blob: e341a550a768f82e8a776cd2c93a3bea22d129b5 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- Tests default and first key value string literals
-- Tests other default and first key values.
-- Checks duplicate first key values.
-- Test column named SYSKEY
-- Verify that RI constraint definitions take advantage
-- of storage keys and existing indexes whenever possible.
-- Verify that Catalog Manager code issues an error message
-- when RI circular dependency occurs.
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
obey TEST020(clean_up);
log LOG020 clear;
obey TEST020(tests);
obey TEST020(test_10_020913_3920);
obey TEST020(test_10_030916_9668);
obey TEST020(test_LP_1360493);
obey TEST020(trafodion_1700_and_1847);
obey TEST020(trafodion_2247);
obey TEST020(trafodion_2335);
obey TEST020(clean_up);
?section clean_up
drop table test020t1;
drop table test020t2;
drop table test020t3;
drop table test020t4;
drop table test020t5;
drop table test020t6;
drop table test020t7;
drop table test020t9;
drop table test020t11;
drop table test020t12;
drop table test020t13;
drop table test020t14;
drop table test020t15;
drop table test020t16;
drop table test020t10;
drop table test020t8;
drop table test020t17;
drop table test020t19;
drop table test020t18;
drop table test020t20;
drop table test020t23;
drop table test020t22;
drop table test020t21;
drop table test020t27;
drop table test020t26;
drop table test020t25;
drop table test020t24;
drop table test020t29;
drop table test020t28;
drop table test020t31;
drop table test020t30;
drop table test020t32_S;
drop table test020t32_NS;
drop table test020_female_actors cascade;
drop table test020_male_actors cascade;
drop table test020_directors cascade;
drop table test020_movie_titles cascade;
drop table test020t31;
drop table test020_10_030916_9668;
drop table test020_LP_1360493;
drop table test020_t34 cascade;
drop table test020_t33 cascade;
drop table test020t40 cascade;
drop table test020t41 cascade;
drop table test020t42 cascade;
drop table test020t43 cascade;
drop table test020t44;
drop table test020t45;
?section tests
create table test020t1 (c1 int not null primary key,
c2 char(20) default 't20t1''s column c2');
invoke test020t1;
showddl test020t1;
insert into test020t1(c1) values (1), (3), (2);
select * from test020t1;
create table test020t2 (c char(15) not null, d int not null,
primary key (c, d));
invoke test020t2;
showddl test020t2;
insert into test020t2 values ('Donald''s', 1),
('Minie''s', 5),
('zebra"', 23);
select * from test020t2;
-- duplicate partitioning key values
create table test020t3 (test020t3_c1 time not null primary key);
create table test020t4 (test020t4_c1 real not null primary key);
-- test cases for solution 10-030507-6228 --
-- The following Create Table statement should execute successfully
create table test020t31 (g0 smallint default 32767 not null not droppable,
primary key (g0) not droppable);
insert into test020t31 default values;
select * from test020t31;
-- The following Drop Table statement should execute successfully
drop table test020t31;
-- The following Create Table statement should fail, cant have nullable pkey
cqd traf_make_pkey_columns_not_null 'OFF';
create table test020t31 (g0 smallint no default primary key);
cqd traf_make_pkey_columns_not_null reset;
drop table if exists test020t31;
-- The following Create Table statement should fail
create table test020t31 (g0 smallint default 32768 not null primary key);
-- Test columns named SYSKEY
-- Expecting error 1269 message: Col name SYSKEY is reserved.
create table test020t5(syskey int);
cqd traf_allow_reserved_colnames 'ON';
create table test020t5(c int not null not droppable primary key not droppable,
syskey char(4));
invoke test020t5;
showddl test020t5;
insert into test020t5 values (1, 'abcd'), (2, 'efgh');
select * from test020t5;
alter table test020t5 add constraint test020t5c1 check (syskey >= 'aaaa');
showddl test020t5;
-- Expecting an error message when the following insert statement is executed.
insert into test020t5 values (3, '1234');
cqd traf_allow_reserved_colnames reset;
-- test cases for solution 10-040607-6721 --
-- Expect success when an index is created specifying only a user-specified SYSKEY.
