blob: 7644b815175400069622564ecca64584b527997f [file] [log] [blame]
LOG aqatdml05 Clear;
-- File: SQLQAT14 Formerly $cats.testest.qat011t
-- Component: NonStop SQL Regression Test Suite
-- Description:
-- This test unit is a positive local test for the select statement.
-- It tests join select statements (selects based on 2 or more tables)
-- in simple form (no clauses other than SELECT-FROM). In particular,
-- the select statements in this test unit have no where, group by, or
-- order by clauses.
-- This test unit uses the select global data base (<subvol>). Each
-- test case in this test unit tests a particular feature of simple
-- join select statements. For each test case, the following combinations
-- of objects are tested:
-- base table - base table
-- base table - protection view
-- base table - shorthand view
-- protection view - protection view
-- protection view - shorthand view
-- shorthand view - shorthand view
-- base table with itself
-- protection view with itself
-- shorthand view with itself
-- 3 or more base tables
-- The test cases in this test unit are as follows:
-- A0: select an explicit column list from the above object combinations
-- A1: select distinct, select all
-- A2: select SYSKEY
-- A3: select *
-- A4: select expressions of columns
-- A5: use of for read committed access,for read committed access,for read committed access
-- A6: select aggregate functions
-- All testcases are documented further below.
-- ****************** end test unit comments ********************
-- <testunit-summary>
-- select #4 pos/loc ufi joins simple
-- <testunit-specs>
-- mode-type ufi
-- test-type functional
-- form-type pos/loc
-- <testcase A0>
-- <detail>
-- joins simple select test - select an explicit column list from
-- the above listed combination of objects. Test the selection of
-- qualified same named columns, unqualified different named columns,
-- and qualified different named columns.
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.binary_32_u, btsel03.binary_32_u
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.var_char, btsel03.pic_9_7
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select var_char,pic_9_7
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.medium_int, btsel01.large_int,
pvsel01.medium_int, pvsel01.binary_signed
from btsel01,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.medium_int, pvsel03.new_name_1
from btsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.medium_int,new_name_1
from btsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.pic_x_7, svsel13.pic_x_7
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.decimal_1, svsel13.new_name_1
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select decimal_1,new_name_1
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel01.medium_int, pvsel04.pic_x_7
from pvsel01,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel01.binary_signed, pvsel04.var_char
from pvsel01,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_signed,var_char
from pvsel01,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel04.medium_int, svsel13.pic_x_7
from pvsel04,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select svsel13.new_name_1, svsel13.new_name_2
from pvsel04,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_1,new_name_2
from pvsel04,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select col_1, svsel13.new_name_1, svsel13.new_name_2
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select svsel11.col_2, svsel11.col_3,
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select col_2,col_3,pic_comp_1
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.char_1,secondd.char_10,third.pic_x_7
from btsel01 firstt,btsel01 secondd,
btsel01 third;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.var_char,secondd.var_char
from pvsel04 firstt,pvsel04 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_1,secondd.medium_int
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select X.binary_32_u,Y.binary_32_u
from btsel01 X, btsel03 Y;
-- <ufi-input>
select X.medium_int,Y.pic_9_7
from btsel01 X, btsel03 Y;
-- <ufi-input>
select medium_int,pic_9_7
from btsel01 X,btsel03 Y;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A1>
-- <detail>
-- select joins simple testcase - this tests the use of SELECT
-- DISTINCT and SELECT ALL statements on multiple tables.
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct pic_x_1,pic_x_7
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select all pic_x_1,pic_x_7
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct btsel02.*,pic_x_7,binary_32_u
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select all btsel02.*,pic_x_7,binary_32_u
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct *
from btsel02,btsel10;
-- <ufi-input>
select all *
from btsel02,btsel10;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct btsel02.*, btsel10.*
from btsel02,btsel10;
-- <ufi-input>
select all btsel02.*, btsel10.*
from btsel02,btsel10;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct new_name_3,pic_x_7
from pvsel03,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select all new_name_3,pic_x_7
from pvsel03,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct pic_x_b,pic_x_7
from btsel07,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select all pic_x_b,pic_x_7
from btsel07,pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct pvsel03.new_name_3, svsel13.new_name_3
from pvsel03,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select all pvsel03.new_name_3, svsel13.new_name_3
from pvsel03,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct col_3
from svsel13,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select all col_3
from svsel13,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct firstt.pic_x_1,secondd.pic_x_1
from btsel02 firstt,btsel02 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select all firstt.pic_x_1,secondd.pic_x_1
from btsel02 firstt,btsel02 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct firstt.new_name_3,secondd.new_name_3
from pvsel03 firstt,pvsel03 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select all firstt.new_name_3,secondd.new_name_3
from pvsel03 firstt,pvsel03 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct firstt.new_name_3,secondd.new_name_3
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select all firstt.new_name_3,secondd.new_name_3
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct pic_x_1,binary_64_s,medium_int
from btsel02,btsel03,btsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select all pic_x_1,binary_64_s,medium_int
from btsel02,btsel03,btsel04;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A2>
-- <detail>
-- select joins simple test case - this test case tests the
-- selection of SYSKEY.
