocommit off;
execute PS0;
set transaction autocommit on;
execute PS0;
-- Simple AUTOCOMMIT test with result sets
set transaction autocommit off;
execute PS3;
set transaction autocommit on;
execute PS3;
-- With AUTOCOMMIT OFF, show that consuming results in non-serial
-- order does NOT end the transaction
set transaction autocommit off;
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
open AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
close AUTO_RS3;
open AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_RS1;
open AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_CALL1;
-- With AUTOCOMMIT OFF, show that closing the CALL does NOT end
-- the transaction
set transaction autocommit off;
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
close AUTO_CALL1;
-- With AUTOCOMMIT ON, show that consuming results in non-serial
-- order DOES end the transaction
set transaction autocommit on;
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
close AUTO_RS3;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_RS1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_RS2;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
close AUTO_CALL1;
-- With AUTOCOMMIT ON, show that closing the CALL DOES end
-- the transaction
set transaction autocommit on;
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
close AUTO_CALL1;
-- Process results in serial order within an AUTOCOMMIT
-- transaction started by another statement. The RS operations
-- do NOT end the transaction.
set transaction autocommit on;
open autoSEL1;
fetch autoSEL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_RS1;
open AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_RS2;
open AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
close AUTO_RS3;
close AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
close autoSEL1;
-- Process results in non-serial order within an AUTOCOMMIT
-- transaction started by another statement. The RS operations
-- do NOT end the transaction.
set transaction autocommit on;
open autoSEL1;
fetch autoSEL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
close AUTO_RS3;
open AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_RS1;
open AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
close autoSEL1;
-- Process results in a non-AUTOCOMMIT transaction
begin work;
delete from trafodion.sch.udrproxy;
execute PS3;
select * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy;
-- In an AUTOCOMMIT transaction started by another statement,
-- execute a CALL then close it before results are consumed. The
-- transaction does NOT end.
set transaction autocommit on;
open autoSEL1;
fetch autoSEL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
open AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
close autoSEL1;
-- In an AUTOCOMMIT transaction started by another cursor, execute
-- exec a CALL then close the outer cursor before results are
-- consumed. The transaction does end and all statements get
-- closed.
set transaction autocommit on;
open autoSEL1;
fetch autoSEL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
open AUTO_RS3;
open AUTO_RS1;
open AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
close autoSEL1;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
-- Process multiple CALLs that produce results in a single
-- transaction.
open AUTO_CALL1;
fetch AUTO_CALL1;
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
open AUTO_RS2;
fetch AUTO_RS2;
call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.t10', ?);
delete from trafodion.sch.t10;
call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.t10', ?);
open AUTO_RS1;
fetch AUTO_RS1;
insert into trafodion.sch.t10 (
select *
from (values(1)) T(a)
transpose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 as b
call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.t10', ?);
open AUTO_RS3;
fetch AUTO_RS3;
close AUTO_RS1;
close AUTO_RS2;
close AUTO_RS3;
delete from trafodion.sch.t10;
call rs('select * from trafodion.sch.t10', ?);
call xact('GetTxName', ?);
close AUTO_CALL1;
-- Restore table t10
select * from trafodion.sch.t10;
delete from trafodion.sch.t10;
insert into trafodion.sch.t10 (
select *
from (values(1)) T(a)
transpose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 as b
?section rs_errors_warnings
-- This section checks if the result set errors and warnings are correctly
-- propagated back to applitrafodion. Currently warnings are not seen when
-- we do bulk fetches. To see the warnings, we have to enable single row
-- fetches. It can be done by setting UDR_RS_FETCH_SIZE env variable to 1.
-- SPJ method TEST101_singleRowFetch() sets this variable.
-- SPJ 'Test101_2rs_errwarn' takes two string commads that instruct how the
-- SPJ behaves. The valid strings are 'Good', 'Error',
-- 'Warning', 'WarningError'.
-- First the SPJs are executed in auto commit mode
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Good', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Error', 'Good');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Good', 'Warning');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Warning', 'Good');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Error', 'Warning');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Warning', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_errwarn('Error', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_errwarn('Warning', 'Warning');
-- call same procedures in user initiated transaction
begin work;
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Good', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Error', 'Good');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Good', 'Warning');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Warning', 'Good');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Error', 'Warning');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Warning', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_errwarn('Error', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_errwarn('Warning', 'Warning');
commit work;
-- call same proceudres with single row fetch mode
call Test101_singleRowFetch('TRUE');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Good', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Error', 'Good');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Good', 'Warning');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Warning', 'Good');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Error', 'Warning');
call Test101_2rs_ErrWarn('Warning', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_errwarn('Error', 'Error');
call Test101_2rs_errwarn('Warning', 'Warning');
call Test101_singleRowFetch('FALSE');
?section rs_parallel_plan
call rs1p('select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1', ?);
call rs3p('select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1',
'select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1',
'select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1', ?);
call rs0p('select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1',
'select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1',
'select * from trafodion.sch.test101_t1', ?);
?section create_rs
create table trafodion.sch.udrproxy(a int not null not droppable,
b int, c int, primary key (a));
-- Grant privileges to the SPJ user. In the runregr environment all SPJs
-- run with the sql_user1 database identity.
insert into trafodion.sch.udrproxy values (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9);
create table trafodion.sch.t10 (a int, b int);
insert into trafodion.sch.t10 (
select *
from (values(1)) T(a)
transpose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 as b
create table trafodion.sch.test101_t1(a int no heading, b int, c char(10));
insert into trafodion.sch.test101_t1 values (1, 100, 'first'), (2, 200, 'second'),
(3, 300, 'third'), (4, 400, 'fourth'),
(0, 500, 'fifth'), (6, 600, 'sixth');
set schema trafodion.sch;
create table interval_columns
) ;
prepare S from insert into interval_columns values
( ?