create index test020t5_ix1 on test020t5 (syskey);
-- Expect success when index column list has a user-specified SYSKEY in any position.
alter table test020t5 add column d int;
create index test020t5_i1 on test020t5 (d, syskey);
create index test020t5_i2 on test020t5 (syskey, d);
-- Expect success when a key value is specified for a user-specified SYSKEY.
create index test020t5_i3 on test020t5 (c, syskey);
-- Expect success when a partition is added that specifies a value for a user-specified SYSKEY.
insert into test020t5(c,syskey,d) values (350,'efgh',375);
-- system-generated column SYSKEY
create table test020t6(c int);
invoke test020t6;
showddl test020t6;
-- Expecting error 1139 message:
-- System-generated column SYSKEY of base table TEST020T6C1 cannot
-- appear in the search condition of a Check constraint definition.
-- when the following alter statement is executed.
alter table test020t6 add constraint test020t6c1 check (syskey >= 0);
-- test cases for solution 10-040607-6721 --
-- Expecting error 1112:
-- An index column list cannot consist only of the system-generated SYSKEY.
create index test020t6_ix1 on test020t6 (syskey);
-- Expect success when index column list has the system-generated SYSKEY in the last position,
-- but failure with error 1089 if the system-generated SYSKEY is not in the last position.
alter table test020t6 add column d int;
create index test020t6_i1 on test020t6 (d, syskey);
create index test020t6_i2 on test020t6 (syskey, d);
-- Expect this to succeed:
create index test020t6_i3 on test020t6 (c, syskey);
-- test cases for solution 10-070515-4764 --
-- Droppable primary key Store By (no unique) needs SYSKEY column.
CREATE TABLE test020t32_S
insert into test020t32_S values (11, 12, 13, 14);
select * from test020t32_S;
-- This SELECT will show the SYSKEY column
-- Droppable primary key Store By Unique doesn't need SYSKEY column.
-- Store By Unique (collist) requires CQD DBTR_PROCESS or parserflags.
set parserflags 1;
CREATE TABLE test020t32_NS
insert into test020t32_NS values (11, 12, 13, 14);
select * from test020t32_NS;
-- This SELECT will NOT have the SYSKEY column
-- test cases for case 10-990624-2287 --
create table TEST020T28 (a int not null unique);
create table TEST020T29 (a int);
alter table TEST020T29 add constraint TEST020T29CNT1 foreign key (a) references TEST020T28(a);
insert into TEST020T28 values (1),(2),(3);
insert into TEST020T29 values (null);
alter table TEST020T29 drop constraint TEST020T29CNT1;
insert into TEST020T29 values (1),(null), (3);
alter table TEST020T29 add constraint TEST020T29CNT2 foreign key (a) references TEST020T28(a);
select * from TEST020T29;
-- test cases for case 10-990805-2213 --
create table test020t30 (ssnum char(9) upshift not null unique);
create table test020t31 (ssnum char(9) upshift not null unique);
insert into TEST020T30 values ('A23456789');
insert into TEST020T30 values ('b66666666');
insert into TEST020T30 values ('C55555555');
insert into TEST020T31 values ('D22222222');
insert into TEST020T31 values ('B66666666');
--this alter should fail
alter table TEST020T31 add constraint C44B FOREIGN KEY (ssnum) references TEST020T30(ssnum);
-- Verify that Catalog Manager code issues an error --
-- message when RI circular dependency occurs. --
create table test020t17 (c int not null references test020t17 primary key);
create table test020t18 (c int not null constraint test020t18pk primary key);
create table test020t19 (c int not null constraint test020t18uq unique
constraint test020t19ri
references test020t18);
alter table test020t18 add constraint test020t18ri foreign key (c)
references test020t19 (c);
create table test020t21 (c1 int not null constraint test020t21uq unique);
create table test020t22 (c2 int not null constraint test020t22uq unique
constraint test020t22ri
references test020t21 (c1));
create table test020t23 (c3 int not null constraint test020t23uq unique
constraint test020t23ri