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select SYSKEY
from btsel01,btsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, btsel02.*,SYSKEY
from btsel01,btsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY
from btsel01,btsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.*, btsel03.*, btsel02.SYSKEY
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY, btsel03.SYSKEY
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select SYSKEY
from btsel02,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY
from btsel02,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.*, pvsel01.*, btsel02.SYSKEY
from btsel02,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_4
from btsel02,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY,new_name_4
from btsel02,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_4,*
from btsel02,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select SYSKEY
from btsel02,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY
from btsel02,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.*, svsel11.*,SYSKEY
from btsel02,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select SYSKEY
from btsel02,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY,new_name_4
from btsel02,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.*, btsel02.SYSKEY,new_name_4
from btsel02,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_4
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_4
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_4
from pvsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.SYSKEY,secondd.SYSKEY
from btsel02 firstt,btsel02 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_4,secondd.new_name_4
from pvsel03 firstt,pvsel03 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select secondd.new_name_4,firstt.new_name_4
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.SYSKEY, btsel03.SYSKEY,
from btsel02,btsel03,btsel04;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A3>
-- <detail>
-- select joins simple test case - this tests the use of
-- SELECT *,table1.*, and table1.*,table2.*
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel01,btsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel03,btsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel02 firstt,btsel02 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel01,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel01,pvsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel01,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from pvsel03,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from pvsel01 firstt,pvsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from svsel11 firstt,svsel11 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, btsel02.*
from btsel01,btsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, btsel03.*
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel03.*, btsel04.*
from btsel03,btsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.*, btsel03.*
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.*,secondd.*
from btsel02 firstt,btsel02 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, pvsel01.*
from btsel01,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, pvsel02.*
from btsel01,pvsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, svsel11.*
from btsel01,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*, svsel13.*
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel03.*, svsel13.*
from pvsel03,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel01.*, pvsel03.*
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.*,secondd.*
from pvsel01 firstt,pvsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel01.*, pvsel03.*
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.*,secondd.*
from svsel11 firstt,svsel11 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select svsel11.*, svsel13.*
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*
from btsel01,btsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel03.*
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel03.*
from btsel03,btsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel02.*
from btsel02,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.*
from btsel02 firstt,btsel02 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*
from btsel01,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.*
from btsel01,pvsel02;
-- <ufi-input>
select svsel11.*
from btsel01,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select svsel13.*
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel03.*
from pvsel03,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel01.*
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select secondd.*
from pvsel01 firstt,pvsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel01.*
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.*
from svsel11 firstt,svsel11 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select svsel13.*
from svsel11,svsel13;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A4>
-- <detail>
-- select joins simple test case - tests the selection of
-- an expressions of columns.
