blob: aa0f0bd93c109babf16df58b5493270bff65fdc9 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Tests for SQL on Hadoop PoC
-- Added April 2013
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
--if dirs exist belo will fail
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customer;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_promotion;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customer_address;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store_sales;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customer_demographics;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_date_dim;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_time_dim;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_item;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_household_demographics;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customerNaddress;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -mkdir -p /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store_sales_summary;
--empty folders
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customer/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_promotion/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customer_address/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store_sales/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customer_demographics/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_date_dim/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_time_dim/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_item/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_household_demographics/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_customerNaddress/*;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -rm /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store_sales_summary/*;
--- setup tabkles to insert into
sh regrhive.ksh -v -f $REGRTSTDIR/TEST003_create_hive_tables.hive;
prepare showOperators from
select operator
(select substring(cast(SEQ_NUM+100 as char(3)),2,2) s,
substring(operator,1,16) operator
from table (explain(NULL,'XX'))
where operator NOT LIKE 'ESP_EXCHANGE%'
) as t
order by s desc;
log LOG003 clear;
set schema hive.hive;
--cqd attempt_esp_parallelism 'off';
--cqd hive_max_esps '1';
cqd mode_seahive 'ON';
cqd auto_query_retry_warnings 'ON';
prepare s from insert into hive.ins_customer select * from hive.customer;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.customer;
select count(*) from hive.ins_customer;
--select from hive table where row delimiter was explicettely specified
select [first 20] * from hive.ins_customer order by c_customer_sk;
prepare s from insert into hive.ins_promotion select * from hive.promotion;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.promotion;
select count(*) from hive.ins_promotion;
--select from hive table where row delimiter was explicettely specified
select [first 20] * from hive.ins_promotion order by p_promo_sk ;
-- some negative tests
insert into hive.ins_promotion (p_promo_sk, p_item_sk) select * from hive.promotion;
-- target column list is not supported
insert into hive.ins_promotion select *, p_promo_sk from hive.promotion;
-- number of columns doesn't match
prepare s from
insert into hive.ins_time_dim values (current_time, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
-- wrong data types
--try new HIVE SYNTAX
insert into TABLE hive.ins_customer_address select * from hive.customer_address;
select count(*) from hive.customer_address;
select count(*) from hive.ins_customer_address;
insert OVERWRITE TABLE hive.ins_customer_address select * from hive.customer_address;
select count(*) from hive.customer_address;
select count(*) from hive.ins_customer_address;
--execute again
insert OVERWRITE TABLE hive.ins_customer_address select * from hive.customer_address;
select count(*) from hive.customer_address;
select count(*) from hive.ins_customer_address;
prepare s from insert into TABLE hive.ins_store select * from;
execute s;
select count(*) from;
select count(*) from hive.ins_store;
-- Now for the following inserts don't specify a schema
prepare s from insert into ins_store_sales select * from store_sales;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.store_sales;
select count(*) from hive.ins_store_sales;
prepare s1 from select [first 1] 'the first row' from ins_store_sales;
execute s1;
prepare s1 from values('lp 1425661 - Hang with hive scan and [FIRST N]');
execute s1;
prepare s from insert OVERWRITE TABLE ins_customer_demographics select * from customer_demographics;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.customer_demographics;
select count(*) from hive.ins_customer_demographics;
prepare s from insert into hive.ins_date_dim select * from hive.date_dim;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.date_dim;
select count(*) from hive.ins_date_dim;
prepare s from insert into hive.ins_time_dim select * from hive.time_dim;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.time_dim;
select count(*) from hive.ins_time_dim;
prepare s from insert into hive.ins_item select * from item;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.item;
select count(*) from hive.ins_item;
prepare s from insert into ins_household_demographics select * from hive.household_demographics;
execute s;
select count(*) from hive.household_demographics;
select count(*) from hive.ins_household_demographics;
--select [first 100] * from ins_date_dim order by d_date_sk;
select [first 100] * from ins_time_dim order by t_time_sk;
--insert using parallel queries and overwrite
cqd attempt_esp_parallelism 'on';
set schema hive;
cqd hive_max_esps '2';
truncate table ins_store_sales_summary;
control query shape esp_exchange(cut);
prepare s from insert into table ins_store_sales_summary select ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk, sum (ss_quantity) from store_sales group by ss_sold_date_sk ,ss_store_sk;
explain options 'f' s;
execute s;
control query shape cut;
select [first 12] 'test lp bug # 1355477' from ins_store_sales_summary;
-- hadoop ls should return 2 files
-- sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -ls /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store_sales_summary/* | grep ins_store_sales_summary | wc -l | tee -a LOG003;
sh regrhadoop.ksh fs -ls /user/trafodion/hive/exttables/ins_store_sales_summary/* | grep ins_store_sales_summary | wc -l | tee -a LOG003;
log LOG003_orig_store_sales_summary.dat clear;
select ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk, sum (ss_quantity) from store_sales group by ss_sold_date_sk ,ss_store_sk order by ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk;
log LOG003_ins_store_sales_summary.dat clear;
select * from ins_store_sales_summary order by ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk;
log LOG003;
--execute again --overwrite should get rid og existing data from previous run
control query shape union(cut, esp_exchange(cut));
prepare s from insert overwrite table ins_store_sales_summary select ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk, sum (ss_quantity) from store_sales group by ss_sold_date_sk ,ss_store_sk;
explain options 'f' s;
execute s;
control query shape cut;
log LOG003_orig_store_sales_summary.dat clear;
select ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk, sum (ss_quantity) from store_sales group by ss_sold_date_sk ,ss_store_sk order by ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk;
log LOG003_ins_store_sales_summary.dat clear;
select * from ins_store_sales_summary order by ss_sold_date_sk,ss_store_sk;
---prepare s from insert into ins_customerNaddress
--prepare s from select c_customer_id, c_salutation, c_first_name, c_last_name, ca_address_id, ca_street_number, ca_street_name, ca_street_type, ca_suite_number,ca_city, ca_county, ca_state, ca_zip, ca_country from customer a join customer_address b on a.c_current_addr_sk=b.ca_address_sk where a.c_customer_sk <=1000;
--explain options 'f' s;
--execute s;
--prepare s from insert into ins_store_sales_summary select ss_sold_date_sk ,s_store_id, s_store_name,ss_store_sk, sum (ss_quantity) , sum(ss_wholesale_cost) from store a join store_sales b on a.s_store_sk=b.ss_store_sk group by ss_sold_date_sk ,s_store_id, s_store_name,ss_store_sk;
--explain options 'f' s;
--execute s;