references test020t22 (c2));
alter table test020t21 add constraint test020t21ri foreign key (c1)
references test020t23 (c3);
create table test020t24 (c41 int not null, c42 char(40), c43 int not null,
constraint test020t24pk primary key (c41, c43));
create table test020t25 (c51 int not null, c52 int not null,
constraint test020t25uq unique (c51, c52),
constraint test020t25ri foreign key (c51, c52)
references test020t24);
create table test020t26 (c61 char(40), c62 int not null, c63 int not null,
constraint test020t26uq unique (c63, c62),
constraint test020t26ri foreign key (c63, c62)
references test020t25 (c51, c52));
create table test020t27 (c71 int not null, c72 int not null,
constraint test020t27pk primary key (c71, c72),
constraint test020t27ri foreign key (c71, c72)
references test020t26 (c63, c62));
alter table test020t24 add constraint test020t24ri foreign key (c41, c43)
references test020t27;
-- Verify that RI constraint definitions take advantage --
-- of storage keys and existing indexes whenever possible. --
create table test020t8 (c1 int not null, c2 int not null, c3 int not null,
constraint test020t8uq1 unique (c2,c3),
constraint test020t8uq2 unique (c1,c2,c3));
insert into test020t8 values
(1,2,3), -- to satisfy constraint test020t9ri3
(2,3,1), -- to satisfy constraint test020t9ri
(11,22,33), -- to satisfy constraint test020t9ri3
(22,33,11); -- to satisfy constraint test020t9ri
create table test020t9 (r1 int not null, r2 int not null, r3 int not null);
create unique index test020t9ix on test020t9 (r1,r2);
showddl test020t9;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r2,r3) of RI constraint test020t9ri
-- will take advantage of existing unique index test020t9ix
alter table test020t9 add constraint test020t9ri foreign key (r1,r2,r3)
references test020t8 (c1,c2,c3);
showddl test020t9;
create table test020t10 (c1 int not null primary key);
insert into test020t10 values (1), (2), (3), (11), (22);
-- The foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t9ri2
-- will take advantage of existing unique index test020t9ix
alter table test020t9 add constraint test020t9ri2 foreign key (r1)
references test020t10;
showddl test020t9;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r2) of RI constraint test020t9ri3
-- will take advantage of existing unique index test020t9ix
alter table test020t9 add constraint test020t9ri3 foreign key (r1,r2)
references test020t8 (c2,c3);
showddl test020t9;
-- insert a row that satisfies RI constraints test020t9ri,
-- test020t9ri2 and test020t9ri3
insert into test020t9 values (2,3,1);
-- prepare table t8 for the next RI constraint, test020t9ri4
insert into test020t8 values (1,3,2);
-- The foreign keys (r1,r2) of RI constraint test020t9ri4
-- will NOT take advantage of existing unique index test020t9ix.
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t9ri4) will be created for
-- RI constraint test020t9ri4. Note that we will internally reorder
-- the constraint to "foreign key (r2,r1) references ... (c2,c3)"
-- to match the unique index on test020t8(c2,c3). This could be
-- optimized in the future by re-using the index on test020t9(r1,r2),
-- but that would require additional metadata to store the two
-- corresponding lists (r1,r2) == (c3,c2) in the KEYS or some other
-- table.
alter table test020t9 add constraint test020t9ri4 foreign key (r1,r2)
references test020t8 (c3,c2);
showddl test020t9;
-- try to insert a row that satisfies RI constraints test020t9ri,
-- test020t9ri2 and test020t9ri3 but not test020t9ri4
insert into test020t9 values (22,33,11);
delete from test020t9;
-- The foreign key (r2) of RI constraint test020t9ri5
-- will take advantage of the existing non-unique index test020t9ri4.
alter table test020t9 add constraint test020t9ri5 foreign key (r2)
references test020t10 (c1);
showddl test020t9;
-- The foreign keys (r2,r1,r3) of RI constraint test020t9ri6
-- will NOT take advantage of existing non-unique index test020t9ri4.