, cast (? as INTERVAL YEAR(2))
, cast (? as INTERVAL MONTH(2))
, cast (? as INTERVAL DAY(2))
, cast (? as INTERVAL HOUR(2))
, cast (? as INTERVAL MINUTE(2))
, cast (? as INTERVAL SECOND(2,6))
, cast (? as INTERVAL SECOND(2,6))
, ?
delete from interval_columns;
execute S using 1, 97, 2, 11, 15, 45, 14, 23.123456, -1;
execute S using 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2;
execute S using 3, -30, -12, -31, -24, -60, -59, -59.999999, -3;
create table varchar_columns
, a varchar(5) NOT NULL
, b varchar(10)
, c varchar(25) NOT NULL
, d varchar(50)
, e varchar(100) NOT NULL
, f varchar(255)
) ;
prepare S from insert into varchar_columns values (
repeat(?,4) || ']',
repeat('b',9) || ']',
repeat('c',24) || ']',
repeat('d',49) || ']',
repeat('e',99) || ']',
repeat('f',254) || ']',
delete from varchar_columns;
execute S using 1, '1', -1;
execute S using 2, '2', -2;
execute S using 3, '3', -3;
create table ucs2_columns
a varchar(5) character set ucs2
, b varchar(10) character set ucs2 not null
, c varchar(25) character set ucs2
, d varchar(50) character set ucs2 not null
, e varchar(100) character set ucs2
, f varchar(255) character set ucs2 not null
attribute blocksize 4096
prepare S from insert into ucs2_columns values (
repeat(cast(? as char(1) character set ucs2), 4) || _ucs2']',
repeat(_ucs2'b', 9) || _ucs2']',
repeat(_ucs2'c', 24) || _ucs2']',
repeat(_ucs2'd', 49) || _ucs2']',
repeat(_ucs2'e', 99) || _ucs2']',
repeat(_ucs2'f', 254) || _ucs2']'
delete from ucs2_columns;
execute S using _ucs2'1';
execute S using _ucs2'2';
execute S using _ucs2'3';
set schema trafodion.spjrs;
create procedure order_summary (
in onOrAfterDate char(20),
out Num_Orders largeint
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 2
external name 'TEST101.orderSummary' library TEST101;
create procedure part_data (
in partNum int,
out Part_Description char(18),
out Unit_Price float,
out Qty_Avail int
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 4
external name 'TEST101.partData' library TEST101;
create procedure rs(in cmd char(1000), out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 1
external name 'TEST101.lmRSGateway' library TEST101;
create procedure rs3(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 3
external name 'TEST101.rs3' library TEST101;
create procedure utils(in cmd char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java modifies sql data
external name 'TEST101.lmGateway' library TEST101;
create procedure xact(in cmd char(1000),
out status char(60))
language java parameter style java modifies sql data
external name 'TEST101.Xact' library TEST101;
create procedure Test101_2rs_errwarn(in rs1_cmd char(10), in rs2_cmd char(10))
external name 'TEST101.test101_2rs_errwarn' library TEST101
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 2;
create procedure Test101_singleRowFetch(in enable char(10))
external name 'TEST101.test101_singleRowFetch'
library TEST101
language java parameter style java;
-- Used for parallel plan testing
create procedure rs0p(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 0
external name 'TEST101.rs0p' library TEST101;
create procedure rs1p(in query1 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 1
external name 'TEST101.rs1p' library TEST101;
create procedure rs3p(in query1 char(1000),
in query2 char(1000),
in query3 char(1000),
out status char(70))
language java parameter style java reads sql data dynamic result sets 3
external name 'TEST101.rs3p' library TEST101;
showddl procedure rs3p;
?section udr_memory_leak
-- This gets run only for DEBUG builds.
-- This section checks if there are any Memory leaks in UDR Server
-- process. A call statment is run twice and the non-deallocate memory is
-- captured after the CALL statements are executed. The Total non-deallocated
-- memory is compared from both CALL statements.
-- If you see "Memory leak test FAILED" then some of the memory is allocated
-- and not removed. You need to fix that memory leak.
sh rm -rf ${REGRRUNDIR}/t101_memleak.log;
sh sh -c '(test "$BUILD_FLAVOR" = "debug" || test "$BUILD_FLAVOR" = "DEBUG") && export SQLMX_UDR_MEMORY_LOG=yes && export SQLMX_UDR_STDOUT=${REGRRUNDIR}/t101_memleak.log && ${mxci} -i ${REGRTSTDIR}/TEST101\(memory_leak_test\)' 2>&1 | tee -a LOG101;
-- Now compare the Total memory that's still allocated after the
-- CALL statements.
sh trafodion ${REGRRUNDIR}/t101_memleak.log | awk 'BEGIN { total = 0 } /^\ \ Total:/ { if ( total == 0 ) total = $4; else if (total >= $4) print "\n***Memory leak test PASSED***"; else print "\n***Memory leak test FAILED***"; } ' 2>&1 | tee -a LOG101;
?section memory_leak_test
call trafodion.spjrs.rs3 (
'select ''RS1'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A',
'select ''RS2'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A',
'select ''RS3'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A', ?);
call trafodion.spjrs.rs3 (
'select ''RS1'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A',
'select ''RS2'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A',
'select ''RS3'', * from trafodion.sch.udrproxy order by A', ?);
sh sleep 10;