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.binary_32_u * btsel03.binary_32_u
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.binary_32_u + btsel03.binary_32_u +
from btsel01,btsel03,btsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select decimal_2_signed + pic_9_7
from btsel01,btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select large_int - new_name_1
from pvsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select large_int - new_name_1
from btsel01,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select btsel01.medium_int * svsel13.medium_int
from btsel01,svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select pvsel03.new_name_1 + svsel13.new_name_1
from svsel13,pvsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_1 + col_1
from svsel13,svsel11;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.small_int * secondd.small_int
from btsel01 firstt,btsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.medium_int + secondd.medium_int
from pvsel04 firstt, pvsel04 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.medium_int + secondd.medium_int
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A5>
-- <detail>
-- select joins simple test case - this tests the use
-- of the for read committed access,for read committed access,
-- for read committed access clauses. No actual
-- tests of the functionality of these clauses is done -- this is
-- a test of syntax only. Each of these clauses is checked for
-- the following combinations:
-- audited base table / audited base table
-- audited base table / non-audited base table (read committed access only)
-- bt/bt
-- bt/pv
-- bt/sv
-- pv/pv
-- pv/sv
-- sv/sv
-- bt same
-- pv same
-- sv same
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_x_1, pic_x_7
from btsel02,btsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_x_1, pic_x_7
from btsel02,btsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_x_1, pic_x_7
from btsel02,btsel03
for read committed access;
-- <comment> **** audited table, non-audited table ****
-- <comment> **** must specify for read committed access for this test ****
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_x_7, pic_x_a
from btsel03,btsel05
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_32_u , binary_signed
from btsel03,pvsel01
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_32_u , binary_signed
from btsel03,pvsel01
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_32_u , binary_signed
from btsel03,pvsel01
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_1, medium_int
from btsel03,svsel13
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_1, medium_int
from btsel03,svsel13
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select new_name_1, medium_int
from btsel03,svsel13
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_signed, new_name_1
from pvsel01,pvsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_signed, new_name_1
from pvsel01,pvsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select binary_signed, new_name_1
from pvsel01,pvsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_comp_1
from pvsel01,svsel13
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_comp_1
from pvsel01,svsel13
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select pic_comp_1
from pvsel01,svsel13
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select var_char, col_2
from svsel13,svsel11
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select var_char, col_2
from svsel13,svsel11
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select var_char, col_2
from svsel13,svsel11
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.small_int, secondd.small_int
from btsel01 firstt,btsel01 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.small_int, secondd.small_int
from btsel01 firstt,btsel01 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.small_int, secondd.small_int
from btsel01 firstt,btsel01 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_2
from pvsel03 firstt,pvsel03 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_2
from pvsel03 firstt,pvsel03 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_2
from pvsel03 firstt,pvsel03 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_1, secondd.medium_int
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_1, secondd.medium_int
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.new_name_1, secondd.medium_int
from svsel13 firstt,svsel13 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.col_1, secondd.col_10
from btsel05 firstt,btsel05 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.col_1, secondd.col_10
from btsel05 firstt,btsel05 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select firstt.col_1, secondd.col_10
from btsel05 firstt,btsel05 secondd
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select char_1, btsel02.pic_x_1, pic_9_7
from btsel01,btsel02,btsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select char_1, btsel02.pic_x_1, pic_9_7
from btsel01,btsel02,btsel03
for read committed access;
-- <ufi-input>
select char_1, btsel02.pic_x_1, pic_9_7
from btsel01,btsel02,btsel03
for read committed access;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A6>
-- <detail>
-- join simple select test - this tests the selection of aggregate
-- functions (COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM). Aggregates are selected
-- from multiple tables with no WHERE, GROUP BY, or HAVING clauses.
-- <switches>
-- pat-file uoutpat <mypat>
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <ufi-input>
select count(*)
from btsel01 firstt, btsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select count(*)
from btsel01,pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select count(*)
from svsel11,btsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select avg(firstt.medium_int)
from pvsel01 firstt, pvsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select avg(ALL firstt.pic_comp_1)
from svsel13 firstt, svsel13 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select max(btsel01.binary_64_s)
from btsel01, btsel03;
-- <ufi-input>
select max(ALL large_int)
from pvsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select AVG(distinct pvsel01.medium_int)
from pvsel01, pvsel04;
-- <ufi-input>
select SUM(distinct secondd.binary_64_s)
from btsel01 firstt, btsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select count(distinct firstt.medium_int)
from pvsel01 firstt, pvsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select avg(ALL firstt.binary_32_u + secondd.pic_comp_1)
from btsel01 firstt, btsel01 secondd;
-- <ufi-input>
select max( pvsel03.new_name_1 * svsel13.new_name_1)
from pvsel03, svsel13;
-- <ufi-input>
select (sum( pvsel01.pic_decimal_3) +
sum( btsel01.small_int)) / 100
from pvsel01,btsel01;
-- <ufi-input>
select sum( btsel01.pic_decimal_3),
avg( pvsel01.pic_decimal_3),
max( btsel01.pic_decimal_3),
min( pvsel01.pic_decimal_3),
count(distinct btsel01.pic_decimal_3),
from pvsel01,btsel01;
-- <end-input>
-- <end-test>