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t9ri6) will be created for
-- RI constraint test020t9ri6.
alter table test020t9 add constraint test020t9ri6 foreign key (r2,r1,r3)
references test020t8 (c1,c2,c3);
showddl test020t9;
create table test020t11 (r1 int, r2 int not null, r3 int not null,
constraint test020t11uq1 unique (r2,r3));
showddl test020t11;
-- The foreign key (r2) of RI constraint test020t11ri1 will NOT
-- take advantage of the existing unique index test020t11uq1.
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t11ri1) will be created for
-- RI constraint test020t11ri1.
alter table test020t11 add constraint test020t11ri1
foreign key (r3) references test020t10;
showddl test020t11;
-- The foreign key (r3) of RI constraint test020t11ri2 will NOT
-- take advantage of the existing unique index test020t11uq1.
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t11ri2) will be created
-- for RI constraint test020t11ri2.
alter table test020t11 add constraint test020t11ri2
foreign key (r2) references test020t10;
showddl test020t11;
-- The foreign keys (r2,r3) of RI constraint test020t11ri3 will
-- NOT take advantage of the existing unique index test020t11uq1.
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t11ri3) will be created
-- for RI constraint test020t11ri3.
alter table test020t11 add constraint test020t11ri3
foreign key (r2,r3) references test020t8 (c2,c3);
showddl test020t11;
create table test020t12 (r1 int not null, r2 int not null, r3 int not null,
r4 int not null) store by (r1, r3);
showddl test020t12;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r3) of RI constraint test020t12ri1 will
-- take advantage of the existing storage keys (r1,r3).
alter table test020t12 add constraint test020t12ri1
foreign key (r1,r3) references test020t8 (c2,c3);
showddl test020t12;
-- The foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t12ri2 will
-- take advantage of the existing storage keys (r1,r3).
alter table test020t12 add constraint test020t12ri2
foreign key (r1) references test020t10;
showddl test020t12;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r3,r4) of RI constraint test020t12ri3
-- will NOT take advantage of the existing storage keys (r1,r3).
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t12ri3) will be created
-- for RI constraint test020t12ri3.
alter table test020t12 add constraint test020t12ri3
foreign key (r1,r3,r4) references test020t8 (c1,c2,c3);
showddl test020t12;
-- The foreign key (r3) of RI constraint test020t12ri4 will
-- NOT take advantage of the existing storage keys (r1,r3).
-- A new non-unique index (named test020t12ri4) will be created
-- for RI constraint test020t12ri4.
alter table test020t12 add constraint test020t12ri4
foreign key (r3) references test020t10;
showddl test020t12;
create table test020t13 (r1 int not null, r2 int not null, r3 int not null,
r4 int, constraint test020t13pk primary key (r2,r3));
showddl test020t13;
-- The foreign keys (r2,r3) of RI constraint test020t13ri1 will
-- take advantage of the existing storage keys (the columns of
-- the non-droppable primary key constraint test020t13pk).
alter table test020t13 add constraint test020t13ri1
foreign key (r2,r3) references test020t8 (c2,c3);
showddl test020t13;
-- The foreign key (r2) of RI constraint test020t13ri2 will
-- take advantage of the existing storage keys (the columns of
-- the non-droppable primary key constraint test020t13pk).
alter table test020t13 add constraint test020t13ri2
foreign key (r2) references test020t10;
showddl test020t13;
-- The foreign keys (r2,r3,r4) of RI constraint test020t13ri3 will
-- take advantage of the existing storage keys (the columns of
-- the non-droppable primary key constraint test020t13pk).
alter table test020t13 add constraint test020t13ri3
foreign key (r2,r3,r4) references test020t8 (c1,c2,c3);
showddl test020t13;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r2,r3) of RI constraint test020t11ri4
-- will NOT take advantage of the storage keys (r2,r3). A
-- new non-unique index (named test020t13ri4) will be created
-- for RI constraint test020t13ri4.
alter table test020t13 add constraint test020t13ri4
foreign key (r1,r2,r3) references test020t8 (c1,c2,c3);
showddl test020t13;
-- Note that the primary key (r2) of constraint test020t14pk is
-- not the storage key. A unique index (named test020t14pk) will be
-- created for primary key constraint test020t14pk.
create table test020t14 (r1 int not null, r2 int not null, r3 int not null,
-- constraint test020t14pk primary key (r2) droppable)
constraint test020t14pk unique(r2) )
store by (r1,r3,r2);
showddl test020t14;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r3) of RI constraint test020t14ri1 will
-- take advantage of the existing storage keys (r1,r3,r2).
alter table test020t14 add constraint test020t14ri1
foreign key (r1,r3) references test020t8 (c2,c3);
showddl test020t14;
create index test020t14ndx on test020t14(r2);
showddl test020t14;
-- The foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t14ri2 will
-- take advantage of the existing index test020t14ndx.
alter table test020t14 add constraint test020t14ri2
foreign key (r2) references test020t10;
showddl test020t14;
-- This will remove the system defined index created when the primary key
-- was created
alter table test020t14 drop constraint test020t14pk;
showddl test020t14;
create table test020t15 (r1 int not null,
constraint test020t15pk primary key (r1) droppable);
showddl test020t15;
-- The foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t15ri1
-- will NOT take advantage of the unique index test020t15pk
-- because it associates with the droppable primary key
-- constraint test020t15pk. A new non-unique index (named
-- test020t15ri1) will be created for RI constraint test020t15ri1.
alter table test020t15 add constraint test020t15ri1
foreign key (r1) references test020t10;
showddl test020t15;
create table test020t16 (r1 int not null, r2 int not null, r3 int not null);
create unique index test020t16ix1 on test020t16 (r2);
showddl test020t16;
-- The user should be able to drop the index test020t16ix1.
drop index test020t16ix1;
showddl test020t16;
-- Define the index test02016ix1 again.
create unique index test020t16ix1 on test020t16 (r2);
showddl test020t16;
-- The foreign key (r2) of RI constraint test020t16ri1 will
-- take advantage of the existing unique index test020t16ix1.
alter table test020t16 add constraint test020t16ri1
foreign key (r2) references test020t10;
showddl test020t16;
-- The user can no longer remove the index test020t16ix1 because it
-- is used by the foreign key (r2) of RI constraint test020t16ri1.
drop index test020t16ix1;
create unique index test020t16ix2 on test020t16 (r1,r2);
showddl test020t16;
-- The foreign keys (r1,r2) of RI constraint test020t16ri2 will
-- take advantage of the existing unique index test020t16ix2.
alter table test020t16 add constraint test020t16ri2
foreign key (r1,r2) references test020t8 (c2,c3);
showddl test020t16;
-- The user can no longer remove the index test020t16ix1 because it
-- is used by the foreign key (r1,r2) of RI constraint test020t16ri2.
drop index test020t16ix2;
-- The foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t16ri3 will
-- take advantage of the existing unique index test020t16ix2.
alter table test020t16 add constraint test020t16ri3
foreign key (r1) references test020t10;
showddl test020t16;
-- The user cannot remove the index test020t16ix1 because it is
-- used by the foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t16ri3
-- and the foreign keys (r1,r2) of RI constraint test020t16ri2.
drop index test020t16ix2;
showddl test020t16;
alter table test020t16 drop constraint test020t16ri2;
showddl test020t16;
-- The user is still not able to remove the index test020t16ix1 because
-- it is used by the foreign key (r1) of RI constraint test020t16ri3.
drop index test020t16ix2;
showddl test020t16;
alter table test020t16 drop constraint test020t16ri3;
showddl test020t16;
-- The user should be able to remove index test020t16ix2 now because
-- the index no longer assocates with any constraints.
drop index test020t16ix2;
showddl test020t16;
-- Table with key columns in not-natural order.
-- SHOWDDL should get it right, both in this process and in another.
create table test020t20 (c1 int not null, c2 int not null, c3 int not null,
primary key (c3, c1));
showddl test020t20;
?section subset1
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
showddl test020t20;
?section test_10_020913_3920
-- Set up test case using female_actors, male_actors, directors, movie_titles
create table test020_female_actors
(f_no int not null,
f_name varchar(30) not null,
f_realname varchar(50) default null,
f_birthday date constraint TEST020_mdl check (f_birthday > date '1900-02-02'),
primary key (f_no) not droppable);
create table test020_male_actors
(m_no int not null not droppable unique,
m_name varchar (30) not null,
m_realname varchar (50) default null,
m_birthday date constraint TEST020_md2 check (m_birthday > date '1900-01-01'));
create table test020_directors
(d_no int not null not droppable,
d_name varchar (20) not null,
"d_specialty" varchar (15) not null,
primary key (d_no),
constraint TEST020_td1 check ("d_specialty" <> 'Music Video'),
unique (d_no, "d_specialty"));
insert into test020_directors values
(0, 'no director named', 'unknown'),
(1234, 'Alfred Hitchcock', 'Mystery'),
(1345, 'Clint Eastwood', 'Action'),
(1456, 'Fred Zinneman', 'Western'),
(1567, 'George Cukor', 'Drama'),
(1789, 'Roger Corman', 'Scary');
insert into test020_male_actors values
(0, 'no male actor', 'no male actor', current_date),
(1111, 'Cary Grant', 'Archibold Alic Leach', date '1904-01-18'),
(1222, 'Gary Cooper', 'Frank James Cooper', date '1901-05-07'),
(1333, 'Clint Eastwood', 'Clinton Eastwood Jr', date '1930-05-31');
insert into test020_female_actors values
(0, 'no female actor', 'no female actor', current_date),
(6111, 'Grace Kelly', 'Grace Patricia Kelly', date '1929-11-12'),
(6123, 'Katherine Hepburn', 'Katherin Houghlin Hepburn', date '1907-05-12'),
(6124, 'Joan Crawford', 'Lucille Fay LeSueyr', date '1904-03-23'),
(6125, 'Ingrid Bergman', 'Ingrid Bergman', date '1915-08-29');
create table test020_movie_titles
(mv_no int not null,
mv_name varchar (40) not null,
mv_malestar int default NULL constraint test020_ma_fk
references test020_male_actors(m_no),
mv_femalestar int default NULL,
mv_director int default 0 not null,
mv_yearmade int check (mv_yearmade > 1901),
mv_star_rating char (4),
mv_movietype varchar (15),
primary key (mv_no) not droppable,
constraint TEST020_d_fk foreign key (mv_director, mv_movietype) references
test020_directors (d_no, "d_specialty"));
insert into test020_movie_titles values
(1, 'To Catch a Thief', 1111,6111,1234,1955, '****', 'Mystery'),
(2, 'High Noon', 1222,6111,1456,1951, '****', 'Western'),
(3, 'Unforgiven', 1333,0,1345,1990, '***', 'Action'),
(4, 'The Women', 0, 6124, 1567, 1939, '****', 'Drama'),
(5, 'The Philadelphia Story', 1111,6123,1567, 1940, '****', 'Drama'),
(6, 'Notorious', 1111, 6125, 1234,1946, '****', 'Mystery');
-- This test was cause error 1082 to return in Genesis case 10-020913-3920
-- After the fix, this test should succeed.
alter table test020_movie_titles
add constraint test020_fa_fk
foreign key (mv_femalestar) references test020_female_actors;
?section test_10_030916_9668
create table test020_10_030916_9668 (col1 interval minute(2) to second(2) not null,
primary key (col1)) ;
insert into test020_10_030916_9668 values (interval '96:59.8' minute to second);
select * from test020_10_030916_9668;
?section test_LP_1360493
create table tmp_LP_1360493
(sbin0_4 integer not null
, varchar0_500 varchar(11) default 'GDAAIAAA' not null heading 'varchar0_500 no nulls'
, sdec16_uniq numeric(18,0) signed not null
create view view_LP_1360493
as select * from tmp_LP_1360493 where sdec16_uniq > 3000
select * from tmp_LP_1360493 where sdec16_uniq < 2500;
create table test020_LP_1360493
( vch15 varchar(15)
, nint integer
, ch3 char(3)
, nlarge largeint);
insert into test020_LP_1360493
values ('1st orig value' ,99 , 'o' , 1 )
, ('2nd orig value' ,98 , 'ov' , 2 )
, ('5th orig value' ,95 , 'o ' , 5 )
, ('6 is short' ,97 , 'o' , 6 )
, ('7' ,94 , 'OVC' , 7 );
select * from test020_LP_1360493;
update test020_LP_1360493 set vch15 = (select max(c)
from (select varchar0_500 from view_LP_1360493 ) dt(c)) where nint=95;
drop table tmp_LP_1360493 cascade;
select * from test020_LP_1360493;
-- enforced option
create table test020_t33 (a int not null primary key);
create table test020_t34 (a int not null primary key, b int not null,
constraint t34_1 foreign key (b) references test020_t33 not enforced);
showddl test020_t34;
-- should succeed, ref constr not enforced
insert into test020_t34 values (1,1);
delete from test020_t34;
alter table test020_t34 drop constraint t34_1;
alter table test020_t34 add constraint t34_1 foreign key(b) references test020_t33(a) not enforced;
showddl test020_t34;
-- should succeed, ref constr not enforced
insert into test020_t34 values (1,1);
-- self referencing constraints
cqd traf_allow_self_ref_constr 'ON';
create table test020t40 (a int not null primary key, b int not null);
alter table test020t40 add constraint test020tu1 unique (b);
alter table test020t40 add constraint test020tc1 foreign key (b) references test020t40(a);
alter table test020t40 add constraint test020tc2 foreign key (a) references test020t40(b);
-- next 2 drops should fail
alter table test020_t34 drop constraint test020tu1;
alter table test020_t34 drop constraint test020tc1;
alter table test020t40 drop constraint test020tc2;
alter table test020t40 drop constraint test020tc1;
drop table test020t40;
-- test for drop column
set parserflags 1;
create table test020t40 (a int not null primary key, b int not null, c int not null);
create index test020t40i1 on test020t40(c);
insert into test020t40 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2);
select * from test020t40;
select * from table(index_table test020t40i1);
alter table test020t40 drop column b;
select * from test020t40;
insert into test020t40 values (3,3,3);
insert into test020t40 values (3,3);
select * from test020t40;
select * from table(index_table test020t40i1);
?section trafodion_1700_and_1847
set parserflags 1;
--test for timestamp column default value
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'merge';
cqd traf_aligned_row_format 'off' ;
create table test020t41(a largeint not null primary key, b char(10),
c timestamp(6) default current , d int , e int default 3);
-- check if the timestamp is inserted with the recent timestamp
insert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where current_timestamp-c < cast(10 as interval second);
-- check to ensure the timestamp column is not updated with upsert
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where a = 1 and c = (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
-- check to ensure the value for column e is retained
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where a = 1 and c = (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
-- upsert with non-matching rows
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (3, 'e'), (4, 'f');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 ;
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (3, 'g');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where a = 3 and c = (select c from test020t41 where a = 4);
create index test020t41ix on test020t41(e);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (5,'h',6);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
-- check if the updated e column is reflected in the index
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 4);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
-- With index it will be merge anyway, but default values needs to be
-- populated
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'replace';
delete from test020t41 ;
insert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
-- Should display a row with = 1
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where c > (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
-- Should display a row with = 1 and e should be 3
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where c > (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
drop index test020t41ix ;
-- Without index
delete from test020t41 ;
insert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
-- Should display a row with = 1
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where c > (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
-- Should display a row with = 1 and e should be 3
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where c > (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'optimal' ;
-- check if the timestamp is inserted with the recent timestamp
delete from test020t41 ;
insert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where current_timestamp-c < cast(10 as interval second);
-- check to ensure the timestamp column is not updated with upsert
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where a = 1 and c = (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
-- check to ensure the value for column e is retained
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where a = 1 and c = (select c from test020t41 where a = 2);
-- upsert with non-matching rows
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (3, 'e'), (4, 'f');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 ;
upsert into test020t41 (a,b) values (3, 'g');
select a,b,d,e from test020t41 where a = 3 and c = (select c from test020t41 where a = 4);
create index test020t41ix on test020t41(e);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (5,'h',6);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
-- check if the updated e column is reflected in the index
upsert into test020t41 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 4);
select * from table(index_table test020t41ix) ;
create table test020t42(a largeint not null primary key, b char(10),
c timestamp(6) default current , d int , e int default 3) attribute aligned format;
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'merge';
-- check if the timestamp is inserted with the recent timestamp
insert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where current_timestamp-c < cast(10 as interval second);
-- check to ensure the timestamp column is not updated with upsert
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where a = 1 and c = (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
-- check to ensure the value for column d is retained
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where a = 1 and c = (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
-- upsert with non-matching rows
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (3, 'e'), (4, 'f');
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 ;
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (3, 'g');
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where a = 3 and c = (select c from test020t42 where a = 4);
create index test020t42ix on test020t42(e);
select * from table(index_table test020t42ix) ;
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (5,'h',6);
select * from table(index_table test020t42ix) ;
-- check if the updated d column is reflected in the index
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 4);
select * from table(index_table test020t42ix) ;
-- With index it will be merge anyway, but default values needs to be
-- populated
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'replace';
delete from test020t42 ;
insert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
-- Should display a row with = 1
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
-- Should display a row with = 1 and e should be 3
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
select * from table(index_table test020t42ix) ;
drop index test020t42ix ;
-- Without index
delete from test020t42 ;
insert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
-- Should display a row with = 1
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
-- Should display a row with = 1 and e should be 3
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'optimal';
delete from test020t42 ;
create index test020t42ix on test020t42(e);
insert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
-- Should display a row with = 1
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
-- Should display a row with = 1 and e should be 3
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
select * from table(index_table test020t42ix) ;
drop index test020t42ix ;
-- Without index
delete from test020t42 ;
insert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1,'a'), (2,'b');
upsert into test020t42 (a,b,e) values (1, 'c', 5);
-- Should display a row with = 1
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
upsert into test020t42 (a,b) values (1, 'd');
-- Should display a row with = 1 and e should be 3
select a,b,d,e from test020t42 where c > (select c from test020t42 where a = 2);
create table test020t43(c1 int, c2 int ) attribute aligned format ;
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'merge';
upsert into test020t43 values (1,1);
upsert into test020t43 (c1) values(1);
select * from test020t43 ;
?section trafodion_2247
create table test020t44(a char(15) not null primary key,b int)
attribute aligned format;
alter table test020t44 add c int;
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'merge';
upsert into test020t44 (a,c) values ('AAAA', 2);
select * from test020t44;
?section trafodion_2335
--create seqence test020_seq;
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'merge';
cqd traf_aligned_row_format 'off' ;
create table test020t45(a largeint not null default unix_timestamp(),
b char(36) not null default uuid(),
c varchar(10) default to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD'),
--support sequence as default in next check-in
--d int not null default testi020_seq.nextval,
e int not null,
f int, primary key(e));
-- check if the timestamp is inserted with the recent timestamp
insert into test020t45(e,f) values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
select sleep(1) from dual;
upsert into test020t45(e,f) values(1,4);
select count(distinct(a)),count(distinct(b)),count(distinct(c)) from test020t45 ;
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'replace';
delete from test020t45;
insert into test020t45(e,f) values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
select sleep(1) from dual;
upsert into test020t45(e,f) values(1,4);
select count(distinct(a)),count(distinct(b)),count(distinct(c)) from test020t45 ;
cqd traf_upsert_mode 'optimal';
delete from test020t45;
insert into test020t45(e,f) values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
select sleep(1) from dual;
upsert into test020t45(e,f) values(1,4);
select count(distinct(a)),count(distinct(b)),count(distinct(c)) from test020t45 ;
--negative tests
--the function is not variable-free, so should fail
create table test020t45(a largeint not null default unix_timestamp(),
b varchar(10) default to_char(test020t45.c,'YYYYMMDD'),
e int );